The Vacancy of the Papal Throne since the Death of Pope Pius XII
The Chair of St. Peter in Vatican City (image:
On this page we present a slew of links to articles, blog posts, books, audios, and videos dealing with the subject matter of the Papacy, Sedevacantism, the false theological position known as “recognize-but-resist”, the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), the Second Vatican Council, and the Novus Ordo Magisterium. We have tried as much as possible to group the links by topic. Due to the recent publication of the book True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors by John Salza and Robert Siscoe, there is a separate group of links relating just to that. The links on this page are automatically updated as new content is added pertaining to any of these categories.
Introduction to Sedevacantism
- Video: Intro to Sedevacantism, Part 1: Vatican II’s New Doctrine on the Church
- Video: Intro to Sedevacantism, Part 2: Vatican II’s Teaching on False Religions as Means of Salvation
- Video: Intro to Sedevacantism, Part 3: Sacraments for Non-Catholics in the 1983 Code of Canon Law
- Video: Why would Anybody be a Sedevacantist?! A Calm and Insightful Explanation
- Lecture: Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism (2021)
- Lecture: The Logic of Sedevacantism (2013)
- Sermon: The Present Crisis in the Church by Fr. Michael DeSaye (2024)
- A Sedevacantist Primer
- The Impossible Crisis
- What St Robert Bellarmine really taught about a heretic pope losing office ‘ipso facto’
- On the ‘Sede Vacante’ Thesis: James Larrabee Answers the Objections
The Bergoglio/Francis Papacy Test
On the Errors of Taylor Marshall in Particular
- Podcast: Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration Unmasked (Part 1)
- Podcast: Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration Unmasked (Part 2)
- Busted! How Taylor Marshall distorts what Paul VI really said about Vatican II
- Assessing Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration: Bold Exposé or Controlled Opposition?
- “Abp.” Carlo Viganò and Taylor Marshall participate in Ecumenical Prayer Rally with Protestants and Jews
- Can Francis Ban the Latin Mass? Sedevacantist Critique of a recent Taylor Marshall Podcast (Part 1 of 2)
- Can Francis Ban the Latin Mass? Sedevacantist Critique of a recent Taylor Marshall Podcast (Part 2 of 2)
On the Errors of John Salza, Robert Siscoe, and the Book True or False Pope? in Particular
- Steven Speray Discusses the Errors of Salza and Siscoe (Video)
- Comedy Hour with Salza and Siscoe: The Great Apostasy is Catholic Traditionalism!
- Scratch That: How Salza & Siscoe misrepresent Fr. Laymann in their Crusade against Sedevacantism
- Salza and Siscoe Misrepresent 17th-Century Canonist Fr. Paul Laymann
- Siscoe and Salza’s Smoking Gun: Is there Fire?
- Steve Speray replies to another Argument about a Bellarmine Quote presented by Salza and Siscoe
- “To Deceive the Elect”: Rev. Paul Kramer destroys John Salza and Robert Siscoe
- Steve Speray replies to John Salza on Sedevacantism (Part 2)
- Steve Speray replies to John Salza on Sedevacantism (Part 1)
- Denying the Papacy to affirm Francis is Pope: John Salza’s Conundrum
- Recognize-and-OBEY is the Traditional Catholic Teaching
- Bouix on the “Heretical Pope”: A big Nothingburger from John Salza and Robert Siscoe
- “Private Judgment” and the Visible Church
- The Folly of Michael Matt, John Salza, and The Remnant
- Steve Speray offers a succint rebuttal to Salza’s “Has Pope Francis Lost his Office for Heresy?” at The Remnant
- Note to John Salza: Heresy DOES automatically sever one from the Church
- Steve Speray replies to Robert Siscoe on Bellarmine, John of St. Thomas, and “Warnings” for Heresy
- The Case of Pope Celestine III: A Refutation of Robert Siscoe
- Censoring Truth – “Fr.” Paul Kramer debunks Robert Siscoe and The Remnant
- Collection of Posts refuting Errors and Credibility of Salza and Siscoe
- Response to John Salza’s Interview about Sedevacantism on TradCatKnight Radio – Part 3 (TRADCAST 015)
- “A Dignified Burial for True or False Pope“: Fr. Cekada refutes Salza/Siscoe’s Latest
- “Dead on Arrival”: Fr. Cekada performs Autopsy on True or False Pope?
