The Facts About “Pope Francis” — Jorge Mario Bergoglio
What You Need To Know About
the Man who Claims to be the Pope
Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio
“Pope Francis”
Podcasts Refuting Francis’ Errors and Heresies
- FRANCIS WATCH by True Restoration
- TRADCAST by Novus Ordo Watch
- Catholic Family Podcast Special Edition: Jorge Bergoglio as ‘Pope Francis’: Ten Years of Apostasy
- Catholic Family Podcast: Only ONE Religion Leads to God: Refuting Francis’ Apostasy in Singapore
General Information / Miscellaneous
- Shocking Quotes of “Pope” Francis compared with prior Church Teaching
- “Pope” Francis: Words versus Actions
- Null and Void: Why “Pope” Francis Is Not a Valid Priest and Not a Valid Bishop
- Chronology of a Papal Pretender: The Laundry List of the Problems with “Pope” Francis
- Biography: The Life of “Pope” Francis
- Apostate Hans Kung “Extremely Delighted” with Bergoglio’s Election
- The Great Pretender: “Pope” Francis
- Leonardo Boff: “Pope Francis is much more liberal than what is supposed”
- The Horror! A Buenos Aires Journalist Describes Bergoglio
- Timeline of the Life of Jorge Bergoglio (Francis I)
- Francis the Talking Apostate (Droleskey on Bergoglio, Part 1)
- Do Not Permit Yourselves To Be Snookered (Droleskey on Bergoglio, Part 2)
- Day Three of Francis the Lay Pope (Droleskey on Bergoglio, Part 3)
- Francis the Head Citizen of the One-World Ecumenical Church (Droleskey on Bergoglio, Part 4)
- Francis the Jansenist (Droleskey on Bergoglio, Part 5)
- Another Day in the Life of an Antichrist (Droleskey on Bergoglio, Part 6)
- White Smoke, Antipope – a first post on Bergoglio’s Election
- Bergoglio wanted to write doctoral dissertation on Romano Guardini
Reality Check: The Modernism of Romano Guardini - “Cardinal” Bergoglio honored liberal, pro-homosexual Jewish Rabbi Abraham Skorka, co-authored book with him
- Restoration Radio 2-hour broadcast (listen any time) on Bergoglio: Habemus Papam? Francis I
- Novus Ordo on Steroids: “Pope” Francis’ First Days Signal New Course
- Back to the Future: Bergoglio to wear “papal” ring from Paul VI Era
- “Cardinal” Bergoglio and Jeronimo Podesta – the ex-priest who concelebrated “Mass” with his Wife (!)
- At Francis’ Inauguration “Mass” on 3/19/13, United States Vice President Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, both public pro-abortion apostates, received “Holy Communion”
- Reading the “Papal” Tea Leaves: A Preview of the Era Francis
- The Reforms that are Coming by Sandro Magister
- Oh, Brother: Francis Meets Benedict, Says “We Are Brothers”
- Biographer says “Pope” Francis will bring Reform and Renewal to Church – in other words, business as usual
- Benedict XVI and Francis – An Interlude for Questions
- Francis and Other Judases Abound in Holy Week
- Pope? Nope!
- “Just Call Me Jorge” – Francis Attacks the Papacy Again
- The List: What “Pope” Francis has done
- ‘Strong and Determined Liberal’ – Jorge Bergoglio Info from Argentina
- Francis the Deceiver: Bergoglio and Our Lady of Fatima
- On Heaven and Earth: Bergoglio’s Book with Jewish Rabbi released in English
- “Pope” Francis bashes Opponents of Vatican II
- Kiss, Kiss, Kiss: Francis administers “Confirmations” in the Vatican
- After the first 40 days: “Pope Francis Roundup”
- Who is Jorge Bergoglio?
- SSPX sets Low Expectations for Francis as they review Facts about “Cardinal” Bergoglio
- Meet Francis’ Favorite “Exorcist” – a Lutheran!
- Francis kisses Argentinian President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner in Gratitude for Gift
- Francis concerned over receiving spiritual bouquet of 3,500+ Rosaries – “they’re counting them”
- Doctrinal Orthodoxy? No Big Deal for “Pope” Francis
- Opening the Doors to Ridicule
- His First Encyclical: Lumen Fidei
- Francis will declare John XXIII and John Paul II “Saints”
- Francis says the Church is like the Blessed Mother – and has Flaws
- Francis Makes a Mess – Bergoglio’s Interview with Antonio Spadaro
- A Big Mouth Open for Modernism – Commentary on Francis’ Interview
- Is Francis a Modernist?
- Francis Taunts Priests in Cassocks
- Francis, Voris, and the Washing of the Feet
- No Joke: Francis Wears Clown Nose
- An Open Letter to “Pope” Francis by Randy Engel
- Francis Chosen “Man of the Year 2013” by MTV’s College Channel
- TIME Magazine honors Francis as “Person of the Year 2013”
- Francis tells People Not to Fear the Last Judgment
- The List: Francis names 19 new “Cardinals”
- Francis Interview No. 4: “Many Marxists are Good People”
- LGBT Pervert Magazine Picks Francis as “Person of the Year 2013”
- Blasphemy! Francis insults the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Francis to Religious: “Wake Up the World!”
- Akin to the Rescue: Francis and the Multiplication of the Loaves
- Francis makes Cover of Rolling Stone Magazine
- Two-Faced Francis: The Contradictions of Jorge Bergoglio
- Francis endorses “Rocker Priest”
- The Vicar of Snark
- Francis disses Fundamental Theology as “Boring”
- More Heresy: Francis claims Faith without Works “Not True Faith”
- Francis Interview No. 5: “The Pope Is a Normal Person”
- Francis reveals he Stole his late Confessor’s Rosary Cross
- Bergoglio jokes about the Crucifixion of Christ
- Flashback 1992: Jesuit Superior warns John Paul II not to make Jorge Bergoglio a Bishop
- Francis flaunts own Confession
- Francis shruggs off Accusation of Heresy
- Francis declares John XXIII and John Paul II to be Saints
- Francis’ Favorite Painting contains Blasphemy against Jesus Christ
- Interview No. 8, with Spanish La Vanguardia
- The Francis Show at the River Jordan
- Francis in “Do Not Judge!” Frenzy
- Interview No. 9 with Il Messaggero: Francis denies Eve came from Adam’s Rib
- Interview No. 11: Francis’ 10 Tips for a Happy Life
- Francis’ Address on the Centenary of Pope St. Pius X
- A Summary: The Strange “Papacy” of Jorge Bergoglio by Miles Christi
- Francis the Hypocrite condemns Insults
- Francis says “God does Not Exist” but the Three Persons do
- Francis Rents Out Sistine Chapel for Corporate Event
- Jorge Bergoglio is an Honorary Member of the Masonic Rotary Club
- Countering Francis’ Heresy against the Most Holy Trinity
- “The Great Reformer”: Another Book causes Problems for the Vatican
- Disaster Strikes Again: Chaos Frank in the Philippines
- Francis and the Rabbits: Bergoglio on “Responsible Parenting”
- Francis disses Catholic Apologetics, Seeking Conversion of Protestants
- Francis Can’t Answer Girl’s Question about Suffering, says “There is No Answer”
- Francis the Destroyer: An Anthology of the Bergoglian “Magisterium”
- As a Young Cleric, Francis Taught his Nephew Swear Words
- Francis is asked about Hell — and answers
- Novus Ordo Philosopher Slams Francis: “Chaotic Pontificate” characterized by “Theological Apathy”
- Too Much Hot Air: Francis Signs Climate Petition
- Francis and the Gospel of Man
- Laudato Sii: Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment
- Francis condemns Weapons Manufacturers
- In Laudato Si, “Pope” Omits Passage on Mortal Sin from Canticle of St. Francis
- In Bolivia, Francis receives blasphemous Gift of Christ Crucified on Hammer & Sickle
- Commie Crucifix Kerfuffle: What did Francis say to Bolivian President Morales?
