TRADCAST 023 (12 NOV 2018)


  • Segment 1: Introductory comments; giving up on Francis; anything but Sedevacantism; the last Catholics; Vatican-China deal; “Abp.” Georg Ganswein canonizes Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Faith, reason, and Modernism; the Vatican and environmentalism; Francis’ silence on the Asia Bibi case
  • Segment 2: Thank you to our donors; the Roman Catholic Mass vs. the Novus Ordo “Mass”; Francis says Christ received his authority from the people; book recommendation: Contra Crawford by Dylan Fellows and Christopher Conlon
  • Total run time: 1 hr 1 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

“It is a duty that we owe”!

Francis tells the World to Convert… to Clean Energy!

(Francis in St. Peter’s Square on June 14, 2015. Image: REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo)

Who says Francis does not tell people to convert?!

Just this past Saturday, Jorge Bergoglio — the man who styles himself “Pope Francis” — told an audience of leading energy executives gathered in the Vatican that they must convert. That papal pretender was talking about a conversion to clean energy and not to Jesus Christ or Catholicism, stands to reason. He is, after all, a Naturalist, and his mouth speaks what is in his heart (cf.… READ MORE

“In whose hands are iniquities: their right hand is filled with gifts” (Ps 25:10)

Life of Buddha: Francis gifts Manuscript celebrating Paganism to President of Myanmar

(image credit: Servizio Fotografico Vaticano / used with permission)
(click image to enlarge)

Beware of 21st-century Jesuits bearing gifts!

When Francis visited the Asian nation of Myanmar in late November, he gave, as is customary, a diplomatic gift to the country’s president, who is the official host; and, being the guest, he received one in return. President Htin Kyaw, who is a Buddhist, gave Francis a set of porcelain wares and also a painting of the Lord Jesus Christ.… READ MORE

Typically a sign of demonic possession…

September “Pope Video” Shows People Walking Backwards

Francis always likes to talk about “moving forward” (see examples here, here, here, and here). No matter whether you’re standing in the middle of a field, at the top of a mountain, or on the edge of a cliff, for Francis there is only one direction: forward!

It is no coincidence that “forward” is one of the chief mottos of Marxists. Add to that Francis’ repeated statements in favor of Communism (for example, see here and, more recently, here), the good time he had with Communist dictator Fidel Castro, the mentoring he received from Communist Esther Ballestrino de Careaga, and his delight in receiving a blasphemous hammer-and-sickle crucifix from Bolivian President Evo Morales, and a clear picture emerges.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 017 is here

It’s like drinking from a firehose of information…

TRADCAST 017 Now Available

In this episode we respond to Jimmy Akin, Christopher Ferrara, Michael Matt, and others

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on March 29: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

In this latest epsiode, TRADCAST 017, we take a look at the self-contradictions in Christopher Ferrara’s response to the sacrilegious Anglican liturgy that took place on March 13 at the Vatican; we respond to an anti-sedevacantist post on the so-called Catholic Truth Blog; we draw attention to the fact that Francis has directly contradicted Jimmy Akin on the issue of proselytism; we briefly talk about our fundraiser for 2017; and we once again refute the absurd theology of the recognize-and-resist camp in a response to Michael Matt’s soliloquy against Sedevacantism in his Remnant Underground video “Papalotry RIP”.… READ MORE

017 TRADCAST (29 MAR 2017)


  • Segment 1: Four years of Francis; Anglican liturgy at St. Peter’s Basilica; Chris Ferrara’s use of Dominus Iesus to blast Anglicanism; response to Catholic Truth Blog‘s lamentation about conversions to Sedevacantism
  • Segment 2: Francis defeats Jimmy Akin on “proselytism”; a dilemma for semi-trads; response to Michael Matt’s Remnant TV program “Papolatry RIP: Pope Ignites Counterrevolution”; controversy and good will.
  • Total run time: 1 hr 23 mins

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above. Alternatively, you can choose right below from more listening/viewing options:

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Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information


Guess what: a new interview!

Francis: “I am a Sinner and am Fallible”

Those who thought that since “Pope” Francis is on retreat this week, we wouldn’t hear anything from him until he returns, will now have their illusions shattered: Tomorrow’s edition of the German weekly Die Zeit features a substantial interview with the chief Modernist of the Vatican II Church. The full text of the conversation, which is only available to paid subscribers, was released electronically on Mar. 8:

In order to remain within the legal guidelines of “fair use” of the copyrighted text, we cannot reproduce a lot of quotes from the interview here.… READ MORE

Bergoglio attacks the Great Commission…

Francis: “It is not right to convince others of your Faith”

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From the man who does away with sins such as adultery and fornication as belonging to a hopelessly outdated and rigid past, now comes the introduction of entirely new “sins”, such as supporting the death penalty, failing to recycle, or — the latest now — the “sin” of converting others.

