Don’t you hate it when that happens?

Coexist: Mosque’s Call to Prayer intrudes on Francis’ Sermon in Cairo

Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. During a visit with clergy and seminarians in Cairo as part of his “Apostolic Journey” to Egypt, Francis on Saturday, Apr. 29, gave a homily that was interrupted by the Muezzin’s call to prayer at the neighboring Al-Nour mosque. Francis, noticing the untimely surprise, checked his watch and simply carried on.

Curiously, the Muezzin’s call came just as Francis read the words: “We venerate the Holy Cross, the instrument and sign of our salvation. When we flee the Cross, we flee the resurrection!”… READ MORE

The Francis Show in Egypt

Same old bunk, different location…

The Francis Show in Egypt

From Apr. 28-29, 2017, the man who likes to see himself called the “Pope of Peace” visited Egypt in order to preach the Gospel the Masonic doctrines of natural brotherhood, dialogue, and encounter to the people there. If you missed it, you didn’t — miss anything, that is. It was a rerun of the same old show, simply adapted to a different setting. Francis gave his usual speeches regurgitating insufferable, lowest-common-denominator Naturalist and ecumenical platitudes before an interreligious audience. Not surprisingly, Francis brought up his heretical concept of an “ecumenism of blood” once again.… READ MORE

Another trip, another blasphemous logo…

Official Logo for Francis Visit to Egypt: Christian Cross put on a par with Mohammedan Crescent

(click image to enlarge)

Antipope Francis, a.k.a. “Pope Sheikh”, has scheduled another one of his infamous apostate “apostolic” journeys abroad, this time to Egypt, from April 28-29. As for all other Beroglian trips outside Italy, this one too comes with its own official logo, which was just released by the “Catholic Church” in Egypt.

In the past, these logos have typically raised eyebrows, because they either looked effeminate, bizarre, or exaggerated the person of Francis to the point where in a number of cases the logo did not even include a cross or any reference to Jesus Christ (see, for example, the logo for the 2015 trip to the U.S.READ MORE

The disaster that is Novus Ordo theology…

The Trinity, the Muslims, and the Jews:
A Brief Reply to Steve Kellmeyer


What passes for “orthodox Catholic commentary” these days is unbelievable. Take Steve Kellmeyer, for example, author of the blog The Fifth Column. Theologically, Kellmeyer is a product of the Franciscan University of Steubenville / Catholic Answers type of “orthodox Catholicism”, and it shows.

In a blog post entitled “Cardinal Burke’s Breakup” (Nov. 24, 2016), Kellmeyer rebukes “Cardinal” Raymond Burke for daring to maintain that Catholics and Muslims do not worship the same God. While there are many things to criticize Mr.READ MORE

A Scathing Rebuke…

A Message for “Pope” Francis

Paul Joseph Watson has a message for “Pope” Francis. You can watch it above; it speaks for itself.

For those who missed it: Yes, Francis actually had the blasphemous audacity to suggest that the Great Commission of our Blessed Lord in Matthew 28:19-20 — “Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” — is essentially no different from the Islamic idea of conquest by beheading and enslaving unbelievers:


The Facts About “Pope John Paul II” – Karol Wojtyla

What You Need To Know About the Man who Claimed to be the Pope from 1978-2005

“John Paul II”

General Information


The Facts About “Pope Francis” — Jorge Mario Bergoglio

What You Need To Know About
the Man who Claims to be the Pope

Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio
“Pope Francis”

Podcasts Refuting Francis’ Errors and Heresies

General Information / Miscellaneous


Jorge hits it out of the park…

Buddha, Shekinah, Jesus, Allah: 

Francis boldly promotes One-World Religion in new “Pope Video”

Chaos Frank has done it again! He just never disappoints. He is the best advertisement for the Catholic theological position of Sedevacantism we have ever had.

