The Catechism of Vatican II
The Catechism of the Conciliar Cult:
25 Years of the Modernist Catechism of the Catholic Church
This past October 11 was not just the 55th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, it also marked the 25th anniversary of the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Sect’s universal catechism, officially called the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Its full text can be found in numerous languages on the Vatican web site.
On Oct. 11, 1992, “Pope” John Paul II used the full weight of his supposed “apostolic authority” to impose upon his followers the first official full-size doctrinal compendium of the Novus Ordo religion. The New Catechism, as it is often called, is to Vatican II what the traditional Roman Catechism is to the Council of Trent, for which reason the latter is also called the Catechism of the Council of Trent. For the 25th anniversary of the New Catechism, “Pope” Francis gave a lengthy speech riddled with errors, which we will critically examine in a separate post.
The chief authors of the New Catechism include the Modernist heavyweight Joseph Ratzinger, then the head of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, who gave the required approbation to publish (imprimi potest); as well as the satanic Ratzinger student Christoph Schonborn, the apostate “Archbishop” of Vienna.
One very striking difference between the real and the fake catechism, among a great many others, is the latter’s exaggerated emphasis on the dignity of man, a Masonic favorite. The traditional Roman Catechism includes only one single paragraph under this heading, expressing the Catholic teaching as follows:
When the faithful have placed these things before their eyes, let them also reflect that God condescended to assume the lowliness and frailty of our flesh in order to exalt man to the highest degree of dignity. This single reflection, that He who is true and perfect God became man, supplies sufficient proof of the exalted dignity conferred on the human race by the divine bounty; since we may now glory that the Son of God is bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh, a privilege not given to Angels, for nowhere, says the Apostle, doth he take hold of the Angels: but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold.
(Catechism of the Council of Trent, Part I, Article III)
The Novus Ordo Catechism, on the other hand, has an entire chapter titled “The Dignity of the Human Person”, under which are treated a whole host of subjects (eight articles in Part III, Chapter 1), in total spanning roughly 35 pages in the English edition published by Doubleday in 1997.
All who claim to be Catholic and believe John Paul II to have been a true Pope, are morally obliged to adhere to the New Catechism and consider it a “sure norm for teaching the faith”, as John Paul II declared in his bull of promulgation:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, which I approved 25 June last and the publication of which I today order by virtue of my Apostolic Authority, is a statement of the Church’s faith and of Catholic doctrine, attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture, Apostolic Tradition and the Church’s Magisterium. I declare it to be a valid and legitimate instrument for ecclesial communion and a sure norm for teaching the faith.
(Antipope John Paul II, “Apostolic Constitution” Fidei Depositum, Oct. 11, 1992)
We remind all “resistance” traditionalists (aka “Semi-Traditionalists”) who balk at this “papal” declaration that the traditional Catholic teaching is that “the faithful [should] grow in love for this Holy See, venerate it, and accept it with complete obedience; they should execute whatever the See itself teaches, determines, and decrees” (Pope Pius IX, Encyclical Inter Multiplices, n. 7). In other words, if the Pope declares that a certain catechism is a sure norm for teaching the true Faith, then that’s what it is. It simply doesn’t matter if some autocephalous bishop in Menzingen or some lawyer in Virginia disagrees.
While we do not have a complete list of all the errors in the New Catechism, we would like to draw your attention to where you can find some of them identified:
- “New Danger! Catechism of the Catholic Church!” by SiSiNoNo
- “The New Catechism… is it Catholic?” (Part 1) by Fr. Michel Simoulin, SSPX
- “The New Catechism… is it Catholic?” (Part 2) by Fr. Michel Simoulin, SSPX
- “The New Catechism… is it Catholic?” (Part 3) by Fr. Michel Simoulin, SSPX
- “The New Catechism… is it Catholic?” (Part 4) by Fr. Michel Simoulin, SSPX
Although this material exposes many of the errors found in the Novus Ordo Catechism, we urge caution in reading because the content was produced by Semi-Traditionalists, that is, self-styled traditional Catholics who acknowledge John Paul II as a true Pope but refuse him submission in order to resist his errors. In order to get around the Catholic obligation to submit to the papal Magisterium, they distort traditional Church teaching on the Papacy and the Church, as we have demonstrated on this web site many times.
The Modernist Catechism does not just contain disturbing material within it, however, it also displays it on the outside: An uncommon logo adorns the cover of most editions of the New Catechism and is used by the Vatican Publishing House (Libreria Editrice Vaticana). The Vatican web site, too, features it on its Catechism Compendium page:
One could think of all sorts of appropriate Catholic logos or images to put on the front cover of a universal catechism, but a pan flute-playing shepherd under an odd-looking laurel tree is something most people probably couldn’t come up with if they got paid to. We have to keep in mind that images like this are picked most carefully and do not end up on the cover of the “Catholic Church’s” universal catechism by accident.
The official explanation given is that this image is supposed to represent the Good Shepherd (cf. Jn 10:11) who plays the “melody of truth”, but after reviewing images of the pagan Greek god Pan and his homosexual teenage lover Daphnis, another explanation seems more plausible:
Surely it is but a surprising coincidence that according to Greek mythology, Daphnis was born under a laurel tree, was a shepherd, and played the pan flute, something he had been taught by Pan, who just so happened to take a homoerotic interest in him. Notice also that Pan’s left knee protrudes the same way as the flute-player’s knee does in the “Good Shepherd” logo — another startling coincidence.
