Naturalism for kids…

A ‘Garden of Encounter’: Vatican Releases Idiotic Children’s Declaration on Fraternity

Children wearing laurels alternate reading a declaration on human fraternity…

The second annual so-called World Meeting on Human Fraternity ended today in Vatican City.

The two-day event, sponsored by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, was a follow-up to last year’s single-day event by that name, which was a complete bust as practically no one showed up and pictures of St. Peter’s Square showed lots of empty chairs (ha!):

Whereas last year’s meeting bore the title ‘Not Alone’, this year’s edition was labeled ‘Be Human’.… READ MORE

So alone in St. Peter’s Square…

Vatican’s Human Fraternity Extravaganza ‘Not Alone’ Flops as No One Shows Up

Getting a front-row seat wasn’t terribly difficult…

Imagine it’s the first-ever World Meeting on Human Fraternity and nobody cares.

That is exactly what happened on Saturday, June 10, in Rome. Under the ironic motto #NotAlone, the event’s organizers and contributors found themselves very much alone as they put on a nearly 5-hour long spectacle in St. Peter’s Square that almost nobody cared to attend.

#NotAlone was Quite Alone

According to the Silere Non Possum blog, “Those few people present were tourists, who didn’t stay, and friends of the Franciscan cardinal”, by whom they mean Mauro Gambetti, who is the ‘Archpriest’ of St.… READ MORE

In Italian police custody now…

Horror in the Vatican: Nude Man stands on High Altar of St. Peter’s Basilica

(we have redacted the image to make it less offensive)

[UPDATE June 3: Vatican holds rite of reparation after naked man climbs onto St. Peter’s altar]

The month of June 2023 began with a horrific profanation of what is probably the holiest place in all of Vatican City.

On June 1, 2023, a man climbed onto the high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica and undressed himself completely, apparently in protest over the Russia-Ukraine war. The man had letters written on his back, saying: “Save Children in Ukraine”.… READ MORE

No room for the Prince of Peace…

Masonic Fraternity instead of Jesus Christ:
Francis’ Message for World Day of Peace Fails to Surprise

Bergoglio showing his joyful gaze to Canadians on July 26, 2022

On January 1 of every year, the Novus Ordo religion celebrates the World Day of Peace. It was instituted by “Pope” Paul VI in 1967 and first observed in 1968. A “papal” message has been accompanying it ever since, and it is always dated Dec. 8 of the prior year and released shortly thereafter.

So too this time around. In fact, the Vatican held a press conference to introduce the message, which is directed at “all men and women of good will”, not only at Catholics.… READ MORE

Kerfuffle in Kazakhstan…

Not So Final after all: ‘Final Declaration’ of Interreligious Congress gets quietly revised after Conference is over

Today the seventh so-called Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions concluded in Kazakhstan. The most prominent participant, no doubt, was Jorge Bergoglio, the Jesuit apostate from Buenos Aires who has been going by the stage name “Pope Francis” since moving into the Vatican guest house nine years ago.

The conference was held from Sep. 14-15, 2022, in the “Illuminati capital of the world” of Astana, recently renamed into Nur-Sultan. Francis traveled to Kazakhstan chiefly for the purpose of speaking at the inter-religious conference:


Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Kazakhstan:
Bergoglio’s ‘Apostolic Journey’ of Sep. 13-15, 2022

On Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2022, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) will visit the nation of Kazakhstan, specifically its capital of Nur-Sultan, which until 2019 was known as Astana. Kazakhstan lies in Central Asia and is a former Soviet republic. It is the ninth largest country in the world.

The main reason for Francis’ trip, which concludes on Thursday, Sep. 15, is attendance at the seventh triennial Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. The topic for this year’s meeting is: “The Role of Leaders of World and Traditional Faiths in the Socio-Spiritual Development of Humanity after the Pandemic”.… READ MORE

Distorting the Gospel, lest souls be saved…

Naturalize to Neutralize: How Francis slyly deprives the Gospel of its Supernatural Character

Every Sunday, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) prays the Angelus from a window of the Apostolic Palace. Before its recitation, he typically delivers homiletic remarks on the Gospel of the day, and afterwards, he greets the people in attendance, mentions prayer requests, and comments on current affairs.

So too on Sunday, Mar. 20, 2022 (video here).

