Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

The Conciliar Chaos Continues

TRADCAST 038 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


Great news, everyone! We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way — and with an occasional relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.

The first segment of TRADCAST 038 begins with a look at the Vatican’s new guidelines for discerning alleged apparitions and mystical phenomena.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 038 (26 JUL 2024)


  • Segment 1 — The Vatican’s new guidelines for discerning alleged apparitions and mystical phenomena. Eric Sammons and that pesky question of whether Francis professes the Catholic Faith. The Remnant promotes Pope Pius IX’s encyclical Qui Pluribus but rejects its teaching on the Papacy.
  • Segment 2 — Some news stories you may have missed. ‘From the Jorge’s Mouth’: Francis prays for souls in Heaven, ignores those in purgatory; Francis sends heretical note of condolence on the death of a Bulgarian Orthodox archbishop. Can the Vatican ban the Traditional Latin Mass? A misleading Crisis Magazine article and ‘Bp.’

Condemnation of sundry familiar-sounding errors…

Exclusive Translation:
Pope Pius IX’s Apostolic Letter Multiplices Inter of 1851

Pope Pius IX was the second-longest-reigning Pope in the history of the Catholic Church.

Born Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti in 1792, he reigned as Pope Pius IX for nearly 32 years, from June 16, 1846 until his death on Feb. 7, 1878. The only Pope who reigned longer than he was St. Peter.

One of the highlights of Pius IX’s long pontificate was the Syllabus of Errors, released on Dec. 8, 1864, along with the encyclical letter Quanta Cura, in which he declared:

But now, as is well known to you, Venerable Brethren, already, scarcely had we been elevated to this Chair of Peter (by the hidden counsel of Divine Providence, certainly by no merit of our own), when, seeing with the greatest grief of Our soul a truly awful storm excited by so many evil opinions, and (seeing also) the most grievous calamities never sufficiently to be deplored which overspread the Christian people from so many errors, according to the duty of Our Apostolic Ministry, and following the illustrious example of Our Predecessors, We raised Our voice, and in many published Encyclical Letters and Allocutions delivered in Consistory, and other Apostolic Letters, we condemned the chief errors of this most unhappy age, and we excited your admirable episcopal vigilance, and we again and again admonished and exhorted all sons of the Catholic Church, to us most dear, that they should altogether abhor and flee from the contagion of so dire a pestilence.


Apostolic Letter of Pope Pius IX

Multiplices Inter (1851)

Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Pius IX, issued on June 10, 1851, condemning certain Errors of Francisco de Paula González Vigil

from which the 1864 Syllabus of Errors draws condemned propositions 15, 21, 23, 30, 51, 54, 68, and 74

(Not to be confused with the Encyclical Inter Multiplices of 1853
nor the Allocution Multiplices Inter Machinationes of 1865)

1. Among the manifold and very heavy cares of Our office, by which We are weighed down on all sides, and among the very great misfortunes of this time, which disturb and violently distress Our mind amid the increasing novelty of all things, there is added the greatly-to-be-lamented fact that the most dangerous books are daily springing forth from the lairs of the Jansenists and other men of that kind, whereby the sons of this age, in order to attract disciples to follow them, speak perverse things in the convincing words of human wisdom.… READ MORE

Kazakh auxiliary stirs the pot again…

Athanasius Schneider’s explosive Prayer for the Synod 2023: An incisive Sedevacantist Analysis

The world’s most significant insignificant Novus Ordo bishop is back in the news: the Most Rev. Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary for the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Yesterday, Sep. 28, the Vatican journalist Diane Montagna published on her Twitter (or ‘X’) account a “Prayer for the 2023 ‘Synod on Synodality'” that was composed by ‘Bp.’ Schneider (why ‘Bishop’ in quotes?). It is not clear whether the text is Montagna’s translation, or whether Schneider wrote the prayer in English. Although released a day early, it is dated Sep.… READ MORE

Apostolic Letter of Pope Pius IX

Æterni Patris (June 29, 1868)

Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Pius IX convoking the [First] Vatican Council

[not to be confused with the Encyclical Aeterni Patris of Pope Leo XIII,
nor with the Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus of the Vatican Council]

Servant of the Servants of God

In perpetual remembrance

The Only-Begotten Son of the Eternal Father, be cause of the exceeding charity wherewith He hath loved us, and in order that in the fulness of time He might deliver the whole human race from the yoke of sin, from slavery to the devil, and from the darkness of error, by which through the fault of our first parent it had long been miserably oppressed, came down from His heavenly throne, and, without parting from His Father’s glory, was clothed in human nature from the Immaculate and Most Holy Virgin Mary.… READ MORE

Scanning mistake led to truncated translation…

Pope Pius IX’s Encyclical Quartus Supra:
The ‘Missing’ Passages

Recently, a reader of this blog made us aware that the English translation of the encyclical letter Quartus Supra of Pope Pius IX (r. 1846-1878), to which we often link, found at the immensely useful site PapalEncyclicals.Net, is missing a number of paragraphs:

Indeed, the numbered paragraphs jump from 44 to 50, with no explanation. In addition, paragraph 44 contains this very odd sentence: “Our Constitution ensures that safer and more effective measures [***] children, We have decided in the present crisis to write all this to you to arouse your pure mind to the duty We have laid upon you.”… READ MORE

The little-known Encyclical ‘Quartus Supra’…

Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of LEFEBVRIST Errors (1873)

On January 6, 1873, the magnificent Pope Pius IX published the encyclical letter Quartus Supra. It is addressed to “Our Venerable Brothers Anthony Peter IX, Patriarch of Cilicia, and the Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy and Laity, Our Beloved Children of the Armenian Rite Who are in Loving Communion with the Apostolic See.”

