The Holy Catholic Mass:
How the Vatican II Church transformed the August Sacrifice of the Altar into a Liturgical “Happy Meal”
Nowhere is the apostate nature of the Vatican II religion more evident than in what it has done to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the true and perfect worship which alone is per se acceptable to the Most Holy Trinity. Thick tomes could be — and have been — written on the liturgical changes perpetrated by the Vatican II Sect, and certainly it is beyond the scope of this page to address them all. Rather, on this page we will present an overview of what has changed and then point you to resources that provide further details:
Direct Comparison: Traditional Latin Mass of the Ages vs. New Mass of “Pope” Paul VI (1969)
As the central act of Catholic worship, the liturgical actions, gestures, and prayers of the Holy Mass reflect the Catholic Faith to a tee. In all its details, the Catholic Mass reflects what Catholics believe, and vice versa: What Catholics believe is reflected in the Holy Mass. It therefore follows that if someone were to change the liturgical actions or prayers of the Holy Mass substantially, this would necessarily change or impact the belief of Catholics. A common Catholic adage is that the law of prayer is the law of belief: lex orandi, lex credendi. Therefore, whenever changes were made to the Catholic Mass in the past, these changes were minor and never substantial, and complete orthodoxy was always guaranteed so that the faithful would always be nourished with pure and sound doctrine in this principal act of worship of the Most Holy Trinity.
In fact, the Catholic Church teaches clearly that she is infallible and spotless in the promulgation of her sacramental rites and sacred laws imposed upon all. It is not possible for the Catholic Church to promulgate a sacramental rite that is intrinsically invalid, impious, evil, or otherwise harmful to souls. In fact, the Council of Trent under Pope Pius IV hurls an anathema (“let him be excommunicated”) at anyone who would dare to suggest that the Church’s sacramental rites are an incentive to impiety:
If any one saith, that the ceremonies, vestments, and outward signs, which the Catholic Church makes use of in the celebration of masses, are incentives to impiety, rather than offices of piety; let him be anathema.
(Council of Trent, Session 22, Canon 7)
Likewise, Pope Pius XII taught as follows:
Certainly the loving Mother is spotless in the Sacraments, by which she gives birth to and nourishes her children; in the faith which she has always preserved inviolate; in her sacred laws imposed on all; in the evangelical counsels which she recommends; in those heavenly gifts and extraordinary graces through which, with inexhaustible fecundity, she generates hosts of martyrs, virgins and confessors.
(Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Mystici Corporis Christi, n. 66)
There are many other examples of this kind, but these suffice to make clear that the sacramental rites of the Catholic Church are without blemish and are of themselves conducive to the salvation of souls. This should not be surprising, given that the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ Himself established the Catholic Church for the salvation of souls and promised that the gates of hell would never prevail against her. If this Church could promulgate sacramental rites that are harmful to souls and even invalid, the gates of hell would definitely have prevailed, and the Church would be worthless, nay dangerous!
As all practicing Catholics assist at the Holy Mass at least once a week (on Sundays), as far as they are able, it is clear that the Faith is taught them principally and most often specifically in the liturgical rite of the Holy Mass. It stands to reason, therefore, that in order to change the faith of Catholics, to change what they believe and how they believe it, it was necessary for the enemies who had infiltrated Holy Mother Church to change the liturgical rites and prayers of the Holy Mass.
The Modernist takeover of the Vatican in 1958 could never have been successful if they had only changed the beliefs on paper. Most Catholics are not familiar with papal encyclicals (which are addressed to clerics, anyway, and not to laymen), nor do they read conciliar documents; but all practicing Catholics assist at Holy Mass at least once a week. Just as the secular-sexual revolution of the 1960’s was transported into every home via rock music on the radio, and mostly thereby produced its evil fruit in abundance, so the New Faith of the Modernists could not spread into every Catholic heart and soul except by imposing on the faithful a “New Mass” that would no longer be an expression of the pure Catholic Faith of the ages but of the poisonous new Modernistic religion that had begun to be introduced and sanctioned by John XXIII and his successors, especially Paul VI.
