The madness just never ends…

Breaking: Francis mulls Reform of Papal Election Process

UPDATES 08-NOV-2023:

UPDATES 06-NOV-2023:


Breaking news out of Rome: Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) is reportedly mulling a reform of the papal elections process, that is, an official change in how a Pope is chosen, especially by whom.… READ MORE

False Prophet Alert…

The ‘Omega Testament’: Colombian Nun claims to have received explosive Revelations from Benedict XVI in Mystical Vision

Ratzinger’s posthumous Revenge? Don’t fall for it…

Perhaps we should have seen this coming.

Barely a month after the death of ‘Pope Emeritus’ Benedict XVI (Fr. Joseph Ratzinger) on Dec. 31, 2022, a Novus Ordo religious sister (nun) in Colombia has claimed that the ‘Pope Emeritus’ appeared to her twice in a vision on Feb. 2, 2023, and revealed to her what he called the second part of his spiritual testament (the first having been released to the public the day of his death).… READ MORE

Mark your calendars!

Announcement of Upcoming Livestream:
Special Broadcast on Ten Years of ‘Pope’ Francis

[UPDATE: Link to Full Video Broadcast HERE]

This coming Monday, Jorge Bergoglio will celebrate his tenth anniversary as “Pope Francis”.

To mark this infernal milestone, we are happy to announce a live-streamed special edition of the Catholic Family Podcast on March 13, 2023. It will start at 5:00 pm EDT (2:00 pm PDT; 21:00 UTC; 22:00 CET).

Host Kevin Davis will be joined by co-host Mario Derksen of Novus Ordo Watch and sundry interesting guests. We will review and discuss some of the worst, ugliest, and most ridiculous that has transpired since the apostate Jesuit from Buenos Aires has claimed the papal throne:

Our special guests will include former Novus Ordo priest Fr.READ MORE

2,191 days of the Jesuit apostate…

The Election of “Pope” Francis:
The Best Tweets from Novus Ordo Watch

Embed from Getty Images

Unhappy Anniversary! Today, March 13, 2019, marks the sixth anniversary of the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as head of the Vatican II Sect.

Of course, Novus Ordo Watch was tweeting live at the time, to keep everyone informed as the Smoke of Satan emanated from the conclave chimney. In this post, we will present a select few of the many tweets we sent out on that fateful day. Readers can judge for themselves how much of what we said was downright prophetic.… READ MORE

Substantial error on Barnhardt’s part…

Benedict XVI’s Mysterious Resignation:
A Reply to Ann Barnhardt

On Nov. 17, 2018, the colorful blogger Ann Barnhardt, a Resignationist since 2016, released a video presentation in which she tries to convince her audience that “Pope” Benedict XVI’s resignation in 2013 was invalid because he is, so she argues, in “substantial error” about the Papacy, and substantial error renders a resignation invalid according to Canon 188 of the 1983 Novus Ordo Code of Canon Law (this same law is also found in the 1917 Catholic Code of Canon Law; see Canon 185). Ergo, Barnhardt reasons, the resignation was not valid and Benedict XVI is the Pope, albeit, so she says, the worst Pope in history.… READ MORE

The return of Resignationism…

Antonio Socci rocks Vatican with New Book:
“The Secret of Benedict XVI: Why he is still Pope”

After over five-and-a-half years of the antics of Jorge Bergoglio as “Pope Francis”, many Novus Ordos and semi-traditionalists simply cannot take it anymore and are starting to look for ways to rid themselves of Francis, yet while still trying to avoid the Sedevacantist conclusion. Thus we are witnessing once again the “anything but Sedevacantism” dogma being put into practice.

A few years ago we had already seen a few people embrace the phenomenon we have nicknamed “Resignationism” (see all our posts on the topic here) — the idea that Benedict XVI’s resignation in 2013 was invalid and he is therefore “still” Pope — but it was not accepted by most.… READ MORE

Done with Francis…

Schism Ahead: Retired Novus Ordo Bishop René Gracida calls for New Conclave

On his blog Abyssus Abyssum Incovat (“Deep calls on deep”; cf. Ps 41:8), the 94-year-old retired “bishop” of Corpus Christi, Texas, Fr. René Henry Gracida, has published a post calling for all remaining “legitimate cardinals” to get together and elect a Pope. This news story is huge.

Although he bases his reasoning mostly on the (invalid) legislation regarding papal elections promulgated by “Pope” John Paul II in 1996 (the constitution Universi Dominici Gregis) and arrives at the invalidity of the papal election of Jorge Bergoglio on such grounds, the really significant point is that for the first time ever, a high-ranking member of the Novus Ordo hierarchy has announced his conviction that the current occupant of the papal throne is not in fact the true Roman Pontiff, and that a conclave must be called to elect one:

So, what happens if a group of Cardinals who undoubtedly did not participate in any acts of disobedience against Universi Dominici Gregis were to meet, confer and declare that, pursuant to Universi Dominici Gregis, Monsignor Bergoglio is most certainly not a valid Roman Pontiff.


The wheels are coming off…

Chaos, Crises, and Corruption: The Francis Show at Five

© Mazur/ (license: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Congratulations, everyone. You have endured 1,826 days of mercy, joy, encounter, tenderness, favelas, and field hospitals; of touching the wounded, caressing the elderly, affirming the marginalized, welcoming migrants, warming hearts, tearing down walls, building bridges, and moving forward. In short: You have lived through 5 years of Jorge Bergoglio as “Pope Francis.”