In a separate post, we already critically examined his post-Angelus comments that day about the war in Ukraine being “sacrilegious because it goes against the sacredness of human life….”… READ MORE

As wrong as it is to mistreat others, it’s not sacrilege…

Francis claims mistreating Human Beings is “Sacrilege”:
A Reality Check on the Sacred and the Profane

When it concerns man rather than God, he gets serious: The apostate pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio

You know something is off when Francis complains about sacrilege. He’s just not into religion enough to be concerned about the profanation of the sacred. In fact, if there is one thing he is really good at, besides uttering heresy and blasphemy, it’s committing sacrilege.

His placing of an offering to the “Mother Earth” goddess Pachamama on the high altar of St.READ MORE

“Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying” (2 Th 2:10)…

Fatima Farce: Apostate Antipope consecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Francis’ much-anticipated “Consecration of Russia” to the Immaculate Heart took place as scheduled today, Mar. 25, 2022, in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican as part of a penitential liturgy during which he himself ostentatiously went to confession. This blog post features the most important resources related to this event.

We call his stunt a “Fatima farce” not because we would in any way cast doubt on the authenticity of the apparitions, messages, warnings, or requests of Our Lady of Fatima, but because the man who performed the consecration is not the Pope, is not a Catholic, and is not a friend of Our Lady, the Mother of God.… READ MORE

Bergoglio denies traditional ‘just war’ doctrine…

Francis says “Wars Are Always Unjust”,
contradicting traditional Catholic Moral Doctrine

It is not difficult to see that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is no serious theologian.

He himself in fact acknowledges as much, at least when it suits his agenda: “I leave that question to the theologians and those who understand”, he answered in 2015 when asked about permitting “inter-communion” with Lutherans. Bergoglio is also on record saying that “[s]tudying fundamental theology is one of the most boring things on earth”, and his hatred of Scholasticism — characteristic of all Modernists, according to Pope St.… READ MORE

Next act in the Francis Show…

Vatican: Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

[UPDATE 18-MAR-2022 02:06 UTC: ‘Apostolic Nunio’ the United States confirms that Francis “intends to invite each Bishop, or equivalent in law, together with his priests, to join in this act of consecration [of Russia and Ukraine], if possible, at an hour corresponding to 5pm Rome time”]

Breaking news out of Rome: The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) has announced he will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, together with the Ukraine, on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25. … READ MORE

Prepare ye the way of the Antichrist…

Francis’ Encyclical Fratelli Tutti: The Highlights

NOTE: For the full text and reactions to the document, as well as analyses and commentary, please access our special coverage page at the following link:

If one had to summarize Francis’ lengthy encyclical Fratelli Tutti in one single sentence, perhaps it would be: Humanity, save thyself! In 287 paragraphs, God is at best an afterthought, and man’s supernatural destiny is all but ignored. That for which we were actually created (the Beatific Vision) and the way to attain it (by means of sanctifying grace through Faith, hope, and charity, in union with the Ark of Salvation, the Roman Catholic Church), are not even hinted at.… READ MORE

The longest text ever…

Antipope Francis

Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti
on Fraternity and Social Friendship

October 3, 2020

The Vatican’s endless text factory has just released another monster of a document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. “Pope Francis”) has released his third Encyclical Letter, after Lumen Fidei (2013) and Laudato Si’ (2015). It is entitled Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers All”).

In its English version, Fratelli Tutti has 42,994 words. It consists of eight chapters that include a total of 287 numbered paragraphs, and it has 288 footnotes. The vast majority of them are references to himself, his own documents, his own addresses, and those of the conciliar and post-conciliar pseudo-magisterium.… READ MORE

Eternal Life is overrated…

No Ark of Salvation:
A Critical Look at Francis’ “Ark of Fraternity” Speech

Embed from Getty Images

In addition to joining his imam friend Ahamad Al-Tayyib to sign an outrageous document that blatantly promotes apostasy, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) also gave a speech at the so-called Global Conference of Human Fraternity in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on Feb. 4.

Here is the full video of the talks given by all the speakers and the document signing at the end:

We will go ahead now and examine some of the nonsense Francis put forward in his speech:

The logo of this journey depicts a dove with an olive branch.


Be careful as your head hits the desk…

Francis’ Brilliant Plan for World Peace: Ban All Weapons!

The Modernist Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (stage name: “Pope Francis”) has once again graced the world with his infinite wisdom. Today, Apr. 29, 2018, he sent out a tweet that says: “Do we really want peace? Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war.”

No, this is not a joke. This is not fake news. This is not satire, nor does it come from a parody account. This is from the real “Pope” Francis. The link to the actual tweet can be found here, and we have taken a screenshot as evidence just in case the tweet gets deleted:

With idiotic content this like being the real news coming from Vatican City, there is nothing left to do for the satirists and parodists at Eye of the Tiber.… READ MORE