- Francis dedicates Medal with blasphemous Hammer-and-Sickle Crucifix to the Virgin Mary
- Francis says he is “Not Offended” at Blasphemous Communist Crucifix
- Francis Omits Real Presence in “Explaining” Bread of Life Discourse in John 6
- Year of Mercy: Francis grants Faculties to SSPX Clergy to Hear Confessions
- Motu Inapproprio: Francis makes Marriage Annulments Easier & Faster
- Hypocrite: Francis “Laments” that “Families Are Under Attack”
- Francis Stacks the Deck: List of Synod 2015 Participants Released
- The Francis Show in Cuba
- High Fidel-ity: Francis with Fidel Castro in Cuba
- Mr. Bergoglio goes to Washington: Francis in the United States
- Francis speaks on Antipope & Antichrist
- The Curious Handshakes of “Pope” Francis
- The Synod on the Family 2015
- Francis: “God has included us all in Salvation, all!”
- Francis: “Never Proselytize in Schools!”
- Francis’ Chaos Interview during Return Flight from Africa
- “God is Father and Mother”: Bergoglio’s Transgender-God
- BLASPHEMY! Francis claims Jesus sinned and had to “Beg Forgiveness”!
- Francis’ Subtle Heresy: Who is a True Christian?
- More Blasphemy: Francis says St. John the Baptist doubted Jesus was the Messiah!
- Blasphemoglio: A Chronicle of Impiety
- The Francis Show in Mexico
- Francis is Just a Layman
- Francis Unplugged: Hoopla ensues after Confusing Comments on Return Flight from Mexico
- More Naturalism: Francis’ March 2016 Prayer Intentions Video
- Francis puts Papal Infallibility Dogma up for Discussion with Hans Kung
- Francis offers Private Audience to Anti-Catholic Activist who once Defecated behind Cathedral Altar
- Francis agrees to study Possibility of Women Deacons
- Paul Joseph Watson’s Message for “Pope” Francis
- No more Black and White: Francis’ Fifty Shades of Grey
- HERESY: Francis says Martin Luther “did not err” on Justification
- Francis appoints Chicago’s “Archbishop” Cupich to Vatican Congregation for Bishops
- World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland – Full Coverage
- Francis to Youth: “You believe in a New Humanity!”
- August “Pope Video” seeks Peace through Sports
- Francis declares Care of Creation to be new Work of Mercy
- “Man at the Center”: Francis’ September 2016 ‘Pope Video” fails to surprise
- Damage Control: New Book aims to clarify “What Pope Francis Really Said”
- HERESY: Francis directly contradicts Council of Trent again
- Loads of Modernist Bilge in New Francis Interview
- Blessed are Recyclers and Ecumenists! Francis has Six New Beatitudes
- “Mercy” and More: Another Truckload of Bergoglian Baloney
- Francis’ “Apostolic Letter” Misericordia et Misera on Mercy and Peace
- Francis’ Fables: A Commentary on Recent Bergoglian Utterances
- Filthy Francis unloads more Bilge, uses Perverted Imagery
- The Bergoglian Deceit: More Articles by Miles Christi
- Francis again accuses St. John the Baptist of doubting Christ was the Messiah!
- Christmas Address to Curia 2016: Francis slams “Malicious Resistance” that accuses others and hides behind Traditions!
- Francis: “It’s not impossible that I will go down in history as the one who split the Catholic Church”!
- Francis denounces “Decadent Scholasticism”
- HERESY: Francis claims Jesus Christ had authority not because of Who He is but because of what He did!
- More of the Same: Big New Francis Interview published
- Overnight Surprise: Anti-Francis Posters appearing all over Rome
- What a Doozy: Francis Gobbledygook Sermon for World Day of Consecrated Life 2017
- Francis’ Message for Super Bowl Sunday (2017)
- Francis does it again: New Chaos Q&A slams “Restorationists”, “Pelagians”, “Triumphalism”, Black-and-White Logic, Penance! Lauds edifying Criticism, recommends “Couldn’t-Care-Less Attitude”!
- Francis in New Interview: “Walk in other People’s Shoes”!
- Francis in New Interview: “I am a Sinner and am Fallible”
- It’s Confession Time! Lenten Edition of the Francis Show
- Trip to Fatima? It’s all about Francis!
- Vatican Journalist: “Francis and Benedict no longer on Speaking Terms”
- Blasphemy! Francis jokes about Most Holy Trinity
- Four Years with Francis by Miles Christi
- Bergoglio blasphemes again: Jesus Christ “made Himself the Devil” for us!
- Only two days on the job and Francis says, “Holy Ghost is almost an Apostle of Babel”
- The Francis Show, Holy Thursday Edition (2017)
- A “Revolution of Tenderness”: Francis’ Video Message to TED Conference
- The Francis Show in Egypt
- The False Bergoglian Magisterium by Miles Christi
- The Francis Show at Fatima
- Chaos Frank warns of ‘Google and Wikipedia Priests’, ‘Crows that will Eat your Eyes’
- Francis sends cordial Letter to Left-Wing Activist Hebe de Bonafini
- “God cannot be God without Man” – Francis’ latest Heresy
- No Culture of Encounter: Francis again won’t hold Pre-Consistory Meeting with “Cardinals”
- Francis fires “Cardinal” Muller
- Evangelii Gaudium Reloaded: Francis’ Message to G20 Summit
- Novus Ordo Priest: ‘Not even Cardinal Martini would have voted for Bergoglio in Conclave’
- The Daily Francis: Bergoglian “Message of the Day” Service launched
- Analyze This: Francis reveals he spent 6 Months in Therapy with Jewish Psychoanalyst
- Francis Uncensored: “Communists are Christians”, Refusing Communion to Adulterers is “Pharisaical”, “No War is Just”, “You cannot teach Morality with Precepts”, and more!
- September “Pope Video” shows people walking backwards
- The Francis Show in Colombia
- Bruised and wounded: Francis hits Head in Colombia
- Blasphemy, Heresy, Sacrilege: Francis’s Chaos in Colombia
- Colombian TV Personality exposes Francis’ Heresies
- Bergoglio takes a Blow: “Filial Correction” accuses Francis of Heresy
- Correctio Filialis: Francis weighs in (a little bit)!
- The Last Judgment According to Francis
- Out There: Francis chats with Astronauts at Space Station
- Francis’ Teachings compared with Traditional Catholic Teaching
- The “God of Surprises” and his Oracle: Francis and the Development of Doctrine
- Francis: “Someone might think, ‘This Pope is a Heretic’…” for saying Judas Iscariot might be saved
- The Francis Show in Myanmar and Bangladesh
- Look at whom Francis just appointed “Bishop”!
- Blasphemy! Francis declares Rohingya Muslims to be “Presence of God today”
- The Dictator Pope: Explosive New Book takes Inside Look at Francis
- Francis wants to change the Our Father
- A Francis Christmas: Roman Curia gets its annual Spanking
- Francis: “I don’t go to the Doctor, I go to the Witch!”
