Hand-written response to disaffected young man…

Francis to Seminarian Dismissed for Homosexuality: ‘Go Ahead With Your Vocation’

When it comes to advancing and strengthening the sodomite influence in his counterfeit church, ‘Pope’ Francis moves quickly and with determination.

Barely had the controversy over his ‘anti-gay slur’ during a closed-door meeting with Italian Novus Ordo bishops erupted — he had reportedly said that there were too many sodomites already in the church and therefore such people should not be admitted to seminary — when the Vatican quickly communicated an apology of sorts (which, of course, was not enough for some).

This demonstrates that Club Francis knows fully well about the importance of clarifying what could be misunderstood and making reparation for harm done. And it shows, too, where it is that Francis does not want to be misunderstood, and where he doesn’t care if he is, or even where he wants to be ‘misunderstood’.

In the midst of all the fallout from this latest kerfuffle — no doubt deliberately instigated by the ‘Pope’ himself — a former Novus Ordo seminarian wrote a long letter to Francis (reportedly by email) and shared his grief about being dismissed from seminary after he told the administration he is ‘gay’.

The Italian Il Messaggero broke the story on Sunday.

The young man’s name is Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso. His email was reportedly three pages long, and Francis’ response came, as always, in the form of a hand-written note: “The Church must be open to all. Go ahead with your vocation”, the false pope allegedly told Caruso, who is 22.

The English edition of the German Katholisch.de reports further:

“I was expelled from the seminary because I said I was gay,” he told the newspaper. He wrote to Francis following his recent statements. He considers the Pope’s words, which included in his reply: “Jesus calls everyone, everyone”, to be “wonderful”. That gives him courage. He also sees in his immediate church environment that attitudes towards social diversity are changing. Bishop Giuseppe Betori of Florence, for example, has decided to set up an LGBT pastoral commission in the pastoral care of families. Caruso is currently studying history at the University of Florence. He has high hopes for the World Synod. He trusts “that it will be a turning point” and a sign of more accommodation towards LGBTIQ+ people.

(“Gay man writes letter after Pope’s statement – and gets a reply”, Katholisch.de, June 3, 2024)

We might point out that on Nov. 4, 2005, the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for Catholic Education released an instruction stating that “the Church … cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practise homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called ‘gay culture'” (source).

Meanwhile, by the way, Francis has penned the foreword to the Italian edition of homosexualist ‘Fr.’ James Martin‘s latest work, Come Forth, in which he blasphemously argues “that Christ’s command for Lazarus to ‘come out’ of the tomb is an ‘invitation’ for individuals who identify as ‘LGBTQ’ to ‘come out’ into the sunlight of God’s love.”

We recall that in a similar situation in early 2023, the fake pope also wrote a hand-written note to reassure the LGBTQXYZ ideologues in his sect. And once again his turn-around was extremely quick:

Of course we all know that the big problem in Novus Ordo seminaries has been that of sodomites being refused entry or being dismissed, correct? Just as the problem in the Vatican II Church is rigid priests in cassocks, nasty confessors interrogating penitents about the minutest details of their sins and withholding absolution, and hordes of people engaging in ‘proselytism’ and making too many converts.


As always, Francis knows exactly what’s ‘ailing’ the ‘Catholic Church’ — and he is determined to ‘fix’ it.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons (korea.net)
License: CC BY-SA 2.0

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