Timed perfectly — by divine providence — to coincide with the official release of the new anti-sedevacantist book, True Or False Pope?, the indeed very false “pope” currently occupying the Vatican (Jorge Bergoglio) has released an official so-called “Pope Video”, the first in a series of monthly clips in which the “Holy Father” personally announces his prayer intentions for the universal church.… READ MORE

He did it again…

Francis Makes Another Mess: Chaos Interview during Return Flight from Africa


Boy, this is really getting old. You know how it works: Francis departs from his umpteenth trip by plane, and during the flight he pulls out a microphone and takes questions from members of the press. The Bergoglian jaw starts moving, and at that point, the sky’s the limit as to what words will leave his mouth.

In the latest case, that of November 30, 2015, nothing short of chaos ensued, as usual. We give you the highlights — or rather, lowlights — below, although we will refrain from any substantial commentary.… READ MORE

006 TRADCAST (1 JUL 2015)


  • Segment 1: Recent Vatican News (June 2015) — From the Jorge’s Mouth — Blogosphere & Twitterverse: A look at a recent post by Louie Verrecchio and an argument against Sedevacantism from Twitter
  • Segment 2: The Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized “gay marriage” in the United States — “Pope” Francis’ eco-encyclical Laudato Si and the Neo-Traditionalist reaction critiqued

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Francis at the Blue Mosque…

“Silent Adoration”:
Francis prays with Mufti at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul

Embed from Getty Images

Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is currently visiting Turkey. November 29 marks Day 2 of his trip, and, like his predecessor Benedict XVI, he went to Istanbul and, removing his shoes, stepped into the Mosque of the Sultan Ahmed, often referred to as the “Blue Mosque”. As is visible in the photo above and the video below, Francis prayed for several minutes to the same god as the Muslims:

After the prayer, Francis said to the Muslim leader, “I also want to ask you to pray for me” (source).… READ MORE

In-Your-Face Apostasy…

McCarrick the Muslim: Washington “Cardinal” Lauds the “Holy Koran” and “Muhammad the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him”

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Washington’s retired “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick opens his mouth at a press conference in Washington, D.C., and essentially endorses the Muslim religion. Read the following highlights from an article in The Daily Caller (red print added by us for special emphasis):

Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick offered Islamic religious phrases and insisted that Islam shares foundational rules with Christianity, during a Sept. 10 press conference in D.C.

“In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate,” McCarrick said as he introduced himself to the audience at a meeting arranged by the Muslim Public Affairs Council.


Summing it up…

The Strange “Papacy” of Jorge Bergoglio
by Miles Christi

When on March 13, 2013, a largely unknown Argentinian stepped onto the balcony of St. Peter’s, dressed fully in white, his first words “Good Evening” were only the ominous beginning. Since then, utter chaos has been unfolding in the Novus Ordo Sect (Vatican II Church) under the new leadership of “Pope Francis.” Most people who have been trying to be good Catholics are getting restless, and the upcoming Synod on the Family promises to unleash another theological earthquake, quite possibly leading to a schism within the False Church itself.… READ MORE

It’s a Francis idea, that explains it…

Goals for Peace:
Soccer against War & Genocide


The Official Invitation – click to enlarge

You’d think this is straight from a comedy show, but it’s not: It’s the cold, sad truth. While Christian men, women, and children in Iraq are systematically being massacred in the most barbaric ways, such as by being beheaded, buried alive, or torn in half by members of the Islamic “Religion of Peace”, the world’s most beloved Modernist, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), who is supposedly the Supreme Shepherd of the world’s 1 billion Catholics, will be hosting an international-interreligious “Soccer Match for Peace”, to be held on September 1, 2014, in Rome’s Olympic Stadium.


A perplexed Novus Ordo struggles to understand…

The Vatican and the Muslims

This is a very informative video, produced by a decorated veteran and former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff who is also an expert in Islamic law. He looks at “Pope” Francis’ recent “Interfaith Prayer for Peace” event that took place in the Vatican Gardens on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014, at which a Muslim imam prayed in Arabic for “victory over the infidels.”

Evidently a Novus Ordo of good will, retired Maj. Stephen C. Coughlin, Esq., is someone who, unlike many of the Novus Ordo apologists and bloggers out there, is not refusing to use his God-given intellect to analyze what is coming out of the Modernist Vatican.… READ MORE