- The Francis Show in Chile and Peru
- Fake Pope decries Fake News
- ‘Pope Francis’ – A Chronological List of Quotes and Headlines
- Veritatis Gaudium – Francis’ latest “Apostolic Constitution”
- Francis and the Idolatry of Conscience
- A Perfect Example of Naturalism: Francis reflects on Death without mentioning Judgment, Heaven, or Hell
- Omar Bello: Francis plays both Sides
- Francis: ‘I Don’t Read Websites that Accuse Me of Being a Heretic’
- Chaos, Crises, and Corruption: The Francis Show at Five
- A Naturalist Lent: Dissecting Francis’ Ash Wednesday 2018 Sermon
- Francis: “There is no Hell, there is the Disappearance of Sinful Souls”
- A Naturalist Easter: Francis inverts Christ
- Gaudete et Exsultate – Francis’ New “Apostolic” Exhortation
- Gaudete et Exsultate: The Most Important Passages
- Talk about Pelagianism: Francis tells Boy his Atheist Father is in Heaven because he was “good”
- Did Christ truly Rise from the Dead? How “Pope” Francis cleverly denies the Historicity of the Resurrection
- Francis’ brilliant Plan for World Peace: Ban All Weapons!
- Francis blasphemes again: “This Holy Spirit is a Disaster!”
- HERESY: Francis claims the Baptized cannot lose their Status as Children of God
- Francis tells the World to Convert… to Clean Energy!
- Francis: Without Woman, Man is Not the Image and Likeness of God
- Francis accused of Sex Abuse Cover-Up in Argentina in 2002
- Anathema Sit Bergoglio: New Article by Miles Christi
- Francis makes Official Change to Catechism: Death Penalty now universally “inadmissible”
- Francis Watch, Special Edition: Bergoglio and the Death Penalty
- Vatican “Archbishop” accuses Francis of knowing about and covering up McCarrick’s Sex Abuse
- No Comment: Asked about Viganò’s Sex Abuse Cover-Up Accusations, Francis has Nothing to Say
- Francis Unhinged: ‘The Great Accuser is Attacking Bishops by Uncovering their Sins to Scandalize the People!’
- Video: Historian Henry Sire on Jorge Bergoglio as the “Dictator Pope”
- Novus Ordo Cardinals slam Francis: “Cold-Blooded, Cunning Machiavellian [who] Lies”, Heretic
- Viganò Reloaded: In new 4-Page Testimony, the “Great Accuser” Doubles Down
- HERESY: Francis says Mary being full of grace means “full of gratuitousness, of beauty”, not “full of holiness”
- Francis endorses Latin American “Youth Cross”
- Bergoglio and Anti-Clericalism: Why has Francis appropriated Rhetoric derived from Virulent Enemies of the Catholic Church?
- Francis: “The Earth must be treated with Tenderness”
- Francis denies Immaculate Conception of Bl. Virgin Mary, claims she was not always a Saint
- For New Year’s Angelus, Francis opts for Old Testament Blessing, omits Trinitarian Formula altogether
- Report: Francis Knowingly Promoted Lewd “Bishop” from Argentina to Vatican Position
- The Francis Show at World Youth Day in Panama
- “A Dream named Jesus” – Bergoglio blathers at Youth in Panama
- The Fate of Aborted Infants: Francis vs. Pope Pius XII
- The Francis Papacy Test: Find out if Jorge Bergoglio really is what he claims to be
- Francis in Morocco: “Being a Christian is not about Adhering to a Doctrine”
- Christus Vivit – Francis’ New “Apostolic” Exhortation
- The Passion of Man: Francis’ Anthropocentric Stations of the Cross
- Francis Accused: Open Letter to World’s Novus Ordo Bishops seeks Remedy to ‘Heretical Pope’
- Francis says he knew “Nothing” about McCarrick — “Abp.” Viganò says he’s Lying
- Building the City of God AND Man? Francis and the Idolatry of Migrants
- More “Papal” Heresy: Francis the Lutheran denies Catholic Dogma on Merit
- “Jesus becomes Bread”, “God contained in a Piece of Bread”: Francis’ Lutheran Corpus Christi
- The Death of Vincent Lambert and the Silence of ‘Pope’ Francis
- Francis Doubles Down: 13 New “Cardinals” for October 5
- “He is like a Child” – Francis slams “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, who responds
- Francis: “I am Not Afraid of Schism” — and other Bergoglian Nuggets from latest Q&A
- It Takes a Village: Francis announces “Global Educational Alliance” Kickoff at Vatican
- Eugenio Scalfari says Francis told him Jesus Christ is Not God — Vatican reacts evasively
- Francis publishes Book on “Our Mother Earth”
- Pacha Papa: Francis announces he may update Catechism to include ‘Ecological Sins’
- Bergoglio blasphemes the Immaculate: A Review of Sundry Examples
- Francis denies the Co-Redemption of the Blessed Virgin Mary — but is it Catholic Doctrine?
- Bergoglian Poppycock by the Truckload: Francis’ Christmas Address to the Roman Curia
- Francis: “Every Form of Violence inflicted upon a Woman is a Blasphemy against God”
- Heresy in Evangelii Gaudium: What is the Greatest Commandment?
- It’s Story Time: Francis offers Ideology-Laden Poetry in Message for World Communications Day
- From the Supernatural to the Natural: How Francis neutralizes the Gospel while appearing to preach it
- Release of Francis’ “Apostolic Exhortation” Querida Amazonia: The Highlights
- Francis’ Message for Lent 2020: A Critical Review
- Heresy: Francis claims God’s Love “Asks for Nothing in Return”
- Gaia’s Revenge? Francis blames Coronavirus on Man’s Damage to the Environment
- Christ and the Poor: Francis brazenly distorts Gospel Reading for Monday in Holy Week
- “Maybe we’ll see each other in Hell?” – Francis jokes with Autistic Boy and his Mother
- Francis: Being Angry at God is a Form of Prayer
- Francis: “The Wounds inflicted on our Mother Earth are Wounds that also Bleed in Us”
- Salvation by Compassion? Debunking Francis’ latest Demagoguery
- Francis raises Apostate Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa to Rank of “Cardinal”
- Francis, Fratelli Tutti, and Freemasonry
- President-Elect? “Pope” Francis congratulates Joe Biden
- Are the Poor really at the Center of the Gospel?
- Francis claims Gates of Heaven “are always Open to all Peoples”
- In Year-End Homily, Francis repudiates Supernatural Purpose of Suffering and Death
- Francis to Catechists: Vatican II is the Magisterium of the Church and non-negotiable
- Francis in new Interview: ‘Neuroses must be Caressed and given Maté’
- Francis: “God Loves Always and Patiently, Without Demanding to be Loved in Return”
- The Francis Show in Iraq
- Subtle but Deadly: Francis utters more Heresy
- Is Jesus Christ a “Divine-Human Person”? A new Heresy from Antipope Francis
- Anticipating Antichrist: Francis hints at “Messianic Future” of Naturalist Heaven on Earth
- Modernist Francis: Truth is NOT a “System of Doctrines and Dogmas”
- Francis “interprets” Galatians: St. Paul warned of Rigid Clingers to the Past!
- Francis: We must observe the Commandments Not to be Justified but to Aid the Encounter with Christ!
- Bombshells and Drivel galore: In Q&A with Slovak Jesuits, Francis hits back at Critics
- Hot Air, Half-Truths, and Heresy: Bergoglio spews Bilge on Justification
- Francis gives Warm Welcome to Nancy Pelosi at Vatican
- Hot Air Alert: Francis warns Mankind of God’s Judgment!