- John Lane’s Response regarding that “Malicious E-Mail Campaign”
- The Case of the Omitted Text: Response to Salza & Siscoe’s Accusation that we Deleted Parts of St. Robert Bellarmine
- Refuting Salza & Siscoe on the New Rite of Ordination (Part 2) – Disclaimer: Source is Feeneyite
- Refuting Salza & Siscoe on the New Rite of Ordination (Part 1) – Disclaimer: Source is Feeneyite
- Epic Fail: Salza and Siscoe’s Errors on Canon 188 n.4
- The Impossibility of Judging or Deposing a True Pope
- Response to the disgraceful spectacle on the Salza/Siscoe web site (TRADCAST 012)
- Marcel Lefebvre, Sedevacantist (Video)
- The Sin of Heresy – Why John Salza and Robert Siscoe Get It Wrong (Part II)
- Pope Fictions (1): Nestorian Story Time (Video)
- On that “Passion of the Church” Argument
- Speray refutes Salza-Siscoe Argument from Canon 10 of Constantinople IV (PDF)
- Steven Speray Replies to John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s Nutty Article
- When did Nestorius Lose his Office?
- Does Steve Speray Reject Pre-Vatican II Popes?
- The SSPX and Bitter Fruit: Look Who’s Talking (Video)
- St. Robert Bellarmine and John of St. Thomas Versus John Salza and Robert Siscoe
- False Resistance Theology: The Pope Speaks, YOU Decide
- Response to John Salza’s Interview about Sedevacantism on TradCatKnight Radio – Part 2 (TRADCAST 011)
- Indefensible Today: Suarez’s Opinion on the Question of a Heretical Pope
- John Salza: A Double Agent?
- Tim Staples of Catholic Answers Endorses Heretical SSPX Book TOFP
- The Tribal Myth-Keepers: Salza and Siscoe on Sedevacantism
- True or False Pope? (TOFP): On that Alleged “Irrational Response” by Sedevacantists
- A Critical Look at the Endorsements for the book True Or False Pope? (TRADCAST 010)
- Have the Gates of Hell Prevailed against the Catholic Church?
- Sedevacantism and Private Judgment: Are Sedevacantists just “Protestants”?
- Oops: Michael Matt’s Endorsement of True or False Pope? actually endorses Sedevacantism
- Why John Salza Gets It Wrong (Part 1)
- The Gates of Hell and the Gates of the Church: Reply to John Salza and Robert Siscoe
- Robert Siscoe and John Salza’s New Argument against Sedevacantism Debunked
- Response to John Salza’s Interview about Sedevacantism on TradCatKnight Radio – Part 1 (TRADCAST 009)
- Have the Gates of Hell prevailed? (Video)
- The Chair Is Still Empty: Refuting the Errors of John Salza Regarding Heresy, Canon Law, and Sedevacantism
- John Salza on Sedevacantism: Same Old Fare
- Robert J. Siscoe plays Hopscotch with Saint Robert Bellarmine
- Comedy Hour with John Salza: Refuting Salza’s Errors on the Papacy & Magisterium
- Pope? Nope! Response to Robert J. Siscoe and others
- Robert Siscoe and The Remnant’s Latest Canon Law Fiasco
- Stuck in a Rut: Anti-Sedevacantism in the Age of Bergoglio
- Bergoglio has Nothing to Lose — like the Papacy, for example
- The “Rad Trads” Respond to Tim Staples and Catholic Answers
On Sedevacantism, the Papacy, and the Errors of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and other Recognize-and-Resisters
- Pope Pius XII on the Unchanging Orthodoxy of the Papal Teaching Office
- A Serious Accusation: Is Novus Ordo Watch Being Deceptive? Response to Matt Gaspers
- True Catholic Church or Diabolical Counter-Church? Analyzing The Remnant’s Absurd Theology
- Calling Chris Ferrara: Bergoglio needs a defense attorney!
- Over a Dozen ‘Prominent Catholics’ Warn Francis: Resign or Be Deposed!
