More hot air from Bergoglio…

Antipope Francis

Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum
on the Climate Crisis

October 4, 2023

[Last updated Oct. 11, 2023]

The Vatican’s text factory has just released another ‘magisterial’ document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. ‘Pope Francis’) has published his latest ‘Apostolic exhortation’. It bears the name Laudate Deum (“Praise God”) and concerns itself with an alleged global ‘climate crisis’.

Unlike many other ‘papal’ documents in recent times, this particular one is fairly short, at least judging by Bergoglian standards. In its English version, Laudate Deum comes in at a measly 7,100 words. It is divided into 6 chapters and has 73 numbered paragraphs, with a total of 44 footnotes.

The most notable footnote is probably n. 22: “Cf. War, Progress and the End of History, Including a Short Story of the Anti-Christ. Three Discussions by Vladimir Soloviev, London, 1915, p. 197.” The vast majority of the other footnotes are to Francis’ environmental encyclical Laudato Si’, to which the current text is considered to be a sequel of sorts.

Footnote n. 41 also deserves a special mention. It refers the reader to pp. 205-249 of the book When Species Meet, published in 2007 by eco-feminist Donna J. Haraway (b. 1944). The book description given by the publisher concludes: “Ultimately, [the author] finds that respect, curiosity, and knowledge spring from animal-human associations and work powerfully against ideas about human exceptionalism.”

Not a single footnote is to the real Catholic magisterium from before Vatican II, by the way. (You may close your jaw again now.)

The Vatican has made the text of Laudate Deum available in sundry languages, of which we make the following available via direct links:

Summaries of the new exhortation are also available:

The following is a list of links with initial coverage and commentary on Laudate Deum by various sources:

The Vatican has provided the following two propaganda clips promoting Laudate Deum:

The Vatican held a press conference on Oct. 5, 2023, entitled “Laudate Deum: Voices and Testimonies on the Climate Crisis”. The video is embedded below. The transcript is available here.

We have run the text of Laudate Deum through a word count engine. According to it, the most frequently used keywords in the text are the following, together with the number of mentions:

  • human (33)
  • climate (32)
  • global (28)
  • one (27)
  • world (26)
  • power (21)
  • change (21)

For more information about the man who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church (‘Pope Francis’), please see our topical page here.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons
License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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