You can’t make this stuff up…

Comedy Hour with Salza and Siscoe:
The Great Apostasy is Catholic Traditionalism!

On May 1, 2024, Messrs. John Salza and Robert Siscoe, both of them authors of the 2015 anti-sedevacantist tome True or False Pope?, appeared on the ‘Michael Lofton Show’ on the Reason and Theology channel on YouTube. Their topic was Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism, Sedevacantism, and the Great Apostasy:

Since a complete critical review of the entire broadcast would take quite a bit of time to put together, we have at least produced a podcast refuting their main contention (make sure you’re seated!): … READ MORE

Defending Bergoglio has its risks…

‘Popesplaining’ Gone Wrong:
‘Pope’ Francis Rains on Michael Lofton’s Parade

Right: Mr. Michael Lofton, Th.D. candidate and owner of expensive books

As we duly reported on this blog on Jan. 25, 2024, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby — himself a mere layman on account of the general invalidity of Anglican orders — offered an invalid Mass (‘Eucharistic liturgy’) at the Catholic Basilica of St. Bartholomew in Rome, and he did so with the permission of ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio):

The nullity (invalidity) of Anglican orders was declared by Pope Leo XIII in his 1896 bull Apostolicae Curae.… READ MORE

Archlayman of Canterbury presides…

Francis Permits Invalid Anglican Eucharist in Roman Basilica

Anglican layman Justin Welby raises bread at the ‘Eucharist’ in St. Bartholomew’s on Jan. 25, 2024

Last year, on Apr. 18, 2023, a big fuss ensued over Anglican bishop Jonathan Baker offering a ‘Eucharistic celebration’ at the papal cathedral of Saint John Lateran in Rome. And rightly so, for not only is the Anglican religion (Church of England, known in the United States as the Episcopal Church) heretical and schismatic, but its clergy do not even have valid ordinations.

The nullity (invalidity) of Anglican orders was declared by Pope Leo XIII in his 1896 bull Apostolicae Curae.… READ MORE

Vatican II ecclesiology in action…

Non-Catholic ‘Martyrs’: Francis adds 21 murdered Copts as ‘Saints’ to Roman Martyrology

An icon of the 21 Coptic Orthodox who were murdered by ISIS terrorists in 2015 (created by Tony Rezk)

If you blinked, you probably missed it: Jorge Bergoglio, the Modernist apostate from Buenos Aires who has occupied the Vatican for over a decade now under the stage name ‘Pope Francis’, has just declared 21 non-Catholic (Coptic Orthodox) ‘martyrs’ to be added to the Roman martyrology, which is the official list of martyrs accepted by and venerated in the Latin Church.

Even the Novus Ordo press recognizes that this is a big deal: “A ‘bolt out of the blue’: Pope Francis sets off an ecumenical earthquake”, The Catholic World Report writes; “Unpacking how history changed … with recognition of Coptic martyrs”, Crux explains.… READ MORE

An informative reality check…

‘Bishop’ Huonder says Francis told him SSPX Not Schismatic! But what is that worth?

A video by the retired Swiss Novus Ordo bishop Vitus Huonder (b. 1942) is making waves.

Huonder, the former ordinary of Chur, Switzerland, has been supportive of the Society of St. Pius X for a few years now. The Society, abbreviated ‘SSPX’ in the United States and Canada and ‘FSSPX’ in the rest of the world, was founded in 1970 by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre to train priests for the Traditional Latin Mass and promote the Roman Catholic Faith as it had been known and taught until the Second Vatican Council (1962-65).… READ MORE

Recognize-and-Resisters pushed over the edge…

Bergoglio breaks the Semi-Trads: Is the Fence-Sitting coming to an End?

Good news, everyone: It seems more and more semi-traditionalists are finally at the breaking point with Jorge Bergoglio. His recent apology tour for indigenous Canadians seems to have put some people over the edge. During this trip, the man otherwise known by his stage name, “Pope Francis”, did not just unload heaps of the expected ideological blather, he also participated in a pagan smudge ceremony petitioning the “western grandmother” for “access to the sacred circle of spirits”.

At this point, even Taylor Marshall has had enough: “I’m at a loss.… READ MORE