“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Another Monster Church:
St. Francis de Sales in Norton Shores, Michigan

There is something about eyesores. Even though they’re horrendously ugly and therefore inherently repulsive, somehow many people nevertheless experience the urge to look. Perhaps it’s due to an instinctive “this is too ugly to be true” reaction.

On this web site we occasionally feature extremely hideous, blasphemous, and otherwise repulsive Novus Ordo churches that are officially but deceptively branded “Roman Catholic”. Think of the Jesuit “Chapel of Encounter” in Salamanca, “God’s Ski Jump” in Munich, the “Novus Horror Church” of St. Martin in Erdmannhausen, or the horrific pile of junk that blasphemously calls itself “Most Holy Trinity Church” in Vienna, to name just a few.… READ MORE

Modernism is as Modernism does…

Blasphemous “Artwork” in Seminary Chapel
in Tübingen, Germany

Almost three years ago, we published an exposé on the horrific blasphemy that hangs right in the sanctuary worship space of the diocesan seminary chapel in Graz, Austria. What at first glance looks like it’s an act of vandalism against a crucifix painting, is actually the finished “artwork”. Remember?

It would be a mistake, however, to suppose that this atrocity is a unique case. After all, the Vatican II Sect is filled with blasphemy, sacrilege, heresy, and impiety, and so we should expect to see outrages like that also in other places.… READ MORE

An indelible character of a different kind?

Bergoglio’s Field Hospital has arrived: COVID Shots administered in Irish Hospital Chapel closed for Sacraments

Francis has long dreamed of his Modernist sect being a “field hospital” that treats the “wounds” of its people — he talks about it every so often (for example, in 2013 | 2015 | 2019). In the town of Waterford, Ireland, that has now come true in a more literal sense that he probably anticipated.

The University Hospital Waterford comes with a “Roman Catholic” chapel on its grounds, under the care of the Novus Ordo diocese of Waterford and Lismore.… READ MORE

So much knowledge, yet no Faith…

Apostasy in Latin: Modernist Fr. Reginald Foster, Vatican’s Top Latin Expert, dies on Christmas Day

Fr. Reginald Foster (1939-2020) gave up wearing his collar long time ago…

Christmas Day saw the unexpected passing of Fr. Reginald Thomas Foster, O.C.D. (1939-2020), apparently from complications associated with COVID-19. The name of the discalced Carmelite friar probably does not ring a bell with most people, but for decades he was a most important individual in Vatican City. “Reggie”, as he liked to be called, was the foremost living authority on the Latin language, certainly in the Vatican II Church and probably in the entire world.… READ MORE

Quick! Hide the kids…

Mayday! Mayday! Vatican Nativity Scene Unveiled

[UPDATED 14-DEC-2020 02:22 UTC — scroll down for new developments appended at the end]

In case you thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse, it just did: The Vatican has unveiled its Nativity Scene in St. Peter’s Square.

Although this year we’re not confronted with a homo-erotic Frankie Horror Picture Show or an unconventional Nativity display made of sand, what Bergoglio’s sect came up with this time around is a fitting end to an annus horribilis, a truly horrific year.

Pictures tell the story quite well. Words are not really necessary.… READ MORE

The sacred and the profane, 2020 edition….

ChrisMASK is coming: Nativity Scene Figurines wearing COVID Masks pop up in Novus Ordo Land

It was pretty much a given that this year we would see Nativity scenes with “woke” figures wearing face masks. This world is a hell-hole of apostasy, sacrilege, and irreverence that has lost all sense and respect for that which is holy and sacred, thanks in no small part to decades of the Vatican II Sect doing its work of devastation in the Catholic vineyard.

In Turin, Italy, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist has put up a large indoor Nativity display that is gorgeous to look at — except for the cloth masks found on everyone’s face:

Getty Images has released a few close-up images, some of which you can browse in the carousel below:

Embed from Getty ImagesREAD MORE

Cracks in the Masonry?

“Cardinal” Marx’s Cracked Stone Altar

As long-time readers of this blog may recall, the Modernist Archdiocese of Munich and Freising is the home of “God’s Ski Jump”.

At the same time, the diocese does have some beautiful old and therefore traditional church buildings. Since those don’t really fit their Novus Ordo religion, however, they tend to get wreckovated. After all, such truly Catholic churches were designed for the true worship of the Triune God, and the new-and-improved “Catholicism 2.0” of Vatican II just isn’t into that sort of thing.

Even in churches where the basic traditional architecture and most of the beautiful sanctuary have been retained, the one thing they always do is introduce a so-called “people’s altar”.… READ MORE

A Fun Church update…

Nothing Sacred: Idiotic Buffoonery at Novus Ordo Parish in Nebraska

As stated in big letters on their home page, Sacred Heart Church in Omaha, Nebraska, is a “vibrant” and “diverse” Novus Ordo community. Being part of the Vatican II Sect (Archdiocese of Omaha), it is naturally a church of joy. How that works out in practice could be seen at a “Mass” four months ago.