Interestingly enough, something very similar occurred when the Anglican heretics broke with Rome in the 16th century. They changed the Mass and sacraments to express the new faith they were preaching. In his magisterial document declaring the invalidity of the Anglican “priesthood” and “Masses,” Pope Leo XIII pointed out what could very well be said of the Modernist revolutionaries of the 1960’s:
Being fully cognizant of the necessary connection between faith and worship, between “the law of believing and the law of praying” [lex orandi, lex credendi], under a pretext of returning to the primitive form, they corrupted the Liturgical Order in many ways to suit the errors of the [Protestant] reformers. For this reason, in the whole Ordinal not only is there no clear mention of the sacrifice, of consecration, of the priesthood (sacerdotium), and of the power of consecrating and offering sacrifice but, as we have just stated, every trace of these things which had been in such prayers of the Catholic rite as they had not entirely rejected, was deliberately removed and struck out.
(Pope Leo XIII, Apostolic Constitution Apostolicae Curae, n. 30)
Note how Pope Leo emphasizes the connection between faith and worship — it is essential! The infamous founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, once said: “Tolle Missam, tolle Ecclesiam” — “If you take away the Mass, you take away the Church.” He was right on this point, in a certain sense. Note also that Leo XIII says that the Anglicans made changes to the Mass “under the pretext of returning to the primitive form,” which is precisely what Paul VI and his cohorts claimed they were doing when introducing the New Mass, and which is precisely what Pope Pius XII had condemned in 1947 as “antiquarianism”:
Assuredly it is a wise and most laudable thing to return in spirit and affection to the sources of the sacred liturgy. For research in this field of study, by tracing it back to its origins, contributes valuable assistance towards a more thorough and careful investigation of the significance of feast-days, and of the meaning of the texts and sacred ceremonies employed on their occasion. But it is neither wise nor laudable to reduce everything to antiquity by every possible device. Thus, to cite some instances, one would be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive tableform; were he to want black excluded as a color for the liturgical vestments; were he to forbid the use of sacred images and statues in Churches; were he to order the crucifix so designed that the divine Redeemer’s body shows no trace of His cruel sufferings; and lastly were he to disdain and reject polyphonic music or singing in parts, even where it conforms to regulations issued by the Holy See.
…Just as obviously unwise and mistaken is the zeal of one who in matters liturgical would go back to the rites and usage of antiquity, discarding the new patterns introduced by disposition of divine Providence to meet the changes of circumstances and situation.
This way of acting bids fair to revive the exaggerated and senseless antiquarianism to which the illegal Council of Pistoia gave rise….
(Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Mediator Dei, nn. 62-64; underlining added.)
Does this not sound familiar?
On a side note: It is probably not insignificant that the New Mass was promulgated on April 3, 1969, which was not only Holy Thursday but also the first day of the Jewish Passover (recall that Christ established His True Sacrifice of the Mass at the same time when the Jews were celebrating Passover, in 33 AD). On that fateful day, the papal impostor Paul VI introduced what he claimed was simply a “reform” of the Catholic Mass based on “more ancient liturgical sources” (see Paul VI, Missale Romanum). He called it the “new order of the Mass,” or, in the Latin original, the “novus Ordo Missae.” This “new order of the Mass,” a term perhaps more pregnant with meaning than he then realized, gradually came to be known as the “Novus Ordo Mass,” or simply the “New Mass.” The term “Novus Ordo” (“new order”) has since come to be used to describe not only the liturgical worship of the Vatican II Sect but the entire new religion that this New Mass expresses as well. Therefore, we use “Novus Ordo” as an adjective to refer to the entire Neo-Modernist religion that was begun by John XXIII, openly manifested itself at Vatican II, found its perfect expression in the New Mass, and continues to masquerade as Catholicism to this very day.
Links on the True Catholic Mass & the New Mass of Paul VI
- Explanation of the Traditional Latin Mass (aka Tridentine Mass) (Video)
- The Nuts and Bolts of the Novus Ordo Mass (Video)
- Work of Human Hands: How the New Mass came about (Video series)
- The Problems with the New Mass: An Explanation (available in paperback here)
- Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani et al.