- Francis drops another Heresy Bomb: “Friendship with Jesus cannot be broken”
- Francis calls Gospel Passage “demonic” — What did he mean?
- Hot Air and Heresy: Francis misleads Young People in Athens
- Francis lectures Roman Curia on Humility, warns of Rigidity and other “Perverse Temptations”
- Francis: “The Holy Family on Holy Cards Does Not Exist”
- Heretical Francis: “The Lord is Good and Will Save Everyone”
- On Epiphany, Bergoglio hijacks Three Magi to slam Traditional Mass, push Surprise Theology
- Tendentious Theology: Francis’ Selective Use of the Concept of Moral Obligation
- Francis Unhinged: Word of God leads us to Man, Caring for Others more important than Religious Ceremony
- Building a Better World – “Pope” Francis vs. Pope Pius XII
- Francis says Words of Jesus Christ are not the Word of God
- Francis says “Wars Are Always Unjust”, contradicting traditional Catholic Moral Doctrine
- Antipope Francis: Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium reorganizing the Roman Curia
- Francis claims mistreating Human Beings is “Sacrilege”: A Reality Check on the Sacred and the Profane
- Naturalize to Neutralize: How Francis slyly deprives the Gospel of its Supernatural Character
- Francis twists the Gospel: “The Lord is not looking for perfect Christians”
- False Forgiveness: Bergoglio promotes Feelings-Based Theology in Sermon for Divine Mercy Sunday
- Francis warns: Don’t Commit the “Sin of Going Backwards”!
- Building Paradise on Earth: Francis’ Message for World Day of Migrants 2022
- A “Miracle of Sharing, Not Multiplying”: Francis on Christ’s Feeding of the Five Thousand
- Francis: Today’s Problem is the Non-Acceptance of Vatican II
- Francis receives notorious New Age Apostate ‘Fr.’ Richard Rohr in Private Audience
- Francis on Biden’s Abortion Support: “I leave it to his Conscience and that he speaks to his Bishop”!
- The Essence of Christianity according to Bergoglio
- Bergoglio breaks the Semi-Trads: Is the Fence-Sitting coming to an End?
- Francis warns: Traditionalism is ‘Paganism of Thought’!
- Bergoglian Naturalism on Display: New ‘Pope Video’ seeks Abolition of Death Penalty
- Four Novus Ordo Bishops accuse Francis of HERESY
- At Eucharistic Congress, Francis says we must worship ‘the Lord Present in the Bread’
- Francis blasphemes again, says Holy Spirit created a ‘Mess’ at Pentecost
- Francis: Violence against Women is ‘Blasphemy’
- Francis again misleads, claims Baptism makes us ‘Children of God Forever’
- Masonic Fraternity instead of Jesus Christ: Francis’ Message for World Day of Peace Fails to Surprise
- Francis claims Virgin Mary had Labor Pains, undermines Catholic Dogma
- Francis: ‘If I see the Gospel in a Sociological Way only, Yes, I am Communist, and so too is Jesus’
- Hell is an Attitude? ‘Pope’ Francis shows he does not believe in Eternal Damnation for the Wicked
- The Strange Crucifix of Rio de Janeiro: What did Francis really kiss? (Retraction & Clarification)
- The Peripheries’ Revenge: Bergoglio appoints Jorge García Cuerva ‘Archbishop’ of Buenos Aires
- ‘Pope’ Francis shows up as Studio Guest on Italian Television Show
- In Your Face: Francis uses Serial Abuser Rupnik’s Art in Video Message to Marian Conference
- Francis receives Andres Serrano, whose ‘Art’ includes Crucifix submerged in Urine
- Imagine No Hell: Francis blatantly twists Sunday Gospel Reading that warns about Eternal Damnation
- Francis appoints ‘Abp.’ Victor Manuel Fernandez to head Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
- Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith: Bergoglio issues Game Plan to his Doctrinal Undertaker
- Francis receives former U.S. President Bill Clinton
- The Francis Show at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal
- Francis: Jesus Wasn’t Rigid, He Changed His Attitude!
- More Heresy from the False Pope: Every One of Us is Forgiven!
- Francis endorses Teilhard de Chardin’s ‘Mass on the World’
- Antipope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum on the Climate Crisis
- Fun Catholic Quiz: WHO SAID IT? ‘Pope’ Francis or the Dalai Lama? (Six Incredible Quotes!)
- Idolatry, the Poor, and the God of Surprises: A Critical Look at Francis’ Sermon Ending the Synod 2023
- ‘Paradigm Shift’: Francis Issues Disastrous Motu Proprio Aimed at Theological Revolution
- Francis Fires Strickland! Outspoken Novus Ordo Bishop of Tyler Removed by Bergoglio
- Whatever: Francis Shares Profound Message about the At Sign, Tension, and ‘Relational Voracity’
- ‘Herald the Dance of Balance and Harmony’: Francis Signs Crazy Interreligious Climate Action Statement
- Jorge Bergoglio and the Blasphemous ‘Hope’ of an Empty Hell
- Francis: ‘…thanks to Jesus’ resurrection we can believe that all will be saved’
- PROOF: Painting of Nude Jesus Caressing Judas Iscariot Hangs on Wall in ‘Pope’ Francis’ Study
- Francis to Women Prisoners: Christ Forgave Judas!
- Francis to Divine Word Missionaries: God Always Forgives, So Never Deny Absolution!
- Bergoglio the Naturalist: If You Think Anointing of the Sick is Only for the Dying, You’ve Given Up Hope!
- Francis Calls Virgin Mary the ‘Maternal Face of God’
- Talkative Bergoglio Shamefully SILENT on Olympic Blasphemy
- Francis in Interview: Some Only Accept the Popes up to Pius XII, Not the Popes After!
- Francis: Death Penalty Does Not Bring Justice But Fuels Revenge!
- Heresy at Synod Opening: Francis Slams ‘Atheists Dressed as Christians’
- Francis: Church Wasn’t Sure Holy Spirit Is God Until ‘Experience’ Confirmed It!
- Encyclical Letter ‘Dilexit Nos’ on the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Oct. 24, 2024)
- Francis Wants ‘Renewed’ Study of Church History that Accepts Church’s ‘Spots and Wrinkles’
- For Creation of New ‘Cardinals’, Francis Appears with Facial Bruise
- Disordered Charity: ‘Pope’ Francis, Deportations, and the ‘Ordo Amoris’
Bergoglio/Francis and Sexual Morality, Chastity
- In Argentina, “Cardinal” Bergoglio Endorsed Homosexual Civil Unions
- On Gay Unions, a Pragmatist before he was “Pope”
- Leonardo Boff: Bergoglio “Explicitly Permitted a Homosexual Couple to Adopt a Child”
- Flashback 2012: Baptism of two children “adopted” by homosexual-transgender-pervert couple in Bergoglio’s Buenos Aires Basilica
- He Likes to Tango – Francis Loves Condemned Tango Dance
- Francis on Homo Civil Unions: “Each Case must be looked at separately”
- Divorce Bergoglio Style
- Francis holding Hands with Homosexual Activist
- Francis Phones Adulteress to tell her she can receive Holy Communion?