- What St Robert Bellarmine really taught about a heretic pope losing office ‘ipso facto’
- Bergoglio, The Remnant, and the Gates of Hell
- That Dreaded Specter of ‘Ultramontanism’: Response to Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD
- The Limits of Papal Power: Contrasting Traditional Catholic Teaching with the Recognize-and-Resist Distortion
- What is the ‘True Obedience’ Demanded by the First Vatican Council? An Answer for Kennedy Hall
- The Fanciful Theology of Fr. Gregorius Hesse (1953-2006): Some Worthwhile Observations
- The Immoral Pope Benedict IX: Response to a Recent One Peter Five Article
- A Critique of the False Recognize-and-Resist Ecclesiology of Michael Matt and The Remnant (VIDEO)
- In Defense of Infallible Safety: Response to Dr. John Joy
- Unofficial Attitudes or Official Teachings? How Eric Sammons Again Distorts the Papacy
- Too Traditional for Tradition? Peter Kwasniewski vs. Pope Saint Pius X
- Scott Hahn’s Botched Attempt to Reassure Catholics during Bergoglio’s Reign of Error
- Athanasius Schneider’s explosive Prayer for the Synod 2023: An incisive Sedevacantist Analysis
- Must Francis be considered a Valid Pope? A Sedevacantist Response to Athanasius Schneider
- Fernandez on Papal Charism and the ‘Doctrine of the Holy Father’: Brazen Baloney or Traditional Teaching?
- Sedevacantism and the Mystery of the Church’s Passion: Reply to Robert Morrison
- Is Jorge Bergoglio’s Claim to the Papacy Legitimate? A Reality Check with Louie Verrecchio
- A Sede Reply to Kennedy Hall’s Video ‘Why I am Not a Sedevacantist’ (TRADCAST EXPRESS)
- Theologian in Crisis: Eric Sammons versus the Papal Keys
- The Infallibility of the Catholic Church in her Universal Laws and Sacramental Rites
- ‘Bishop’ Huonder says Francis told him SSPX Not Schismatic! But what is that worth?
- Could Non-Infallible Papal Teaching be Heretical?
- Conciliar Rome vs. Trad, Inc.: Same product, different package
- Can Catholics resist the Pope because St. Paul resisted St. Peter? Lecture by Fr. Gabriel Lavery
- Against the ‘New Papacy’ of Peter Kwasniewski
- Rethinking Peter Kwasniewski: A Sedevacantist Critique of his Anti-Papal Traditionalism
- Playing it Safe? Kennedy Hall and the Sedevacantist Wager
- The Latest Athanasius Schneider Interview: A Sedevacantist Assessment
- A Case of Mistaken Identity: Semi-Trad Conference tries to be Catholic against the ‘Pope’
- Trent Horn and his Critique of Sedevacantism
- Papal Teachings Rejected by Pseudo-Traditionalists
- ‘Peter himself can fail and become Satan’: How Timothy Flanders explains Francis to Protestants
- A Church without Popes forever? Response to an Inquiring Writer at One Peter Five
- On those ‘Spiritual Dangers’ of Sedevacantism: A Reply to Eric Sammons
- No Jekyll-and-Hyde Magisterium: Against the Theological Sophistry of Peter Kwasniewski
- “Rethinking” the Papacy? A New Narrative for the Semi-Trads
- Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of LEFEBVRIST Errors (1873)
- Distinguished Pre-Vatican II Theologian: A Heretical Pope is Impossible
- No, Catholics Can’t “Recognize and Resist”: Response to One Peter Five
- Built on Rock or on Sand? “Pope” Francis and the Divine Foundation of the Roman Catholic Church
- Pre-Vatican II Theologian: Catholicity of Church “Very Restricted” during Great Apostasy
- St. Augustine: “The Church Will Not Appear” during Great Tribulation before Christ’s Return
- Can the Magisterium ‘devour’ Sacred Tradition? Reply to an irresponsible Article by Rorate Caeli
- Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Specious Attack on Ultramontanism (Part 3)
- Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Specious Attack on Ultramontanism (Part 2)
- Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Specious Attack on Ultramontanism (Part 1)
- Resistance is Futile: Answering 11 Arguments against Sedevacantism and for Recognize-and-Resist
- In Search of the Keys: The Visibility of the Indefectible Catholic Church
- Pope St. Pius X slams Recognize-and-Resist: ‘Ultimate Criterion of Orthodoxy is Obedience to Living Magisterium’
- In search of the “Church in eclipse” still visible
- Acting as the Pope’s Pope
- The Battle for the Catholic Ethos: Peter Kwasniewski tries to save Recognize-and-Resist (and fails)
- Ultramontanism vs. Gallicanism: Pope Pius IX against the Semi-Trads
- Paul VI in 1976: Vatican II is Binding, New Mass is Obligatory and Replaces the Old
- Confused Viganò: Bizarre Theology in former Vatican Nuncio’s “Open Letter to Confused Priests”
- The First Vatican Council and the Pope
- Viganò’s Theological Vortex: A Critical Commentary (Part 1)
- Viganò’s Theological Vortex: A Critical Commentary (Part 2)
- Do Catholics have a right to reject papal teaching?
