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Sermon Series:
“Satan will Try to Deceive Even the Elect”
Part 1

Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas
As part of their ongoing broadcast series “From the Pulpit,” our friends at The Restoration Radio Network are making available a very informative multi-part presentation by His Excellency, Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI, on the ways in which Satan is trying to deceive even the elect, as warned by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.”
The following description of Part 1 of Bp. Pivarunas’ sermon is adapted from Restoration Radio:
Bishop Pivarunas starts off this series by explaining the different types of truth with examples. His Excellency then delves into the different states of our minds. Using examples, Bishop Pivarunas teaches us how we can apply this knowledge in theology and in everyday life.
We live in confusing times with an abundance of religions. As we know, there is only one true religion, and the concept of indifference is condemned by the Church. Vatican II has slyly and diabolically placed heresy in its teachings, and even though we know Vatican II is a false religion that came from a false church, its teachings can slip into our minds as truth if we are not on our guard.
Listen in on this series as Bishop Pivarunas points out the objective falsities we are constantly presented with in today’s times, and why they are wrong, so that we will not be deceived.
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to Part 1 of this sermon [UPDATE: The remaining two installments are now also available: Part 2 here and Part 3 here]. On the page that opens, scroll down until you see the big red “FREE” button — right underneath it, you will find the podcast player. Simply click on the triangular PLAY symbol to stream the show online, or click on the little cloud symbol at the bottom right of the player to download the episode for offline listening.
A great companion piece to this sermon broadcast is our post on Cardinal Manning and his predictions, based on his research of the Church Fathers and approved theologians, of how the Great Apostasy will unfold and prepare the way for the Antichrist:
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