“Hermeneutic of Continuity” Update…

Francis Contradicts Pope Pius XI Verbatim

At this point, the Vatican II apostasy is so advanced that prior papal teaching is now being denied verbatim by the “Pope” of the Novus Ordo Church, without so much as batting an eye.

Consider what Francis said to the (female) Lutheran “Archbishop” of Sweden, Antje Jackelen, whom he received in audience today, May 4:

Pope Francis received the Lutheran archbishop of Sweden in audience on May 4 and said that the Christian division contradicts the will of Christ, scandalizes the world, and harms the cause of the preaching of the Gospel.


Fear Francis more than ISIS…

It’s Heresy: Francis’ “Ecumenism of Blood”

Bergoglio’s heresies are a direct attack on the Body of Christ
(image: manipulated screenshot from The Passion of the Christ)

This post is not going to make us a lot of friends, but we’ll publish it anyway, since our desire is to serve and please God, not man (cf. Gal 1:10).

We have all heard about the horrific murders of men, women, and children by the ISIS terrorists. The barbarism of these people is beyond comprehension — they are clearly tools of the devil. In response to the most recent video that shows the beheading of 21 Egyptian men for professing belief in Christ, “His Holiness” Francis made a statement on February 16, 2015.… READ MORE

Bad News for Novus Ordo Apologists…

Francis Denounces Apologetics, Seeking Conversion of Protestants

Pictured from left: Michael Voris, Jimmy Akin, Patrick Madrid, Tim Haines

Sorry, fellows, but your boss just isn’t all that into you…

Don’t you hate it when that happens? You’re a Novus Ordo apologist publishing articles, blog posts, podcasts, and videos trying to convince the world that the Modernist Novus Ordo Sect is in fact the glorious Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ; you’re trying your darndest to either ignore, minimize, or excuse Francis’ constant “indiscretions”; you’re trying to get your followers all fired up about the Catholic Faith that the Vatican II Church supposedly represents and teaches; you’re telling people that Protestantism is in fact HERESY and that everyone must become a Catholic to be saved, and then… then… Francis — the man you just spent all your energies convincing people is the Pope of the Catholic Church and must be submitted to under pain of eternal damnation (see Denz.READ MORE

“Heresy” is soo yesterday…

Francis tells Protestants:
“We all have the Holy Spirit within us”

Earlier this month, the head of the Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis, met with members of the Ark Community, co-founded by the recently deceased Evangelical-Anglican “Bishop” Tony Palmer. A video clip (above) of some of the conversations has now been released. The following link has the background story:

In addition, there is now a transcript available, as well as lots of photos, at the Call Me Jorge blog here. Remember, this is the same Francis who doesn’t care what religion you are and adheres to the heresy that faith without works is not true faith.… READ MORE

As long as you’re not Catholic, that is…

Francis Doesn’t Care What Religion You Are

The following clip has recently been making the rounds. It is a brief excerpt from a video made in 2013 when Francis visited Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for World Youth Day. In it, he declares that it is not important to him whether someone lacking food and education receives a Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, or Jewish education, as long as he is fed and gets educated. We provide an English translation and a link to the full interview below.

The entire interview, which was broadcast on Brazilian television at the time, can be watched at this link (with English subtitles); the so-called Catholic News Agency has a summary of the conversation posted here.… READ MORE

“Chaos Frank” strikes again…

“Pope” Francis advised Tony Palmer NOT to Convert, ordered him buried as a Catholic Bishop!

The absurd circus that is the Jorge Bergoglio “Papacy” continues unabated. A very interesting article published by Austen Ivereigh in the Boston Globe on August 7, 2014, gives a lot of background information on the friendship between “Pope” Francis and the Anglican-Evangelical “Bishop” Tony Palmer, and casts the latter’s deadly motorcycle accident in an even more significant light:

[The church communion Palmer was “ordained” in sees itself] as part of a “convergence” movement, seeking to combine evangelical Christianity with the liturgy and sacraments typical of Catholicism.


“Apologetics” Francis-Style…

The “Pope” Apologizes to Evangelical Pentecostals in Caserta, Italy

Embed from Getty Images

Another day, another Bergoglio horror story. On Monday, June 28, 2014, “Pope” Francis visited his Protestant friend “Pastor” Giovanni Traettino in Caserta, Italy, to engage in another heretical “let’s all just get along” pep talk and to apologize for Catholics who allegedly “persecuted” and “condemned” Pentecostals in the past, which, so the Argentine apostate claimed, was the result of being “tempted by the devil.”

