In other words, “Who am I to judge?!”…

Francis on Biden’s Extreme Abortion Support:
“I leave it to his Conscience and that he speaks to his Bishop”!

Since late June, there has been a flurry of wide-ranging interviews with “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), lest your summer should be calm and peaceful and, worst of all, Bergoglio-free.

The latest one is the fourth in quick succession, and was conducted and released by the Mexican-American TelevisaUnivision. In the United States it aired yesterday, July 11, on Univision.

The entire conversation, conducted in Bergoglio’s native language, Spanish, lasted two hours, and it underscores once more that the apostate from Buenos Aires likes nothing more than to hear himself talk, offering his infinite wisdom to this poor world.… READ MORE

Do as I say, not as I do…

Jorge Bergoglio and the “Art” of Celebrating the Novus Ordo Liturgy

Then-“Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on May 25, 2008
(Photo by Emiliano Lasalvia/LatinContent via Getty Images)

On June 29, 2022, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) issued a so-called Apostolic Letter, entitled Desiderio Desideravi. The title is taken from the holy Words of our Lord Jesus Christ at the beginning of the Last Supper: “With desire I have desired to eat this pasch with you, before I suffer” (Lk 22:15).

The subject matter with which this letter concerns itself is that of the Sacred Liturgy, or, in Vatican II speak: “on the liturgical formation of the People of God”.… READ MORE

Why make it beautiful when you can make it ugly?

Welcome to the Beehive:
St. John’s Abbey Church in Collegeville, MN

(image: Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.0)

Today we would like to introduce you to a gem of Brutalist architecture, the famed church associated with St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota.

The architect who committed this eyesore is Marcel Breuer (1902-81), who is also responsible for St. Francis de Sales church in Norton Shores, Michigan.

Design and construction of this church began in the 1950s, so one can see how deeply the spirit of Modernism and the subsequent Vatican II religion was alive and well during that time.… READ MORE

Well, at least it was invalid…

Muslim Politician given Novus Ordo Eucharist at ‘Catholic Congress’ in Germany

Muslim politician Muhterem Aras, right, with Rottenburg-Stuttgart “Bishop” Gebhard Fürst and a colleague
(image source: Twitter; cropped)

The 102nd edition of the notorious German Katholikentag (“Catholic Congress”) is currently underway in the city of Stuttgart. The official web site has a section for English speakers here.

The Katholikentag (pronounced cut-oh-LEAK-un-tuhg) has genuinely Catholic origins in the 1800s, but since at least 1968 it has been an insufferable sewer of anti-Catholic ideas and rebellion against God’s order. At this point it is an utter cesspool of Modernism, Indifferentism, feminism, Marxism, environmentalism, sexual immorality, and liturgical chaos — to be outdone only by its Lutheran counterpart.… READ MORE

So graduates will ‘reach for the sky’…

The Heights of Absurdity:
Rock-Climbing Wall installed in Vienna Cathedral

The Archlayman of Vienna, “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, has once again found a way to defile the Cathedral of St. Stephen and hold it up to the mockery of the world.

Although this time it wasn’t a homosexual prayer service, a flamboyant rock play, or a fundraising gala featuring the sodomite lobby that disgraced the sacred place, nonetheless the scandalous false shepherd once again managed to pull off an entirely farcical and unworthy spectacle in this temple originally consecrated to the worship of the Most Holy Trinity.… READ MORE

The first fruits of Vatican II…

Behold the “New American Catholic” of 1968

Fr. William Nerin (1926-2020) presides over a liturgical travesty

In the last post, we saw that Paul VI himself came up with the expression “Conciliar Church” in March of 1966 to describe the ecclesial monstrosity his Second Vatican Council had created.

In the present post, we will look at some of the first fruits, so to speak, of that New Church in the United States.

In June of 1968, the American TV channel NBC aired a 50-minute documentary entitled The New American Catholic, and it shows how unrecognizable this new “Catholic Church” was less than 10 years after Pope Pius XII had died.… READ MORE

With apologies to IKEA…

Eyesore in the Sanctuary: ‘Cardinal’ Schönborn consecrates ‘IKEA Altar’ in Dominican Church in Vienna

The apostate Vatican II Sect has lots of “false apostles [who] are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ” (2 Cor 11:13).

One of the worst of them all, however, is Christoph Schönborn, O.P., as will be shown later. The 77-year-old has been the “cardinal-archbishop” of Vienna, Austria, since 1995, and even though he is already two years past mandatory retirement age, “Pope” Francis has still not accepted his resignation.

This past Sunday, on Mar. 27, 2022, Schonborn presided over the consecration of a new altar in the Baroque-style Dominican Church of St.READ MORE

As wrong as it is to mistreat others, it’s not sacrilege…

Francis claims mistreating Human Beings is “Sacrilege”:
A Reality Check on the Sacred and the Profane

When it concerns man rather than God, he gets serious: The apostate pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio

You know something is off when Francis complains about sacrilege. He’s just not into religion enough to be concerned about the profanation of the sacred. In fact, if there is one thing he is really good at, besides uttering heresy and blasphemy, it’s committing sacrilege.

