Book endorsed by Pope Pius IX…

Curial Prelate Warns in 1872: Freemasonic Conspiracy Will Shake Church to Its Foundations

On May 15, 1956, Pope Pius XII published the magnificent encyclical Haurietis Aquas explaining and promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In it, the Holy Father lamented that “both in the past and in our own times, this most noble devotion does not find a place of honor and esteem among certain Christians and even occasionally not among those who profess themselves moved by zeal for the Catholic religion and the attainment of holiness” (Haurietis Aquas, n. 8).… READ MORE

Latest theological claptrap from the ‘Pope’…

Francis: Church Wasn’t Sure Holy Spirit Is God Until ‘Experience’ Confirmed It!

It’s Wednesday, and therefore time for another General Audience in Vatican City.

In his role as ‘Pope Francis’, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio did not fail to dump more theological piffle on his adoring fans as part of his audience ‘catechesis’. The topic of today’s reflection was the Holy Ghost in the life of the Church, and the false pope used the opportunity to teach a blasphemous idea to his listeners:

In the first three centuries, the Church did not feel the need to give an explicit formulation of her faith in the Holy Spirit.


Watch conference lectures free!

VIDEO: Sedevacantist Fatima Conference
in Spokane, Washington, Oct. 9-13, 2024

Every year the Fatima Conference, sponsored by the sedevacantist Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), takes place at historic Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane, Washington, during the month of October.

This year’s gathering took place Oct. 9-13. All of the main lectures were live-streamed and so are available to view on YouTube.

The motto for this year’s conference was Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum (“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee”). The keynote address was given by Fr. Johannes Heyne from Germany.… READ MORE

Bergoglio suddenly dislikes atheism…

Heresy at Synod Opening: Francis Slams ‘Atheists Dressed as Christians’

For the opening of the second part of the Vatican’s beloved Synod on Synodality — treated by some as if it were practically the greatest event since Pentecost — the Argentinian apostate running the Vatican under the pseudonym ‘Pope Francis’ (real name: Jorge Bergoglio) gave an ideological opening speech in the serpentine Paul VI audience hall on Oct. 2.

The full 3-hr-40-min video of the so-called First General Congregation of the Synod on Synodality ’24 can be watched here:

One of the many things Francis said in his tedious and at times convoluted address is the following:

We are making [this synodal journey], convinced of the “relational” nature of the Church and seeking to ensure that the relationships given to us and entrusted to our responsible creativity will always be a sign of the gratuitousness of mercy.


Consistory scheduled for Dec. 8

Francis Selects LGBTQ Supporter ‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe to Become a ‘Cardinal’ (among others)

On Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024, ‘Pope’ Francis revealed he will hold a consistory on Dec. 8 to create 21 new ‘cardinals’, 20 of whom will be eligible to vote in conclave to elect his successor.

“A number of the men tapped for the red hat have vocally supported Pope Francis’ controversial 2023 document Fiducia Supplicans – in which the blessing of homosexual and ‘irregular unions’ is sanctioned – as well as holding liberal positions on transgenderism”, Life Site reported on Oct. 9.… READ MORE

The ‘Horan of Babylon’ calls it quits!

Breaking Out of the Habit: ‘Fr.’ Daniel Horan Leaves Franciscan Order, Petitions Vatican for Laicization

Today the world has received a gift of immeasurable value, perhaps due to the intercession of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, whose feast we celebrate: The pro-abort woke social justice warrior Rev. Daniel Patrick Horan, OFM, has announced he has left the Franciscan order and is seeking laicization from the Vatican! In other words, he’s done being a friar and a ‘priest’.

Quite appropriately, Horan announced his decision in an article for the progressivist rag National Catholic Reporter, and he did not fail to note that it was the fruit of “prayerful discernment”:


Bizarre penitential vigil in St. Peter’s Basilica…

The ‘Synodal Church’ Confesses Its Sins

This month, the ultimate Novus Ordo blather circus returns to Vatican City for its second round: the much-touted ‘Synod on Synodality’!

From Oct. 2-27, hundreds of synod participants will spend three-and-a-half weeks taking part in the final act of this ‘mother of all synods’. Originally meant to run only from 2021-2023, Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) saw fit to extend it by a year to help ensure the ultimate ‘walking together’ experience.

For those don’t remember how this went last year, here’s a refresher:

Like last year, a pre-synod retreat was held, from Sep.… READ MORE

Year-end giving 2024

Please Help Keep Novus Ordo Watch Afloat!

Dear Readers, Friends, and Supporters of Novus Ordo Watch:

We’re about to begin the last quarter of the year, and we’ll cut right to the chase: Novus Ordo Watch is not in dire straits but could use a modest financial boost to be able to end the current year in the black and begin 2025 with some peace of mind.

