More like the devil’s den…

Introducing “God’s Castle”

The eyesore you are looking at above is not a garbage incinerator, a silo complex, or an unfinished nuclear power plant. It is St. Vincent’s “Catholic” Church in Untermarchtal, Germany, part of the notorious Novus Ordo diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, where Mr. Gebhard Fürst presides over the systematic destruction of Catholicism. It serves as the mother church for the St. Vincent de Paul Sisters in the region, who are utterly in love with the building.

Although the building is hideous on the outside, the interior isn’t any better. The following video is in German but it gives a pictorial tour of what’s inside the building.… READ MORE

Three weeks of rainforest theology…

Welcome to the Jungle:
Chronicling the AMAZON SYNOD

Your One-Stop Resource for All Things Pan-Amazon Synod
(October 6-27, 2019)

Official Vatican Sites

Official Documents and Videos


“Cardinal” Marx’s favorite?

Get ready: Here comes the Agnus Dei Dance!

The Catholic Conference (Katholikentag; literally “Catholics’ Day”) is a national event in Germany that was first held on October 3, 1848, and since then has been repeated every 2-4 years.

What started out as a truly Roman Catholic gathering organized by laymen in the middle of the nineteenth century has become a grotesque celebration of Naturalism, Modernism, Freemasonic ideas, and everything else that is wrong with the Vatican II religion. The Katholikentag is definitely left of center even for Novus Ordo standards, and of course it comes with ridiculous liturgy to boot.… READ MORE

A choreography of the Novus Ordo religion…

Twirling around the Sanctuary:
“Dance of Faith” at Paderborn Cathedral

The German diocese of Paderborn is currently in the midst of celebrating its annual Liborifest, a 9-day celebration in honor of St. Liborius, a fourth-century bishop who is one of the patron saints of the diocese.

Every year one day of the St. Liborius festival is dedicated to women, and on that occasion the usual solemn Novus Ordo worship service this year included a special dance feature which we are loath excited to share with you:

The woman twirling around in what used to be the Catholic sanctuary there is Verena Fröhlich, a children’s dance instructor from the far-away town of Constance.… READ MORE

Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, reason no. 741

Oh Happy Day!
More Novus Ordo Buffoonery in the Land of Luther

What part of the ‘Mass’ was that again where a clown hides under a table covered in garbage bags?

In case you needed a reminder for why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, today we present to you a double whammy from the notorious Nativity of Mary Church (Maria Geburt) in Aschaffenburg, Germany, of ‘New Pentecost’ infamy. It is useless to attempt to describe the pseudo-liturgical shenanigans, so we won’t even try. You’ll simply have to watch:

In case the videos won’t play embedded, you can watch them on YouTube directly by clicking here and here.… READ MORE

The Fun Church in Poland…

A Biker’s Corpus Christi:
“Eucharistic” Procession with a Quad Bike

For this year’s Corpus Christi celebration, the church of St. Rita in Lusówko, Poland, had a particularly extravagant idea: everyone gets on his bicycle, while the “priest” sits on the back of a quad bike to bless people with what they claim to believe is the Body of Christ in the Monstrance. The result looked like this:

Lusowko, by the way, belongs to the archdiocese of Poznań, where Mr. Stanislaw Gadecki plays Roman Catholic archbishop.

More photos of the event, clearly sacrilegious (although the Novus Ordo ‘Eucharist’ is not valid, of course), can be found on the parish’s Facebook page.… READ MORE

Bergoglio disposing of the Vatican’s last vestiges of Catholicism…

Francis gives away Relics of St. Peter to Eastern Orthodox Patriarch

Orthodox Abp. Job (center) takes possession of the relics of St. Peter,
accompanied by “Cardinal” Kurt Koch (second from left)

You’ve probably heard about it from other news sources at this point, but it’s a story big enough to warrant a dedicated post on this site: On June 29, 2019, the current Modernist usurper of the papal office, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis), gave away nine bone fragments of the Apostle and first Pope, St. Peter, to the heretical and schismatic Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, a man who denies the primacy and infallibility of the papal office. … READ MORE

Happy New Pentecost!

It’s the feast of the spirit of Vatican II!

Happy New Pentecost!

Some things are so absurd that it is best to leave them uncommented — photos and videos speak eloquently enough. The liturgical loony bin of Maria Geburt (Nativity of Mary) Church in Aschaffenburg, Germany, is such a case.