- Francis and Homosexuality
- Jorge Bergoglio and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina
- Interview No. 10: Francis talks tough against Pedophiles
- Francis presides over Weddings of Cohabitating Couples
- Francis receives Sex-Changed Woman and her Lover
- Francis to lunch with Transsexual Prison Inmates on March 21, 2015
- Francis’ heartfelt Appeal to Ireland to Vote NO on Same-Sex “Marriage”
- Francis’ Encyclical Ghostwriter wrote book on “Art of Kissing”
- Francis and the Gay Penguins
- Francis: “All the Divorced-and-Remarried Will be Admitted [to Communion]”
- “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia on the Joy of Love in the Family
- After Amoris Laetitia: Illustrating the Absurdity (Memes)
- “Pope” Francis confirms: “YES” to Sacraments for those in “Irregular Situations”
- Francis to “Archbishop” Bruno Forte: “Communion” for Adulterers through the Back Door!
- The Jorge Whisperer: Key Amoris Laetitia Passages found in 10-Year-Old Article by Victor Fernandez
- Francis says most Marriages today are Invalid, but some Fornication is Real Marriage
- Chaos Frank brings down the House: “Church must ask Forgiveness of Homosexuals” & More
- Francis confirms: Permission for Adulterers to receive “Communion” is Only Authentic Interpretation of Amoris Laetitia
- Francis on Transgenders: Case-by-Case Discernment Needed!
- Francis receives notorious Italian Abortionist to talk Migrants
- Francis refuses to answer Questions by four “Cardinals” on Amoris Laetitia
- “Boiling with Rage”: Francis Reacts to Formal Request for Clarification on Amoris Laetitia
- On Gospel Text forbidding Adultery, Francis denounces “Casuistry”
- Pope Pius XII destroys Amoris Laetitia and Francis’ False-Mercy Gospel
- Francis blesses Adulterous Union of Colombian President
- Francis declares Permissibility of Communion for Public Adulterers “Authentic Magisterium”
- Dutch Abortion Activist claims “Pope” Francis bestowed Pontifical Honor upon her
- Francis tells Homosexual: “God made you like that”
- Francis in 2016: Lifelong Fornication with the Same Person is a Real Marriage
- Chaos Frank explains the Sixth Commandment
- Moral Advice from “Pope” Francis”: “The Least Serious Sins are the Sins of the Flesh”
- Francis tells Homosexual Atheist: “It does not matter … how you live your life, you do not lose your dignity”!
- Francis vs. Pope Pius XI: The Catholic Position on Sex Education
- Francis tells U.S. Novus Ordo Bishops he supports public Benefits for Sodomite Couples
- Francis praises Nun for Building Homes for Transgenders, says: “God … did not go to the Seminary or study Theology”
- Francis assures Parents of Sodomites: “God loves your Children as they are”
- False Pope calls for Sodomite Civil Unions, wants Homo Couples to raise Children in Church
- Francis facilitates Sodomite Pseudo-Family’s Acceptance in Novus Ordo Parish
- Francis once more alludes to Depraved Sexual Practice to describe Sensationalist Journalism
- Francis sends Letter to James Martin, commending him for his LGBTQ “Pastoral Work”
- A Sly Devil: How Francis Secretly Undermines Doctrinal Opposition to Abortion while Appearing to Affirm It
- Francis endorses controversial “New Ways Ministry”
- In Message to ‘LGBTQ Catholics’, Francis confirms Aberrosexuals in their ‘Identity’
- Francis again casts Doubt on the Personhood of the Unborn
- Theology of the Bawdy: Francis appoints Sodomy Supporter to lead Vatican Synod Retreat in October
- Francis answers the Dubia — from James Martin!
- Podcasting Francis tells Transgender Person: ‘God loves us as we are’
- In new Interview, Francis rebukes Traditionalists, calls himself ‘Victim of the Holy Spirit’
- Francis to Jesuits in Portugal: Some Sodomites aren’t ‘Capable’ or ‘Mature Enough’ to Stop Sinning!
- Did Francis approve Blessings for Homo Couples? Examining his Response to the Pre-Synod Dubia
- Director of ‘Catholic’ Sodomite Ministries receives Handwritten Encouragement from ‘Pope’ Francis
- ‘Pope’ Francis Green-Lights Blessings of Sodomite Couples
- Francis Gives ‘Catechesis’ on Vice of Lust, Fails to Mention Sin or Anything Supernatural
- Francis Says Homo Couples Are ‘Two People Who Love Each Other’
- Francis Doubles Down: Sodomites ‘Experience the Gift of Love’!
- Francis to Seminarian Dismissed for Homosexuality: ‘Go Ahead With Your Vocation’
- Francis Selects LGBTQ Supporter ‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe to Become a ‘Cardinal’ (among others)
- As America Votes, ‘Pope’ Francis Pays Personal Visit to Notorious Italian Abortionist and Politician
- ‘Pope’ Francis Claims Aborted Children Go to Heaven
- After General Audience, Francis Personally Greets Kentucky’s Transgender Hermit
- Francis: Fornicators and Adulterers who Cohabit Are Just as Welcome in the Church as the Married!
Bergoglio/Francis and Other Religions
- Flashback 2006: “Cardinal” Bergoglio Receives “Blessing” from Protestant
- Video Report: Francis and the Protestant Blessing
- Interfaith Leaders See Hope in “Pope” Francis
- Anglican “Bishop” says Bergoglio told him he opposes Anglican Ordinariate, Church needs Anglicans as Anglicans
- “Cardinal” Bergoglio: ‘The Church Universal Needs Anglicans’
- Video: Jewish Reaction to Bergoglio Election
Notice how WJC President Ronald Lauder and Rabbi Marvin Hier are already giving marching orders to ‘their’ man - Jews Worldwide See Ally in “Pope” Francis
- Flashback 2012: Bergoglio Honors Pervert Rabbi, Is Silent in Face of Attack on Church
- Video: Apostate Bergoglio Celebrates Hanukkah in Jewish Temple (2012)
- Photo: “Cardinal” Bergoglio lights Menorah at Jewish Celebration
- Barely elected, Francis writes to Jewish Chief Rabbi of Rome, hopes to “contribute to the progress of the relations that Jews and Catholics hold since the Second Vatican Council”
- “Friend of the Islamic Community”: Argentine Muslims also happy about “Pope Francis”, laud his openness and dialogue
- Italian Freemasonry Supports “Pope” Francis
- Francis Gives Silent “Blessing” to Believers & Non-Believers in order not to offend, “respecting the conscience of each one of you, but knowing that each one of you is a child of God”
Reality Check: If only St. Paul had known this: “For you are all the children of God by faith, in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:26) - Report: “Cardinal” Bergoglio Attended schismatic-Orthodox Christmas Mass every year
- Francis’ Beliefs about Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue contrasted with true Catholic Teaching
- As long as you’re not Catholic, “Pope” Francis considers you an Ally
- NovusOrdo-Anglican Alliance: Francis and the Archlayman of Canterbury
- Jorge Bergoglio and His Friend, Justin Welby
- B’Nai B’rith “Memorial Liturgy” in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires with “Cardinal” Bergoglio
- Francis the Hun – Bergoglio’s Compromise of the Faith with Head of German Lutherans
- Francis the Deceiver: Bergoglio and Our Lady of Fatima
- Francis: Jesus Not Found Outside Church – What did he mean?
- Francis’ Ecumenism denies Roman Catholic Doctrine
- Francis: Evangelization is NOT Proselytization; No One has the Truth, it is an Encounter with Christ
- “Pope” Francis believes Schismatic Orthodox have a mission to preach the Gospel
- Meet Francis’ Favorite “Exorcist” – a Lutheran!