- Pope Liberius, St. Athanasius, and a Boatload of Lies
- Did Pope Pius XII Correct an Error in the Council of Florence? Response to Athanasius Schneider
- The Papacy as God’s GPS: A Simple Analogy to illustrate our Predicament
- Tradition and the Magisterium: Refuting the False Claims of Prof. Roberto de Mattei
- Clueless Peter Kwasniewski cranks out another Load of Howlers on the Papacy
- Theology by Dummies: A Sedevacantist Reply to David L. Gray’s “How to Destroy Every Sedevacantist Argument”
- No Saint Athanasius: “Bishop” Schneider continues to spread Errors about the Papacy
- Louie Verrecchio critiques Taylor Marshall and Ryan Grant on “Heretical Popes”
- Is Sedevacantism “Modern-Day Luciferianism”? — A Response to OnePeterFive‘s Michael Massey
- Was Pope John XII “Deposed”? A Refutation of Roberto de Mattei
- Nothing out of the Ordinary: A Rebuttal to the SSPX’s “Clear Ideas on the Pope’s Infallible Magisterium”
- A Challenge to Recognize-and-Resist Apologists: Is it a Mortal Sin to adhere to Francis’ Teachings?
- Is Francis the Pope? A Devastating Refutation of Eric Sammons
- The “But we’ve had bad Popes before” Objection
- How to talk about Sedevacantism with an SSPX Layman
- Can a Private Individual Recognize an Uncondemned Heretic? – The Right to Judge Heresy
- The Open Letter accusing Francis of Heresy: A Sedevacantist Analysis
- Does the Pope Honorius Affair Refute Sedevacantism?
- A Refutation of Athanasius Schneider on the Heretical Pope Question
- Fatal Flaw in Sedevacantism? — Bp. Sanborn refutes Chris Ferrara
- Peace in the Crisis? Catholic Family News promotes a dangerous Tranquility (Part 1)
- Peace in the Crisis? Catholic Family News promotes a dangerous Tranquility (Part 2)
- Peace in the Crisis? Catholic Family News promotes a dangerous Tranquility (Part 3)
- Suspended Magisterium? — Bp. Sanborn refutes Chris Ferrara and John Hunwicke
- Ferrara’s Fatal Flaw on Sedevacantism
- Better to be Wrong with the Pope – or Right with Tradition against Him? Response to the SSPX
- Do Catholics have to Assent to Non-Infallible Church Teaching?
- Would God permit a Non-Catholic Pope? Response to Peter Kwasniewski
- The Flip-Side of the Arguments Against Sedevacantism
- Is it reasonable to believe that the Novus Ordo “Popes” are not pertinacious?
- Don’t Ask Father: Mr. Zuhlsdorf trips over Sedevacantism
- Michael Matt of The Remnant: “Our Pope has Lost the Faith”
- Like Sheep without a Shepherd: 60 Years of Sede Vacante (Audio)
- New SSPX Superior: ‘We are Deeply Distraught by this Pope’
- Peter Kwasniewski and “the Troubles of this Pontificate”: A Sedevacantist Reply
- Non-infallible Church Teaching Can’t Be Heretical
- Missing the Forest for the Trees: The Remnant on Schism and Sedevacantism
- Why Canonizations must be Infallible
- Against the “Loyal Opposition”: How Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism neutralizes the Catholic Faith
- The Limits to Invoking “Papal Lapses” as a Justification for the Recognize-and-Resist Position: Response to Peter Kwasniewski
- The Absurdity of the Recognize-and-Resist Position demonstrated in two easy-to-understand Memes
- No, a True Pope CANNOT be Deposed: Response to Bro. Alexis Bugnolo
- Want Catholic Advice? Don’t Ask Father Albert
- The Case of Robert Grosseteste: Historical Precedent for Recognize-and-Resist?
