The Facts About “Pope John Paul II” – Karol Wojtyla
What You Need To Know About the Man who Claimed to be the Pope from 1978-2005
“John Paul II”
General Information
- John Paul the Great Apostate!
- SAINT John Paul II? Why It’s Impossible
- “Pope” Francis and the “Canonization” of John Paul II
- Time to Decide: Francis and the “Canonization” of John Paul II
- Hiker Crushed to Death by Giant Crucifix Dedicated to John Paul II
- Lourdes Grotto in France Floods Twice in Connection with John Paul II (2012 & 2013)
- John Paul II Kisses the Koran (May 14, 1999)
- John Paul II says: “May Saint John Baptist protect Islam and all the people of Jordan” (March 21, 2000; see quote at Vatican web site here)
- John Paul II Praises Buddhism
- Freemasons award John Paul II for spreading their Doctrines
- John Paul II Participates in Pagan Aztec Ritual
- John Paul II and World Youth Day
- John Paul II Turns Eucharistic Congress into Rock Concert
- Oops: Holy Office Condemned John Paul II’s beloved Divine Mercy Devotion in 1959
- John Paul II’s Code of Canon Law (1983) allows Protestants to Receive Holy Communion
- The Broken Cross Crozier of John Paul II
- The Marxism of John Paul II
- A Saint, He Ain’t – The New York Times on John Paul II
- “Heroes to the Jews”: Enemies of Christ Cheer “Canonization” of John XXIII & John Paul II
- Two “Saints” for the Jews: John XXIII & John Paul II
- The Top 10 Achievements of John Paul II
- Continuity or Contradiction? The Catholic Church and Other Religions
- The False “Pontificate” of John Paul II
- Jewish Rabbis “Bless” John Paul II
- John Paul II Promoted Women at the Altar (vs. Pope Benedict XIV, Encyclical Allatae Sunt, n. 29)
- The Death of John Paul II in April 2005 – Something is Fishy
- The Secret of John Paul II’s Success
- The “Bad Popes” Argument Refuted
- Audio: Restoration Radio broadcast: “The Canonization of Vatican II”
- Audio: Restoration Radio broadcast: “Santo Subito! Is John Paul II a Catholic Saint?”
- The Canonization of John Paul II – A Catholic Perspective (PDF)
- John Paul II’s “Canonization”: A Mockery of Sanctity
- BBC Documentary: “The Secret Letters of Pope John Paul II” (Video)
- In 1979, John Paul II referred to Nazi Holocaust as “Golgotha of the Modern World”
- In 1983, John Paul II instituted a law permitting Protestants to receive “Holy Communion”
- How John Paul II undermined the Faith while appearing to uphold it
- The Day John Paul II blasphemed Jesus Christ and St. John the Baptist
- Heresy: John Paul II’s Denial of the intrinsic Superiority of Virginity/Celibacy over the Married State
A Saint He Ain’t:
“Pope” John Paul II kissing the Muslim Koran on May 14, 1999
Feature Article: Yes, John Paul II really did kiss the Koran
Original caption: “Indigenous dancers perform in front of Pope John Paul II, left, during a celebration for the canonization of Juan Diego, the Roman Catholic Church’s first Indian saint in Mexico City on Wednesday, July 31, 2002. (AP Photo/Gabriel Bouys, Pool)”
Original caption: “A Mexican Indian brushes Pope John Paul II with herbs as they burn incense in a traditional cleansing ritual at the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City Thursday, August 1, 2002. John Paul beatified two Mexican Indian martyrs on Thursday, proclaiming them examples of ‘how one can reach God without renouncing one’s own culture.’” (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)
Special Features
Free Book for Download (PDF):
Karol Wojtyla Beatified?… Never!