- Francis wishes “Abundant Spiritual Fruit” to Muslims for Observance of Ramadan
- Bergoglio wants Catholics to respond to Blasphemy with “Tenderness”
- Francis dons Indigenous-Pagan Headdress at World Youth Day
- Francis on Atheists, Redemption, and “Doing Good”
- In open letter to Atheist Newspaper Editor, Francis claims “Jews have kept their Faith in God”
- Have the Jews kept their Faith in God? A Catholic Bishop Responds (PDF)
- Meet Kosher Frank – Francis joins Rabbi Skorka in Jewish Prayers at Vatican
- Heresy: Bergoglio believes Jews still God’s Chosen People
- The “Jewish Pope”: Jewish Magazine includes Francis in List of Most Important Jews
- Sharing a Meal with Friends: “Day of Judaism” at the Vatican
- Francis kisses Hand of Homo-Promoter Priest, allows him to Concelebrate “Mass” in Vatican
- Francis says we must abandon the conviction that our ideas alone are True and Absolute
- Francis again confirms Muslims in Unbelief
- “Pope” Bergoglio – A Rabbi’s Wish Come True
- Bergoglio jokes about the Crucifixion of Christ
- Francis, the Muslims, and the Jews
- Francis hides Crucifix before Jewish Rabbis
- Gaga on Islam: Jesuit Expert slams Francis for whitewashing the Koran
- Francis receives “Blessing” from “Archbishop” of Canterbury
- Francis: “I’m not interested in converting Evangelicals to Catholicism”
- Francis apologizes to Evangelical Pentecostals in Caserta, Italy
- Francis ordered Tony Palmer to be buried as Catholic Bishop, had told him NOT to convert
- Goals for Peace: Francis’ Interreligious Soccer Match for World Peace
- Francis doesn’t care what Religion you are
- Francis tells Protestants: “We all have the Holy Spirit within us”
- Jorge Bergoglio is an Honorary Member of the Masonic Rotary Club
- Francis disses Catholic Apologetics, Seeking Conversion of Protestants
- Francis and the Buddhist “Relics”
- Francis’ Heresy of an “Ecumenism of Blood”
- Ecumenism: Francis contradicts Pope Pius XI verbatim
- Francis and the Gospel of Man
- Francis’ Message to Ecumenical Gathering: “I feel like saying something that may sound heretical”
- Follow-Up: Spanish Original shows Francis admitted his Teaching is “perhaps a Heresy, I don’t know”
- In Bolivia, Francis receives blasphemous Gift of Christ Crucified on Hammer & Sickle
- Commie Crucifix Kerfuffle: What did Francis say to Bolivian President Morales?
- Francis dedicates Medal with blasphemous Hammer-and-Sickle Crucifix to the Virgin Mary
- Francis says he is “Not Offended” at Blasphemous Communist Crucifix
- Francis: “God has included us all in Salvation, all!”
- Francis: “All the Baptized are Members of the Church!”
- Francis to Lutherans on Shared “Communion”: “Life is Bigger than Explanations!”
- Francis boldly promotes One-World Religion in new Interfaith Video
- “Obstinate and Rebellious”: Francis Trashes Traditionalists in Renewed Push for Surprise Theology
- Francis to travel to Sweden to commemorate Reformation Anniversary
- Play “Find the Cross” with Francis!
- Francis meets Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, signs Common Declaration
- Francis again affirms Non-Catholic “Martyrs”, says Monophysites are Part of the Body of Christ
- Francis meets SSPX Superior General Bp. Fellay at Vatican
- Francis: “It Doesn’t Matter” What Religion You Are
- Francis to Participate in Joint Commemoration of Protestant Reformation in Sweden
- Together 2016: Francis to make Virtual Appearance at Protestant “Jesus Gathering” in D.C.
- In July 2016 “Pope Video”, Francis calls for respecting Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Seeking Peace in all the Wrong Ways: Francis’ Interreligious Prayer Meeting at Assisi
- Francis: Seeking Conversion of Orthodox is “Great Sin Against Ecumenism”
- Francis, Rabbi of Reference
- Francis: “It is not right to convince others of your Faith”
- Loads of Modernist Bilge in New Francis Interview ahead of Trip to Lund, Sweden
- Joint Commemoration of the Reformation: Francis & the Lutherans in Sweden
- Ecumenism for a Better World: The January 2017 “Pope Video”
- Francis stands up for the rights of Tradition! –PAGAN Tradition, of course!
- A Shaman visits Francis at the Vatican and works her Sorcery during a private audience
- Francis: No Catholic Mass available? Just go to the Anglicans!
- Logo for Francis’ Egypt Visit puts Mohammedan Crescent on par with Christian Cross
- Francis claims the Holy Ghost Himself is responsible for the differences between Catholics and Protestants
- Coexist: Muslim Call to Prayer intrudes on Francis’ Sermon in Cairo
- Common Declaration of Francis & Coptic Leader Tawadros II on Baptism
- Francis busts a move with Jewish delegation from Poland
- Guru, Rabbi, Mufti, “Pope”: Francis joins Campaign for Pan-Religious Friendship
- Analyze This: Francis reveals he spent 6 Months in Therapy with Jewish Psychoanalyst
- Francis again endorses Rabbi Skorka’s Talmudic Judaism
- No Joke: Francis warns of “Islamization”!
- Blasphemy! Francis declares Rohingya Muslims to be “Presence of God today”
- Life of Buddha: Francis gifts Manuscript celebrating Paganism to President of Myanmar
- Bergoglio’s Boss? The Man the “Dictator Pope” obeys
- Francis claims God is the “Father of All Confessions”
- Francis and the Missions: Dissecting Bergoglio’s Message for World Mission Day 2018
- Francis explicitly rejects “Uniatism”, which means converting the Orthodox to Catholicism
- Francis at the World Council of Churches: Analysis & Commentary
- Francis’ Ecumenical Show in Bari
- The Blessing that Wasn’t: Francis omits “Papal” Benediction because it could offend Non-Catholics
- Apostasy in Abu Dhabi: Francis says God wills Diversity of Religions
- No Ark of Salvation: A Critical Look at Francis’ “Ark of Fraternity” Speech
- Ark of Apostasy: Why Francis’ Interreligious Fraternity Document does Not Admit of an Orthodox Interpretation
- Francis lies to “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, tells him he meant God wills Diversity of Religions merely Permissively
- Naturalism at Full Blast: Francis on the Existence of All Religions
- Francis: “I like the Lutherans who follow the True Faith of Jesus Christ”
- “We Are The World” and other Blasphemies at Francis’ Interreligious Peace Meeting in Sofia
- Francis and the Pharisees: At Jews’ behest, Vatican Conference re-evaluates Christ’s Enemies
- “Pope” Francis says he used to Preach at Presbyterian Church in Buenos Aires
- Francis gives away Relics of St. Peter to Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew
- Francis to Interreligious Youth in Mozambique: “Our Differences are Necessary”
- Francis contradicts Catholic teaching, says “Respect for other Religions is important”
- Apostasy Unlimited: Francis’ Endorsement of “Peace With No Borders” in Madrid
- Psychobabble on Steroids: Reflecting on Death, Francis blabbers Inanities at Young
- When the Pastor couldn’t make it: Francis reveals he once led a Lutheran Service
- Francis: Lutherans are “Members of one and the same Mystical Body of Christ” as Catholics
- Antichrist Rising: Francis calls on “All Faiths” to Pray for End to Coronavirus on May 14
- Bergoglio and the Prosperity Gospel: An Assessment
- Antipope Francis: Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti on Human Fraternity
- Francis’ Encyclical Fratelli Tutti: The Highlights
- Brothers All: Spanish Freemasonry cheers Francis’ New Encyclical on Human Fraternity
- United Nations in the Classroom: Bergoglio’s “Global Compact on Education” Examined
- Hindu Eco-Activist: Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical reads like Sacred Text of Hinduism
- Welcome to the Religion of Fraternity: Francis releases dangerous new “Pope Video”
- Christian Unity without Catholicism: Francis spews Ecumenical Bilge at General Audience
- “Christian Saints of all Confessions”: Francis again pushes Ecumenical Martyrdom Heresy
- Vicar of Antichrist: How Francis’ Interreligious Lies betray the Gospel
- Francis expands the “People of God”: Now it includes All Religions!