- Direct Comparison: Traditional Latin Mass of the Ages vs. New Mass of “Pope” Paul VI (1969)
- How the Novus Ordo Missae destroyed the Traditional Mass
- Questioning the Validity of the New Mass
- How the New Mass expresses Protestantism
- The Bugnini File – The Truth about the Architect of the New Mass, Fr. Annibale Bugnini
- Is the Novus Ordo Missae Catholic?
- The Strange Birth of the Novus Ordo
- How the Novus Ordo Mass Was Made
- Mass Extinction: What The Modernists Removed From The Mass
- “One and the Same Rite?” The Dangers of Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum
- The Motu Mass Trap: Ratzinger’s “Liberation” of the 1962 Missal
- The Ancient Mass in the “House Churches” was not as Informal as Many Think
- Recruiting Vocations the traditional way: “Captains in His Army” Video
At the end of this page, we present a full list of links to all our blog posts on the New Mass and the indult Mass.
Recommended Reading
- Work of Human Hands: A Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI by Fr. Anthony Cekada
- The Problems with the Prayers of the Modern Mass by Fr. Anthony Cekada
- The Problems with the New Mass by Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy
- The Ottaviani Intervention: Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani et al.
Below you will find some more information about the true Catholic Mass, contrasted in words and pictures with the new, Novus Ordo “Mass” of Paul VI and the new religion of the Novus Ordo Church (for important information on Benedict XVI’s 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, please click here).
See for yourself: The True Mass vs. the New Mass
image credit: / fair use
Above you see a picture of the Traditional Catholic Mass (click photo to enlarge it). An objective observer would describe it as mysterious, glorious, reverent, awe-inspiring, and holy, lifting the mind and soul towards Heaven. It is otherworldly and is clearly directed away from man to the transcendent God, the Most Holy Trinity.
The pictures that follow are fairly typical depictions of the Novus Ordo Mass. They are by no means “unusual” or “extreme” but quite mainstream. Reverence, mystery, godliness, and devotion are noticeably absent. The New Mass features not an all-holy Sacrifice offered to a transcendent Triune God, but a meal that is shared by a community closed in on itself and celebrating itself. The “celebration” is banal, commonplace, and dull, and of itself it cannot possibly attract devotion or vocations to the holy priesthood, which has been stripped of all dignity and all that made it special, the priest having been reduced, in essence, to a glorified social worker who is not allowed to marry (not exactly an exciting vocation for any healthy and sane boy or young man).

image credit: unknown sources / fair use
It is clear that a New Mass also needs a New Priesthood, and with both there came new church buildings, that is, houses of worship that, likewise, no longer represented the Catholic Faith but rather reflected the New Religion, the new teachings of the Modernists, which are in manifest contradiction with true Catholicism (the very fact that everything had to be changed after Vatican II to be in harmony with the New Religion and its new hippie “Gospel of Man” is proof enough that the contradiction with the Catholic Faith is real and not merely apparent).
Hence, with the arrival of the Novus Ordo religion, there also came new churches, some of them already as early as the 1950’s, with the approval of the local (Modernist-in-hiding) bishop. Generally, Novus Ordo church buildings are characterized (just like their new faith and their new liturgies) by looking banal, sterile, static, and totally unlike traditional Catholic churches, the purpose of whose very architecture is to assist in lifting souls up to Heaven and to allow them to pray and think of heavenly things, in accordance with Holy Scripture: “Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth” (Colossians 3:2). Here is a clear example showing the stark contrast that exists between the two religions as expressed in their respective architecture:
Traditional Catholic churches are houses of God, because Christ resides in them in the tabernacle under the appearance of bread. Novus Ordo churches, by contrast, are nothing but gathering spaces in which the “community” comes to “share a meal” and celebrate itself (hence also the priest no longer faces God in the tabernacle but now faces the people, just as Protestant ministers do). Typically, Novus Ordo churches look so bad that they can be mistaken for libraries, community centers, medical buildings, Protestant churches, or the local police station. And quite often, Novus Ordo churches are absolutely hideous and ugly, as you can see in some more examples below.