News coverage of the event itself, with plenty of quotes and other information, can be found in the following articles and posts:


Stacking the Deck with more Heretics…

Francis appoints Über-Modernist Enzo Bianchi to Vatican’s Council for Ecumenism

“Pope” Francis is once again causing chaos. On July 22, 2014, “His Holiness” appointed the Modernist layman Enzo Bianchi of the Bose Monastic Community as an advisor to the Vatican’s so-called Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

As Vaticanist Giuseppe Nardi reports:

On Tuesday [July 22] Pope Francis appointed new members and consultants to the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. While no one seriously expected the Argentinian Pope to appoint Tradition-minded Catholics to this important body, nevertheless the Pope’s choice of Enzo Bianchi, the lay prior and founder of the ecumenical monastic community of Bose is still surprising.


Hey, thanks for clarifying…

Francis: “I’m Not Interested in Converting Evangelicals to Catholicism”

For all those neo-cons in the Novus Ordo Church who were still in denial over Francis’ repeated affirmations that he opposes converting non-Catholics to Catholicism, “Pope” Jorge Bergoglio reiterated his position once more, this time in a conversation he had with Evangelical Protestant Brian Stiller, who is the Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance.

Stiller visited Francis in the Vatican in June 2014 and published a blog post about his encounter, entitled “Lunch with the Pope”, on July 9. There are two salient passages in Stiller’s account worth quoting:

We talked about Christians marginalized, pressed under the weight of government power or the majority presence of other faiths.

Two peas in a pod…

Francis Receives “Blessing” from Archlayman of Canterbury

Mr. Welby “blesses” Mr. Bergoglio on June 16, 2014
(image credit: Servizio Fotografico Vaticano / used with permission)

On Monday, June 16, Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) had his friend Justin Welby over, the so-called “Archbishop of Canterbury,” and decided to receive a “blessing” from the imaginary clergyman. As Pope Leo XIII definitively decreed in 1896, the holy orders possessed by Anglican clergy are invalid, “absolutely null and utterly void”:

Then, considering that this matter, although already decided, had been by certain persons for whatever reason recalled into discussion, and that thence it might follow that a pernicious error would be fostered in the minds of many who might suppose that they possessed the Sacrament and effects of Orders, where these are nowise to be found, it seemed good to Us in the Lord to pronounce our judgment.

WDTPRS – What does the Prayer Really Say?…


Muslim Imam at Vatican’s Prayer for Peace Event prayed for “Victory over the Infidels”!

UPDATE 15-JUN-2014 19:26 GMT: The official recording of the Interfaith “Prayer for Peace” event has now been published, and the part where the Muslim imam prays for “victory over the unbelievers” has been cut out. The Gates of Vienna blog has the details:

UPDATE 13-JUN-2014 02:34 GMT: The Gates of Vienna blog has weighed in on the matter with several interesting posts (make sure you read the comments!):


Facts and Rumors…

A Third Council of Nicea in 2025?
Do Francis & Bartholomew want a new Ecumenical Council?

Rumors are making the rounds in the blogosphere today as AsiaNews.it released a story according to which the Eastern Schismatic (“Orthodox”) Patriarch Bartholomew I revealed that “Pope” Francis and he “agreed to leave as a legacy to ourselves and our successors a gathering in Nicaea in 2025, to celebrate together, after 17 centuries, the first truly ecumenical synod, where the Creed was first promulgated.”

The full story can be read here:


The Antipope in Israel & Jordan

Theological Chaos:
Francis in the Holy Land

Embed from Getty Images

From May 24-26, 2014, Antipope Francis visited Jordan and Israel. The Vatican web site has posted the complete program and schedule at this link.

The following are the Transcripts of Francis’ Speeches:

Official Vatican Videos of Francis in the Holy Land:

Various other important Links relating to this Trip:


John 7:13 all over again…

“For Fear of the Jews”:
The Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer

The Roman Catholic Church, in her loving kindness and care, having been entrusted by the Son of God with the mission to preach the Gospel and convert all men to the true Faith (see Mk 16:15-16), greatly desires the salvation of all people. Knowing that man was not made for this world, but for eternal beatitude in Heaven, she lovingly seeks to detach him from the state of sin he finds himself in and lift him up to the life of Faith and virtue through the grace merited by our Lord Jesus Christ, who declared: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.… READ MORE

Like a good neighbor, Francis is there…

“My Brother Bishop!”

Few things are a better advertisement for the falsity of the Vatican II religion and the truth of the Sedevacantist position than Jorge Mario Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) speaking his mind freely — “from the heart”, you know.

And in this seven-minute screed to Anglican-Pentecostal “Bishop” Tony Palmer, recorded on a smartphone, that’s exactly what Francis did. He addressed the Protestant layman as his “brother bishop”, called the the fake “speaking in tongues” at Pentecostal assemblies a sign of the “Spirit” working throughout the world, outrageously denied the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, offered “tears of love”, asked for the heretical layman’s “blessing”, and much more.… READ MORE