One false prophet recommends another…

Francis endorses Teilhard de Chardin’s ‘Mass on the World’

His true god was evolution: the French Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

On his recent blather tour in Mongolia (Aug. 31 – Sep. 4, 2023), the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) offered some impromptu remarks after presiding over the Novus Ordo worship service (incorrectly termed ‘Holy Mass’) in the capital of Ulaanbaatar on Sep. 3. He took the opportunity to speak favorably of the notorious French Jesuit Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) and his infamous ‘Mass on the World’, written in 1923:

The Mass is itself a way of giving thanks: “Eucharistía”.


An insightful reality check…

Fernandez on Papal Charism and the ‘Doctrine of the Holy Father’: Brazen Baloney or Traditional Teaching?

This blog is certainly the last place on earth that would want to defend ‘Archbishop’ (and almost ‘Cardinal’) Victor Manuel Fernandez, the Vatican’s new doctrine chief who is notorious for having written the book Heal Me with your Mouth: the Art of Kissing (1995). However, truth is truth, even if the ‘wrong’ person speaks it.

When the National Catholic Register released an interview with Fernandez on Sep. 11, 2023, one point immediately caught the ire and contempt of the recognize-and-resist traditionalists (we like to refer to them as “semi-trads”) on the internet.… READ MORE

An Argentinian in Rome is not amused…

Target: Tyler, Texas
A Commentary on the sticky Strickland Situation

By now presumably everyone reading this post is aware of the news The Pillar broke on Monday:

At a meeting Saturday [Sep. 9. 2023], Pope Francis discussed with Vatican officials the prospect of requesting the resignation of Bishop Joseph Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, The Pillar has learned.

The pope met Sept. 9 with Archbishop Robert Prevost, OSA, head of the Dicastery for Bishops, and Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States – both cardinals-elect.

Several sources close to the dicastery told The Pillar ahead of the meeting that the prelates would present the pope with the results of an apostolic visitation of Strickland’s diocese, conducted earlier this year, as well as subsequent public actions by the bishop, who has emerged as an outspoken critic of the Holy Father.


The Faith allows for mystery but not for contradiction…

Sedevacantism and the Mystery of the Church’s Passion:
Reply to Robert Morrison

On June 30, 2023, the semi-traditionalist flagship publication The Remnant published a brief article entitled “Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s Vision of the Great Mystery of the Church’s Passion”. Its author is Robert Morrison, a writer we have had occasion to critique a number of times before on this blog and in our podcast program.

In this post we will touch on a few things from that article that appear to call for some sedevacantist reaction. Morrison writes:

Whereas Archbishop Lefebvre accepted the existence of a great mystery as it relates to the Church’s crisis, others have attempted to eliminate the mystery, typically in one of two ways described by Archbishop Lefebvre:

“There are people who are seeing the passion of the Church and the tragedy of papacy and so they conclude that such a degradation of papacy is not possible and so the pope can not be the pope.


Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Ecclesiastical Déjà Vu:
The Apostasy Advances, Semi-Trads out of Ideas

TRADCAST 036 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on July 28: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way — and with an occasional relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 036 (28 JUL 2023)


  • Segment 1 — Ecclesiastical déjà vu: the eerie similarities between the 1960s and today; critique of a recent Remnant article by Robert Morrison; ecumenical requiem for a glacier; some comments on the Victor Manuel Fernandez appointment; how Vatican City defends its own borders; Vatican condemns desecration of religious symbols as offense against human dignity; president of ‘Pontifical International Marian Academy’ says Marian apparitions that warn of divine punishment are false.
  • Segment 2 — Francis’ message to World Youth Day pilgrims; Francis to travel to Mongolia; comments on the upcoming Synod on Synodality; response to Remnant editor Michael Matt and his ‘Bellarmine Moment’; critique of Peter Kwasniewski’s attempt to bring a Coptic Orthodox man back to the Vatican II Church.

Response to Christine Niles…

Sister Lucy Truth answers Church Militant:
Was the true Fatima Seer replaced with an Impostor?

For years now, the non-profit organization Sister Lucy Truth has commissioned scientific experts in various fields to determine scientifically, and not simply based on best guesses or gut feeling, whether the woman presented to the world as Sister Lucy of Fatima from 1967 until her death in 2005 is indeed the former shepherd child to whom our Lady appeared in the small Portuguese town in 1917:

What Sister Lucy Truth has been doing is the only proper way to go about resolving the mystery: by asking third-party experts, those with no dog in the fight and the proper credentials to do scientific analyses and give their professional judgment about the data at hand.… READ MORE

New interview with the false pope!

