Ann Barnhardt dumps Francis,
seeks Refuge in Benedict XVI
She’s finally figured it out: Francis cannot be the Pope of the Catholic Church. The outspoken colorful controversialist Ann Barnhardt has announced on her web site that she can no longer hold that Francis is or ever was a true Pope, the Vicar of Christ. The reason for Miss Barnhardt’s change of mind is found in the very opening paragraphs of her blog post:
It is now clear to me, and I feel it morally incumbent upon me given my position to publicly state that I believe Jorge Bergoglio, “Francis” to be an Antipope, never having been canonically elected, and that Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI is still the Roman Pontiff.
“A Man, not Canonically Elected, will be raised to the Pontificate… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer”
[UPDATE: Some people dispute the authenticity of this prophecy, claiming it was concocted by certain dissident members of the Franciscan order in the 13th century and only subsequently attributed to St. Francis. Whether that be true or false, always keep in mind that ultimately, the case against the Vatican II antipopes is not based on private revelation.]
Shortly before he died in 1226, St. Francis of Assisi called together the members of his order and warned them of great tribulations that would befall the Church in the future, saying:
Act bravely, my Brethren; take courage, and trust in the Lord.
The Facts About “Pope Benedict XVI” – Joseph Alois Ratzinger
What You Need To Know About the Man
who Claimed to be the Pope from 2005-2013
“Benedict XVI”
On April 19, 2005, the German “cardinal” Fr. Joseph Ratzinger was elected “Pope” Benedict XVI. This page is dedicated to demonstrating that Ratzinger’s beliefs and actions reveal that he was not a Catholic, and therefore he could not possibly have held the highest office in the Catholic Church, the Papacy.
Joseph Ratzinger Announced Historic
Resignation Three Years Ago Today
It was Monday, February 11, 2013, when Italian journalist Giovanna Chirri became the first person to inform the world of “Pope” Benedict XVI‘s resignation, effective February 28. As the Vatican correspondent for the Italian news outlet ANSA, Chirri was seated among other members of the press to cover on-site the consistory Benedict had convoked and at which he made known his totally unexpected decision to renounce the office of the papacy which he had (falsely) been claiming since April 19, 2005:
Quapropter bene conscius ponderis huius actus plena libertate declaro me ministerio Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium die 19 aprilis MMV commisso renuntiare ita ut a die 28 februarii MMXIII, hora 20, sedes Romae, sedes Sancti Petri vacet et Conclave ad eligendum novum Summum Pontificem ab his quibus competit convocandum esse.
Marking a milestone of two years “in office”, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the Vatican’s Apostate-in-Chief who goes by the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, has granted yet another interview to the press, this time to Valentina Alazraki of the Mexico-based Noticieros Televisa. Vatican Radio has just released a full translation, so we are posting links to both the original and the translation:
“The Great Reformer”:
Another Book causes Problems for the Vatican
A few months after the release of Antonio Socci’s inconvenient book Non È Francesco, in which the author claims that Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid and Francis is not in fact the Pope, another book has now appeared that is getting Francis into hot water, though this time the dispute over Francis’ validity was entirely unintended by the author. The book in question is Austen Ivereigh’s 445-page biography The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope.
Dr. Ivereigh, once the press secretary of the “Archbishop” of Westminster, “Cardinal” Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, is a veteran journalist and author.… READ MORE
Non È Francesco:
Pressure mounts on Vatican as New Book disputes Francis’ Legitimacy
On September 24, we were the first English-speaking web site to provide information about Antonio Socci’s explosive new book Non È Francesco: La Chiesa Nella Grande Tempesta (“It’s Not Francis: The Church in a Great Tempest”), a work in which the Italian Novus Ordo journalist makes the case that Benedict XVI’s resignation in February 2013 was invalid and therefore the man elected to replace him is not in fact the Pope. (See our original post here.… READ MORE
“He’s Not Francis”:
Explosive New Book Argues Benedict XVI is Still Pope
Not that we want to say, “We told you so”, but… we told you so!