- 30 Years since the SSPX Episcopal Consecrations of Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
- The “St. Paul resisted St. Peter to his Face” Objection
- The Catholic Church after Pope Pius XII: A Postscript to Fr. Ringrose’s Repudation of Recognize-and-Resist
- Theological Earthquake at Virginia Trad Chapel: Fr. Ronald Ringrose abandons Recognize-and-Resist Position
- Recognizing that you Can’t Resist: Response to “Why Sedevacantism is Wrong” by Catholicism has the Answer
- St. Robert Bellarmine’s Teaching on Resisting a Pope
- The “St. Peter Denied Christ Three Times” Objection: St. Robert Bellarmine Refutes another Recognize-and-Resist Error
- A Foreword Gone Awry: SSPX issues Disclaimer for Fr. Robinson’s New Book
- Shameless Misrepresentations of Sedevacantism — Response to Joe Heschmeyer of Shameless Popery
- Steve Speray responds to Louie Verrecchio on Sedevacantism (2)
- Steve Speray responds to Louie Verrecchio on Sedevacantism (1)
- Imperfect Catholicism? — Response to the argument that the Vatican II religion is Catholicism but “imperfect”
- The Ultramontanism Objection
- Catholic Family News and the 100% Challenge
- Podcast Discussion: Novus Ordo vs. Sedevacantist (Part 1)
- Podcast Discussion: Novus Ordo vs. Sedevacantist (Part 2)
- In Brief: The Facts on Pope John XXII
- Pushing back the time of the Vacancy — A Refutation of those who claim Popes Benedict XV, Pius XI, and Pius XII were not true Popes
- Resistance vs. Sedevacantism: Fr. Cekada responds to Fr. Chazal’s “Contra Cekadam”
- The Stumbling Block of the Papacy: Why Bergoglio doesn’t fit
- The Primacy and Infallibility of the Sovereign Pontiffs: The Case of Pope Honorius I
- The “Perpetual Successors” Objection: Must we have a Pope at all times?
- The SSPX and “Pope” Francis: Theological Absurdistan on Full Display
- Does this Apply to Francis?
- Sedevacantism and Calvary: Response to Cor Mariae
- Anything but Sedevacantism! Analysis of a curious Phenomenon
- Faith and Authority: When is Disobedience Legitimate?
- When the Shepherd is struck: The Papacy and Sedevacantist “Disunity”
- White Smoke, Anti-Pope: A Response to Rev. Brian Harrison
- The Papacy and the Passion of the Church (Audio)
- Pope Pius IX condemns Bishop Fellay
- SSPX Superior Bp. Fellay and the Vatican’s “Stamp of Approval”
- Audio: Bishop Sanborn destroys Recognize-and-Resist Position
- Resisting the Pope? The Remnant and the Suppression of the Jesuits
- On the “Direct and Immediate” Authority of the Pope: Semi-Trads in Shock over Papal Claims
- Refuting Deception and False Argumentation in the SSPX’s Little Catechism on Sedevacantism
- Pope Pius IX and Freemasonry: Second Rebuttal to Tradition in Action
- Was Pope Pius IX a Freemason? A Response to Tradition in Action
- Sedevacantism: Bp. Sanborn responds to Bp. Williamson (2016)
- John Daly on the ‘Universal and Peaceful Acceptance of the Pope’ Thesis
- On Matt, Ferrara, and Vennari’s Book of Accusation against Francis
- The Trouble with Jorge: Semi-Trads at the Breaking Point
- Why the Status of “Pope Francis” cannot simply be an Opinion (Sermon by Fr. German Fliess)
- Comedy Hour at The Remnant: “Francis is the Pope Until the Pope Says He’s Not” — Response to Hilary White
- The Question of Authority: “Who are YOU to say who is a Heretic?!”
- On Chris Ferrara’s “Undertaker Pope”
- St. Catherine of Siena and Sedevacantism
- Bp. Sanborn Conferences on the Novus Ordo Church, Vatican II, the Great Apostasy, and Sedevacantism
- Just how Traditional are the Non-Sedevacantist “Traditionalists”? – Pope Pius IX condemns Recognize-and-Resist (Video)
- The Alleged Fall of Pope Liberius, His Alleged Excommunication of St. Athanasius, and other Anti-Papal Libels
- Getting back to Basics: Response to Atila S. Guimaraes on Sedevacantism
- SSPX Negotiations Update: Bp. Fellay meets “Pope” Francis at Vatican
- The Impossibility of Judging or Deposing a True Pope
- Canon 188.4 and Defection from the Faith — Why John Salza and Robert Siscoe Get It Wrong (Part III)
- The Bellarmine “Resistance” Quote: Another Traditionalist Myth
- PR Disaster for the SSPX: Bishop Fellay’s Epic Interview Fail
- Marcel Lefebvre, Sedevacantist (Video)
- A Dangerous Experiment: Taking Francis’ Claim to the Papacy Seriously
- Refuting the Argument from Canon 10 of Constantinople IV (PDF)
- When did Nestorius Lose his Office?
