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Mr. Bergoglio goes to Washington:
The Francis Show in the United States
No Cross, just “Luv”:
The logo illustrates the Naturalist Soup-Kitchen Theology of “Pope” Francis
All bets are off as Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate layman claiming to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, meets Barack Obama, the infanticide-promoting Socialist resident of the United States. Obama has long outed himself as an admirer of “Pope” Bergoglio, joining other high-profile leftists such as Hillary Clinton, Elton John, Madonna, Bernie Sanders, and others.
After visiting fellow-revolutionaries Fidel and Raul Castro in Cuba earlier in the week, Francis now marches on Washington, New York City, and Philadelphia to further promote his show of “humility”, “mercy”, and “love” that are nothing of the sort.
Nevertheless, we dare make some predictions:
- Francis will largely ignore the most recent horrors perpetrated/uncovered in the United States: The Supreme Court’s decision Obergefell vs. Hodges, which “legalized” “gay marriage” in all 50 states (thanks to the “Catholic” judges), and Planned Parenthood’s butchering of children not merely inside the womb (as we already knew) but also outside the womb, harvesting their organs and tissues and selling them to “clients”
- Francis will not rebuke Mr. Obama for anything, in any way, but smile alongside him for plenty of photos
- Francis will not lift a finger to rebuke, correct, or discipline hypocritical “Catholic” leftists like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and others like them
- Francis will happily greet and chat with everyone on the controversial White House guest list
- Francis may drop a few hints that he “disagrees” with what Obama, the abortion industry, and the pagan left stand for — but this will only be done in a very soft and covert way (much like “Cardinal” Dolan did at the dinner with Obama and Romney in 2012) to pacify some conservatives in his own ranks, who will cling to these veiled words as “proof”, “ignored by the media”, that Francis really does oppose the moral decay of Western society — any such mild critique will be heavily outweighed by words and actions to the contrary
- Francis will virulently condemn his pet peeves: climate change, consumerism, social injustices, deforestation, coldness of heart, refusal to welcome “immigrants” and “refugees”, rigidly clinging to “ideologies”, a church “turned in on itself”, etc., ad nauseam, all of which concern the here-and-now, and nothing which concerns man’s supernatural destiny, the true and ultimate goal of all human activity
- Francis will happily participate in “interfaith” activities
- Francis will happily kiss children, the sick, and the disabled — while ignoring that Planned Parenthood, which Obama & Biden worship, literally makes a killing on these very people insofar as they are still inside the womb and “unwanted” (sometimes even outside the womb)
- Francis will boldly preach his Naturalist Gospel of Man
- Francis will not say much that in essence the Dalai Lama couldn’t also say
- Francis will ignore that which a true Pope worries most about: the salvation of souls
- Joe Biden will gladly use the photo ops with Francis to promote his own campaign for president
…And Michael Voris and his Church Disneyland crew will be doing a lot of spinning!
Official Schedule & Third-Party Coverage:
- “Pope” Francis in the United States (Catholic News Agency)
- “Papal” Visit in the United States (Crux)
- America: “Papal” Visit 2015 (America Media)
Recordings & Transcripts of Francis’ Trip to the United States:
- Official welcoming ceremony at the Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. (Sep. 22)
- Welcoming ceremony at the South Lawn of the White House with Courtesy Visit to Barack Obama (Sep. 23) — TEXT HERE
- Meeting with the “Bishops” of the United States of America (Sep. 23) — TEXT HERE
- “Holy Mass” and “Canonization” of Fr. Junipero Serra (Sep. 23) — TEXT HERE
- Visit to the Congress of the United States of America (Sep. 24) — TEXT HERE
- Visit to the Charitable Center of St. Patrick Parish and meeting with the homeless (Sep. 24) — TEXT HERE
- Vespers with the Clergy, Men and Women Religious at St Patrick’s Cathedral (Sep. 24) — TEXT HERE
- Visit to the Headquarters of the United Nations (Sep. 25) — TEXT HERE
- Interreligious Encounter at the Ground Zero Memorial (Sep. 25) — SPEECH HERE (PDF) / PRAYER HERE / INTERFAITH PROGRAM BROCHURE HERE (PDF) /
- Visit to Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Harlem and Meeting with Children and Families of Migrants(Sep. 25) — TEXT HERE
- “Holy Mass” at Madison Square Garden (Sep. 25) — TEXT HERE
- “Holy Mass” with the “Bishops”, Clergy, Men and Women Religious of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (Sep. 26) — TEXT HERE