In the Novus Ordo liturgy, on Sundays the reception of “Holy Communion” is typically followed by parish announcements (such an appropriate time!). On June 21 at Sacred Heart in Omaha, those announcements came with a pool noodle fight and all kinds of other buffooneries only people completely ignorant of, or hostile to, Catholicism would dare to engage in.… READ MORE

Communion on by the tongue…

Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter offers
sacrilegious “Lick-Off Communion” in Germany

On Sep. 15, 2020, people at St. Peter Canisius’ self-communicated by licking hosts off saucers

In the German town of Saarlouis, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) has its own parish, the Church of St. Peter Canisius. In terms of externals, it is absolutely gorgeous. The pastor there is “Fr.” Christoph Fuisting.

However, as an organization that prides itself on supposedly retaining Catholic Tradition, what took place there on Sep. 13, 2020 (Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost), defies belief.

As reported by the well-informed and highly-reliable Novus Ordo journalist Giuseppe Nardi, “Fr.”… READ MORE

Vatican agitprop…

The ‘Pontifical Academy for Black Lives Matter’

The useless so-called Pontifical Academy for Life, no stranger to controversy, sent out a tweet today showing a photoshopped image of Michelangelo’s famous Pietà sculpture — Our Lady on Mount Calvary holding the Body of her Divine Son after It was taken down from the Cross — with the skin color of the Body of Our Lord changed to black:

The caption provided by the Vatican academy is: “An image that is worth a speech.” The actual tweet can be accessed here.

Let’s be clear: Of course our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ redeemed the entire human race, people of any and all colors.… READ MORE

St. Paul’s church in Lexington, KY

Novus Ordo Parish blasphemes Our Lady as “Mother of Pride”

All are welcome at St. Paul’s — except for actual Catholics, we suspect…

The “Roman Catholic church” of St. Paul in Lexington, Kentucky, is a paragon of everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo Church, especially under Francis. A quick perusal of its web site and its Facebook page reveals quite clearly what matters most to the false Catholics occupying that traditional church building, and it’s not Catholicism.

The picture shown above is used by this “faith community” as its Facebook banner. It is a testimony to the fact that just about every aberrant sexual inclination a person could possibly have is celebrated and affirmed at this parish (or perish?).… READ MORE

“An enemy hath done this” (Mt 13:28)…

Blasphemous Crucifix
at Oklahoma Novus Ordo Parish

Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is mercilessly mocked and blasphemed in a “Crucifix” that is permanently on display at St. Matthew’s “Catholic” Church in Elk City, Oklahoma.

There isn’t much that needs to be said. The photos speak for themselves. (Click on each image for a larger version.)

We do not know who is ultimately the source of these photos, but we got them from this tweet by user James Aubrey Goins.

Although there is no photo of this abominable mockery of the Crucifixion of Our Blessed Lord on the church’s web site, it can be seen in a YouTube video released by the parish on Holy Thursday 2020.… READ MORE

Modernist “Catholic” church in Vienna…

New Churches for a New Religion:
Welcome to “Most Holy Trinity Church” in Austria

What do you mean, your mind isn’t raised to heavenly things?!

In the toxic theological wasteland known as the “New Springtime” of Vatican II, it is difficult to determine just which Novus Ordo “Catholic” church is the absolutely worst piece of sculptural garbage out there. However, the building officially known as Most Holy Trinity Church in Austria’s capital of Vienna is definitely among the top ten.

The picture above really speaks for itself; and although it only shows one side of the building, the rest of the monstrous edifice doesn’t get any better.… READ MORE

Liturgical freak show in Land of Luther…

Send in the Clowns:
Liturgical Theater of the Absurd in Germany

The infamous Nativity of Mary (Maria Geburt) parish in Aschaffenburg, Germany, has done it again.

On Sunday, July 5, its pastor, Mr. Markus Krauth, uploaded three videos showing who-knows-what going on in his wreckovated church, apparently either before or during “Mass”. The spectacle is so absurd, you have to see it to believe it. Don’t speak German? Don’t worry — those who do, won’t understand what’s going on either:

In case the videos won’t play embedded in this post, you can watch them directly on YouTube here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Blasphemous Architecture:
Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy


A “Catholic” church building that cries to Heaven for vengeance

In the Catholic Church, religious doctrine is not only expressed in words but also communicated through liturgical rites and sacred architecture. When the Novus Ordo religion was introduced at the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s to gradually replace Catholicism, it was a given that this new theology needed not only a New Mass but also new church buildings to go along with it:

And nobody putteth a piece of raw cloth unto an old garment. For it taketh away the fullness thereof from the garment, and there is made a greater rent.