The scientific evidence speaks volumes…

The Fatima Center Agrees: After Vatican II, the Public ‘Sister Lucy’ Was Not the Real Fatima Seer

Big news out of Canada: The Fatima Center, the organization founded by ‘Fr.’ Nicholas Gruner for promoting devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and spreading her message, is now officially acknowledging that the oldest of the three seers, Sister Lucia dos Santos, was replaced by an impostor from 1967 onwards, at least in the few public appearances she made.

This announcement was published in a pinned comment by the Fatima Center‘s YouTube channel underneath/beside a video clip that is an extract from a presentation on this very topic by David Rodríguez, the Center‘s content director:

In case the image won’t display, here is the text of the announcement:

The Fatima Center’s position is that it has been established with reasonable certainty that the woman presenting herself as Sister Lucia in all known public photos from 1967 onward was not the true Lucia.


Response to Christine Niles…

Sister Lucy Truth answers Church Militant:
Was the true Fatima Seer replaced with an Impostor?

For years now, the non-profit organization Sister Lucy Truth has commissioned scientific experts in various fields to determine scientifically, and not simply based on best guesses or gut feeling, whether the woman presented to the world as Sister Lucy of Fatima from 1967 until her death in 2005 is indeed the former shepherd child to whom our Lady appeared in the small Portuguese town in 1917:

What Sister Lucy Truth has been doing is the only proper way to go about resolving the mystery: by asking third-party experts, those with no dog in the fight and the proper credentials to do scientific analyses and give their professional judgment about the data at hand.… READ MORE

Questions & Answers on the Sister Lucy Truth project…

Was Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced with an Impostor?
An Interview with Dr. Peter Chojnowski

Ladies and gentlemen:

Yes, it is tiring. It is tiring to constantly have to question whether what one sees is real or fake. We live in a world in which there is a fake “Catholic” church with a fake pope and, it is pretty certain, also a fake Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima.

If you’re ever tempted to throw in the towel, pray and look around: This world is going crazier by the day, because it is ever more determinedly departing from its Creator and Lord and thus distancing itself from true Life, true Love, and genuine sanity.… READ MORE

Fr. Edward Leen against the Marxists…

A Brief Catholic Critique of Communism

Early protagonists of Communism: Vladimir Lenin, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx

In 1939, the magnificent Irish Catholic writer Fr. Edward Leen (1885-1944) published a book entitled The Church before Pilate. Released at a critical moment in history, it addresses the relations between the Catholic Church and the secular authority. At only 78 pages, it is a short read and highly recommended.

In Chapter 2 of The Church before Pilate, the author devotes a subsection to the topic of Communism. He offers a sobering analysis of the despicable, materialistic, godless system introduced by Karl Marx (1818-1883), identifying it as “the most uncompromising enemy of Catholicity”, indeed “the most thorough expression of the partial, incomplete and somewhat illogical revolts that have marked the course of Christianity from the first years of the Christian era.”… READ MORE

The ‘Sister Lucy Truth’ project explained

Sr. Lucia of Fatima and the Woman who Replaced Her

For years the Thomist philosopher Dr. Peter Chojnowski (aka “RadTrad Thomist”) has been busy gathering data for professional evaluation by accredited and recognized scientific experts to determine the truth regarding the rumors and corresponding circumstantial evidence suggesting that the Fatima seer Sister Lucia dos Santos, to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917, was replaced by an impostor some time after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.

To that end, Chojnowski even established a tax-exempt non-profit organization called Sister Lucy Truth in 2017.… READ MORE

Vatican II Sect vs. Fatima

Explosive: Major TV Network to air Documentary on Vatican’s “Sister Lucy” Imposture

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very exciting development: Peter Chojnowski of the Sister Lucy Truth project has announced on his personal blog that an (as of yet unidentified) major mainstream media network is planning on producing and broadcasting a 2-3 hour professional documentary on the true vs. fake Sister Lucy of Fatima controversy. The program is to be aired on Aug. 11 of this year, in connection with the official release of the new movie Fatima (watch trailer here), which will begin showing in theaters on Aug.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 025 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 025 Now Available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on August 21: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 025 consists of two separate segments. First we evaluate Dan Marcum’s effort to paint Francis as an “anti-liberal”, and in the process we examine the the Modernist strategy of using ambiguity and contradiction in order to spread heresy more effectively and with impunity.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 025 (21 AUG 2019)


  • Segment 1: Francis the Anti-Liberal? – ambiguity and contradiction as part of the Modernist strategy; bursting the diocesan traditional Latin Mass bubble; the revolution of Vatican II vs. the traditional Catholic teaching on the Church; is it a “dogmatic fact” that Francis is Pope? – response to Robert Siscoe
  • Segment 2: Brief announcement regarding Taylor Marshall’s book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within; how you can support this podcast; Peter Chojnowski’s “Sister Lucy Truth” project: was Sr. Lucy of Fatima replaced with an imposter around 1960?; the trouble with diabolical disorientation; a preview of the Vatican’s upcoming Amazon Synod; the contradictory theology of One Peter Five; Sedevacantism – a dead end?

Web site revealing evidence launched…

The Real and the False Sister Lucy of Fatima:
The Scientific Evidence is here!

Not the same person: the real Sr. Lucy, left, vs. the impostor

On Aug. 1, 2018, we published a post announcing that scientific evidence had been gathered for the first time that proves that the woman commonly accepted as Sr. Lucy of Fatima in the past few decades is not in fact the real Sr. Lucy (Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos) to whom Our Lady appeared at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, and again at Tuy in 1929.

Yesterday, Mar. 25, the web site Sister Lucy Truth was launched.… READ MORE

Busted! Scientific analysis proves Vatican lied!

Facial Recognition Experts prove Novus Ordo Vatican’s “Sister Lucy of Fatima” was an Impostor

Ladies and gentlemen, this is big news: A team of professional facial recognition experts has concluded a scientific investigation into the question of whether Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima, one of the three children to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917, is in fact the same woman whom the Vatican paraded around as an adherent of Vatican II and the conciliar “popes” from 1958 until her own death in 2005.

The results are now in and can be summarized in two words: HECK NO!READ MORE

Bombshell revelation…

Dr. Peter Chojnowski: ‘By late 2014, Fr. Gruner had come to believe Francis is an Antipope, Benedict XVI the true Pope’

[UPDATE 09-AUG-2017 20:36 UTC: Dr. Chojnowski posts more evidence on his blog]

[UPDATE 08-AUG-2017 19:02 UTC: Verrecchio publishes Rare Video of “Fr.” Gruner on Benedict XVI’s Resignation]

[UPDATE 08-AUG-2017 13:31 UTC: “Fr.” Paul Kramer corroborates Chojnowski claim]

This is sure to shake things up a bit among the friends and followers of the late “Fr.” Nicholas Gruner (1942-2015), long-time director of the Fatima Center in Fort Eerie, Canada: According to Dr. Peter Chojnowski, the “Fatima priest” Nicholas Gruner towards the end of his life rejected Francis’ claim to the Papacy and embraced the idea that Benedict XVI was still the true Pope — a position we have labeled from the beginning as “Resignationism”.… READ MORE