- Meeting for Religious Freedom with the Hispanic community and other immigrants (Sep. 26) — TEXT HERE
- Festival of Families and Prayer Vigil (Sep. 26) — TEXT HERE
- [unscheduled] Meeting with Sex-Abuse Victims at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia (Sep. 27) — TEXT HERE
- Meeting with “Bishops” taking part in the World Meeting of Families (Sep. 27) — TEXT HERE
- Visit to Detainees at Curran-Fromhold Prison (Sep. 27) — TEXT HERE
- “Holy Mass” concluding the World Meeting of Families (Sep. 27) — TEXT HERE
- Greetings and Farewell Ceremony (Sep. 27) — TEXT HERE
- Press Conference on Return Flight to Rome (Sep. 27)
Select Commentary & Articles on Francis’ U.S. Trip:
- Bergoglio’s First Time in the United States (Sandro Magister)
- Los Angeles’ “Cardinal” Roger Mahony to Travel with Francis for D.C. Trip (CBS)
- Previewing Bergoglio’s Congressional Speech (Christ or Chaos)
- “Humanity” Has Come to “Teach Us to be More Human” (Christ or Chaos)
- Francis Lands Near Washington for First Trip to the United States (Huffington Post)
- Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, Part 1 (Christ or Chaos)
- “Pope” Francis fails to mention Abortion, Gay Marriage in Address to Congress (Breitbart)
- “Che Gueverra’s Pope” (The Federalist)
- Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, Part 2 (Christ or Chaos)
- Francis’ Speech to Congress, Commented (The American Catholic)
- False Prophet? Why Francis has Disappointed Many Catholics (FOX News)
- Who is Francis speaking to? (The Catholic Thing)
- Francis’ Speech to Congress: No Abortion, Only Death Penalty (LifeSiteNews)
- Francis just echoed Obama’s Offensive Prayer Breakfast Remarks (U.S. News & World Report)
- Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, Part 3 (Christ or Chaos)
- Francis’ False Gospel continues: Now a “Homeless Jesus” (Call Me Jorge)
- Francis’ Speech to Congress: The
HighlightsLowlights (Thinking Housewife) - Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, Part 4 (Christ or Chaos)
- Some Quick Thoughts on Francis’ Congressional Address (OnePeterFive)
- Francis and Yom Kippur (Call Me Jorge)
- The Beatific Vision is totally overrated…
- Francis’ Ugly Track Record (The Blaze)
- Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, Part 5 (Christ or Chaos)
- Pope Pius XI Rebukes Francis (Thinking Housewife)
- Lessons from Pope Leo XIII on Accommodating the World (Theological Flint)
- Antipope blesses Governor Cuomo’s Mistress (Thinking Housewife)
- Seven Ways Francis slapped Conservatives in the Face (Breitbart)
- The Noahide Duo of “Archbishop” Chaput & Mayor Nutter brought Francis to Philly (Call Me Jorge)
- Holy Wooder — Seminary hosting Francis puts Special “Pope” Beer on Tap (Toronto Sun)
- All Staged: Anchor Baby’s Illegal Immigration Plea to the Pope was no Accident (Truth Revolt)
- “The congressman who stole the pope’s water glass and drank from it” (Washington Post)
- “Leave Pope Francis Alone!” (Candid World Report)
- Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, Part 6 (Christ or Chaos)
- Francis: Toward a New Diplomatic Direction? (Monday Vatican)
- Openly Homosexual Lector at Francis’ New York City “Mass” (Novus Ordo Watch)
- Mark Wahlberg raises eyebrows as host of Festival Concert (Philly Voice)
- Francis’ Visit sparks ‘Pope Dog’ Trend (ITV)
- Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, Part 7 (Christ or Chaos)
- Francis to “Bishops”: Don’t blame others for “Gay Marriage” and Family Problems (Religion News Service)
- Watermelon Francis: Green on the Outside, Red Within (Frontpage Mag)
- Planned Parenthood Official: Francis has “Taken a Back Seat When it Comes to Reproductive Health” (CNS News)
- Francis in the United States – Ambiguous on what should be clear, clear only on his political priorities(Rorate Caeli)
A slight adjustment to the logo, but what would have been the difference?
Reality Check: True Catholicism vs. Francis’ Naturalist Hippie Religion:
- Yes, he’s a Layman: Why Francis is not a valid Priest or a Bishop
- What’s wrong with Francis: Why Jorge Bergoglio cannot be the Pope
- Francis and the Gospel of Man
- Francis says there is No Answer to why Children Suffer – WRONG!
- It’s Heresy: Francis’ “Ecumenism of Blood”
- Laudato Si’: Francis’ Eco-Encyclical is here
- Francis the Destroyer: An Anthology of the Errors of Jorge Bergoglio
- Pope Pius VI blasts Modernist Tactic of Using Ambiguous Language
- Pope Gregory XVI denounces Innovators would “pretend to Renew the Church”
- Pope St. Pius X on Society and Interreligious Cooperation
- Pope Pius XI condemns Communism
- Pope Pius XI condemns Ecumenism and Interfaith Prayer
- Pope Pius XI explains how to obtain True and Lasting Peace
- Pope Pius XII on the Ecumenical Movement
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