Pope Pius XII on the Unchanging Orthodoxy of the Papal Teaching Office
One of the main services Novus Ordo Watch tries to render to the public is the making available of, or raising awareness concerning, Catholic magisterial texts that are not widely known or have not before been published online in English. There is a wealth of pre-Vatican II papal teaching ‘on the books’ that, unfortunately, is largely unknown even to traditional Catholics; thus we are trying to do our part to help remedy this situation. Thankfully, with recent advances in technology, discovering and spreading it has become easier and easier.… READ MORE
Address of His Holiness Pope Pius XII to Newlyweds on the Perpetual Teaching of the Living Peter, January 17, 1940
There exists in Rome an ancient and pious practice, which even the most illustrious personages have more than once performed, for newly married couples to make a devout visit to the Patriarchal Basilica of the Vatican, to repeat their Catholic beliefs and to implore perseverance in the faith for their new homes. And you, dear sons and daughters, through a particularly happy coincidence, have come here on the very eve of the day on which the Church celebrates the Feast of the Chair of St.… READ MORE
Catholics must assent to what the Pope teaches – period.
The Binding Force of Papal Teaching:
A Pre-Vatican II Theologian Explains
Fr. John F. Cronin (1908-94) was an expert on Catholic social teaching
For about six decades now, many Catholics of good will have been subjected to great deception and falsehood from two angles: On the one hand, the Novus Ordo religion that emerged in the Vatican with the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), and on the other hand, the good-faith but nevertheless often theologically-flawed attempts to resist that new religion while nevertheless recognizing the ‘Popes’ who have imposed it as legitimate Popes.… READ MORE
The ‘Pope of Inclusion’ Strikes:
Francis Laicizes Novus Ordo Priest who Denies He is Pope
‘Fr.’ Fernando Cornet, center, has been defrocked by ‘Pope’ Francis; ‘Fr.’ Giorgio Faré, left, may be next in line
More and more laity and clergy in the Vatican II Sect are figuring out there’s no way Francis could be the Pope of the Catholic Church, even if at times they still give the wrong reasons for arriving at this conclusion.
On Nov. 13, 2024, the Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Sassari, Italy, announced that ‘Pope’ Francis had removed one of its priests from the clerical state and reduced him, juridically, to the status of a layman.… READ MORE
“Strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered…” (Zac 13:7)
When the Shepherd Is Struck:
The Papacy and Sedevacantist ‘Disunity’
The following article appeared in the sedevacantist quarterly The Reign of Mary, vol. XLV, no. 155, in the summer of 2014. It addresses a phenomenon that a lot of people seeking to be genuine traditional Catholics struggle with: the apparent ‘disunity’ among sedevacantists. If Sedevacantism is the correct position to take in the face of the apostasy of the Vatican II Church, why then are there different groups of sedevacantists that are at odds with each other over various issues?… READ MORE
Curial Prelate Warns in 1872: Freemasonic Conspiracy Will Shake Church to Its Foundations
On May 15, 1956, Pope Pius XII published the magnificent encyclical Haurietis Aquas explaining and promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In it, the Holy Father lamented that “both in the past and in our own times, this most noble devotion does not find a place of honor and esteem among certain Christians and even occasionally not among those who profess themselves moved by zeal for the Catholic religion and the attainment of holiness” (Haurietis Aquas, n. 8).… READ MORE
Podcast: Bergoglio’s Apostate Anti-Gospel and the Many Paths to Hell (TRADCAST EXPRESS 197)
Our latest podcast episode, TRADCAST EXPRESS 197, was published on Sep. 20, 2024, and it covers exclusively the latest mess ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) made with his comments to young people in Singapore on Sep. 13 and his video message to the Med24 conference on Sep. 16:
In this podcast episode we offer extensive analysis and commentary on Bergoglio’s scandalous remarks and demonstrate that this heresy of divinely-willed religious diversity the false pope is proclaiming is by no means new — he has been saying more or less the same thing since at least 2019.… READ MORE
Only ONE Religion Leads to God:
Refuting Francis’ Apostasy in Singapore (Video)
Host Kevin Davis and guests Mario Derksen and Sean D. Wright (not pictured) react to Bergoglio’s latest act of apostasy
This past Friday, Sep. 13, 2024, the Argentinian apostate and pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) told an interreligious group of young people in Singapore that all religions are paths to God and that we should not fight over which religion is true because this leads to ‘destruction’:
Quite obviously, what Francis said is heresy, but even more so, it is apostasy because it implies that Catholicism, Christianity, is altogether false and not from God.… READ MORE
True Catholic Church or Diabolical Counter-Church?
