Dangerous half-truth misleads countless souls…

Podcasting Francis tells Transgender Person:
‘God loves us as we are’

As if the world weren’t inundated with enough Bergoglian blather yet, the Vatican is now producing an Italian-language podcast with ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), inappropriately called the Popecast.

Whereas Apostatecast would be a much more fitting title, it would considerably weaken the Argentinian Jesuit’s influence, since all the de facto power Francis wields over souls lies in the fact that most people accept him for what he claims to be but in reality is not: the Sovereign Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet it is precisely this recognition by the masses that allows the imposter to mislead and poison so many hapless souls.

The first episode of the Popecast was actually released on Mar. 13 of this year for Bergoglio’s tenth anniversary, but it didn’t get that much attention. Now the second episode has been released, a week before World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal:

In the latest “Popecast” by Vatican News’ Salvatore Cernuzio, Pope Francis listens to recorded questions of a group of young people who share their personal stories. To each he responds with words of encouragement. …

The young people featured in this second podcast represent a variety of backgrounds and age-groups, sharing their difficulties, but also their dynamism and hopes.

(Salvatore Cernuzio, “Pope Francis listens and responds to young people in new podcast”, Vatican News, July 25, 2023)

Last time Francis unloaded his infinite wisdom in response to young people in a special broadcast — produced by Disney, no less — it was an appalling scandal:

This time it was not quite as scandalous, but of course the papal pretender had nothing to offer beyond his usual tropes and hackneyed phrases, all characterized by the insufferable superficiality we have come to expect from this false prophet: journey, horizon, closeness, community, accompaniment, God’s love and mercy, diversity, making the world a better place, looking ahead, and moving forward — they all made an appearance in some way or another.

Fluffy platitudes by themselves are one thing, but when they are used to mislead souls, the matter becomes very serious. Consider what Vatican News reports Bergoglio told Giona, a woman (?) who…

…spoke about the challenges of being a believer, while accepting the reality of having physical challenges and being transgender.

The Pope offered words of encouragement, saying “God loves us just as we are,” and that “the Lord always accompanies us, always. Even if we are sinners, He draws near to help us.” The Pope added, “do not give up, keep striving ahead.”

This is typical Bergogliospeak. Whereas nothing he says is necessarily false when taken by itself, the total impression he conveys is that sin is not that serious a matter because God loves us either way and never abandons us even when we are steeped in sin. But these things are half-truths at best.

Bergoglio’s communications tactic is reprehensible, and the war of interpretation that is sure to follow is precisely what he wants to see. After 10 years of Francis in action, this conclusion is simply inescapable. After all, Francis could express himself clearly, without any ambiguity, if only he cared to do so. No, ‘Pope’ Francis wants the confusion — and if his mouth had three sides, he’d speak out of all three of them.

We’ve seen this hermeneutical game played many times before: Whereas the liberal pundit will understand Francis to be saying that it’s perfectly alright to be transgender and homosexual because he didn’t condemn it and instead pointed out how God loves, accompanies, and helps us always in spite of our sins (and, in any case, we’re all sinners), the conservative apologist will immediately jump on Francis’ exhortation to “not give up, keep striving ahead” and claim that this means he wants Giona to continue fighting the battle against sin, with God’s accompanying help, no matter the setbacks. The conservative apologist may also try to shame the objector into having “doubted” or “judged Pope Francis” by not finding orthodoxy in his words — leaving out of account that Francis himself had the obligation (and the ability) to ensure that he would communicate nothing but orthodoxy in a clear manner.

So, what is objectionable about telling someone struggling with mortal sin that God loves us just the way we are?

Quite simply, it gives the strong impression that sin does not separate us from God, that it need not be repented of and abandoned (with His help) in order to be right with God. And that, of course, is heresy and puts numberless souls on the way to hell.

However, there is an orthodox sense in which it is true that God loves us the way we are, but it is this:

It is hard enough to find anyone who will die on behalf of a just man, although perhaps there may be those who will face death for one so deserving. But here, as if God meant to prove how well he loves us, it was while we were still sinners that Christ, in his own appointed time, died for us.

(Romans 5:7-9a; Knox translation)

God has loved mankind so much that even though we were collectively His enemies, nevertheless He came to redeem us so that we would have the possibility of being saved (cf. Jn 3:15-16). In this sense only God loves us “the way we are”: He has offered us Redemption even though we are at enmity with Him. Redemption is not salvation, however: All men are redeemed, but not all will be saved (see Mt 22:44; Lk 13:23-27). Christ’s Redemption made the recovery of supernatural friendship with God (the state of sanctifying grace) possible once more; but unless we also attain to and retain that supernatural friendship through baptism and the other sacraments, and persevere in that state until death, it will profit us nothing.

Therefore, no sinner can ever have reason to despair of God’s mercy, for as long as he is still alive and God still grants him the undeserved grace of repentance, God will still accept him if he does repent. God loves him “as he is”, but not in the sense of affirming or tolerating his present sinful condition; rather, God loves him in the sense that, at the price of His very own most precious Blood, He gratuitously offers to help and enable the sinner to abandon that terrible condition. And abandon it he must, if he will be restored to God’s friendship, otherwise he will never attain his final end, the Beatific Vision, and instead suffer eternal torment in hell.

It is telling that Bergoglio gives such misleading, ambiguous responses only when it concerns sins that according to his ideology are no big deal, especially the sins of the flesh. Imagine if someone were struggling with the urge to steal, and especially the urge to steal from the poor, from migrants, and from widows. Bergoglio would blow a gasket! Or does anyone seriously imagine the ‘Pope’ would he tell such a man that God loves him as he is, is always there to accompany him, and that he shouldn’t give up but keep moving forward? Fat chance!

Our assessment of Francis’ words is not gratuitous or uncharitable. It is, rather, based on his own words in light of what Francis has said and done in the past in similar situations:

Not surprisingly, then, the label of Popecast is quite deceptive: By listening to it, you get neither the Pope nor Catholicism. You only get ideological drivel from Jorge Bergoglio.

For a real Roman Catholic podcast, try our TRADCAST — a hard-hitting, informative, and enjoyable show with solid content and no fluff, absolutely free of charge. Our next episode will be released later this week, so stay tuned!

Image source: Wikimedia Commons
License: public domain

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