Francis, Rabbi of Reference

Bergoglio and the Jews…

Francis, Rabbi of Reference
by Miles Christi

Catholic writer Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) returns with a new study summarizing the heresies, errors, scandals, blasphemies, and impious practices of Jorge Bergoglio insofar as they relate to apostate Judaism. Miles Christi‘s monograph is entitled Francis, Rabbi of Reference and available in multiple languages, free of charge, through the links below. All files are in PDF format:

Like Miles Christi‘s earlier works, this new document is another handy collection of evidence for the case against Francis.… READ MORE

The Facts About “Pope Francis” — Jorge Mario Bergoglio

What You Need To Know About
the Man who Claims to be the Pope

Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio
“Pope Francis”

Podcasts Refuting Francis’ Errors and Heresies

General Information / Miscellaneous

A Damning Dossier…

A Chronicle of Impiety

by Miles Christi

Not for the faint of heart: The Catholic writer Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) has once again rendered a great service to Catholics around the globe. In over 22 pages, Miles has chronicled many of Jorge Bergoglio’s most outrageous offenses against the Catholic Faith and right morals, providing quote after quote from the blasphemous lips of the man most people in the world falsely believe to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

This dossier is being made available in several languages. Click to download in the language of your choice (all files in PDF format):

This chronicle is a handy collection of evidence for the case against Francis.


12 Pages of Claptrap…

Francis the Destroyer:
An Anthology of the Bergoglian “Magisterium”
by Miles Christi


If you can stomach it: A writer using the pen name of Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) has compiled 12 pages of quotations from “Pope” Francis since his election on March 13, 2013, demonstrating how the man is not a Roman Catholic and therefore cannot be the head of the Catholic Church, since “he cannot be the head of that [of] which he is not a member” (St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice II, c. 30).

This anthology is being made available in several languages.


Summing it up…

The Strange “Papacy” of Jorge Bergoglio
by Miles Christi

When on March 13, 2013, a largely unknown Argentinian stepped onto the balcony of St. Peter’s, dressed fully in white, his first words “Good Evening” were only the ominous beginning. Since then, utter chaos has been unfolding in the Novus Ordo Sect (Vatican II Church) under the new leadership of “Pope Francis.” Most people who have been trying to be good Catholics are getting restless, and the upcoming Synod on the Family promises to unleash another theological earthquake, quite possibly leading to a schism within the False Church itself.… READ MORE

Chromosomes don’t lie…

Kentucky Hermit Comes Out as Transgender, with Approval of Novus Ordo Bishop

‘Brother’ Christian is actually a woman, and ‘Bishop’ John Stowe (bottom left) has known it all along…

[UPDATE 21-MAY-2024 19:06 UTC: Diocese of Lexington issues Communiqué on ‘Brother Christian’ Matson]

Crazy news out of the ‘Catholic’ diocese of Lexington, Kentucky: A hermit thought to be a male has informed the world he is ‘transgender’. In other words, he is actually a woman who roughly two decades ago had her externals altered so that she now looks and sounds like a man. What is more, this woman-pretending-to-be-a-man made her announcement with the full support of the local Novus Ordo bishop.… READ MORE

Heralding the end of Bergoglio’s reign?

Real or Fake? Lightning Reportedly Maims Statue of St. Peter in Buenos Aires

The internet is abuzz right now with a report by Resignationist Andrea Cionci, author of The Ratzinger Code (debunked by a Francis adherent here), saying that a statue of St. Peter on the façade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of St. Nicholas in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was zapped by lightning on Dec. 17 which made its halo and right hand fall off, along with the key it was holding (by which is symbolized the key to the kingdom of heaven; cf.… READ MORE

“…and after this the judgment” (Heb 9:27)

‘Pope Emeritus’ dies in Vatican City

Fr. Joseph Ratzinger (April 16, 1927 – Dec. 31, 2022)

The spokesman for the Vatican press office, Matteo Bruni, has released the following announcement: “With sorrow I inform you that the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, passed away today at 9:34 [am local time] in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican. Further information will be provided as soon as possible.”