Considering the occult imagery we can see in the Novus Ordo Sect in various places (try this, and this, and this), it is not unreasonable to doubt the official explanation. The claim that this image is adapted from a tombstone found in the catacomb of St. Domitilla — presumably the one depicted below — is not very convincing either:

Why should we be surprised that a religion from hell — for it certainly is not from Heaven — that preaches a false gospel, celebrates paganism, and is filled with homosexuals in the hierarchy, should use occult, homoerotic imagery?
The Vatican II Sect worships man, not God. Man-centeredness — also called anthropocentrism — is one of the core doctrines and hallmarks of the Novus Ordo religion, which has long put man in place of the Divinity: “[T]his”, says Pope St. Pius X, “is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, [that] man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God, raising himself above all that is called God; in such wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in himself all knowledge of God, he has contemned God’s majesty and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored” (Encyclical E Supremi, n. 5; cf. 2 Thess 2:2). Three years prior, Pope Leo XIII had lamented: “The world has heard enough of the so-called ‘rights of man.’ Let it hear something of the rights of God” (Encyclical Tametsi, n. 13).
It was at the Second Vatican Council that man was officially put in the place of God — not without some plausible deniability, of course, but nonetheless in such a way that it would be sufficiently evident to all who are willing to look: “According to the almost unanimous opinion of believers and unbelievers alike”, the pseudo-council declared, “all things on earth should be related to man as their center and crown” (Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, n. 12).
As the Modernist philosophy of Immanuel Kant (d. 1804) embodied the Copernican Revolution in philosophy, so Vatican II constitutes the Copernican Revolution in theology. No longer does man revolve around God; now it is God who is made to revolve around man — “with infinite temerity” indeed. The false “Gospel of Man” is alive and well, and the 1992 Catechism of the Conciliar Cult constituted a milestone in its development.
Francis is merely advancing it to the next step.
The first edition of the CCC had zero reference to the Mass as a propitiatory Sacrifice, or the renewal of calvary. From the second edition onwards, they quietly slipped paragraphs 1366 and 1367 in to keep the conservatives happy. It is similar to the trick they played in the 1970 GIRM “correcting” the even more defective 1969 Instruction.
The Church has been going down that slippery slope for a long time, Vatican II was the last straw. It is easy to see in hindsight how it happened. Heaven warned us over and over but many preferred to be a “Going my Way’ catholic. In retrospect it was easy for them to convince many worldly Catholics, because Vatican II was what they really wanted. They wanted the faith to be more mainstream and Protestant. It isn’t by accident that many of EWTN’s commenters were former Protestants. On one show where Protestants who have joined the Vatican II sect tell of their journey, the host exclaimed that He never would have “Come Home” if it wasn’t for Vatican II , it was very telling. The weasel words ultra conservative is what true Catholic are now called by the cult. It is a usage that they use to polarize and alienate those who hold the true faith from the mainstream lukewarm sect. It is fitting that they use the symbol of a half goat Pan since the sect divides the goats from the sheep by its very nature.
“On one show where Protestants who have joined the Vatican II sect tell of their journey, the host exclaimed that He never would have “Come Home” if it wasn’t for Vatican II , it was very telling.”
A lie if I ever heard one. The Novus Ordo religion has the worst conversion balance of any major religion in the United States. (Link) Anecdotally, traditional Catholics have a roughly even balance.
I believe it was Marcus Grodi who made the remark about his personal reason for joining the VII sect . I don’t believe he was talking about anybody else. But there’s no doubt that the sect lost millions of Catholics , many still are waiting in the catacombs.
It’s also not coincidence that the modernists happen to pick Oct. 11 as the opening of Vatican II and the promulgation of the “New Catechism.” Oct. 11 is the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Divine maternity. To add insult, the new and improved church as they would like it to be viewed not only focuses on Man being more important than God, but also how their pedophilia, trans mutant gendered church is a more important “mother” figure than the “old” Holy mother Church. As Bergoglio said “God would not be God without man” so to the Vatican II Church would not be itself without its “divine motherly” teachings.
You won’t find Pope St. Pius X condemnations against modernism in the 92 catechism either. Imagine that.
The ‘catch-ecism’ of souls for satan.
Sacrifices for the ignorant or willfully ignorant with regards to the True Faith. They consolidate every other non-Catholic soul in their ‘supported by satan’ bubbles.
It is VII and its heresiarchs that are responsible for a whole generation throwing off the Truth of who God’s people are, and falling into the Talmudic trap that Rabbinical Jews somehow still hold that ‘honour’. Christ’s people are Israel – ‘no Jew, no Greek in Christ’; yet the Talmudists have most folks spouting their lies for them, oh the Jews, ‘God’s chosen’. People who call themselves Christians have little idea what that means because they do not know the Christ they claim or the Church they assert membership in.
I always like to remember that Scripture speaks of those “that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Apoc 2:9).
When Francis rewrites his catechism, the infamous “Dutch Catechism of 1966” will look downright orthodox. Time for another new springtime!