Fake pope again encourages invalid confessions…

Francis to Divine Word Missionaries:
God Always Forgives, So Never Deny Absolution!

On June 28, 2024, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge M. Bergoglio) received in audience a number of Missionaries of the Divine Word, who were holding their general chapter in the nearby city of Nemi.

In his address, ‘His Holiness’ failed to surprise, instructing the Verbites (as the Divine Word missionaries are called) to be “missionaries of synodality”:

A Church that “goes forth” is open to others. It is a welcoming and embracing community where the Lord lives and the Spirit is active. The Church that goes out is extroverted, while a partisan Church is introverted.


Informative, witty, compelling!

Podcast: Vatican versus Viganò

Our latest podcast episode, TRADCAST EXPRESS 194, was published on June 24, 2024, and it covers mostly the Vatican’s announced extrajudicial trial against ‘Archbishop’ Carlo Maria Viganò for the crime of schism, as we had reported back on June 20:

In this episode, we do the unthinkable and apply some Vatican II ecclesiology to the case at hand, which leads us to ask some curious questions.

If indeed Viganò is a schismatic…

  • does that mean he will now get invited to ecumenical gatherings?

Before sending them to historic local church to pray for peace…

Francis Allows 100 Buddhist Monks to Pray Over Him at Vatican

On May 27, 2024, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) received a delegation of Buddhist monks from the Temple of the Reclining Buddha (officially named the Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangkhalaram Rajwaramahawihan) in Bangkok, Thailand.

As is customary, Francis gave them a short address. After expressing his delight regarding the “Seventh Buddhist-Christian Colloquium held in Thailand last November … on the theme ‘Karuna and Agape in Dialogue for the Healing of a Wounded Humanity and the Earth'”, he reiterated the importance of working together “to promote a friendship that sustains peace and fraternity and builds a more inclusive world” since “no one is saved alone” — an ambiguous slogan that he has been repeating a lot since his 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti (see n.… READ MORE

What schism is and isn’t…

The Sense and Scope of Schism:
A Pre-Vatican II Canonist Speaks

Recent developments regarding the Vatican’s former nuncio to the United States, ‘Abp.’ Carlo Maria Viganò, who is being tried in the Vatican for schism, have a lot of people talking opining, or even pontificating, on schism and schismatics.

The black-and-white concept of schism doesn’t fit neatly into the prevailing communio ecclesiology of the Vatican II Modernists, who acknowledge various ‘degrees’ of communion between them and truly heretical and schismatic sects such as the Orthodox, Lutherans, Waldensians, Methodists, Old Catholics, etc.

It certainly does, however, fit neatly into the traditional Roman Catholic ecclesiology taught by the true papal magisterium all the way up to, and including, Pope Pius XII (d.… READ MORE

So Bergoglio’s church has a ‘customs office’ after all…

Vatican Puts ‘Abp.’ Carlo Maria Viganò on Trial for Schism

[UPDATE 22-JUN-2024 15:54 UTC: ‘Abp.’ Viganò releases statement making clear he DID NOT and WILL NOT present himself to the DDF for his schism trial.]

[UPDATE 21-JUN-2024 20:22 UTC: Gerard O’Connell retracts prior claim “that Archbishop Viganó presented himself this afternoon, June 20, and deposited his written defense….”, stating on June 21: “Archbishop Viganó did not present himself to the Vatican court on June 20, as this report initially stated.”]


The internet is on fire: The Vatican has begun proceedings against 83-year-old ‘Archbishop’ Carlo Maria Viganò for the canonical crime of schism.… READ MORE

An important reality check…

Are Novus Ordos Rediscovering Belief in the Real Presence, as a Recent Poll Claims? Not So Fast…

Every now and then, a new poll or research study gets published showing that only a certain (low) percentage of people in the United States who identify as Roman Catholics (and even attend Mass the ‘Eucharistic celebration’ frequently) actually believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist; that is, only so many self-proclaimed Catholics actually adhere to the Church’s dogmatic teaching of Transubstantiation.

For example, in the summer of 2019, the Pew Research Center reported that, based on a scientific survey it had conducted, only one-third of “self-described Catholics” in the U.S.… READ MORE

“…see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary” (Ps 73:3)

Hell in Church:
‘Holy Hydra’ Events Profane the Sacred in Austria

We have had countless posts exposing all kinds of blasphemy, desecration, profanation, and sacrilege in Catholic churches over the last few decades, but the event known as Holy Hydra is deserving of yet another such post.

It was in 2018 that the ‘Hydra Culture Club’ of Linz, Austria, began performing in churches once a year. The latest such event took place on June 14, 2024, in the ‘Catholic’ Church of the Risen Christ in the small town of Gmunden, part of the diocese of Linz.… READ MORE

Text ‘The Bishop of Rome’, approved by Francis…

Vatican Issues Ecumenical ‘Study Document’ Downgrading the Papacy to Appeal to Non-Catholics

The Vatican’s next salvo against Roman Catholicism has been fired, this time in the name of ecumenism and synodality.

Today the Vatican’s so-called Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity released a 146-page ‘study’ document entitled The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in the Ecumenical Dialogues and in the Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint. It contains a preface by the Swiss ‘Cardinal’ Kurt Koch, who is the prefect of the Dicastery, meaning he is the Vatican’s top ecumenist.… READ MORE

Dominican Sr. Lucía Caram from Argentina…

Prominent Nun: Sin is Complicated, God Blesses Sodomite Unions, Francis Put Gay Man in Top Vatican Post

image source: Twitter (@sorluciacaram), cropped

Lucía Caram Padilla (b. 1966) is an Argentine Dominican nun living in Barcelona, Spain. She has a history of making heretical, blasphemous, or otherwise scandalous remarks and is a living reminder to the world that simply wearing a religious habit does not make one Catholic, holy, or even just basically decent.

For example, in 2017 Sister Lucia said on Spanish television: “I think Mary was in love with Joseph and that they were a normal couple – and having sex is a normal thing.… READ MORE

In Poland, diocese of Gniezno…

Undignified: Novus Ordo Chapel Sign Depicts Precious Blood of Jesus as Blood Spatter

Image source: Facebook (fair use)

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, the Novus Ordo parish of St. Michael the Archangel in Miescisko, Poland (diocese of Gniezno), held a dedication ceremony for its chapel of the Precious Blood. It was presided over by the local ordinary, ‘Archbishop’ Wojciech Polak, who is also the Primate of Poland.

A 12-minute video with highlights of the ceremony is available on YouTube.

The title image shows the entrance to the chapel. The red ink blotches that look like blood spatter are apparently supposed to depict the Most Precious Blood spilled by Our Savior.… READ MORE

Hand-written response to disaffected young man…

Francis to Seminarian Dismissed for Homosexuality: ‘Go Ahead With Your Vocation’

When it comes to advancing and strengthening the sodomite influence in his counterfeit church, ‘Pope’ Francis moves quickly and with determination.

Barely had the controversy over his ‘anti-gay slur’ during a closed-door meeting with Italian Novus Ordo bishops erupted — he had reportedly said that there were too many sodomites already in the church and therefore such people should not be admitted to seminary — when the Vatican quickly communicated an apology of sorts (which, of course, was not enough for some).

This demonstrates that Club Francis knows fully well about the importance of clarifying what could be misunderstood and making reparation for harm done.… READ MORE