- The First Vatican Council and Sedevacantism
- False Resistance Theology: The Pope Speaks, YOU Decide
- Indefensible Today: Suarez’s Opinion on the Question of a Heretical Pope
- Why do so many Traditionalists Fear Sedevacantism?
- If it’s in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, It’s Official Teaching
- Have the Gates of Hell Prevailed against the Catholic Church?
- Sedevacantism and Private Judgment: Are Sedevacantists just “Protestants”?
- Why John Salza Gets It Wrong (Part 1)
- The Gates of Hell and the Gates of the Church: Reply to John Salza and Robert Siscoe
- The Errors of Michael Davies: A Comprehensive Refutation
- Robert Siscoe and John Salza’s New Argument against Sedevacantism Debunked
- Response to John Salza’s Interview about Sedevacantism on TradCatKnight Radio – Part 2 (TRADCAST 011)
- Response to John Salza’s Interview about Sedevacantism on TradCatKnight Radio – Part 1 (TRADCAST 009)
- Have the Gates of Hell prevailed? (Video)
- Proving Sedevacantism: An Easy-to-Follow Syllogistic Argument
- Fr. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 1): Satan will Attack the Papacy
- Fr. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 2): A False Church to imitate the True Church
- Fr. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 3): A False Pope and a Vacant Holy See
- The Chair Is Still Empty: Refuting the Errors of John Salza Regarding Heresy, Canon Law, and Sedevacantism
- John Salza on Sedevacantism: Same Old Fare
- Robert J. Siscoe plays Hopscotch with Saint Robert Bellarmine
- Comedy Hour with John Salza: Refuting Salza’s Errors on the Papacy & Magisterium
- Pope? Nope! Response to Robert Siscoe and others
- Robert Siscoe and The Remnant’s Latest Canon Law Fiasco
- Stuck in a Rut: Anti-Sedevacantism in the Age of Bergoglio
- Bergoglio has Nothing to Lose — like the Papacy, for example
- A Pope as “Public” or “Manifest” Heretic — What does this mean?
- Papal Impostors: Historical Precedents of False Claimants to the Papacy (Video)
- Sedevacantism: Bp. Sanborn destroys Bp. Williamson (2014)
- Is Sedevacantism “Pope-Sifting”?
- Do Catholics only need to believe what was taught “always, everywhere, by all”?
- Heretical Popes and Vatican I: A Follow-Up
- Vatican I on the Question of a Heretical Pope
- The “Heretical” Popes of the Past – Part 1: Adrian VI
- Can a Heretical Pope be Deposed? St. Robert Bellarmine refutes Cajetan and others
- Can a Pope become a Heretic as a Private Person? St. Robert Bellarmine examines the issues
- False Logic? Response to Mundabor on the Papacy
- More Catholic than the Pope? The Remnant, Francis, and Sedevacantism
- Is Francis a valid Pope? Why the Question Matters
- Public Heretics and Loss of Office
- Traditionalists, Infallibility, and the Pope [PDF]
- Refuting Bp. Richard Williamson on “Mentevacantism”
- Thirteen Inconvenient Questions for the Society of St. Pius X
- You Can’t Have It “Your Way”: Response to Fr. Francois Chazal on Sedevacantism
- Stumbling at the Finish Line: The SSPX’s Illogical Stance on the Pope Question
- Time to Decide: Is the Novus Ordo Church the Catholic Church or a Counterfeit Church?
- The Catholic Church and the “Conciliar” Church — Two churches in one?
- The Remnant’s Silly Petition to Stop the 2014 Synod on the Family
- Roberto De Mattei’s Anti-Sedevacantist Tranquilizer
- John Vennari’s “I would never allow Pope Francis to teach Religion to my Children” contrasted with Catholic Teaching
- How to Discern a Heretic: Three Rules (Video)
- Can an Excommunicated Cardinal be elected Pope?
- The “Error” of Pope Nicholas I — Baptism in the Name of Christ only?