Defenders of the Novus Ordo religion and its new doctrines and churches will often go through all sorts of hair-splitting points about how really no substantial change has occurred and everything is just orthodox enough still so as not to breach Catholic dogma and piety. This nonsense is best countered by sticking to the visible facts of what takes place and what is believed in Novus Ordo Land. The proof is in the pudding: We have a new religion on our hands, new churches, new doctrines, a new priesthood; and all of this is intrinsically connected with the almost-complete disappearance of true Catholicism from the face of the earth. It should stand to reason that such occurrences are not coincidental — a new religion is not imposed by accident. Just as this world could not have been the result of chance or random occurrences among particles, so this new religion with all its heresy, impiety, and wickedness, so cleverly disseminated throughout the world and injected into the souls of unsuspecting Catholics, also requires to have been carried out by means of a master plan to defeat the Catholic Church and put up a religion that serves man, not God.
Some Examples of the New Church Buildings:

image credit: Thomas Ledl (CC BY-SA 3.0 AT)
This first picture depicts what the Modernists call “Most Holy Trinity Church” in Vienna, Austria, a country that used to be very Catholic and still has many gorgeous Catholic churches. This church was designed by the Modernist Fritz Wotruba (d. 1975), a man notorious for creating bizarre “art”, including nude sculptures. View an image of his drawing “Sitting One” here. More of Wotruba’s impious “art” can be viewed here. This Wotruba “church” was built under and approved by the infamous Modernist, “Cardinal” Franz König (d. 2004), a man appointed “cardinal” by John XXIII in 1958, just a few weeks after the death of Pope Pius XII.
image credit: Andrew Dunn (CC BY-SA 2.0)
What this next photo shows is not an incineration plant in Detroit but the Novus Ordo “cathedral” in Liverpool, England, supposedly to honor Christ the King. Examples like this can be multiplied ad nauseam, and you have probably seen similar hideous or strange-looking churches yourself.
Another great example of the bizarre hideousness of the new churches, whose architectures simply expresses the new Modernistic religion, is the church of “Mary Queen” in southern Germany (see the inside here, if you dare). Needless to say, such horrible architecture is likewise no accident. In fact, it has a name: Brutalism. “Brutalist architecture is a movement in architecture that flourished from the 1950s to the mid-1970s, descending from the modernist architectural movement of the early 20th century”, according to Wikipedia.
Despite the horrendous ugliness of the above-shown buildings, there is still one Novus Ordo church that tops them all: the so-called Nevigeser Wallfahrtsdom, or “Mary Queen of Peace Church”, officially a Wallfahrtskirche (“church of pilgrimage” [!]), located in Velbert-Neviges, Germany. Here are two photos of this catastrophe:

image credit: seier+seier (CC BY 2.0)
So… do you dare look inside?
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the face of the New Church, the Novus Ordo Religion officially present in today’s Vatican. If you find it offensive and impious, it’s because that’s exactly what it is. And if it offends human beings, how much more must it offend God Himself?
The New Religion has a different face from the True Catholic Religion. The ugly buildings, the strange “Masses” and other liturgical actions, are merely the outward sign of its new, ugly, and offensive theology.