Analyzing The Remnant‘s Absurd Theology
Robert Morrison is currently one of The Remnant‘s most prolific writers
On July 30, 2024, the semi-traditionalist recognize-and-resist publication The Remnant once again released an article by its columnist Robert Morrison that purports to offer traditional Catholic guidance to help people cut through the confusion of our times:
In actual fact, however, the write-up accomplishes no such thing. Rather, one is reminded of a warning given by Our Lord, to wit: “Let them alone: they are blind, and leaders of the blind.… READ MORE
Peter Kwasniewski Laments Heretical Book Denying Papal Infallibility Is Out Of Print
The liturgical scholar and retired philosophy professor Dr. Peter Kwasniewski continues on his unholy theological trajectory that will eventually take him to an explicit denial of the First Vatican Council (1869-1870) and worse. In a recent social media post, the prolific professor indirectly promoted an explicitly heretical book by lamenting its out-of-print status.
The work in question is Origins of Papal Infallibility, 1150-1350 by English medieval scholar and historian Brian Tierney (1922-2019). It was first published by E. J. Brill in the Netherlands in 1972.… READ MORE
Great news, everyone! We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way — and with an occasional relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.
The first segment of TRADCAST 038 begins with a look at the Vatican’s new guidelines for discerning alleged apparitions and mystical phenomena.… READ MORE
Segment 1 — The Vatican’s new guidelines for discerning alleged apparitions and mystical phenomena. Eric Sammons and that pesky question of whether Francis professes the Catholic Faith. The Remnant promotes Pope Pius IX’s encyclical Qui Pluribus but rejects its teaching on the Papacy.
Segment 2 — Some news stories you may have missed. ‘From the Jorge’s Mouth’: Francis prays for souls in Heaven, ignores those in purgatory; Francis sends heretical note of condolence on the death of a Bulgarian Orthodox archbishop. Can the Vatican ban the Traditional Latin Mass? A misleading Crisis Magazine article and ‘Bp.’
Taylor Marshall and Quo Primum: Did Pope St. Pius V Really Grant a Perpetual Right to the Traditional Mass?
There are a number of urban legends floating around the traditionalist Catholic world that simply will not die.
One of the more popular ones is the claim that in his 1570 bull Quo Primum, Pope St. Pius V granted to all Catholic priests of the Roman rite the perpetual right to offer Holy Mass according to the rite he was then promulgating, which is today known as the Traditional Latin Mass; and that no subsequent Pope has the authority to withdraw that permission or revoke that right.… READ MORE
“Judge not according to the appearance…” (Jn 7:24)
The Mystical Passion of the Church:
Dreadful Reality vs. Delusive Counterfeit
Before our Blessed Lord ascended into Heaven to sit at the Right Hand of the Father until His return in glory, He warned His disciples:
Take heed that no man seduce you: For many will come in my name saying, I am Christ: and they will seduce many….
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall seduce many. And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold. But he that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved.
Vatican Issues Ecumenical ‘Study Document’ Downgrading the Papacy to Appeal to Non-Catholics
The Vatican’s next salvo against Roman Catholicism has been fired, this time in the name of ecumenism and synodality.
Today the Vatican’s so-called Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unityreleased a 146-page ‘study’ document entitled The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in the Ecumenical Dialogues and in the Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint. It contains a preface by the Swiss ‘Cardinal’ Kurt Koch, who is the prefect of the Dicastery, meaning he is the Vatican’s top ecumenist.… READ MORE
Misleading. Submission to the Roman Pontiff is necessary for salvation. Francis' heretical magisterium does not cease to exist simply because you choose not to look at it. #popefrancis #catholictwitter
So many people think that willful ignorance is a solution. It is not. It is one thing not to know something because one cannot know it; it is another thing not to know because one chooses not to.