“No Rupture with the Past” Update…

The Church and the Synagogue:
Before and After Vatican II

In order to see the clear rupture that exists between the Novus Ordo Sect and the Roman Catholic Church with regard to its view of apostate Judaism (i.e. the “Judaism” after the transition from the Old to the New Covenant), it is not necessary to slog through complicated tomes of theology.

One simple way to recognize and understand the substantial difference between the two is to look at how the Roman Catholic intercessory prayer for the Jews that is offered on Good Friday differs from the post-Vatican II version.… READ MORE

“Make friends with members of all religions!”

Guru, Rabbi, Mufti, “Pope”:
Francis joins Campaign for Pan-Religious Friendship

The so-called Elijah Interfaith Institute has launched a campaign to bring people of different religions together in order to overcome “negativity and divisions in society”. The effort has received the official endorsement and encouragement of prominent leaders of numerous religions, and of course this includes the head of the apostate Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis.

“The World’s Most Prominent Religious Leaders Call On Everyone To Make Friends Across Religions” is the headline currently displayed on the Institute‘s web site, followed by a summary of its interreligious friendship campaign:

On June 14, 2017 many of the world’s most prominent religious leaders made a joint statement encouraging people everywhere to make friends across religions.


Francis, Rabbi of Reference

Bergoglio and the Jews…

Francis, Rabbi of Reference
by Miles Christi

Catholic writer Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) returns with a new study summarizing the heresies, errors, scandals, blasphemies, and impious practices of Jorge Bergoglio insofar as they relate to apostate Judaism. Miles Christi‘s monograph is entitled Francis, Rabbi of Reference and available in multiple languages, free of charge, through the links below. All files are in PDF format:

Like Miles Christi‘s earlier works, this new document is another handy collection of evidence for the case against Francis.… READ MORE

Meet “Kosher Frank”…

Francis hosts Jewish Delegation at Vatican for Kosher Lunch

This story needs no commentary because it speaks for itself. Jorge Bergoglio is not a Catholic nor a Pope — he is an apostate. What we are seeing here are the next steps in the amalgamation of all religions into one, the prelude to the Antichrist.

[Taken from Vatican Insider, 9/29/13. Coloring added for emphasis.]

“Pope Francis and Rabbi Skorka make history in the Vatican”
by Gerard O’Connell, Rome

Never before in the history of Christian-Jewish relations have a Pope and a Rabbi celebrated their friendship by living in the Vatican together for several days, sharing all meals, including on two Jewish festivals and the Sabbath at which the Rabbi said prayers in Hebrew, and discussing what more they can do together to promote dialogue and peace in the world.


“Cohabitation doesn’t have the Fullness of Marriage”

2010 Book “Cardinal” Bergoglio co-authored with Jewish Rabbi Released in English


On Heaven and Earth
by Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka

In 2010, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, then known as “Cardinal” Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, co-authored a book with a leftist Jewish rabbi by the name of Abraham Skorka. The book is written in the form of a dialogue between the two non-Catholics, and the contents range from conversations about God and religion to same-sex marriage, politics and other topics considered “hot-button” issues in today’s world. The book’s cover is subtitled “Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the 21st Century”.… READ MORE

Judas did it for 30 pieces of silver – Bergoglio does it for free…

“Cardinal” Bergoglio (now “Pope” Francis) Honors Pro-Homosexual Jewish Rabbi who Mocks Christ and Attacks Catholic Church

Skorka poses with Bergoglio for the award – afterwards, they hugged (see below)

Rabbi Abraham Skorka, who favors state-recognized “civil unions” for homosexuals, received an honorary doctorate degree from the Novus Ordo “Pontifical Catholic” University of Argentina in 2012. In his speech at the event, Skorka did the following:

  • Praised Zionism
  • Falsely claimed that the Nazi ideology is rooted in Catholic theology
  • Claimed Christianity cannot be known without Judaism [Skorka’s “Judaism”, of course, is not the Judaism of the Old Testament but the apostate “Judaism” established by Annas and Caiphas at the rejection of Christ]
  • Referred to Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ as a “Dude”
  • Claimed that Our Lord’s teachings about charity are contained in the Talmud
  • Concluded his talk by saying, “We [!]