- The “Rad Trads” Respond to Tim Staples and Catholic Answers
- The Mountains of Gelboe: The SSPX’s Inconsistencies
- Bp. Fellay (SSPX) denounces Francis as a “Genuine Modernist”
- “Recognize and Resist”? Why It’s Not an Option
- Papal Error? St. Robert Bellarmine defends Popes accused of having erred in matters of Faith
- The Absurdity of the “Recognize-and-Resist” Position Demonstrated
- Refinishing the Great Facade: The Vatican, the SSPX, and the “Restoration of Tradition”
- Opinionism — Is the Pope Question just a Matter of Opinion?
- Sedevacantism Refuted? Answering Some Common Objections
- The Impossible Crisis: Only a State of Sede Vacante can explain it
- Resistance and Indefectibility: Where is the Church?
- The Apostasy of John Paul II: A Catholic Response
- Resistance Madness: On the Episcopal Consecration of Bp. Jean-Michel Faure
- A Failed Strategy: “Resisting from Within” the Novus Ordo Church
- The “Bad Popes” Argument
- Do Popes have to be Perfect or else they’re not Popes?
- Dead on Arrival: The Remnant’s New Strategy on Francis
- Fr. Raphael Trytek explains why he left the SSPX and became Sedevacantist
- How the Novus Ordo “Mass” proves Sedevacantism
- Houston, We Have a Problem: Applying the Novus Ordo Church’s Disciplinary Law
- The Perfect & Perpetual Immunity of the Church from Error and Heresy
- Pope Leo XIII condemns Recognize-and-Resist Position
- Traditional Catholics and Devotion to the Pope: Can we “Recognize and Resist”? (Audio)
- The Errors of the Society of Saint Pius X (Audio)
- The Ordinary Magisterium and Devotion to the Pope (Audio)
- The Calumny against Pope Pius IX: Was he really a “Liberal” before his Election?
- Parody: Sedevacantism for Dummies
On the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II)
- The Theological Errors of the Second Vatican Council: A Collection of Resources
- Three Main Vatican II Errors: A Two–Minute Course
- In Brief: Vatican II compared to Pre-Vatican II Catholic Teaching
- Vatican II: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
- Did Vatican II Teach Infallibly? The Ordinary and Universal Magisterium
- Debate: Did Vatican II Teach Heresy? (Video)
- The Magisterium of Vatican II
- Vatican II’s Doctrine of the Church (Video)
- Vatican II’s Teaching on False Religions as Means of Salvation (Video)
- Religious Liberty: The Condemned Error of John Courtney Murray became the Doctrine of Vatican II
- Explosive! The Personal Diaries of Mgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton show Disaster of Vatican II
- Mgr. Joseph Fenton on the Failure of Vatican II — what John Vennari didn’t tell you
- A New Doctrine on the Church: Vatican II’s “Elements” Ecclesiology
- What’s Good for the Goose…: How the October 2014 Synod refutes Vatican II’s Ecclesiology
- Catholic To A Certain Degree? The Heretical Ecclesiology Of Vatican II
- Parody of Vatican II: Nostra Aetate Part 2: The Church’s Relationship to Satan
- Does the Catholic Church have the “Fullness of Truth”?
- Should Catholics Respect False Religions? A Look at the Evidence
- The Council that could have been: The Original Vatican II Drafts
- Counterfeit Catholicism: The Inside Story of Vatican II
- The Anti-Catholic Religion of the Second Vatican Council: A Review of Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism
- The Theology of an Ecumenical Council
- Busted! How Taylor Marshall distorts what Paul VI really said about Vatican II
- Paul VI in 1970 calls Vatican II “Authoritative Compendium of Doctrine”
- Vatican II: Misery And Despair
- Do Protestant Heretics have the right to be called Christians?
- Religious Liberty and the Dignity of the Human Person: On Thomas Pink’s effort to save Vatican II
- Flunking the College of Bishops: Refuting the Vatican Error of Episcopal Collegiality
- Paul VI in 1976: Vatican II is Binding, New Mass is Obligatory and Replaces the Old
On the False Popes in Particular (1958—Present)
- Antipope John XXIII (1958-1963) – Angelo Roncalli
- Antipope Paul VI (1963-1978) – Giovanni Montini
- Antipope John Paul I (Aug. 1978 – Sep. 1978) – Albino Luciani
- Antipope John Paul II (1978 – 2005) – Karol Wojtyla
- Antipope Benedict XVI (2005-2013) – Joseph Ratzinger
- Antipope Francis (2013-Present) – Jorge Bergoglio
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Miscellaneous Posts/Links
- “Now What?” – Being a Real Catholic Today
- In a Nutshell: The Roman Catholic Church vs. the Vatican II Church
- What has happened to the Church and Society? Why we are where we are today
- Apostolic Succession after Pope Pius XII: Where is the Catholic Hierarchy?
