Heaven forbid someone should convert!

Francis: “Never Proselytize in Schools!”

…or anywhere else, for that matter!

Mr. Jorge “Preach the Gospel Always” Bergoglio — aka “Pope Francis” — has once again stressed that the last thing he actually desires is anyone’s conversion to Catholicism, and here we don’t even mean authentic Catholicism, as found before Vatican II, but even just the NovusOrdo-distorted version of it.

The liberal Italian newspaper La Repubblica (Francis’ favorite, founded by his bosom buddy, the atheist Eugenio Scalfari) published the following on November 21, 2015:

Vatican City: Never proselytize in schools. Pope Francis said this in the Paul VI Audience Hall to seven thousand participants at the World Congress on Catholic Education organized by the Congregation in charge of Catholic Education.


“Scratch that”…

In Laudato Sii, “Pope” Omits Passage from St. Francis’ Canticle of the Sun that warns of Mortal Sin

Francis Phillips is a writer for the UK-based Novus Ordo publication Catholic Herald. In a July 2 post on “Pope” Francis’ new eco-encyclical Laudato Si, Phillips points out a curiosity that everyone else seems to have missed so far. Although the encyclical claims St. Francis of Assisi’s famous and beautiful Canticle of the Sun for itself — from which the title “Laudato Si” (“Praise Be”) is taken — when it comes to actually quoting the entire text of the Canticle, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) must have decided to improvise a little.… READ MORE

The gospel according to Francis…

Francis and the Gospel of Man

Embed from Getty Images

Bergoglio’s cross has no Christ on it because in his gospel
the Redemption is essentially irrelevant

On May 12, 2015, the leader of the Vatican II Sect, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), used the opportunity of the 20th General Assembly of Caritas Internationalis to preach a sermon advancing his false humanist gospel that reduces the essence of Christianity to the service of the earthly needs of our neighbor, as though God became incarnate simply to encourage us to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and give alms to the poor.… READ MORE

Bergoglio’s Theology in Song…

“Heal the World” with Cistercian “Fr.” Karl Wallner

The above is a video clip of a secular talk show broadcast on Austrian television on Good Friday, April 3, 2015. It features the Cistercian Novus Ordo presbyter “Fr.” Karl Wallner attempting to give a rendition of Michael Jackson’s naturalist 1990s feel-good song Heal the World. He is joined by Birgit Denk, lead singer of the Viennese pop and rock band DENK.

Heal the World (lyrics here), just like similar slushy hymns such as We are the World and Hand in Hand, makes for a perfect theme song for the Vatican II Church, but specifically for Francis’ theology: It contains nothing you couldn’t also find on a Hallmark greeting card, it makes only a fleeting and virtually meaningless reference to God, it has no answer for human misery and suffering, it glosses over the necessity of divine grace, it treats life in this world as the ultimate purpose of human existence, and it puts its hope in the natural “goodness” of man, that just needs to be rekindled, as the solution to the world’s problems. … READ MORE

Bergoglio’s Naturalism has no Answer…

Francis Stumped — Can’t Answer Child’s Question about Suffering, says “There is no Answer”

We have long said that the religion Francis promotes is not that of genuine Catholicism, but rather an empty greeting-card spirituality that thrives on platitudes about “love”, “brotherhood”, “encounter”, “dialogue”, and anything else the Dalai Lama wouldn’t object to. Such spirituality is totally devoid of anything distinctively Christian, distinctively Catholic, as though our Blessed Lord had come to earth merely to help the poor and ease suffering. This sort of Naturalism is necessarily dumfounded when confronted with the question for the cause and purpose of human suffering, which it cannot explain, because to a Naturalist, happiness is necessarily tied to the enjoyment of the pleasures of this world, which human suffering contradicts.… READ MORE

As long as you’re not Catholic, that is…

Francis Doesn’t Care What Religion You Are

The following clip has recently been making the rounds. It is a brief excerpt from a video made in 2013 when Francis visited Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for World Youth Day. In it, he declares that it is not important to him whether someone lacking food and education receives a Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, or Jewish education, as long as he is fed and gets educated. We provide an English translation and a link to the full interview below.

The entire interview, which was broadcast on Brazilian television at the time, can be watched at this link (with English subtitles); the so-called Catholic News Agency has a summary of the conversation posted here.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

It’s Time for the “Soccer Game for Peace”!
Meet the Official Mascot, Plim-Plim:

To be clear: Plim-Plim is the one on the right

The Vatican has introduced the official mascot of the upcoming “Interreligious Match for Peace”. Please welcome…. PLIM PLIM!

Yes, Plim Plim plays soccer with the “Pope”, and no doubt this will bring on a gigantic wave of peace that will flood the world with luv, harmony, mutual respect, and brotherhood! You see, Plim Plim is a big fan of the “Co-Exist” ideology, as Vatican Radio was only too happy to point out:

Vatican Radio’s article on this — in Spanish — can be found at this link.… READ MORE

The “Operation of Error” in Full Swing…

The Interreligious “Prayer for Peace” from the Vatican Gardens: Jewish, Muslim, “Catholic”

Embed from Getty Images

Francis’ Naturalist idea of obtaining peace involves planting an olive tree

“Chaos Frank” has done it again. On Pentecost Sunday 2014, he hosted an interreligious “Invocation for Peace” event at the Vatican Gardens. The main attendees were Patriarch Bartholomew I (Eastern Schismatic), Israeli President Shimon Peres (Jewish), and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Muslim).

Two videos of the event, the first a summary, the other the entire spectacle at full length, are available here:

The Vatican web site has made available the full text of the prayers offered to what is claimed to be the same true God, which of course is a lie.… READ MORE

The Apostate Humanism of Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu

Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 1989:
“I Love All Religions”

RealyEasyStar/ Fotografia Felici / Alamy Stock Photo

Hailed by the world and the Vatican II Sect as a “saint”, the woman known as Mother Teresa engaged indeed in heroic corporal works of mercy – however, only at the expense of the spiritual works of mercy, which are, by their very nature, more important and more excellent than the corporal works.

Though she no doubt cared for the bodily needs of the poor in a most selfless fashion, the sad truth is that “Blessed” Mother Teresa – as she is called in the Novus Ordo Church – was not a Roman Catholic but an apostate from the Faith, and all the most heroic charitable works cannot make an apostate into a Catholic.


Catholic Church vs. Vatican II Sect

The Morality of Capital Punishment

The Novus Ordo Church of the Second Vatican Council has changed many Catholic teachings, such as on ecclesiology, the papal primacy, the social kingship of Christ, ecumenism, and so forth. It has also messed with the Catholic position on capital punishment. Gradually, the shift has occurred from an endorsement of capital punishment (the Catholic position) to its virtual prohibition (the Novus Ordo modernist position), citing all sorts of phony reasons. The Vatican II sect has tried to call this a “development” but it is, in fact, a corruption, for its conclusion is the opposite of what it once was – hardly a legitimate “development”.… READ MORE

Put on Your Surprise Face…

Italian Freemasonry Officially Supports “Pope” Bergoglio

Tradition In Action has the following story:

If you forgot to put on your surprise face, now is the time.

Reality Check:

The Catholic Church most firmly condemns Freemasonry and all its abominable sects; the Masons themselves have announced their wicked conspiracy against the Church:

  • Pope Leo XII, Apostolic Constitution Quo Graviora (1826)
  • “We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is; and by sermons and pastoral letters to instruct the people as to the artifices used by societies of this kind in seducing men and enticing them into their ranks, and as to the depravity of their opinions and the wickedness of their acts.