Blasphemy, sacrilege, and unnatural lust all in one!

Chicago Novus Ordo Pastor Officiates Lesbian Pseudo-Wedding: Exchange of Vows plus Blessing!

[UPDATE 13-MAY-2024: Vincentians release letter with ‘apology’ of sorts by Rev. Williams]

Video footage has emerged showing a Novus Ordo priest officiating a same-sex ceremony mocking the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. He is shown presiding over an exchange of vows of two women and then conferring a blessing on them.

This is not a matter of rumor or speculation. The identity of all parties is known, and the presbyter has admitted that the ceremony took place.

Before we continue, here is the video clip shared on Instagram on Apr. 22, 2024:

The Novus Ordo priest is Rev. Joseph S. Williams, CM, and he is the pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Chicago, Illinois, where the abominable deed took place. He is a member of the Vincentians. The parish is part of the ‘Roman Catholic’ Archdiocese of Chicago, which is currently being led by the anti-Catholic ‘Cardinal’ Blase Cupich.

The two Lesbians are Kelli Beard (left) and Myah Knight. Beard is a (currently inactive) pastor for the United Methodist religion, and Knight is a mental health therapist/counselor. The two apparently contracted a civil ‘marriage’ in 2021.

Online, Myah refers to herself as a “QTBIPOC person”. The acronym stands for Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous People of Color. In early 2023, she began leading a “religious trauma support group”, as advertised in this Facebook post.

The conservative-leaning Novus Ordo news organization OSV News has published a very good article giving lots more information about this grave scandal. Among other things, they report that Fr. Williams has confirmed the authenticity of the video, and that they have sent the footage to the Vatican’s [rainbow-colored] Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for comment:

In a May 1 phone call with OSV News, Father Williams confirmed that he is the priest in the video, and that the blessing — which he said he administered by appointment at the request of Knight a month prior — took place at St. Vincent de Paul.

OSV News has sent a link to the video to the Archdiocese of Chicago for comment, along with a message to Knight via her Instagram account, and is awaiting a reply to both inquiries.

OSV News has forwarded a link to the video, along with a request for evaluation, to Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which in December 2023 released the formal declaration “Fiducia Supplicans” (“Supplicating Trust”), subtitled “On the pastoral meaning of blessings.”

(Gina Christian, “Former Methodist Minister, Partner Receive Same-Sex Blessing From Chicago Parish In Video”, OSV News, May 1, 2024)

Here is a transcript of the ‘exchange of vows’ and the subsequent blessing, as recorded in the video, if you can stomach it:

[Rev. Williams:] Kelli and Myah, do you freely recommit yourselves to love each other as holy spouses and to live in peace and harmony together forever?

[Beard:] We do. I do.

[Knight:] We do. I do.

[Rev. Williams:] Loving God, increase and consecrate the love which Kelli and Myah have for one another. The rings that they have exchanged are the sign of their fidelity and commitment. May they continue to prosper in your grace and blessing. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

[Beard:] Amen.

[Knight:] Amen.

[Rev. Williams:] May God’s blessing be yours: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The seriousness and depravity of what Fr. Williams did there is difficult to overestimate. The blasphemy contained in these words is so horrific that one hesitates to put them in writing!

What we have here is a (putative) Catholic priest officiating an exchange of vows aimed at validating and celebrating unnatural affection and the depraved sexual practices that are associated with it. The phrase “holy spouses” implies that there exists between the two women a marital bond, which obviously is false and deeply offensive to God. The presbyter then dares to ask God to “increase and consecrate” that which in Divine Revelation is condemned in no uncertain terms as an abomination. Further, the Irreverend celebrates as “fidelity and commitment” the two lesbians’ firm attachment to mortal sin that cries to heaven for vengeance, and then he implies that this is a matter of “grace and blessing” in which he prays they will “continue to prosper”! Lastly, the pastor tops it all off by invoking the Holy Name of Jesus to grant this abominable petition!

The question whether what the Rev. Williams did is technically in line with the Vatican’s 2023 declaration Fiducia Supplicans or not, may very well be a fun theoretical exercise for ‘popesplainers’ like Dr. Robert Fastiggi or Michael Lofton, but it will be irrelevant in the practical order.

What matters is whether Fr. Williams will face disciplinary measures by his superiors for this abomination or not. In the news article referred to, he is quoted as defending himself, but he is just using silly excuses. For example: “Father Williams explained to OSV News that his use of the term ‘holy spouses’ in the blessing he had written was intended to mean ‘couple.'” Riight!

The most likely scenario is that this whole thing will simply blow over, and nothing at all will happen to the Reverend. After all, ‘Pope’ Francis is on record saying that sodomite couples are “two people who love each other”, so don’t expect more than a slap on the wrist at most.

If there are indeed no disciplinary consequences, we can be assured that what Williams did will quickly become standard practice in liberal Novus Ordo dioceses throughout the Western world — Fiducia Supplicans or no Fiducia Supplicans.

Fasten your seatbelts, everyone. The unrestrained wrath of Almighty God cannot be far behind.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Image source: Instagram (citygrrl76; screenshot)
License: fair use

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