We saw it a few weeks ago in Georgia, where Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope” Francis — denounced converting the Eastern Orthodox as a “great sin against ecumenism”, and we saw it again on October 13 of this year, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, when Francis received in audience roughly 1,000 ecumenical (mostly Lutheran) “pilgrims” from Germany (photos here).… READ MORE

Remember when Ecumenism was the sin?

Francis denounces Converting the Orthodox as “Great Sin Against Ecumenism”

Embed from Getty Images

As you may have heard, Antipope Francis is currently doing mischief in Georgia — no, not the U.S. state of Georgia but the country of Georgia in Eastern Europe, which has a Novus Ordo population of approximately 2%. He traveled there on Friday and will stay until Sunday morning, when he flies to neighboring Azerbaijan before returning to Rome on Sunday night.

This being his 16th (!) “Apostolic Journey” in 3.5 years, the otherwise carbon-emission-conscious pretend-pope has been burning a lot of jet fuel for… well, for what exactly?… READ MORE

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII
Apostolic Letter to Cardinal Pietro Respighi, Vicar General of Rome

On Protestant Proselytism in Rome (1900)

Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, in which he laments and condemns the preaching and proselytism of Protestants in the city of Rome, Italy.

To M. Pietro Cardinal Respighi, our Vicar General,

Lord Cardinal,

Already, from the first moments of Our Pontificate, We had to indicate, as one of the most deplorable harm that is the change in the order of things in this capital of the Catholic world, the ardent proselytism of heresy and, consequently, the peril which the Faith of Our people was exposed to.


Happy Earth Day to youuuu…

Your Religion?

“It Doesn’t Matter!”
Just “Work Together”!

Okay, everyone, it’s time to get your surprise face ready: For anyone who was still in doubt about what Francis’ central message to the world from the last 3+ years has been, he has now repeated it in plain English — well, Italian actually — in case his words and actions so far have not been clear enough: It doesn’t matter what religion you are.

Speaking off the cuff to a group of youngsters at Rome’s Villa Borghese park on April 24 to commemorate so-called “Earth Day”, the Argentinian papal pretender said the following:

…Look, these are the things that come to my mind.


The Facts About “Pope Francis” — Jorge Mario Bergoglio

What You Need To Know About
the Man who Claims to be the Pope

Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio
“Pope Francis”

Podcasts Refuting Francis’ Errors and Heresies

General Information / Miscellaneous


Heaven forbid someone should convert!

Francis: “Never Proselytize in Schools!”

…or anywhere else, for that matter!

Mr. Jorge “Preach the Gospel Always” Bergoglio — aka “Pope Francis” — has once again stressed that the last thing he actually desires is anyone’s conversion to Catholicism, and here we don’t even mean authentic Catholicism, as found before Vatican II, but even just the NovusOrdo-distorted version of it.

The liberal Italian newspaper La Repubblica (Francis’ favorite, founded by his bosom buddy, the atheist Eugenio Scalfari) published the following on November 21, 2015:

Vatican City: Never proselytize in schools. Pope Francis said this in the Paul VI Audience Hall to seven thousand participants at the World Congress on Catholic Education organized by the Congregation in charge of Catholic Education.


Two things to know and share…

Akin vs. Akin: Let’s get Technical!


Which Jimmy Akin will you read today?

It’s funny how things work in Novus Ordo Land, where the main focus is not on defending the truth but on defending the increasingly absurd idea that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope of the Catholic Church (“Francis”).

Jimmy Akin is a senior apologist at so-called Catholic Answers in California, and he is notorious for coming quickly to Francis’ defense whenever the latter opens his Modernist mouth and says what he really thinks, which is usually at odds with Catholic doctrine and dogma.… READ MORE

The gospel according to Francis…

Francis and the Gospel of Man

Embed from Getty Images

Bergoglio’s cross has no Christ on it because in his gospel
the Redemption is essentially irrelevant

On May 12, 2015, the leader of the Vatican II Sect, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), used the opportunity of the 20th General Assembly of Caritas Internationalis to preach a sermon advancing his false humanist gospel that reduces the essence of Christianity to the service of the earthly needs of our neighbor, as though God became incarnate simply to encourage us to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and give alms to the poor.… READ MORE