- Speaking of Intercommunion: Why did Francis gift a Eucharistic Chalice to a Lutheran Pastor?
- Ecumenical Journey to Nowhere: Francis and the Lutherans
- Not Kosher: Top Jewish Authorities ‘concerned’ after Francis accidentally preaches Christ over Judaism
- Francis Answers Jewish Criticism on Obsoleteness of Old Law
- Francis jokes about Jewish Woman receiving “Communion”, addresses Amoris Laetitia and Abortion
- The Church and the Synagogue: Before and After Vatican II
- Apostate Bergoglio endorses World’s Religions as “Different Ways of Coming to God”
- Indifferentism for Kids: Francis endorses interreligious “Park of Encounter” in Argentina
- Heretical Francis: “The Lord is Good and Will Save Everyone”
- Faithless Francis: Heretics and Apostates are Part of the Church, “We Are Brothers”
- Game Over: Blasphemous and Heretical Declaration on Human Fraternity becomes official “Papal” Act
- Apostate adrift: Francis says Fraternity is “Anchor of Salvation for Humanity”
- Francis to Russian Orthodox Patriarch: “We are Shepherds of the Same Holy Flock of God”
- Francis to Vatican Ecumenists: Catholics need Protestants!
- Ecumenism instead of Catholicism: Francis misleads Eastern Orthodox Monks
- Official Logo for Francis’ Trip to Canada released
- For ‘Access to the Sacred Circle of Spirits’: Francis participates in Native American Smudge Ceremony
- The Francis Show in Kazakhstan: Bergoglio’s ‘Apostolic Journey’ of Sep. 13-15, 2022
- Francis at Interreligious Congress: ‘Man is the Way for All Religions’
- Francis: The Different Religions are an ‘Enrichment’ for Humanity
- A ‘Cry for Peace’: Francis leads Interreligious Prayer Meeting at Roman Colosseum
- Francis to Muslim Elders: ‘Transcendence and Fraternity Alone will Save Us’
- Francis dumps Truckloads of Heresy and Error in Address to Ecumenical Audience in Bahrain
- Francis to African University Students: Avoid the ‘Supermarket of Salvation’, but be ‘Apostles of the Earth’!
- Kosher Frank: ‘Pope’ Francis blows the Jewish Shofar, gives World Jewish Congress an Office in Vatican City
- Bergoglio: Proselytism is Pagan!
- Francis in New Interview: ‘The Most Serious Sin a Missionary can commit is Proselytism’
- Non-Catholic ‘Martyrs’: Francis adds 21 murdered Copts as ‘Saints’ to Roman Martyrology
- Francis makes it clear: By Proselytism he means CONVERTING people and that’s wrong!
- Francis denounces Burning of the Muslim Koran in Sweden
- Pie in the Sky: Francis offers Pseudo-Religious Drivel to Mongolian Authorities
- Francis Blasts Those Who ‘Talk About Their Vision of Humanity but Never About Jesus’
- In Greeting for Schismatic Patriarch Bartholomew, Francis speaks of ‘deep bonds of faith, hope and charity uniting the sister Churches of Rome and Constantinople’
- Francis Permits Invalid Anglican Eucharist in Roman Basilica
- Francis Says Sedevacantists Are ‘Mushrooms’ That Have Emerged, Feels Sorry for Them
- Francis Sends Message to Ecumenical Forum, Praises ‘Beautiful Mosaic of Contemporary Christianity’
- Bergoglio Doubles Down: All Religions Look at the One God in Different Ways!
- Francis Allows 100 Buddhist Monks to Pray Over Him at Vatican
- Bergoglio’s Generic God: Betraying Jesus Christ for the Sake of Interreligious Harmony
- Francis Tells Interreligious Youths: All Religions Lead to God!
- Bergoglio Doubles Down: ‘The Diversity of Our Religious Identities is a Gift from God’
- Because Ecumenism: Francis Adds Non-Catholic ‘Saint’ to Roman Martyrology
- Francis Hands Historic Catholic Church Over to Eastern Orthodox
- Francis Attends Exhibit of Blasphemous Painting ‘White Crucifixion’ by Jewish Artist Marc Chagall
- ‘Religions Together for a Better Humanity’: Francis Endorses Interreligious Doctrine of Hindu Guru
- On Sins against the First Commandment – Superstition:
God may be wrongly worshiped either by false worship or by superfluous worship being paid Him. . . . The ceremonies and practices of the Jewish religion signified that the Messiah was to come, and so now, after the coming of Our Lord, they could not be employed without superstition [=false worship]. Inasmuch as falsehood in religion is a grave injury to God, this species of superstition is mortally sinful.
(Fr. Thomas Slater, S.J., A Manual of Moral Theology, vol. 1, 3rd ed. [Benziger Brothers, 1908], pp. 215-216; bold print added for emphasis.)
Neo-Traditionalist / Neo-Conservative Spin on “Pope” Francis
- “Pope Francis” – Michael Matt’s Wishful Thinking on Apostate Bergoglio
In his initital essay on the new “Pope”, Michael Matt admits he won’t do his journalistic duty of researching the person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio: “forgive me for not combing the Internet for evidence of all the faults and missteps of Cardinal Bergoglio”. - Video: Michael Matt interviews Dr. John Rao and tries to keep hope alive
- Video: The Fatima Center needs a Pope: Christopher Ferrara and “Fr.” Gruner laud “Pope Francis”
- “A Marian Piety of the Most Traditional Sort” – From a simple act of thanksgiving, Chris Ferrara draws a most uncalled-for conclusion; if Bergoglio is so Marian, why is he an apostate, why does he despise the sacred?
- Video: In Over-Dinner Interview, Michael Matt and Chris Ferrara discuss “Pope Francis”
In what seems to be a more relaxed, more candid conversation, Michael Matt’s facial expression is clearly one of concern — so he begs Chris Ferrara to put a positive spin on what is probably beginning to dawn on him is the writing on the wall. - Video: Michael Voris’ Vortex in spinning overdrive to create impression of an orthodox “Pope” Francis
- A Case of Very Selective Reporting: Voris criticises Dolan, but not “Pope” Francis, over Joe Biden
- SHAM! Why Michael Voris’ “BAM!” Episode of The Vortex is a sham
- The Voris Double Standard Illustrated: How Voris refuses to blast Francis for the same things he blasts everyone else for
- “Pope” Francis Embarrasses Michael Voris
- Francis, Voris, and the Washing of the Feet
- No Space Between Benedict XVI and Francis
- Disgraceful: Michael Voris slams past Popes to excuse Francis
- Francis meets Bishop Fellay (SSPX) at Vatican
- SSPX Bp. Fellay: “Francis considers us Catholics — Doctrine not that important to him”
- Pathetic Damage Control Effort: Tom Hoopes and “What Pope Francis Really Said”
- Michael Voris: ‘We have viewed the Pope Francis Papacy as very Problematic from Day One’
- Seriously: Francis claims to have a ‘Strong Devotion’ to Saint Pius X
Bergoglio/Francis and the Sacred Liturgy
- Did “Cardinal” Bergoglio try to Sabotage the Traditional Mass in his Diocese?
