Francis’ Prayer Intentions for March
More Naturalism: Francis prays for the Family’s Bodily Needs, Omits anything Spiritual
He’s back…
Perhaps we should be grateful that in Francis’ latest video for his prayer intentions of the month (now for March 2016), Francis offers no direct insult to God, does not explicitly deny any Catholic doctrine, and does not put our Lord Jesus Christ on a level with Buddha, Mohammed, or any other false prophet or deity. However, neither do we find any clear affirmation of Catholic teaching or the presence of anything distinctly Catholic. He really says nothing that the Dalai Lama, Ban Ki-moon, Barack Obama, or the Queen of England couldn’t also say. If you’re surprised at this, you haven’t been paying attention.
The March 2016 Prayer Intention Francis announces in the video that was just released is as follows: “That families in need may receive the necessary support and that children may grow up in healthy and peaceful environments.” Here is the video, released today:
Francis’ Video for his March 2016 Prayer Intentions
There is nothing wrong, of course, with the intention itself, but it is in the omission of what else he ought to say that the scandal lies: He refuses to mention anything relating to the health and wellbeing of the soul, and he does so habitually. He does not pray, for example, that all families may submit themselves to the easy yoke of the loving rule of our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Mt 11:30; Mt 6:10) and thus find grace, forgiveness, and the ability to develop countless virtues and receive untold blessings so they can lead holy lives pleasing to God and thus attain salvation from the Lord, the Beatific Vision of Whom is the ultimate purpose of our existence. Nor does he mention how God permits us to suffer in temporal things to advance our sanctification (cf. Heb 12:6; 1 Tim 2:4), to increase in merit and acquire virtues, to make reparation for sin and relieve the suffering souls in purgatory. No, all this Francis does not mention. He never does, for he does not believe it.
As the wonderful Fr. Edward Leen explains in his 1938 book Why the Cross?:
…To Christians, who persist in thinking that the function of Christianity is to provide men with good things and banish from their life evil things — understanding by good and evil what appear such to fallen human nature — life will speedily prove unintelligible. To men with such views the mystery of pain becomes insoluble. In the face of the harsh realities of existence their belief stands condemned. They have no answer to give to the ever-recurring question: if God is kind and good and tender towards human suffering, why does suffering continue to be not only for those that deserve it, but also for those who do not?
That Jesus, in His power and goodness, did not put an end to all human suffering shows that, in His eyes, suffering is not the real source of human unhappiness.
(Rev. Edward Leen, Why the Cross? [London: Sheed & Ward, 1938], pp. 55-56; italics given, underlining added.)
Francis promotes the Naturalist Gospel of Man, not the Catholic Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
By the way: On Italy’s Family Day, Jan. 30, Francis was conspicuously absent. The ever-talkative Jorge Bergoglio said nothing in support of the family. Since then, the Italian Senate has passed a bill granting legal recognition to homo-perverted “couples”.
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