You can’t make this stuff up…

Meet the “Punk Priest”
Today we present another offbeat character that serves as a great example of the glorious “New Springtime” that was ushered in by the Vatican II Church in the 1960s. His name is “Fr.” Bob Lubic, and he goes by the nickname “The Punk Priest” (we say “Father” in quotes because he was ordained in the invalid Novus Ordo rite of ordination). He formerly had a website at, but it is now defunct and the address forwards to his Facebook page instead.
Luckily, however, a good amount of the content of the old Punk Priest web site was saved by the Web Archive’s Wayback Machine and can still be retrieved, for example, right here:
- Archive: (Snapshot of July 29, 2008)
Caution! Clicking on this link will trigger an auto-play of an awful punk version of the Novus Ordo hymn “Here I am, Lord”, performed by The Vandals. It is horrific, yet you may still want to give it at least a quick listen to see just how grotesque and repulsive the whole “Punk Priest” gimmick is. In case you can’t get the audio to play, you can listen to a YouTube version here. It is clearly intended to be an act of blasphemy.
Of course, Lubic is a Novus Ordo priest in good standing, and this is really not surprising because the Novus Ordo Sect more or less attracts eccentrics like him. He functions in the Novus Ordo diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, which was led for 11 years by “Bishop” Lawrence E. Brandt and just a few weeks ago got a new “bishop”, appointed by Francis, Mr. Edward C. Malesic. Lubic already has a photo with his new “bishop”, on his Facebook page:

On August 5, Lubic posted on his Facebook page his “favorite quote” from a sermon given by his new pretend-bishop. Says Lubic: “‘I don’t like negativity,’ my favourite quote from Bishop Malesic’s homily at his Mass for our region this evening at Saint Pius X in Mount Pleasant. There were other gems that I WISH I could remember”. Here, see for yourself:

This says a lot about Malesic and about Lubic. Both are perfect for the Modernist Novus Ordo religion. With that kind of theological depth and spiritual insight, no doubt Lubic will one day advance to the ranks of “Punk Bishop.”
But meanwhile, Lubic is only pastor and administrator of the “partner parishes of Immaculate Conception, St. John the Evangelist, and St. Rita” in Connellsville, Pennsylvania. In addition, he is also the school chaplain at Geibel “Catholic” Junior-Senior High School in Connellsville.
Just below you can watch a video showing “Bp.” Brandt’s installation of Mr. Lubic as pastor of Immaculate Conception parish:
Click to play video
In 2006, Novus Ordo blogger Rocco Palmo wrote up an article on Lubic entitled, “Almost Holy: Confessions of a Bad Catholic” that gives more background on the pseudo-clerical punker.
Lubic has described himself as an “inveterate Facebook addict”. His Facebook page has countless photos and other information about him, also some videos:
In his spare time, Lubic apparently practices “truth in advertising” and takes off the clerical collar — lest anyone actually mistake him for a Catholic priest. Very good. But we cannot help but notice that pink seems to be a favorite color of his:

Hey, pink and punk go great together, no?! But we have a few more photos for you — consider it penance for your eyes:

Some images speak for themselves…
More frightening images, including one in which he shows himself dressed as a bishop while lying across the laps of several women dressed as nuns, can be found at the exposé Tradition in Action did on Lubic a few years ago:
- The Punk Priest (Photo Collection)
We also discovered one image on his Facebook page that was so disturbing that we can only reproduce a censored version of it here — if you absolutely must see it, you can find it on his profile under “Photos” (posted on July 20, 2015).
On his old The Punk Priest web site, Lubic noted that his favorite musicians are the Gothic-rock band The Cure, a group of English men known for their punk-alternative rock music and bizarre looks — which included a vampire-like appearance with makeup and lipstick. See below for an example of just how edifying this band is:

“Father” Lubic’s favorite: The Gothic-rock band “The Cure” — just edifying, eh?
What — you can’t see St. John Bosco endorsing these guys?!
In 1982, The Cure released an album entitled Pornography. It’s probably better we just leave it at that and don’t get into further details. If these people are “the cure”, we would hate to know what the disease is.
This idea of making yourself a punker so that the punker will become a Catholic, is absurd and never works. But of course the entire Vatican II religion is based on this very idea — that if we all just become more open to the world, then the world will be attracted and become Catholic. Yet we know from experience that the opposite is the case: Catholics become worldly. Look at what happened after “Pope” John XXIII opened the windows to the world. Did the world enter the Church? No — rather, Catholics left the Church for the world, seeing no point anymore in being Catholic. (Kenneth Jones once collected the statistics that prove it into a handy little book, the Index of Leading Catholic Indicators.)
If the Vatican II approach had worked, there wouldn’t be parish closures left and right now, and formerly Catholic nations would be countries flourishing in true virtue, and Catholic teaching and spirituality would be evident even in public life everywhere. Even the indifferentist United States would now share in such a happy lot, due to its formerly large number of Catholics who collectively exercised great influence on society (think of the Legion of Decency, for example), and due to the immensely valuable work done by prominent clerics such as Fr. Charles Coughlin or Bp. Fulton Sheen, who were respected and taken seriously even by citizens who were not Catholic.
What, instead, do we see today? The worst politicians and public figures are usually the ones that identify as “Catholic”, i.e. Novus Ordo. In the United States, “Catholics” like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Anthony Kennedy come to mind. And of course they are never excommunicated or even disciplined by their pretend “shepherds”, the Novus Ordo bishops. This is the real fruit of Vatican II. It is not an exception, it is the rule. And it is abundantly clear that this is not the result of a mistake by a few good-willed but misled souls but rather the desired result of an orchestrated scheme: “An enemy hath done this” (Mt 13:28; cf. Mt 7:16-20).
Contrary to the illusion disseminated by Vatican II, by opening the sacred to the profane, the profane does not become holy; rather, the holy becomes sullied with the profane, as Italy’s “Singing Nun” Suor Cristina amply demonstrated last year.
We can likewise see how wrong-headed this entire program of “let’s be like the world so that the world will want to be Catholic” is, in the abysmal failure that is the Novus Ordo “Mass” of Paul VI. Instituted with the excuse that it would make the Holy Catholic Mass more understandable for the people in the pew and encourage active participation, and thus lead to greater holiness and a more widespread practice of the Faith, the exact opposite has been the result: Most people do not have a clue as to what the Holy Catholic Mass is, practically no one believes in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, most people couldn’t even correctly define the concept of faith, church attendance is laughable, the Sunday obligation has been wiped from people’s consciousness, and least of all do young people want anything to do with it.
Bob Lubic is the “Punk Priest”, or perhaps we should call him the “Pink Punker”. “Punk” is American slang for a number of unsavory ideas. We do not care what his intentions may be, because the intentions are entirely irrelevant to the grave scandal he causes. Lubic is a microcosm of the cruel joke that is the Vatican II Church.
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Licenses: fair use
I knew Father Bob many years back, very cool, open minded and tolerant guy. Addressed questions of spirituality from a peer perspective rather than from a “parent” perspective. Easy to get along with, his appearance may be eccentric considering his role as a priest but he is a very laid back individual.