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Disordered Charity: ‘Pope’ Francis, Deportations, and the ‘Ordo Amoris’
Bergoglio sends letter to U.S. bishops... Disordered Charity: 'Pope' Francis, Deportations, and the Ordo Amoris A few years back, the American author and journalist George Neumayr (1972-2023) published a book about Jorge Bergoglio ('Pope Francis') entitled The Political Pope (2017). That the adjective fits, Francis demonstrated today by sending a ...

The World NEEDS Hindu Temples? More on ‘Bp.’ Martinelli’s Effusive Praise of Hinduism (VIDEO & PODCAST)
In-your-face apostasy in Abu Dhabi... The World NEEDS Hindu Temples? More on 'Bp.' Martinelli's Effusive Praise of Hinduism On Feb. 4, 2025, we reported on a blasphemous speech given almost a year ago by the Vicar Apostolic of Southern Arabia, 'Bp.' Paolo Martinelli, OFM Cap., in Abu Dhabi, UAE, for ...

Novus Ordo Bishop Says Catholic Church Rejoices at Inauguration of Hindu Temple
In speech at 'Day of Harmony' in Abu Dhabi... Novus Ordo Bishop Says Catholic Church Rejoices at Inauguration of Hindu Temple "For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens." (Psalm 95:5) The following news item is almost a year old, but it really ...

NEWS DIGEST January 31, 2025
Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church... January 31, 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yyonZeSHKw 'Light and Blessing' light show in Essen cathedral, Germany Guess which side the diocese is taking: City of Toledo, Ohio vs. diocese of Toledo in battle over saving or demolishing historic Catholic church building. Canadian Jesuits ...

Pope Pius XII on the Unchanging Orthodoxy of the Papal Teaching Office
Papal address of January 17, 1940... Pope Pius XII on the Unchanging Orthodoxy of the Papal Teaching Office One of the main services Novus Ordo Watch tries to render to the public is the making available of, or raising awareness concerning, Catholic magisterial texts that are not widely known or ...

Former SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson Is Dying
Ordained by Abp. Lefebvre in 1988... Former SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson Is Dying [UPDATE 29-JAN-2025: Bp. Williamson died at 23:23 GMT.] The Most Rev. Richard Williamson, one of the four bishops consecrated for the Society of St. Pius X (FSSPX) in defiance of 'Pope' John Paul II on June 30, ...

PHOTOS: ‘Bishop’ Athanasius Schneider in Audience with ‘Pope’ Francis
A jolly chitchat in the Apostolic Palace... PHOTOS: 'Bishop' Athanasius Schneider in Audience with 'Pope' Francis (image ©Vatican Media) The daily news bulletin put out by the Holy See Press Office on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, included a rather unexpected item: 'Pope' Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) had received in audience that ...

Mel Gibson, Sedevacantism, and the 1958 Conclave: A Commentary
Famous Hollywood icon interviewed by Joe Rogan... Mel Gibson, Sedevacantism, and the 1958 Conclave Everyone has been talking about it: Mel Gibson's appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast earlier this month. As of the publication of this post, the YouTube version of the episode has 8.7 million views; and that's ...

German Novus Ordo Bishop: No Need to Evangelize the Whole World!
Says God will find other ways to get people "on the right track"... German Novus Ordo Bishop: No Need to Evangelize the Whole World! There's nothing Catholic left in him: 'Bp.' Franz-Josef Overbeck of Essen The state of post-Vatican II 'Catholicism' in Germany has never been worse than today. This ...

The Binding Force of Papal Teaching: A Pre-Vatican II Theologian Explains
Catholics must assent to what the Pope teaches - period. The Binding Force of Papal Teaching: A Pre-Vatican II Theologian Explains Fr. John F. Cronin (1908-94) was an expert on Catholic social teaching For about six decades now, many Catholics of good will have been subjected to great deception and ...