- Sedevacantism and the Apostolicity of the Church (Presentation by Fr. Gabriel Lavery, CMRI)
- True & False Obedience: Is Sedevacantism a Misunderstanding of this Basic Distinction?
- Are You Catholic? Time to take a Stand
- Culpable Ignorance and the Great Apostasy
- Signs and Wonders: Answering the ‘Sedevacantism Has No Miracles’ Objection
- We shouldn’t be afraid of concluding that Francis isn’t pope: here’s why
- The Mystical Passion of the Church: Dreadful Reality vs. Delusive Counterfeit
- In Defense of Pope Pius XII
- Pope Pius XII: After 50 Years
- How and when can we get a true Pope again? When can we say “Habemus Papam” again?
- Conditions for a valid Papal Election in the Absence of Designated Electors
- Papal Warnings about Secret Societies and Freemasons infiltrating the Church
- Curial Prelate Warns in 1872: Freemasonic Conspiracy Will Shake Church to Its Foundations
- The Pope and the Antichrist – Cardinal Manning’s Predictions in 1861
- Sede Vacante 1958-2008: Reflections on a 50-Year Vacancy of the Apostolic See
- Ending Cognitive Dissonance: Recognize-and-Resist Blogger becomes Sedevacantist
- When Death comes for you, how you will you choose?
- Romeward – John S. Daly’s Web Site
- From Novus Ordo Presbyter to Roman Catholic Priest: An Interview with Father Michael DeSaye
Recommended Books (Hardcopy and/or Electronic)
- Michael Davies: An Evaluation by John Daly (2nd ed., 2015)
- Concerning an SSPX Dossier on Sedevacantism [PDF] by John Lane
- Liberalism is a Sin by Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany (1886) — online here
- The Popes against Modern Errors: 16 Papal Documents (1832-1950) by various Popes
- Traditionalists, Infallibility, and the Pope [PDF] by Rev. Anthony Cekada (2nd ed., 2006)
- The Robber Church: The Collected Writings 1968-1997 by Patrick Henry Omlor (1997)
- The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay (1962) — online here
- Paul VI … Beatified? [PDF] by Fr. Luigi Villa (2009)
- John XXIII Beatified Too? [PDF] by Fr. Luigi Villa (2000)
- The New Montinian Church by Fr. Joaquin Saenz y Arriaga (1st ed., 1971 / 2nd ed., 1973)
- Nikita Roncalli: Counterlife of a Pope [PDF] by Franco Bellegrandi (1994)
- Pope Honorius before the Tribunal of Reason and History by Fr. Paul Bottalla, S.J. (1868)
- Work of Human Hands: A Critique of the Mass of Paul VI by Rev. Anthony Cekada (2010) — online video summaries here
- The Anti-Modernist Reader: Volume 1 by Rev. Anthony Cekada (2015)
- Tumultuous Times: The Twenty General Councils of the Catholic Church and Vatican II and Its Aftermath by Fr. Francisco Radecki & Fr. Dominic Radecki (2004)
- No Space Between Ratzinger and Bergoglio: So Close in Apostasy, So Far From Catholic Truth by Thomas Droleskey (2015)
- The Truth of Papal Claims by Archbishop Raphael Merry del Val (1902)
- On the Roman Pontiff (De Romano Pontifice) by Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine (1588)
- Papal Error? A Defense of Popes said to have erred in Faith by Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine (1588)
- Controversies of the Catholic Faith by Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine
- On the Church of Christ (Sacrae Theologiae Summa IB) by Fr. Joachim Salaverri, S.J. (1955)
The following video illustrates the doctrinal absurdity that would result if Francis were indeed the Pope of the Catholic Church. People who insist he is the Pope often do not realize what implications this would have for Catholic doctrine:
To put it in a nutshell: The gates of hell haven’t prevailed against the Catholic Church if Francis isn’t the Pope… but if he is.