False pope visits mosque in Indonesia…

Bergoglio’s Generic God: Betraying Jesus Christ for the Sake of Interreligious Harmony

At 87 years of age, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) just began the longest trip of his ‘pontificate’. From Sep. 2-13, 2024, the Argentinian apostate is visiting Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore.

The reason for his travel is not, of course, to urge all the inhabitants there to convert to Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church — that’s something he dismisses as ugly ‘proselytism’, which according to him can even be a “great sin against ecumenism” — but to spread some Naturalist message about unity, harmony, and climate change.… READ MORE

On Feast of the Assumption, no less…

Panama Diocese Participates in Interreligious ‘Afternoon of Open Temples’

The ‘Interreligious Committee of Panama’ recently organized a so-called ‘Afternoon of Open Temples’ (Tarde de Templos Abiertos) in the nation’s capital of Panama City. It was the second of its kind, the first one having been celebrated last year.

From 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Aug. 15, 2024, as many as 12 different religions “communities of faith” opened the doors of their houses of worship to people from other religions or no religion at all, to offer them the opportunity to learn more about what they believe and do.… READ MORE

Can the Church of Christ be found also in heretical sects?

On the True Church of Christ:
Trent Horn and Vatican II vs. Roman Catholicism

On Mar. 4, 2024, the professional Novus Ordo apologist Trent Horn of Catholic Answers had a discussion with a Calvinist on his Counsel of Trent YouTube channel. Entitled “Calvinism and Catholicism”, it was a roughly 100-minute chat with the YouTuber known as ‘Redeemed Zoomer’. The video, which can be found here, has received over 192,000 views so far.

As a loyal Novus Ordo adherent, Horn of course presented the teaching of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), not the teaching of the Catholic Church during the 1,900 years before that.… READ MORE

Some things just don’t add up…

Friend or Foe?
Some Unresolved Questions Regarding ‘Abp.’ Viganò

A lot of attention has recently fallen on the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, ‘Archbishop’ Carlo Maria Viganò (b. 1941), who was excommunicated from the Vatican II Church for schism earlier this month after repeatedly attacking the errors of Vatican II and the post-conciliar magisterium and challenging the legitimacy of Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to the Papacy:

Based on his writings in the last few years, it seems clear that Vigano has publicly embraced a position of, or one very close to, classical Sedevacantism, which rejects the Vatican II religion and holds that the ‘Popes’ who promulgated it have been impostors.… READ MORE

Informative, witty, compelling!

Podcast: Vatican versus Viganò

Our latest podcast episode, TRADCAST EXPRESS 194, was published on June 24, 2024, and it covers mostly the Vatican’s announced extrajudicial trial against ‘Archbishop’ Carlo Maria Viganò for the crime of schism, as we had reported back on June 20:

In this episode, we do the unthinkable and apply some Vatican II ecclesiology to the case at hand, which leads us to ask some curious questions.

If indeed Viganò is a schismatic…

  • does that mean he will now get invited to ecumenical gatherings?

So Bergoglio’s church has a ‘customs office’ after all…

Vatican Puts ‘Abp.’ Carlo Maria Viganò on Trial for Schism

[UPDATE 22-JUN-2024 15:54 UTC: ‘Abp.’ Viganò releases statement making clear he DID NOT and WILL NOT present himself to the DDF for his schism trial.]

[UPDATE 21-JUN-2024 20:22 UTC: Gerard O’Connell retracts prior claim “that Archbishop Viganó presented himself this afternoon, June 20, and deposited his written defense….”, stating on June 21: “Archbishop Viganó did not present himself to the Vatican court on June 20, as this report initially stated.”]


The internet is on fire: The Vatican has begun proceedings against 83-year-old ‘Archbishop’ Carlo Maria Viganò for the canonical crime of schism.… READ MORE

Text ‘The Bishop of Rome’, approved by Francis…

Vatican Issues Ecumenical ‘Study Document’ Downgrading the Papacy to Appeal to Non-Catholics

The Vatican’s next salvo against Roman Catholicism has been fired, this time in the name of ecumenism and synodality.

Today the Vatican’s so-called Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity released a 146-page ‘study’ document entitled The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in the Ecumenical Dialogues and in the Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint. It contains a preface by the Swiss ‘Cardinal’ Kurt Koch, who is the prefect of the Dicastery, meaning he is the Vatican’s top ecumenist.… READ MORE

Masonic indifferentism for all…

Bergoglio Doubles Down: All Religions Look at the One God in Different Ways!

It is often difficult to keep up with ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), but here at Novus Ordo Watch, we do try. Even though he is 87 years old, when it comes to advancing the Great Apostasy, there is simply no slowing down for him.

On May 18, 2024, the false pope made a trip to the city of Verona in northern Italy. One of his stops there was Montorio Prison, where he addressed the inmates.