Here is the video of the announcement:

The Catholic Hierarchy blog notes that the man whose real name was Joseph Ratzinger “was 95 years old.… READ MORE

Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Kazakhstan:
Bergoglio’s ‘Apostolic Journey’ of Sep. 13-15, 2022

On Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2022, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) will visit the nation of Kazakhstan, specifically its capital of Nur-Sultan, which until 2019 was known as Astana. Kazakhstan lies in Central Asia and is a former Soviet republic. It is the ninth largest country in the world.

The main reason for Francis’ trip, which concludes on Thursday, Sep. 15, is attendance at the seventh triennial Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. The topic for this year’s meeting is: “The Role of Leaders of World and Traditional Faiths in the Socio-Spiritual Development of Humanity after the Pandemic”.… READ MORE

Next milestone in the Great Apostasy?

Francis to the Pyramid: Antipope Bergoglio to visit World Religions Congress in Kazakhstan in September

Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a nation in Central Asia which until 1991 was part of the Communist Soviet Union and is predominantly Muslim.

On Apr. 11, 2022, President Tokayev held a video conference with the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, who is better known to the world by his stage name, “Pope Francis”. Both the Kazakh press and Vatican News report that during the meeting Francis expressed his desire to visit the nation’s capital of Nur-Sultan (until 2019 known as Astana) to attend the seventh triennial Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, planned for Sep.… READ MORE

We had been warned…

“Rome will be without a Shepherd”:
Virgin Mary to holy Abbess Maria Steiner in 1840s

It behooves Catholics to beware of private revelations — certainly of those that have not been approved by the Church, which must be avoided, but even of those that have been approved. Although the latter are judged by the Church to be free from error in Faith or morals and therefore safe to familiarize oneself with, it is important not to get attached to this kind of revelation because it is not necessary for our salvation and is given only to specific people, at a specific point in time, for a specific purpose.… READ MORE

Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism


Available Translations: POLISH | PORTUGUESE

Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism

by Mario Derksen

presented on October 8, 2021, at the Fatima Conference
at Mount Saint Michael’s in Spokane, Washington

(video here | audio here | purchase audio CD)

This script has been slightly revised by the author and optimized for print publication. All scriptural quotations are from the Douay-Rheims translation, unless otherwise noted.

When our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church, He did so not merely as an institution that would teach His doctrine throughout the world and confer His grace through the sacraments.… READ MORE

Consistorial allocution of May 24, 1976

Paul VI in 1976: Vatican II is Binding, New Mass is Obligatory and Replaces the Old

Abp. Giovanni Montini played “Pope Paul VI” from 1963-78
(image credit: Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

If you’ve been researching Catholic Traditionalism for a while, chances are you’ve come across the argument made by recognize-and-resist apologists that “Pope” Paul VI (1963-78) himself confirmed that his Second Vatican Council (1962-65) was neither infallible nor binding.

The line of argumentation given in Taylor Marshall’s 2019 book Infiltration is characteristic of this approach:

Pope Paul VI promulgated Dignitatis humanae on 7 December 1965, and the next day he closed the Second Vatican Council and stated: “The magisterium of the Church did not wish to pronounce itself under the form of extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements” [footnote: Pope Paul VI, Discourse closing Vatican II, 7 December 1965].


Rumors and innuendo vs. facts…

Was Pope Saint Pius X Murdered?
– A Fanciful Tale from 1919

“Was Pope Pius X Murdered?” That was the intriguing headline on page 6 of the editorial section of the Nov. 2, 1919 edition of The New York Times. The author of the piece was one Walter Litchfield.

The article weaves a fanciful tale based chiefly on two things: (a) claims made in the book Le Baptême de Sang (“The Baptism of Blood”) by a French author identified only as Abbé Daniel (“Fr. Daniel”); and (b) an unnamed Italian priest commenting on those claims and adding some of his own.… READ MORE

Creepy masquerade mayhem…

Nightmare on Third Avenue: Palm Sunday Puppet Madness at St. Joan of Arc Church in Minneapolis

If you’re ever in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and want to check out a parish that is in “full communion” with the Vatican II Sect, we recommend you try “Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Community” at 4537 Third Avenue South. It’s one of those dynamic and vibrant social justice parishes where all are welcome, and it combines everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo religion in one place. The Jesus Christ that is preached there is a sorry caricature of the Incarnate Son of God.… READ MORE