Ratzinger Message read at Meisner Funeral
Benedict XVI: Church is “On Verge of Capsizing”
“Abp.” Ganswein reads Benedict XVI’s Message at Cologne Cathedral
Image credit: domradio.de (video screenshot)
[UPDATE 18-JUL-17: Ganswein denies Benedict meant to criticize Francis]
Today, July 15, the Novus Ordo Sect in Germany conducted the solemn funeral rites for “Cardinal” Joachim Meisner, who had died July 5 at the age of 83. Numerous high-ranking prelates of the Modernist Sect were gathered at the magnificent Cathedral of St. Peter in Cologne. Among them were “Cardinals” Reinhard Marx, Karl Lehmann, Gerhard Ludwig Muller, Peter Erdo, and of course Rainer Maria Woelki, the current “Archbishop” of Cologne and main celebrant of the Requiem.… READ MORE
Ninety years of Joseph Ratzinger
“Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI turns 90
April 16 of this year marks the 90th birthday of Joseph Alois Ratzinger, more commonly known by his stage name, “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI. As Novus Ordo, semi-traditionalist, and secular TV and print media, web sites, and blogs will probably try to surpass each other in heaping praise upon the “orthodox, conservative Pope”, that “Great Restorer of Tradition”, we will use the occasion to remind people that Father Joseph Ratzinger — for that is all he is, never having received a valid consecration as bishop, much less the Papacy — has been a Modernist from his earliest days and is one of the most dangerous enemies of the Faith the Catholic Church has ever known.… READ MORE
“No Rupture with the Past” Update
Vatican claims Catholics can now recognize Martin Luther as a “Witness to the Gospel”
You can file this one in your “You sedevacantists are just a bunch of Protestants!” stack:
The Masonic organization that currently occupies Vatican City and falsely calls itself the Catholic Church has released a document for its annual so-called “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” that claims that Catholics can now recognize the heretic Martin Luther as a “witness to the Gospel”.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is the Novus Ordo version of what used to be the Catholic “Chair of Unity Octave”.… READ MORE
Hard-hitting speech condemns Francis
“Bishop” Schneider rocks Rome, accuses Francis of promoting “The Joy of Adultery” by pretending to Dispense from the Sixth Commandment
Image Source: Le Blog de Jeanne Smits (cropped; used with permission)
The prelude to a formal schism within the Novus Ordo Sect has just reached a new stage: On Monday, Dec. 5, 2016, the Rome-based Lepanto Foundation held a conference in the Eternal City on Christian marriage and the errors of “Pope” Francis’ exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The well-attended conference was hosted by the Foundation‘s president, Roberto de Mattei, and took place only about 3 miles from the Vatican.… READ MORE
Sillonism warmed over…
Francis to Youth:
“You Believe in a New Humanity”!
Thank heavens, World Youth Day 2016 is over. And thankfully, the dreaded in-flight press conference on Francis’ trip back to Rome was not nearly as bad as expected, although this merely testifies to how horrible the expectations are at this point. When asked about why he always speaks about violence and terrorism in general and never specifically identifies it as Islamic, the Jesuit apostate had this to say: “…There are violent Catholics! If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence . . . and no, not all Muslims are violent, not all Catholics are violent.… READ MORE
Voodoo You Trust?
John Paul II’s Betrayal in Benin
by John Kenneth Weiskittel
“You have a strong attachment to the traditions handed on by your ancestors.
It is legitimate to be grateful to your forbears who passed on this sense of the sacred,
belief in a single God who is good, a sense of celebration, esteem for the moral life and for harmony in society.”
—John Paul II (to voodoo representatives of Benin on 4 February 1993 at Cotonou)
The following study deals with very disturbing subject matter, and reader discretion is advised, both as to text and accompanying pictures. … READ MORE
Exclusive Internet Reprint
John Paul II’s Pilgrimage to India
by John Kenneth Weiskittel
This article originally appeared in Catholic Restoration and Sacerdotium magazines in the early 1990s. It has been scanned and automatically converted into text. Therefore, the original formatting has been lost, the illustrations and pictures have been deleted, and words that originally appear in italics are reproduced in regular print. Footnotes will be found at the end of the document. This essay is being reproduced with the express permission of the author and publisher.