More examples can be found through the following link:
In case you are inclined to agree with our assessment of the situation with regard to the Vatican II Sect, its false theology, its ugly churches, and its offensive liturgical worship service, the Novus Ordo Missae, you are probably wondering what to do now. To help answer this question and guide you through the jungle that is out there, we have compiled many good resources and offer some practical advice in the following link:
By the way, in the Novus Ordo Church, this is what a “papal Mass” looks like. They can call it “noble simplicity”, but it’s still the same Modernist junk:

image credit: unknown source / fair use
By comparison, here’s what a real Mass offered by a true Pope looks like:
Pontifical High Mass with Pope Pius XII in the Vatican (1942)
Links to all Posts & Articles on this Web Site containing Information about the Novus Ordo Missae and related issues
- ‘Bishop’ Schneider issues Statement declaring Disobedience against Traditionis Custodes to be Legit
- ‘Disco Mass’ defiles Catholic Church in Germany
- ‘Popesplaining’ Gone Wrong: ‘Pope’ Francis Rains on Michael Lofton’s Parade
- “Bishop” of Fort Worth, TX, Forbids Traditional Latin Mass at Fisher-More College
- “Boy Lover” Symbolism? Francis’ World Youth Day Vestments seem to feature Pedophile Logo
- “Cardinal” Bagnasco gives Communion to Communist Transgender Pervert
- “Cardinal” Kasper says Protestant Spouses who are given Novus Ordo Communion don’t need to believe in Transubstantiation
- “Cardinal” Marx’s Cracked Stone Altar
- “Cardinal” Müller throws Monkey Wrench into SSPX-Rome Reconciliation
- “Fools’ Mass” in Aachen celebrates Joy of Carnival
- “For Fear of the Jews”: How the Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer betrays the Crucified Christ
- “I believe in Pope Francis…”: Bizarre Pseudo-Creed recited at Mexican Parish
- “In Bread and Wine He Gives Himself Entirely”: Old Ratzinger Sermon denies Transubstantiation
- “Night of Lights” Profanes Catholic Church Building
- “Not Ready”: Vatican blocks German Intercommunion Proposal — for now
- “Pope” Francis wants to change the “Our Father”
- “Resurrection Dance”: The New Springtime of Vatican II at Berkeley
- “Transgender Woman” reads Prayer Intention at Novus Ordo Bishop’s Inaugural Mass in Argentina
- 10-Year Anniversary of the Death of Patrick Henry Omlor (1931-2013)
- A Bergoglian Corpus Christi
- A Case of Mistaken Identity: Semi-Trad Conference tries to be Catholic against the ‘Pope’
- Aachen Cathedral used as Storage for Christmas Cakes
- Abomination of Desolation: Cardinal Schonborn’s “Youth Mass” 2008
- Against the “Loyal Opposition”: How Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism neutralizes the Catholic Faith
- American Novus Ordo Bishops Add Note to Good Friday Passion Reading to Prevent ‘Antisemitism’
- An Infernal Dungeon: “Holy Spirit” Chapel at UC-Berkeley
- Another Monster Church: St. Francis de Sales in Norton Shores, Michigan
- Antipope Francis: Apostolic Letter “Desiderio Desideravi” on Liturgical Formation (June 29, 2022)
- Antipope Paul VI, Allocution to the Consistory of May 24, 1976
- Apostasy in Latin: Modernist Fr. Reginald Foster, Vatican’s Top Latin Expert, dies on Christmas Day
- Are Novus Ordos Rediscovering Belief in the Real Presence, as a Recent Poll Claims? Not So Fast…
- Behind the Scenes at World Youth Day: Reserving the ‘Blessed Sacrament’ for the Crowds
- Behold the Dancing Church
- Belgian “Bishop” Approves of Dog Funeral, Defends “Priest”
- Bergoglio’s Rocker: Buenos Aires Rock “Priest” has Endorsement from Francis
- Bergoglio’s Rocker: Buenos Aires Rocker “Priest” has Endorsement from “Pope” Francis
- Biden says Francis OK’d him for Communion, said he’s a Good Catholic — Vatican won’t comment
- Bishop Williamson: ‘OK to go to the Novus Ordo Mass if it Nourishes your Faith’
- Blase Cupich, Enemy of Christ
- Blasphemous “Artwork” in Seminary Chapel in Tübingen, Germany
- Blasphemous Architecture: Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy
- Blasphemy in Concrete: Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy
- Blasphemy In Your Face: The Seminary Chapel in Graz, Austria
- Bp. Richard Williamson’s Strange Theology on the ‘New Mass’
- Brazil: Protestant Women Priests concelebrate Novus Ordo Bishops’ Mass
- Brazilian ‘Archbishop’ justifies giving ‘Communion’ to Muslim Sheik
- Brazilian “Cardinal” presides over “Memorial Mass for LGBT-Phobia Victims” featuring Drag Queen
- Brazilian Novus Ordo parish celebrates “Day of the Drag Queen”
- Can Francis Ban the Latin Mass? Sedevacantist Critique of a recent Taylor Marshall Podcast (Part 1)
- Can Francis Ban the Latin Mass? Sedevacantist Critique of a recent Taylor Marshall Podcast (Part 2)
- Carnival Liturgy in Germany
- Catholic Church vs. Vatican II Church: Time to Wake Up!
