You can’t make this stuff up…
Novus Ordo Bishop: “Not even Martin Luther could have imagined a better Pope than Benedict XVI”

“Bishop” Rudolf Voderholzer with Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, aka “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI.
(Photo credit: Diocese of Regensburg, via
Novus Ordo bishops say the darndest things. At this point, they are so far removed from Catholicism — both historically and theologically — that they can utter the wackiest inanities without blinking.
The Austrian “Catholic” news portal reports that in late March 2016, a delegation of pilgrims from the German diocese of Regensburg (Ratisbonne) traveled to Rome for the “Jubilee Year of Mercy”. On this occasion, the local Modernist diocesan ordinary, “Bishop” Rudolf Voderholzer, got a chance to meet with the “Pope Emeritus”, Benedict XVI (see photo above). Voderholzer, appointed by the same Benedict XVI in 2012, is the direct successor to Gerhard Ludwig Muller, the infamous triple-heretic (here, here, and here) who now serves in the Vatican as the supposed enforcer of orthodoxy. further reports the following:
Moreover, in a sermon at the Basilica of St. Peter [it is not clear whether this is in reference to St. Peter’s in Rome or the diocesan basilica in Regensburg, which is also dedicated to St. Peter —N.O.W.], Voderholzer paid tribute to Benedict XVI in the presence of the pilgrims: “In Benedict XVI we have a Pope better than any which even Martin Luther could have imagined. A Pope who sees it as one of his first priorities to give testimony to Jesus Christ with all the powers of reason and of historical insight. How much recognition he found in the entire world as the Pope of Theologians, whose legacy we in Regensburg are allowed to treasure, preserve, and carry into the future in such particularly qualified manner.”
(“Regensburger Bischof Voderholzer trifft Benedikt XVI.”,, April 5, 2016; our translation.)
The “particularly qualified manner” of which Mr. Voderholzer speaks is a reference to the presence and operations of the “Pope Benedict XVI Institute” in Regensburg, which is tasked with the collection, editing, publication, and study of the Joseph Ratzinger Opera Omnia (collected works), complete in 16 volumes.

Ratzinger, Voderholzer, Muller (May 15, 2008)
Image source: (cropped)
That Voderholzer should invoke the approval of the abominable heretic Martin Luther as an important rule and guide as to what constitutes a model Pope — as opposed to, say, Saint Pius X — speaks volumes, but it would totally be in line with the thinking of Benedict XVI:
As a German theologian, and a convinced Augustinian, Joseph Ratzinger has long admired the Protestant Reformer Martin Luther. In 1965, commenting on the document Gaudium et Spes from the final session of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), Ratzinger criticized the text for relying too much on the optimism of French Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, and not enough on Luther’s consciousness of the Cross and of sin. (Note that Ratzinger was complaining that a Catholic document neglected the father of the Protestant Reformation; that alone says something about his ecumenical attitudes).
Later, Ratzinger played a key role in rescuing an agreement with the Lutheran World Federation on the doctrine of justification. It was announced to much fanfare in June 1998, then seemingly unraveled, and rolled out again in June 1999. The heart of the agreement was this sentence: “By grace alone, in faith in Christ’s saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping us and calling us to good works.”
(John Allen, “World Youth Day: Ecumenical and Interfaith Opportunities”, National Catholic Reporter, Aug. 12, 2005; underlining added.)
Indeed, Martin Luther would have been delighted with Benedit XVI — Voderholzer is simply right!
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