In 2013, the pastor of the church, Mr. Markus Krauth, published a video clip showing a “liturgical performance” for the feast of Pentecost. Few people will be able to endure this to the very end:

For those who were inspired by this profound spiritual experience, we also have a “Pentecost dance” from the same perish parish:

What you have witnessed is the perfect embodiment of the religion of the Second Vatican Council, the disastrous gathering that “Pope” John XXIII repeatedly referred to as a “new Pentecost” (see, for example, “Prayer of Pope John XXIII to the Holy Spirit for the Success of the Ecumenical Council”, in Walter Abbott, The Documents of Vatican II [New York, NY: Guild Press, 1966], p.… READ MORE

Easter in the Fun Church…

Resurrection Sunday in the Vatican II Sect:
Novus Ordo Priest becomes Easter Egg

There isn’t much that needs to be said about this — the above picture and the video from which it was taken, speak for themselves.

On Easter Sunday, this past April 21, “Fr.” Nando Capone of San Bernardino Realino parish in Lecce, Italy, donned an Easter Egg hat during the sermon and preached accordingly: “We are Easter. Every one of you ought to be an Easter egg, a sign of new life, a surprise. Move beyond any malice; that’s resurrection” (our translation; as reported by Giuseppe Nardi).… READ MORE

The Novus Ordo Missae at 50…

Five Sorrowful Decades:
Fifty Years of Paul VI’s “New Mass”

Embed from Getty Images

by Francis del Sarto

“Truly, if one of the devils in C. S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters had been entrusted with the ruin of the liturgy, he could not have done it better.” –Dietrich von Hildebrand

“Every sectarian who wishes to introduce a new doctrine finds himself, unfailingly, face to face with the Liturgy, which is Tradition at its strongest and best, and he cannot rest until he has silenced this voice, until he has torn up these pages which recall the faith of past centuries.”READ MORE

“…see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary” (Ps 73:3)

“Jesus Clock” – Blasphemous Art in Austrian Church

Ladies and gentlemen, there is not much that needs to be said in this post. The pictures and the video clip tell the story well enough. The Modernist occupiers of the Catholic churches of Austria have once again installed sacrilegious and blasphemous art. This time, the crime scene is not Vienna but Innsbruck, where “Bishop” Hermann Glettler — appointed, of course, by “Pope” Francis — is excited to have two new “art” installations: one inside the 18th-century Cathedral of St.READ MORE

Watch at your own risk…

They’ve lost it completely:
“Ash Wednesday of Artists” in Cologne Basilica

The Modernist layman who currently pretends to be the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne, Germany, Mr. Rainer Maria Woelki, led an Ash Wednesday “Mass” in the Basilica of St. Cunibert on March 6. The liturgical horror how was entitled Aschermittwoch der Künstler, literally, “Ash Wednesday of Artists”.

Words cannot describe what you are about to witness. The woman making the noises with her mouth and feet is Irene Kurka.

One thing is certain: Watching this is Lenten penance on steroids, strictest mortification of the sense of hearing.… READ MORE

Why make it beautiful when you can make it ugly?


Horrid Adoration Ceremony at World Youth Day Vigil Service

Covering the horrid theological and liturgical junk the Vatican II Sect puts out on a daily basis, one gets used to a lot, but there are times when you just want to jump out of your chair and yell, “No way! They can’t  be serious!”

Today was such a day.

“Pope” Francis is currently spreading his Masonic-Naturalist poison in Panama on the occasion of World Youth Day (see our extensive coverage here). Whereas yesterday evening saw a Novus Ordo version of the Stations of the Cross (with dancers, of course!),… READ MORE

“…make not the house of my Father a house of traffic” (Jn 2:16)

“Cardinal” Barbarin turns Church into Restaurant for World Day of the Poor

“Thou, O Lord, hast chosen this house for thy name to be called upon therein,
that it might be a house of prayer and supplication for thy people.” (1 Machabees 7:37)

Since there hasn’t been enough sacrilege and desecration in (formerly) Catholic churches throughout France since the 1960s, the Archlayman of Lyon, “Cardinal” Philippe Barbarin, decided to help out a bit.

On Sunday, Nov. 18, 2018, on the occasion of the Vatican-created World Day of the Poor, the Modernist pseudo-shepherd invited 700 needy people to a professionally-catered luncheon inside the beautiful church of St.READ MORE

Omits Trinitarian formula altogether…

Francis opts for Old Testament Blessing at New Year’s Angelus

At the end of the Angelus prayer on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019, the “Holy Father” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) decided to nix the usual Catholic blessing invoking the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and replaced it with a blessing from the Old Testament found in Numbers 6:22-26:

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you bless the children of Israel, and you shall say to them: The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord shew his face to thee, and have mercy on thee.