- Chicken Dance for Communion! Insane Carnival’s ‘Mass’ in German Novus Ordo Parish
- Christ or Belial? Bp. Sanborn refutes Bp. Williamson on the New Mass
- Church of the Squashed Mushroom? St. James the Apostle Parish in Ferrara, Italy
- Communion Chaos at Francis’ Mega “Mass” in Manila
- Communion To-Go: German Jesuit offers Eucharistic Take-Out during Coronavirus Pandemic
- Confessions of a Novus Ordo Seminarian: Audio Broadcast
- Costumes, Booze, and Messy Pranks: Ecumenical Fools’ Mass in Switzerland
- Counterfeit Catholicism: The Inside Story of the Second Vatican Council
- Crazy Sermon and Orange Butterfly Vestment at Novus Ordo Funeral ‘Mass’ in Minnesota
- Demonic Art Exhibit at Catholic Church Causes Outrage, Diocese Blindsided
- Details emerge: Bergoglio’s rumored Next Attack on the Traditional Latin Mass
- Documentary: Behold the “New American Catholic” of 1968
- Don Bruno Unleashed: The Singing, Dancing Novus Ordo Priest
- Dreary Christmas: Semi-Trads excoriate Francis over new Latin Mass Restrictions
- Ecumenical Carnival Liturgy with Mock Communion Service in Swiss Catholic Church
- Elvis Lives… He’s a Novus Ordo Priest!
- Enough Already! Francis doubles down on Traditional Latin Mass Restrictions
- Eyesore in the Sanctuary: Consecration of ‘IKEA Altar’ in Dominican Church in Vienna
- Eyewitness to the Modernist Revolution in the Catholic Church: A Nun tells her Story (Video Interview)
- False History, Hippie Theology: The Eucharistic Prayers of the New Mass
- Finnish Lutherans given “Holy Communion” at Vatican
- Five Sorrowful Decades: Fifty Years of Paul VI’s “New Mass”
- Flying Monstrance: “Eucharistic” Drone Delivery in Brazilian Novus Ordo Parish
- For 17,000,000 Dollars: “God’s Ski Jump” opens in Archdiocese of Munich
- For Fear of the Jews: The Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer
- Four Novus Ordo Bishops accuse Francis of HERESY
- Francis allows local Bishops’ Conferences to Approve Liturgical Translations
- Francis and the “Irreversible” Novus Ordo Liturgy: A Commentary
- Francis declares “with Magisterial Authority” that Novus Ordo Liturgy is “Irreversible”
- Francis endorses Teilhard de Chardin’s ‘Mass on the World’
- Francis Forbids “Old Mass” for Religious Order
- Francis on Shared “Communion” with Lutherans: “Life is Bigger than Explanations”!
- Francis reportedly says he will revoke Benedict XVI’s Universal Latin Mass Authorization
- Francis rushes to clarify Shift in Authority for Liturgical Translations
- Francis to Catechists: Vatican II is the Magisterium of the Church and non-negotiable
- Francis to Hungarian Jesuits: Wanting to go back to pre-Vatican II days is ‘Nostalgic Disease’
- Francis Wants Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) to Concelebrate Annual Novus Ordo Chrism Mass
- Francis Watch, Episode 35: Disasters, “Made That Way”, and the Irish Referendum
- Francis Watch, Episode 47: Francis’ Attack on the Traditional Latin Mass
- Francis: No Catholic Mass available? Just go to the Anglicans!
- Francis’ “Apostolic Exhortation” Querida Amazonia: The Highlights
- Francis’ Double Standard: Traditional Latin Mass forbidden, Anglican Service is fine
- Free Transcript: Bp. Donald Sanborn analyzes ‘Traditionis Custodes’ – PLUS: More Resources
- French Novus Ordo Bishop celebrates Bumper Car “Mass”
- From Novus Ordo Presbyter to Roman Catholic Priest: An Interview with Father Michael DeSaye
- Fun Church: Crowd-Surfing of newly-ordained Novus Ordo Priest in Poland
- German “Bishops” cause Outrage by allowing “Holy Communion” for Protestants on Case-by-Case Basis
- German Diocese Officially Allows ‘Eucharistic Sharing’ with Protestants
- Get ready: Here comes the Agnus Dei Dance!