It’s been an incredibly busy time since March of 2013, when Jorge Bergoglio began squatting in the Vatican guest house as ‘Pope Francis’. To say that things have been wild would be an understatement.… READ MORE

Response to Matt Gaspers of ‘Inside the Vatican’…

A Serious Accusation:
Is Novus Ordo Watch Being Deceptive?

Here is the Evidence – YOU Decide!

[UPDATE: On Oct. 5, 2024, Mr. Matt Gaspers graciously apologized on Twitter and conceded that his interpretation of the New Commentary is likely incorrect. Of course we accept the apology.]

Sometimes sparks fly when people discuss matters of theology on social media, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. What ought not to happen during such skirmishes, however, is that one party rashly accuse the other of being dishonest about the issue under discussion.

Unfortunately, Mr.READ MORE

‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe prepping for the Synod…

Synod Spiritual Adviser in Vatican Newspaper: Same-Sex Desire was Created by God!

L’Osservatore Romano (‘The Roman Observer’) is the Vatican’s own in-house newspaper, currently under the editorship of Andrea Monda, who was appointed by ‘Pope’ Francis in 2018. The paper is published daily in Italian and less frequently in other languages. A weekly English edition has been issued since 1968.

The Italian edition of Sep. 19, 2024, contains a brief article by the Rev. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (pictured above). It is entitled “Portatori del Vangelo gli uni per gli altri” (‘Bearers of the Gospel for one another’) and printed on page 6 under the Zona Franca rubric.… READ MORE

Informative, sharp, compelling!

Podcast: Bergoglio’s Apostate Anti-Gospel and the Many Paths to Hell (TRADCAST EXPRESS 197)

Our latest podcast episode, TRADCAST EXPRESS 197, was published on Sep. 20, 2024, and it covers exclusively the latest mess ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) made with his comments to young people in Singapore on Sep. 13 and his video message to the Med24 conference on Sep. 16:

In this podcast episode we offer extensive analysis and commentary on Bergoglio’s scandalous remarks and demonstrate that this heresy of divinely-willed religious diversity the false pope is proclaiming is by no means new — he has been saying more or less the same thing since at least 2019.… READ MORE

The apostate once again confirms his apostasy…

Bergoglio Doubles Down: ‘The Diversity of Our Religious Identities is a Gift from God’!

Today ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) gave a one-word message to all ‘popesplainers’: checkmate!

Of course he didn’t quite say it like that, but he did make absolutely clear, with no plausible deniability, that the existence of many different religions is a positive good that is actively willed by God because it enriches humanity. You can’t make this stuff up!

In a video message published by the Vatican on the occasion of the “Med24” meeting in Tirana, Albania, the false pope states:

[Italian original, as reported by Vatican:]

Imparate insieme a leggere i segni dei tempi.


Novus Ordo Watch on ‘Catholic Family Podcast’…

Only ONE Religion Leads to God:
Refuting Francis’ Apostasy in Singapore (Video)

Host Kevin Davis and guests Mario Derksen and Sean D. Wright (not pictured) react to Bergoglio’s latest act of apostasy

This past Friday, Sep. 13, 2024, the Argentinian apostate and pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) told an interreligious group of young people in Singapore that all religions are paths to God and that we should not fight over which religion is true because this leads to ‘destruction’:

Quite obviously, what Francis said is heresy, but even more so, it is apostasy because it implies that Catholicism, Christianity, is altogether false and not from God.… READ MORE

Brazen apostasy in Singapore…

Francis Tells Interreligious Youths:
All Religions Lead to God!

Don’t let his jolly, avuncular appearance fool you:
‘Pope Francis’ preaches a false gospel straight from hell

[UPDATE 14-SEP-2024: Vatican has quietly revised, at least in part, its faulty English translation that made Francis’ remarks appear in a less objectionable light.]

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio’s latest and longest, and perhaps last, ‘apostolic journey’ has mercifully come to an end, but not without a bang.

From Sep. 2-13, operating under his stage name ‘Francis’, the false pope traveled from Italy to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore.… READ MORE

The state of the Vatican II religion in 2024 A.D.

Crazy Sermon and Orange Butterfly Vestment at Novus Ordo Funeral ‘Mass’ in Minnesota

A gigantic monarch butterfly adorns the front of the chasuble worn by Rev. Mike Sullivan

On May 24, 2024, a funeral service — we can’t call it ‘Mass’ — was held at the so-called Catholic Community of Saint Joseph the Worker in Maple Grove, Minnesota. The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis under ‘Abp.’ Bernard Hebda, so consider yourself forewarned.

The name of the departed is irrelevant and will not be mentioned here, and we certainly mean no disrespect to him or his memory in the lines that follow.… READ MORE