Days before the controversial Synod on the Family is set to begin in Rome, a synod whose decisions may force many people who are currently part of the Vatican II Church to reevaluate their position with respect to whether Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to the papacy is valid and legitimate, the Italian daily Il Foglio reports that journalist and author Antonio Socci (The Fourth Secret of Fatima) will be releasing a 296-page book in which he makes the case that the resignation of “Pope” Benedict XVI in February of 2013 was invalid.
Things are topsy-turvy in Novus Ordo Land. Now they even have their very own “Siri Thesis.”
After the initial appearance in late 2013 of the position we have termed “Resignationism” — the idea that Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid and therefore he is still Pope, and Francis a usurper — there followed a few rounds of additional theorizing by adherents of the thesis, especially after Ratzinger explicitly affirmed to a journalist that his resignation was valid indeed. At the time, we predicted that Benedict’s affirmation would still not put an end to the speculations, and we were proven right when Antonio Socci wrote his follow-up article “The Plot Thickens.”… READ MORE
Now “Abp.” Ganswein Weighs In:
Benedict’s Emeritus Status “Corresponds to Reality”
“Archbishop” Georg Ganswein, Secretary to Benedict XVI
Italian journalist and author Antonio Socci is back with more on the neverending drama surrounding what we have termed the Resignationist thesis, the idea that the resignation of Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) was invalid and he is therefore still the legitimate Pope of the Catholic Church, Francis being an impostor. (For those who don’t know, the position of Novus Ordo Watch is that all “Popes” after Pius XII have been impostors. More on that here.)
In his latest contribution, published March 2, 2014 for the Italian El Libero, Socci reveals the “serious answer” Benedict XVI’s private secretary, “Abp.”… READ MORE
Bad news for Resignationists — those who believe that Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid because brought about by force. While it would allow them a convenient, non-sedevacantist way out of the problems with Francis by saying the true Pope is still Benedict, it is Joseph Ratzinger himself now who has explicitly denied the rumors and confirmed that he gave up his claim to the papacy by his own free will.
Responding to a letter written him by the well-known Italian Vatican journalist Andrea Tornielli of La Stampa, the “Pope Emeritus” clearly states:
There is absolutely no doubt regarding the validity of my resignation from the Petrine ministry.
Italian Journalist Antonio Socci:
Ratzinger Resignation “May Not Be Valid”
Author and Journalist Antonio Socci
One year after Benedict XVI’s historic announcement of his impending resignation from the “papacy”, well-respected Italian journalist and author Antonio Socci reflects on what led Fr. Joseph Ratzinger to give up his claim to the papal office on February 28, 2013.
On November 29, 2013, we had happily reported that the well-known resistance traditionalist Rev. Paul Kramer, editor of The Devil’s Final Battle, had rejected Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to be the Pope of the Catholic Church and declared that the Holy See was vacant. Shortly thereafter, however, Kramer began claiming that Benedict XVI — officially the “Pope Emeritus” — was still reigning despite his resignation effective February 28 of this year. Here is what he posted on his Facebook page the day after announcing “sede vacante”:
The reason Kramer gives for his new position is that he believes Ratzinger’s resignation to have been invalid because it was obtained, so he is convinced, through coercion (acc.… READ MORE
Canada: Trudeau gov’t to halt funds for ‘unmarked graves’ search after millions spent, no bodies found - But hey, 'Pope' Francis didn't mind, as it gave him an opportunity to humiliate the #CatholicChurch before the whole world. #popefrancis #catholic
Who will succeed Francis? Gaetano Masciullo provides this spectrum of sundry Novus Ordo cardinals that could succeed Jorge Bergoglio as 'Pope' (head of the Vatican II Sect): #vatican #pope #popefrancis #catholicchurch #CatholicTwitter #catholicx