His placing of an offering to the “Mother Earth” goddess Pachamama on the high altar of St.READ MORE

“Lenten shroud” hung above high altar…

Despicable “Art” Installation at Austrian Church for Lent

“…see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary” (Ps 73:3)

The beautiful 18th-century Church of St. John Nepomucene (Johanneskirche) in Innsbruck, Austria, is currently being defiled with a most despicable piece of “art” that is obviously meant to profane the sacred, provoke the imagination and the emotions, and make a mockery of Roman Catholicism yet again.

The project comes with the official approval of the notorious “Bishop” Hermann Glettler, the ordinary of Innsbruck, who delights in all kinds of works that allow him to express his contempt for the sacred under the cover of promoting “art”.… READ MORE

Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, example no. 14228…

Liturgical Absurdistan: Final Blessing with Guitar at Novus Ordo Mass near Chicago

The latest absurdity of Novus Ordo worship comes to us from the “Holy Family Catholic Community” in Inverness, Illinois, courtesy of the parish pastor, the Rev. Terence M. Keehan (“Fr. Terry”).

We put together the following video clip featuring the final prayer and “blessing” perpetrated by the parish pastor on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022, as part of the 9:00 am “Catholic Mass” (full video here). This 90-second video is an absolute must-see:

The closing prayer that precedes this sacrilegious “blessing”, as well as the few words that follow it, make for a perfect complement to the liturgical insanity of Novus Ordo Land.… READ MORE

Another gem of Novus Ordo architecture…

No Holy Spirit here:
Welcome to the “Tent” Church of the Unholy Ghost

Alright, everyone, it is the liturgical season of Septuagesima, the annual two-and-a-half-week prelude to Lent. Why not practice some mortification of the eyes?

The so-called Heilig-Geist-Kirche (“Church of the Holy Ghost”) in Ergenzingen, Germany, affords ample opportunity for visual penance, and the title image above is a good start.

The “sacred” building in question is located near the city Rottenburg and part of the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, which was once shepherded occupied by the Resurrection denier and general Modernist apostate “Bishop” Walter Kasper (1989-99) before he was promoted to being the Vatican’s chief ecumenist.… READ MORE

A new church for the New Church…

Church of the Squashed Mushroom?
St. James the Apostle Parish in Ferrara, Italy

Don’t be deceived: The outside of the church is the pretty part!

It’s time again for one of those “ugly Novus Ordo church building” posts. Thanks to the “Great Renewal” of the Vatican II Sect, there is a sheer endless supply of material.

Today we shall look at the parish of St. James the Apostle (San Giacomo Apostolo) in the Archdiocese of Ferrara-Comacchio, Italy. The diocese is currently led by Archlayman Gian Carlo Perego, chosen for this role by “Pope” Francis in 2017.… READ MORE

Bergoglio on Holy Family Sunday…

Francis: “The Holy Family on Holy Cards Does Not Exist”

Today the Vatican II Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family, also known as Holy Family Sunday. (In the traditional calendar, this feast falls on the First Sunday after the Epiphany.)

For his Angelus address, therefore, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) spoke on the Holy Family. Although it contains some typical Bergoglianisms — such as the incredibly profound observation that we were not “born magically, with a magic wand” — the substance of his address was not objectionable. Here is the full text:


They’re mocking Our Lord all over again…

“Climate Crucifix” in Salford Cathedral

The Novus Ordo Modernists occupying our beautiful Roman Catholic churches never run out of ideas for profaning the sacred. We need but recall the sickening, blasphemous “Jesus Clock” perpetrated by “Bishop” Hermann Glettler of Innsbruck, or the no-less-blasphemous “crucifix” in the seminary chapel in Graz. Both examples are from Austria, one of the hotbeds of sacrilegious “art” and architecture in Europe.

Today’s example of ridiculing and humiliating Our Beloved Savior Jesus Christ comes from the diocese of Salford, England (click image for larger version):

This abomination is found in not just any church within the diocese, however.… READ MORE

“Impressive”, eh?!

Indelible Signs:
Free Tattoos offered in Novus Ordo church in Frankfurt

If you thought the “Show-Your-Tattoo Mass” we reported on in 2014 was bad, wait till you read this story.

On Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany, the historic 16th-century Liebfrauenkirche (Church of Our Lady), currently used as a monastic church and occuppied by clerics of the Vatican II Sect, was defiled by an absurd spectacle: For a total of roughly five hours, the church was open for people to enter and get a calligraphical tattoo imprinted on their skin, free of charge. Participants had to choose from one of eight pre-selected words or phrases.… READ MORE