Those who suspect that Francis must have a double or a twin brother because it is impossible for just one single person to speak as much as he does, we must disappoint: There’s only one, and on Novus Ordo Watch, he’s got his own page:

It was Mar.… READ MORE

Nothing but chaos since…

Five Years Ago Today: Benedict XVI Resigns

Joseph Ratzinger Announced Historic
Resignation Five Years Ago Today

It was Monday, February 11, 2013, when Italian journalist Giovanna Chirri became the first person to inform the world of “Pope” Benedict XVI‘s resignation, effective February 28. As the Vatican correspondent for the Italian news outlet ANSA, Chirri was seated among other members of the press to cover on-site the consistory Benedict had convoked and at which he made known his totally unexpected decision to renounce the office of the papacy which he had (falsely) been claiming since April 19, 2005:

Quapropter bene conscius ponderis huius actus plena libertate declaro me ministerio Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium die 19 aprilis MMV commisso renuntiare ita ut a die 28 februarii MMXIII, hora 20, sedes Romae, sedes Sancti Petri vacet et Conclave ad eligendum novum Summum Pontificem ab his quibus competit convocandum esse.


Merciful and humble? Far from it!

The Dictator Pope:
Explosive New Book takes Inside Look at Francis

An explosive new book concerning the person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio has appeared in English: The Dictator Pope, which promises “[t]he inside story of the most tyrannical and unprincipled papacy of modern times.”

The official book description summarizes the contents thus [updated 19-MAR-2018 for second edition]:

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was elected pope in 2013 as a liberal and a reformer. In fact, he was neither—except by coincidence. Though he was not well-known within the College of Cardinals that elected him, close observers in his native land already recognized him to be a manipulative politician, skilled at self-promotion, and a disciple of the populist dictator Juan Perón.


Only Francis could make Martini look good…

Italian Novus Ordo Priest slams Francis, says not even “Cardinal” Martini would have voted for Bergoglio in Conclave

The long-time Vatican reporter Marco Tosatti has published on his blog a letter that he received from a conservative Italian Novus Ordo priest, one “Fr.” Ariel Levi di Gualdo, in response to his July 20 post, “Martini did not want Bergoglio as Pope”. Tosatti publishes di Gualdo’s letter without commentary, which, indeed, would be superfluous since the contents of the letter speak for themselves.

The main thrust of di Gualdo’s missive is that not even the notorious über-liberal “Cardinal” Carlo Martini (1927-2012) — an advocate of women’s ordination and homosexual civil unions, for example — would have liked to see Jorge Bergoglio as Pope (which is saying quite a lot, considering the theological overlap between Martini and Bergoglio).… READ MORE

1,461 days of field hospitals, tenderness, and peripheries

Four Years of Chaos Frank:
A Press Review

It was on March 13, 2013, that most people heard of the Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio for the very first time. He was presented to the world as “Pope Francis”.

Presumably, most who witnessed the first appearance on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica will never forget the unusual experience: There he was, the first papal claimant to take the name “Francis”, clad entirely in white, without the customary red stole for the urbi et orbi blessing, looking at a jubilant crowd. His initial words of buona sera — “good evening” — and his subsequent request for the people gathered in St.… READ MORE

New book released…

Benedict XVI:
“No One Tried to Blackmail Me”

“I would not have allowed it”

And the drama continues!

Tomorrow, September 9, Peter Seewald’s last interview book with Joseph Ratzinger (“Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI) will hit the shelves in Germany. It is entitled Letzte Gespräche (“Final Conversations”). It will appear in English translation on November 3 under the title Last Testament: In His Own Words.

Some articles have appeared in the German and English press giving a preview of the book’s contents. One of the topics Seewald discusses with Benedict XVI, of course, is his resignation. Here are the excerpts of two news blurbs dealing with what Benedict says concerning his resignation:

…he dismissed speculation he may have been blackmailed or pressured into retiring.


Response to Hilary White

Comedy Hour at The Remnant: “Francis is the Pope Until the Pope Says He’s Not”

Peek-a-boo! Is he or isn’t he?

Apparently there is a new policy in place at the semi-traditionalist flagship publication The Remnant: Bloggers can write whatever they please about the Papacy, even if it contradicts the Faith, as long as they don’t endorse Sedevacantism.

Most recent case in point: A blog post by Hilary White (pictured left) entitled, “Francis is the Pope Until the Pope Says He’s Not”. The title offers a good preview of the confused theology that follows in the body of the text, where a copious amount of hot air combines with unorthodox theological ideas to create a dangerous concoction that seeks to make up for a woeful lack of Catholicism.… READ MORE

Barnhardt goes Resignationist…

Ann Barnhardt dumps Francis,
seeks Refuge in Benedict XVI

She’s finally figured it out: Francis cannot be the Pope of the Catholic Church. The outspoken colorful controversialist Ann Barnhardt has announced on her web site that she can no longer hold that Francis is or ever was a true Pope, the Vicar of Christ. The reason for Miss Barnhardt’s change of mind is found in the very opening paragraphs of her blog post:

It is now clear to me, and I feel it morally incumbent upon me given my position to publicly state that I believe Jorge Bergoglio, “Francis” to be an Antipope, never having been canonically elected, and that Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI is still the Roman Pontiff.