This beautiful magisterial text concerns the threat of an emerging schism in the Armenian church and refutes the specious argumentation brought forward by those trying to justify their disobedience while still claiming to be loyal subjects of the Pope.… READ MORE

We had been warned…

“Rome will be without a Shepherd”:
Virgin Mary to holy Abbess Maria Steiner in 1840s

It behooves Catholics to beware of private revelations — certainly of those that have not been approved by the Church, which must be avoided, but even of those that have been approved. Although the latter are judged by the Church to be free from error in Faith or morals and therefore safe to familiarize oneself with, it is important not to get attached to this kind of revelation because it is not necessary for our salvation and is given only to specific people, at a specific point in time, for a specific purpose.… READ MORE

Where he plays another round of flamingo croquet with theology!

Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Latest Specious Attack on Ultramontanism


by Francis del Sarto


A Brief Review

In PART ONE of this article, we saw how Dr. Peter Kwasniewski discusses Ultramontanism and the Papacy using a strangely un-Catholic approach to the topic. His use of a secular encyclopedia rather than a Catholic theological reference work for his starting point was a telling and, surely, a totally calculated move on his part to help him discredit Ultramontanism. The real traditional Catholic position is at direct odds with his imaginary renderings of theology and Church history.… READ MORE

Deeper down the theological rabbit hole…

Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Latest Specious Attack on Ultramontanism


by Francis del Sarto


A Brief Review

In PART ONE of this article, we explored how Dr. Peter Kwasniewski dared to use a secular, decidedly non-theological source to discuss the singularly Catholic and thoroughly theological subject of Ultramontanism, when he could have utilized a reference at his very fingertips that would have provided an authoritative article about it: The Catholic Encyclopedia.

Compound that with the fact that by using the secular source he was able to conceal important information to his audience that would have shown the fraudulent nature of the title of his own article, “My Journey from Ultramontanism to Catholicism”, with its unscrupulous innuendo that Ultramontanism is a heresy that stands in opposition to Catholic truth.… READ MORE

Not exactly a Vatican II document…

Pope Pius IX condemns Anti-Christian Civilization: Exclusive English Translation of Allocution Iamdudum Cernimus (1861)

The Supreme Pontiff Pius IX (reigned 1846-1878)

Virtually everyone who considers himself a traditional Roman Catholic has heard of Pope Pius IX’s famous Syllabus of Errors. It is a list of some of the chief philosophical, theological, and socio-political errors of the 19th century. A total of 80 condemned theses, the list was appended to the encyclical Quanta Cura and released together with it on Dec. 8, 1864.

With regard to how the Syllabus came to be, the Catholic Encyclopedia explains:

The commission [for the creation of the Syllabus] took the wording of the errors to be condemned from the official declarations of Pius IX and appended to each of the eighty theses a reference indicating its content, so as to determine the true meaning and the theological value of the subjects treated.


Allocution of Pope Pius IX

Iamdudum Cernimus (1861)

Allocution of His Holiness Pope Pius IX to Cardinals gathered in private Consistory on March 18, 1861

from which the 1864 Syllabus of Errors draws condemned propositions 37, 61, and 80

1. Now after a long time We see, Venerable Brothers, by what a truly lamentable conflict civil society is being continually disturbed, especially in this our most unfortunate age, on account of principles alternatively contending between truth and error, between virtue and vice, between light and darkness. For instance, on the one hand, some uphold certain beliefs of, as they term it, “modern civilization.”… READ MORE

No “recognize-and-resist” for Pius IX…

Ultramontanism vs. Gallicanism:
Pope Pius IX against the Semi-Trads

The longest-reigning Pope in history: Pius IX (1846-1878)

As the First Vatican Council (1869-70) was getting underway, the celebrated abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Solesmes in France, Dom Prosper Guéranger, published his book The Papal Monarchy. He wrote it in direct reply to the Gallican errors of Bishop Henri Maret, who had written a book using the pseudonym “Bishop de Sura”.

Gueranger’s vindication of what was then called “Ultramontanism” (the orthodox Catholic position on papal authority) and his refutation of Gallicanism (the alternative view definitively condemned at the council) were so brilliant that the Pope himself — Pius IX at the time — wrote him a letter of approbation and appreciation.… READ MORE

Talk about being confused…

Confused Viganò: Bizarre Theology in former Vatican Nuncio’s Open Letter to Confused Priests

“And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit.” (Mt 15:14b)

On Jan. 31, 2021, the well-known former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò, penned an “Open Letter to Confused Priests”, which was eagerly published in full by the American recognize-and-resist flagship The Remnant. It can be read here:

Not surprisingly, Vigano’s lengthy missive is filled with grave distortions of Catholic theology regarding the Papacy, distortions to which he needs to resort in order to avoid the undesired conclusion of Sedevacantism.… READ MORE