- Guest Liturgists & More – Francis’ Conflict with Master of Ceremonies
- How Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum was Blocked and Trampled On in Buenos Aires
- Francis’ First “Mass”: Novus Ordo Table Hauled In, Liturgical Beauty Gone
- Revenge of the Simple: The First “Mass” of “Pope” Francis
- SSPX District Superior of South America on the Real Jorge Bergoglio
- Reset to 1978 – the Real Bergoglio No Enigma to Those Who Know Him
- Photos: How “Cardinal” Bergoglio distributes “Communion”
- Holy Thursday: “Pope” Francis Washes, Kisses Feet of two women, one of them a Muslim
- The Official End of the “Reform of the Reform” – by Example
- Francis and the Erosion of Solemnity
- Francis brings back the hideous ‘Bent Cross’ Crozier
- In Buenos Aires, “Cardinal” Bergoglio did not have one single 1962 Mass
- Video: Watch Bergoglio distribute “Holy Communion”
- “Pope” Francis Forbids 1962 Mass for Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
- Back from Brazil: Francis places Beach Ball on Altar at St. Mary Major
- Francis introduces hideous new Pastoral Staff (Crozier, Ferula)
- Tango performed during “Mass” with “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio
- Francis endorses “Rocker Priest”, invites him to play at “Mass”
- Francis dismissed Traditional Latin Mass as “Fad” among the Young
- Ugly as Hell: Francis’ New Pastoral Staff looks like a Dental Explorer
- Francis Rents Out Sistine Chapel for Corporate Event
- Francis rails against venerable Eucharistic Fast from Midnight
- How (Not) to Celebrate Mass: Francis in “Wonder”-Land
- Public Sodomite participates as Lector in “Papal Mass” in New York City
- Francis mocks the Holy Mass – encourages Altar Boy to treat Mass as a Joke
- Here comes Francis’ Foot-Washing Circus: 4 Heretics, 3 Muslims, 1 Hindu
- Stiff-Kneed on Demand: Francis’ Kneeling Problem
- Francis: No Catholic Mass available? Just go to the Anglicans!
- MONSTER-ance: Francis and the “Blessed Sacrament” at Fatima
- There He Stands: Francis’ Stiff Knees return for Corpus Christi 2017
- Is Francis planning to rescind Summorum Pontificum?
- Francis invokes “Magisterial Authority” to declare Novus Ordo Liturgical Changes “Irreversible”
- Una Voce Blog: Francis may impose Novus Ordo Calendar and Lectionary on Indult Mass in 2018
- Francis rushes to clarify Shift in Authority for Liturgical Translations
- Francis, Holy Thursday, and the Miracle of the Knees
- A Bergoglian Corpus Christi
- Monster-ance! Horrid Adoration Ceremony at World Youth Day in Panama
- “Boy Lover” Symbolism? Francis’ World Youth Day Vestments seem to feature Pedophile Logo
- Semi-Trads Alarmed: Francis surveys Diocesan Bishops on Summorum Pontificum Latin Mass Culture
- Francis reportedly says he will revoke Benedict XVI’s Universal Latin Mass Authorization
- Speaking of Intercommunion: Why did Francis gift a Eucharistic Chalice to a Lutheran Pastor?
- Eucharistic Knee Failure: Francis’ medical condition identified?
- “The Greatness of God in a Piece of Bread”: A Commentary on Francis’ Corpus Christi Sermon & Angelus Address
- The Party Is Over: Francis kills ‘Summorum Pontificum’, severely limits Use of 1962 Missal
- The Traditional Mask is Off: Commentary on Francis’ Move against the Latin Mass (PODCAST)
- Francis’ Double Standard: Traditional Latin Mass forbidden, but Anglican Service is fine
- Francis in new Interview: “I’m Rather Shy”, Mass Readings in Latin “Like Laughing at the Word of God”
- Joe Biden says Francis OK’d him for Communion, said he’s a Good Catholic — Vatican won’t comment
- Enough Already! Francis doubles down on Traditional Latin Mass Restrictions
- Dreary Christmas: Semi-Trads excoriate Francis over new Latin Mass Restrictions
- On Epiphany, Bergoglio hijacks Three Magi to slam Traditional Mass, push Surprise Theology
- Francis Unhinged: Word of God leads us to Man, Caring for Others more important than Religious Ceremony
- What Game is Francis playing with the Fraternity of St. Peter?
- Antipope Francis: Apostolic Letter “Desiderio Desideravi” on Liturgical Formation
- Jorge Bergoglio and the “Art” of Celebrating the Novus Ordo Liturgy
- Francis rumored to be preparing new Decree against Traditional Latin Mass
- Details emerge: Bergoglio’s rumored Next Attack on the Traditional Latin Mass
- Francis to Hungarian Jesuits: Wanting to go back to pre-Vatican II days is ‘Nostalgic Disease’
- Francis Permits Invalid Anglican Eucharist in Roman Basilica
Desacralizing the Papacy and the Fake Humility of “Pope” Francis:
- Francis Mulls Reform of Papal Election Process
- Antonio Spadaro on Francis: “Any Kind of Narcissism is Infinitely Far from Him”
- Down on his Knees: Francis kisses Feet of four South Sudanese Politicians
- One Ring to Fool them All: Francis and the Kissing of the Piscatory Ring
- Rome’s Miraculous Crucifix “at Risk of Bursting” after Francis exposes it to Rain in St. Peter’s Square
- The Blessing that Wasn’t: Francis omits “Papal” Benediction because it could offend Non-Catholics
- On some recent “Papal” Images… (Aug. 2017)
- Culture of Encounter: Francis angrily slaps Woman pulling his Arm to get his Attention
- Francis has Fun with Traditional Indian Outfit
- Vatican Way of the Cross on Good Friday 2021 talks about Bedwetting
- Francis says John Paul II is a Saint but “I am the Devil”
- Francis posts “No Complaining” Sign on his Apartment Door
- VATI-LEAKS: Francis flaunts using Portable Toilet during Milan Visit
- “Humility” on Display: The Francis Show
- Is “Pope” Francis Really Humble?
- The Humble ‘Pope of Inclusion’ Strikes: Francis Laicizes Novus Ordo Priest who Denies He is Pope
- Video: “Pope” Francis buys new Pair of Glasses at Rome Optician
- Francis holding Hands with Homosexual Activist
- On Day One, “Pope” Rides the Bus and Pays the Bills
- Francis asks Argentines Not to Travel to Rome for Installation, Rather to Donate to the Poor
- The Miserablist Revolution of “Pope” Bergoglio
- Shallow, Shallow, Shallow: Francis’ Kindergarten “Papacy”
- “Just Call Me Jorge” – Francis Attacks the Papacy Again
- Humility to the Detriment of Authority?
- Must “Pope” Francis bless every Pizza at a Restaurant in Trastevere before running cameras?
- Smiley and Jorge – Francis’ “Humility” Furthers the Anti-Catholic Revolution
- Francis Flaunts Own Confession at St. Peter’s
- Pope St. Pius X on Priestly Propriety and Dignity
- What Is True Humility? by Fr. Alonso Rodriguez
By definition, one can never “show off” one’s humility, for the humble man tries not to be noticed. Humility is forgetfulness of self. See this beautiful prayer, “Litany of Humility”, penned by Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val (d. 1930), Secretary of State under Pope St. Pius X. - Great Book on True Humility: Humility of Heart by Fr. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo
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