- Happy New Pentecost!
- He Likes to Tango: “Pope” Francis loves Immoral Dance
- Hell’s Vestibule: Jesuit “Chapel of Encounter” wins Design Award
- Hip Hop & Fog Machines: Steubenville meets Life Teen
- How (Not) to Celebrate “Mass”: Francis in Wonder-Land
- How much Madness is in you? Novus Ordo Altar Boy Video Ad
- How NOT to sway souls: Novus Ordo Parish in Germany installs “Pentecost Swing”
- Indelible Signs: Free Tattoos offered in Novus Ordo church in Frankfurt, Germany
- Introducing “God’s Castle”
- Is Everyone Unworthy to Receive Holy Communion? A Refutation of “Cardinal” Blase Cupich
- Is Francis planning to rescind Summorum Pontificum?
- Is the “New Mass” of Paul VI the true Roman Catholic Mass?
- Is there a “Problem” with Transubstantiation? Response to Hendro Munsterman
- Italian Novus Ordo Bishop silences Creed for Epiphany because it might offend Non-Catholics
- Italy: Little Girl distributes Communion at Novus Ordo Mass!
- Jorge Bergoglio and the “Art” of Celebrating the Novus Ordo Liturgy
- Journalist: Priest Shortage is intentional to bring about Participatory Churches
- Juggling the Novus Ordo: ‘Sports Liturgy’ in Austria
- Just Brutal: Saint Anna Church near Bari, Italy
- Kneeling not allowed? Man refused ‘Communion’ at Ratzinger Funeral (Video)
- Liturgical Absurdistan: Final Blessing with Guitar at Novus Ordo Mass near Chicago
- Liturgical Mayhem in Poland
- Meet “Fr.” Bob Lubic, the “Punk Priest”
- Meet the Divorced Novus Ordo Priest
- MELTDOWN: Round-Up of Reactions to Francis’ Suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass
- Mocking the Holy Sacrifice: Francis encourages Altar Boy to treat Mass as a Joke
- Mortification for the Eyes: The ‘Jubilee Church’ in Rome
- Move over, Last Supper: Here comes Francis’ Foot Washing Circus
- Muslim Politician given Novus Ordo Eucharist at ‘Catholic Congress’ in Germany
- MUST-SEE: St. Jacob “Catholic” Chapel in Austria
- New Churches for a New Religion: Welcome to “Most Holy Trinity Church” in Austria
- Newly-Renovated Berlin Cathedral Perfectly Mirrors Novus Ordo Religion: Earthly, Sterile, Pointless
- Nightmare in Concrete: The ‘Queen of Peace’ Pilgrimage Church of Neviges
- Nightmare on Third Avenue: Palm Sunday Puppet Madness at St. Joan of Arc Church in Minneapolis
- No Holy Spirit here: Welcome to the “Tent” Church of the Unholy Ghost
- No Snickering! ‘Bishop’ of Auckland wears Candy Bar Wreath at the Altar
- Noises from Hell: “Sound Effects Mass” in Austria
- Nothing Sacred: Idiotic Buffoonery at Novus Ordo Parish in Nebraska
- Novus Ordo ‘Bicycle Mass’ Entertains Young and Old
- Novus Ordo “Mass” in the Ocean – with Air Mattress Altar off coast of southern Italy
- Novus Ordo Altar in Italy features 120 Severed Heads
- Novus Ordo Jesuit: “When I repeat the Words of Consecration, I sometimes wonder what Christ meant”
- Novus Ordo Logic on Display: The Mass before and after Vatican II
- Novus Ordo Monster Altars: 14 Dreadful Pieces of Junk
- Novus Ordo Priest uses Papal High Altar of St. Peter’s Basilica
- Odd Painting at ‘Papal Mass’: WHAT IS THIS?