In the years since the Second Vatican Council, a common practice among the more traditionally-minded members of the Conciliar Church is to show their support for some aspect of Catholic life (e.g.,… READ MORE
New Chaos Homily denounces All-Or-Nothing Morality as “heretical”…
No More Black and White:
Francis’ Fifty Shades of Grey
image: pxhere.com (CC BY 2.0)
This is the day Michael Voris must have been waiting for: Francis finally condemns heretics! Quick, everyone: Fire up the Vortex cameras and get everything ready on the web site to report on this breaking news!
On second thought, maybe not… Unfortunately for Mr. Voris and his Church Militant crew, Francis condemns as heretical precisely the kind of Catholic Michael Voris considers himself to be. Ouch! (Tim Haines, he means you too!)
On Thursday, June 9, Francis once again outdid himself in the sermon he gave at the daily “Mass” at Casa Santa Marta, this time on the Gospel of St.… READ MORE
That sums it up…
SSPX Bp. Fellay: Francis considers us Catholics — Doctrine is not that important to him
Almost there: Bp. Fellay was interviewed on Reconciliation with Rome
by Edward Pentin on May 13, 2016
The Society of St. Pius X’s Superior General Bishop Bernard Fellay was back in his comfort zone when Novus Ordo journalist Edward Pentin questioned him on May 13 in a new exclusive interview for the National Catholic Register published on May 18. It was friendly fire only, and this is how he likes it, quite in contrast to his epic fail when interrogated by Tim Sebastian on the aptly-named Conflict Zone program in February — a performance so embarrassing that the SSPX never alerted its adherents to the interview’s existence.… READ MORE
The Facts About “Pope Benedict XVI” – Joseph Alois Ratzinger
What You Need To Know About the Man
who Claimed to be the Pope from 2005-2013
“Benedict XVI”
On April 19, 2005, the German “cardinal” Fr. Joseph Ratzinger was elected “Pope” Benedict XVI. This page is dedicated to demonstrating that Ratzinger’s beliefs and actions reveal that he was not a Catholic, and therefore he could not possibly have held the highest office in the Catholic Church, the Papacy.
Furthermore, the “episcopal consecration” of Fr. Ratzinger in 1977 was invalid, and hence Joseph Ratzinger was not even a bishop but only a priest (ordained in 1951).… READ MORE
Unique Gift Idea…
Saint Pius X Commemorative Coin
Without a doubt, the most important Pope of the twentieth century was Pius X (1903-1914), whose glorious 11-year-reign included the condemnation of Modernism and related errors threatening Christendom, the restoration of sacred chant, the compilation and codification of Canon Law, the admittance of children above the age of reason to Holy Communion, and the introduction of frequent, even daily, Communion — in short, the restoration of all things in Christ, which was his papal motto: Instaurare Omnia in Christo. In 1954, the incorrupt Pius X was declared a saint by Pope Pius XII, less than 40 years after his death.… READ MORE
“That’s not right” is not right…
Commie Crucifix Kerfuffle: What did Francis say to the Bolivian President?
Embed from Getty Images
Francis rebuked Morales for a blasphemous gift? Don’t you believe it…
[This post is a follow-up to “Francis Receives Blasphemous Gift of Christ Crucified on Hammer & Sickle”]
[UPDATE 11-JUL-2015 15:12 UTC: Francis dedicates Blasphemous Crucifix Medal to the Blessed Virgin Mary]
Less than 12 hours after the news broke in the English-speaking world that the Bolivian president Evo Morales had given Francis a blasphemous crucifix depicting the Lord Jesus Christ nailed to a hammer and sickle, and that Francis had accepted it without any sign of protest, disgust, anger, or resentment, the Novus Ordo news site Rome Reports published a story claiming that during this infamous exchange of gifts, Francis had actually rebuked the Socialist president with the words, “That’s not right” (“No está bien eso”).… READ MORE
Know the past to understand the present…
Why we are where we are today:
Bp. Sanborn explains the History of Christendom
Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
This past Friday, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS) handed down its decision in the case Obergefell v. Hodges, in which five of the nine judges “decided” that states do not have the right to refuse to issue marriage licenses to “couples” of the same sex. In other words, this Supreme Court decision “legalized” and imposed the unnatural aberration known as “gay marriage” in all 50 states.… READ MORE