by Fr. Luigi Villa

also available in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French (click here)
See Also: Chiesa Viva Special Edition on Karol Wojtyla (Italian / PDF)
John Paul II and the Mark of Shiva
with a response to Jimmy Akin of Catholic Answers
Wojtyla Gets a Third Eye –
John Paul II’s Pilgrimage to India (1986)
by John K. Weiskittel

John Paul II receives the Mark of Hindu Goddess Shiva
World Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi (1986)
Voodoo You Trust? John Paul II’s Betrayal
of the Faith in Benin (1993)
by John K. Weiskittel
(image: jbdodane at Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 2.0)
The Canonization of John Paul II:
A Catholic Perspective
by Athanasius
Radio Broadcast:
“The Canonization of Vatican II”
Listen on demand at any time

More Videos from the Reign of “Saint” John Paul II
- John Paul II’s bizarre Behavior with Youths in New York (1979)
- John Paul II Visits Buddhist Patriarch (1984)
- John Paul II gives “Holy Communion” to Adulterous Buddhist (1985)
- John Paul II at the Roman Synagogue (1986)
- John Paul II at Gandhi’s Tomb (1986)
- John Paul II Listens to Bob Dylan at ‘Eucharistic Congress’ (1997)
- John Paul II in Israel (2000)
- John Paul II receives Rabbinical “Blessing” (2005)
- John Paul II and the Twirling Cane
- World Youth Day in Denver, Colorado (1993)
John Porn II: Wojtyla’s Love for Immodesty & Nudity
(CAUTION! Links below contain nudity)
- John Paul II Greets Topless Women
- John Paul II Gives “Holy Communion” to Topless Woman
- Topless Woman brings Offertory Gifts to John Paul II
- Topless Woman reads the Epistle during John Paul II “Mass”
- John Paul II Watches Bikini-Clad Acrobats
- Karol Wojtyla on Nudity
- The ‘Woodstock Pope’
- 1,200 Young Women in Leotards perform for John Paul II
- BBC Documentary: “The Secret Letters of Pope John Paul II” (Video)
John Paul II & the Assisi Interfaith Abominations
- The Interreligious Prayer Gathering in Assisi in 1986
- The Interreligious Prayer Gathering in Assisi in 1993
- The Interreligious Prayer Gathering in Assisi in 2002
- Buddha on the Tabernacle! (1986)
- Video: World Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi (1986)
John Paul II’s Modernist Philosophy & Theology / His Theology of the Body
- The Phenomenological Personalism of Karol Wojtyla
- The Phenomenology of Dietrich von Hildebrand
- Phenomenology, Matrimony, and John Paul’s Theology of the Body
- John Paul II and the “Theology of the Body” – A Study in Modernism
- The Theology of the Body: From John Paul II to Christopher West
- Christopher West and the Theology of the Body
- SSPX Conference to feature Novus Ordo ‘Theology of the Body’ Expert
- Theology of the Body: John Paul II and the Genesis of Confusion
- Robert Spaemann: John Paul II believed in Reincarnation
- What’s Wrong with Personalism and ‘Theology of the Body’?
Book Series by Fr. Johannes Dormann exposing the Modernist Theology of Karol Wojtyla:
- Pope John Paul II’s Theological Journey to the Prayer Meeting of Religions at Assisi, Part 1: From the Second Vatican Council to the Papal Elections
- Pope John Paul II’s Theological Journey to the Prayer Meeting of Religions at Assisi, Part 2, Volume 1: The Encyclical ‘Redemptor Hominis’
- Pope John Paul II’s Theological Journey to the Prayer Meeting of Religions at Assisi, Part 2, Volume 2: The Encyclical ‘Dives in Misericordia’
- Pope John Paul II’s Theological Journey to the Prayer Meeting of Religions at Assisi, Part 2, Volume 3: The Encyclical ‘Dominum et Vivificantem’
Catholic Reality Check against John Paul II
Against John Paul II’s Ecumenism:
- Pope Pius IX, Apostolic Letter Iam Vos Omnes (1868)
- Pope Pius IX, Instruction to Anglican Puseyites on True Religious Unity (1865)
- Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae (1894)
- Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Satis Cognitum (1896)
- Pope St. Pius X, Letter Our Apostolic Mandate (1910)
- Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos (1928)
- Pope Pius XII, Canonical Warning on Attending Ecumenical Gatherings (1948)
- Pope Pius XII, Instruction on the Ecumenical Movement (1949)
Against Various Errors promoted by John Paul II:
- “Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to Masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God.”
—Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Custodi di Quella Fede, n. 15, 1892
- “It is impious to say, ‘I respect every religion.’ This is as much as to say: I respect the devil as much as God, vice as much as virtue, falsehood as much as truth, dishonesty as much as honesty, Hell as much as Heaven.”
—Fr. Michael Müller, The Church and Her Enemies (source here)
- “Even on the plea of promoting unity it is not allowed to dissemble one single dogma; for, as the Patriarch of Alexandria warns us, ‘although the desire of peace is a noble and excellent thing, yet we must not for its sake neglect the virtue of loyalty in Christ.’ Consequently, the much desired return of erring sons to true and genuine unity in Christ will not be furthered by exclusive concentration on those doctrines which all, or most, communities glorying in the Christian name accept in common. The only successful method will be that which bases harmony and agreement among Christ’s faithful ones upon all the truths, and the whole of the truths, which God has revealed.”
—Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Orientalis Ecclesiae, n. 16, 1944
- “…[I]t is not allowable for anyone to produce another faith, that is, to write or to compose or to consider or to teach others; those who dare to compose another faith, or to support or to teach or to hand on another creed to those who wish to turn to knowledge of the truth, whether from Hellenism or Judaism or indeed from any heresy whatsoever, or to introduce novelty of speech, that is, invention of terms, so as to overturn what has now been defined by us, such persons, if they are bishops or clerics, are deprived of their episcopacy or clerical rank, and if they are monks or layfolk they are excommunicated.”
—Pope St. Leo II, Third Council of Constantinople, 681
- “We ought to remember that Catholics are, far more than the Jews were, the chosen people of God….”
—Fr. Richard F. Clarke, “The Ministry of Jesus: Short Meditations on the Public Life of Our Lord”, in Beautiful Pearls of Catholic Truth, p. 542)
- “Trusting in God and relying on His ever present help, [St. Benedict] went south and arrived at a fort ‘called Cassino situated on the side of a high mountain…; on this stood an old temple where Apollo was worshipped by the foolish country people, according to the custom of the ancient heathens. Around it likewise grew groves, in which even till that time the mad multitude of infidels used to offer their idolatrous sacrifices. The man of God coming to that place broke the idol, overthrew the altar, burned the groves, and of the temple of Apollo made a chapel of St. Martin. Where the profane altar had stood he built a chapel of St. John; and by continual preaching he converted many of the people thereabout’.”
—Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Fulgens Radiatur, n. 11, 1947; showing the anti-ecumenical nature of Roman Catholicism and that the true path to the conversion and salvation of people is not to respect their false religions but to lead them out of them into the True Faith
- “…diabolical error, when it has artfully colored its lies, easily clothes itself in the likeness of truth while very brief additions or changes corrupt the meaning of expressions; and confession, which usually works salvation, sometimes, with a slight change, inches toward death.”
—Pope Clement XIII, Encyclical In Dominico Agro, n. 2, 1761
- “Let no Christian therefore, whether philosopher or theologian, embrace eagerly and lightly whatever novelty happens to be thought up from day to day, but rather let him weigh it with painstaking care and a balanced judgment, lest he lose or corrupt the truth he already has, with grave danger and damage to his faith.”
—Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Humani Generis, n. 30, 1950
- “It is impossible to approve in Catholic publications a style inspired by unsound novelty which seems to deride the piety of the faithful and dwells on the introduction of a new order of Christian life, on new directions of the Church, on new aspirations of the modern soul, on a new social vocation of the clergy, on a new Christian civilization, and many other things of the same kind.”
—Pope Leo XIII, Instruction to the Sacred Congregation of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, 1902; quoted by Pope St. Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, n. 55, 1907
- “…the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. […] Indeed, the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators: they are traditionalists.”
—Pope St. Pius X, Apostolic Letter Notre Charge Apostolique, 1910

The photo on the left above was allegedly taken at Beskid Zywiecki in Poland on the second anniversary of John Paul II’s death, April 2, 2007. Novus Ordo adherents, no longer believing in the fires of hell, have hailed it as an apparition of their beloved John Paul II, apparently forgetting that someone appearing as being consumed by a fire is a sign of damnation more than of salvation. (image credit: / fair use)