- On Epiphany, Bergoglio hijacks Three Magi to slam Traditional Mass, push Surprise Theology
- One and the Same Rite? Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum
- Oops! Turns out new ‘Cardinal’ who denounced Traditionalists as Protestants participated in Anglican Liturgy in 2017
- Party Time! Suggestive Reggae Dancing in Church
- Patrick Henry Omlor, RIP (1931-2013)
- Paul VI in 1976: Vatican II is Binding, New Mass is Obligatory and Replaces the Old
- Paul VI’s New Rite of Unholy Orders
- Pope Pius XII on ‘Traditionis Custodes’: The Authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Sacred Liturgy
- Radio Discussion: Francis forbids 1962 Missal for Franciscan Friars
- Rainbow Dance in Jesuit NYC Church Celebrates World AIDS Day
- Ratzinger, Hegel, and “Summorum Pontificum”
- Remembering Patrick Henry Omlor
- Revised Prayers in the New Mass
- Sedevacantist Priest vs. Novus Ordo Priest: Who’d you want by your deathbed?
- Semi-Trads Alarmed: Francis surveys Diocesan Bishops on ‘Summorum Pontificum’ Latin Mass Culture
- Send in the Clowns: Liturgical Theater of the Absurd in Germany
- Sinister & Sacrilegious: Sound Effects “Mass”!
- Speaking of Intercommunion: Why did Francis gift a Eucharistic Chalice to a Lutheran Pastor?
- Spiritually Diseased Architecture: “Resurrection Church” in Viareggio, Italy
- SSPX Bishop Tissier de Mallerais disputes Validity of Novus Ordo Ordinations
- SSPX Superior General blasts ‘Traditionis Custodes’: A Sedevacantist Critique
- Strip here: “Show Your Tattoo” Mass in German Parish
- Tango Mass with “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio
- Taylor Marshall and Quo Primum: Did Pope Pius V Grant a Perpetual Right to the Traditional Mass?
- That Novus Ordo Paradigm: Contribution to a Dispute between Steve Skojec and Louie Verrecchio
- The ‘Omega Testament’: Colombian Nun claims to have received explosive Revelations from Benedict XVI in Mystical Vision
- The Anti-Catholic Religion of the Second Vatican Council: A Book Review of “Vatican II Exposed”
- The Crucified Christ Betrayed: The Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer for the Jews
- The Eucharistic Prayers of the New Mass vs. the Roman Canon
- The Facts about “Pope” Paul VI
- The Great Comparison: Traditional Latin Mass vs. New Mass
- The Hard-Rocking Novus Ordo: Three Jaw-Dropping Videos
- The Heights of Absurdity: Rock-Climbing Wall installed in Vienna Cathedral
- The Infallibility of the Catholic Church in her Universal Laws and Sacramental Rites
- The Modernism of Vatican II – Sermon Series by Bp. Donald Sanborn
- The Party Is Over: Francis kills ‘Summorum Pontificum’, severely limits Use of 1962 Missal
- The Poison of the Novus Ordo “Mass”: Catholic Theology Refutes Neo-Trad Bloggers
- The Preparation of the Gifts at the New Mass vs. True Offertory
- The Stuff of Nightmares: “Catholic” Horror Chapel in Manila, Philippines
- The Stuff of Nightmares: Novus Ordo Church in Canada Among World’s Most Hideous
- The Synod goes Big Tent: Vatican releases Working Document for next Synod Phase
- The Traditional Mask is Off: Commentary on Francis’ Move against the Latin Mass (PODCAST)
- The Wedding Singer – “Fr.” Ray Kelly sings during Wedding Ceremony
- Theological Freakshow in Lund: Let’s Build “Tables where we can share the Bread and Wine”!
- They’ve lost it completely: ‘Ash Wednesday of Artists’ in Cologne Basilica
- Think you’ve seen it all? Not until you’ve seen Fr. Bob Maguire!
- TRADCAST 007 (August 17, 2015)
- TRADCAST 020 (December 31, 2017)
- TRADCAST 020 is here
- TRADCAST 023 (November 12, 2018)
- TRADCAST 023 is here
- TRADCAST 025 (August 21, 2019)
- TRADCAST 025 is here