Vatican News has released the video footage of the event:

When Bergoglio visits prisons, he often points out that God forgives always, although he never mentions the conditions necessary to receive that forgiveness; and it was no different this time around.… READ MORE

Naturalism for kids…

A ‘Garden of Encounter’: Vatican Releases Idiotic Children’s Declaration on Fraternity

Children wearing laurels alternate reading a declaration on human fraternity…

The second annual so-called World Meeting on Human Fraternity ended today in Vatican City.

The two-day event, sponsored by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, was a follow-up to last year’s single-day event by that name, which was a complete bust as practically no one showed up and pictures of St. Peter’s Square showed lots of empty chairs (ha!):

Whereas last year’s meeting bore the title ‘Not Alone’, this year’s edition was labeled ‘Be Human’.… READ MORE

When blasphemy and heresy meet sodomy…

Queer in Trier: ‘Bishop’ Ackermann Presides Over Ecumenical Rainbow Service for Aberrosexuals

In the Vatican II Sect, the Modernist layman Stephan Ackermann has been playing ‘Catholic bishop’ of Trier, Germany, since 2009. It was then that ‘Pope’ Benedict XVI appointed him to succeed ‘Bishop’ (now ‘Cardinal’) Reinhard Marx, who had been promoted to become ‘Archbishop’ of Munich and Freising.

Every year the Tier diocese celebrates the so-called Heilig-Rock-Tage. It is a 10-day church festival centered on the relic of the Holy Tunic (Heiliger Rock) of Jesus Christ. This year, the festival took place from Apr.… READ MORE

Calls heresies “different historical expressions of the Christian faith”…

Francis Sends Message to Ecumenical Forum, Praises ‘Beautiful Mosaic of Contemporary Christianity’

Today the Vatican released a message from ‘His Holiness’ (Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’) for the Fourth Global Christian Forum, which is currently underway in Accra, Ghana.

It is an ecumenical conference aimed at providing “a ‘space’ where participants all meet on an equal basis, to foster mutual respect, and to explore and address together common concerns” (source). Its sponsor is the so-called Global Christian Forum, an organization that “aims to create a place, independent of existing structures, for the growing unity of the global church [sic]” (source).… READ MORE

Says ‘no one believes everything’ Church teaches…

“It’s Nonsense”: German Novus Ordo Priest Brazenly Denies Virgin Birth Dogma in Public Interview

The social activist ‘worker priest’ Franz Meurer is pastor of a parish in Cologne

‘Father’ Franz Meurer (b. 1951) is a Novus Ordo priest in Cologne, Germany, in good standing with his archdiocese, which is headed by the supposedly conservative ‘Cardinal’ Rainer Maria Woelki.

Known for his social activism and care for the poor, Meurer has been the pastor of the hideous St. Theodore’s church in the city’s Vingst district since 1992. As can be seen here, the church, newly-built in the early 1990s, has all the architectural charm of a sewage treatment plant.… READ MORE

How the Fun Church celebrates shrovetide…

Costumes, Booze, and Messy Pranks:
Ecumenical Fools’ Mass in Switzerland

It is the time for carnival again, at least in some parts of the world, and no one does carnival quite like the Vatican II Church.

In German-speaking countries, for example, people can find so-called ‘Carnival Masses’ (or ‘Fools’ Masses’) in churches affiliated with the pseudo-Catholic sect during the days preceding Ash Wednesday.

We have reported on such evils many times in the past, but this year there has been one deserving of an especially dishonorable mention: The abomination that just took place in the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Willisau, Switzerland, on Sunday, Feb.… READ MORE

Defending Bergoglio has its risks…

‘Popesplaining’ Gone Wrong:
‘Pope’ Francis Rains on Michael Lofton’s Parade

Right: Mr. Michael Lofton, Th.D. candidate and owner of expensive books

As we duly reported on this blog on Jan. 25, 2024, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby — himself a mere layman on account of the general invalidity of Anglican orders — offered an invalid Mass (‘Eucharistic liturgy’) at the Catholic Basilica of St. Bartholomew in Rome, and he did so with the permission of ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio):

The nullity (invalidity) of Anglican orders was declared by Pope Leo XIII in his 1896 bull Apostolicae Curae.… READ MORE

Might as well, at this point…

German Diocese Officially Allows ‘Eucharistic Sharing’ with Protestants

The diocese of Osnabrück in Germany is currently vacant, even from a Novus Ordo perspective. Its most recent ‘bishop’ was Franz-Josef Bode, who resigned on March 25, 2023, over his handling of abuse cases in the diocese.

To get an idea of what kind of ‘shepherd’ had led the ‘Catholics’ of Osnabrück since 1995, it suffices to know that in 2014, Bode was responsible for an abominable quasi-nude spectacle taking place in the diocesan cathedral, and that he thinks highly of Dr. Stephan Goertz, a lay theologian who is on record suggesting that “a committed, loving homosexual union, which sees itself as a relationship of faith in the God of Israel and Jesus” might actually “possess a sacramental character.”… READ MORE