Francis denounces Burning of the Muslim Koran in Sweden

The papal impostor put on his pensive face for the interview with Al-Ittihad

The Vatican may be on its annual summer break all through July, but the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) has a way of making sure he remains in the news nonetheless.

Not surprisingly, therefore, the month had barely started when yet another interview with Francis was published, this time by Al-Ittihad, a newspaper from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on July 3:

This is the first time Bergoglio has given an interview to a publication from the UAE.… READ MORE

An informative reality check…

‘Bishop’ Huonder says Francis told him SSPX Not Schismatic! But what is that worth?

A video by the retired Swiss Novus Ordo bishop Vitus Huonder (b. 1942) is making waves.

Huonder, the former ordinary of Chur, Switzerland, has been supportive of the Society of St. Pius X for a few years now. The Society, abbreviated ‘SSPX’ in the United States and Canada and ‘FSSPX’ in the rest of the world, was founded in 1970 by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre to train priests for the Traditional Latin Mass and promote the Roman Catholic Faith as it had been known and taught until the Second Vatican Council (1962-65).… READ MORE

Beware of false apparitions and suspect devotions…

The Divine Mercy Devotion:
Condemned by the Vatican in 1959

Only few people have never heard of the so-called “Divine Mercy” devotion. It has its origin in the alleged visions of a Polish nun by the name of Sr. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. The “Divine Mercy” devotion is extremely popular in the Vatican II Church, owing for the most part to the efforts of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, first as the “Archbishop” of Cracow, then as “Pope” John Paul II.

A great number of traditional Catholics, as well, have been led to accept this devotion, which, unfortunately, is sometimes confused with the most noble and laudable devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is based chiefly on the revelations of Our Lord to St.… READ MORE

False pope teaches false doctrine…

The Impossible Encyclical: Pacem in Terris turns 60

The false pope John XXIII as he unleashes false doctrine on unsuspecting Catholics (Apr. 10, 1963)

These days the Vatican is commemorating the 60th anniversary of the encyclical letter Pacem in Terris (“Peace on Earth”) by Angelo Roncalli (‘Pope John XXIII’). Although officially dated Apr. 11, 1963 — Holy Thursday — it was actually signed and issued a day early.

Pacem in Terris came at the tail end of Roncalli’s usurped pontificate — less than two months later, he was dead. It was the height of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis having occurred roughly six months before.… READ MORE

Answering a common misconception…

Could Non-Infallible Papal Teaching be Heretical?

A lot of people in the theological camp we call the “recognize-and-resist” position believe that whatever teaching from the Roman Pontiff is not protected by infallibility, that is, whatever papal teaching is not divinely guaranteed to be free from all error, could for that very reason be heretical.

Consequently, they infer that for a Pope to teach heresy “non-infallibly” is entirely within the purview of what is possible in the Church, and therefore Francis’ magisterial heresies cannot be used as an argument that he is not a valid Pope.… READ MORE

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

March 22, 2023

It’s Lent, but this Pentecost dance will surely cheer you up!

March 13 of this year marked 10 Years of “Pope Francis”! Here’s how it started. And here’s how it’s going. By the way, what’s that mysterious box under his robe?

Intrepid Archlayman of Cincinnati moves to protect his flock from ad orientem worship.

Vatican “Cardinal” Arthur Roche candidly admits that the suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass is ultimately about doctrine — the true Roman Mass simply doesn’t fit into the Vatican II religion.… READ MORE

‘Encounter theology’ at full throttle!

Pure Modernism: Jesuit Presbyter says the Church came from Disciples’ Experience of Jesus Christ

We know that Modernism is lurking everywhere in our day, but rarely is it found so boldly and explicitly stated as in a recent article by the Rev. Jim McDermott, S.J.

Entitled “What the Catholic Church can learn from the resurrection of Barnes & Noble”, McDermott’s monograph appeared in America, which was once a solid Catholic review but at this point is nothing but a Modernist rag, in keeping with the trajectory of the Jesuits as a whole.

But first, a quick heads-up: “Fr.”… READ MORE

Rev. Leonardo Holtz becomes Catholic priest

Brazilian Novus Ordo Priest ‘Excommunicated’ for becoming Sedevacantist, receiving Ordination

This time it was valid: Fr. Leonardo Holtz after his ordination by Bp. Rodrigo da Silva

News broke the other day that ‘Cardinal’ Orani João Tempesta (b. 1950), who is the Novus Ordo Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has declared one of his former presbyters excommunicated (from the ‘Conciliar’ Church).

The happy soul in question is Fr. Leonardo Holtz Peixoto, who, having become a sedevacantist and rejected the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), was properly ordained a Catholic priest by Bp. Rodrigo da Silva on Nov.… READ MORE