So alone in St. Peter’s Square…

Vatican’s Human Fraternity Extravaganza ‘Not Alone’ Flops as No One Shows Up

Getting a front-row seat wasn’t terribly difficult…

Imagine it’s the first-ever World Meeting on Human Fraternity and nobody cares.

That is exactly what happened on Saturday, June 10, in Rome. Under the ironic motto #NotAlone, the event’s organizers and contributors found themselves very much alone as they put on a nearly 5-hour long spectacle in St. Peter’s Square that almost nobody cared to attend.

#NotAlone was Quite Alone

According to the Silere Non Possum blog, “Those few people present were tourists, who didn’t stay, and friends of the Franciscan cardinal”, by whom they mean Mauro Gambetti, who is the ‘Archpriest’ of St.… READ MORE

Law was on the books from 1967 to at least 1983…

Historical Tidbit: ‘Pope’ Paul VI permitted active Catholic Participation in Eastern Orthodox Masses

About a month ago, we published an article demonstrating that the Catholic Church teaches that she is infallible not only in her dogmas but also in her universal laws and sacramental rites — not in the sense that these could never be changed, but rather, that they could never be in themselves impious, heretical, sacrilegious, or otherwise harmful.

In his magnificent encyclical letter on the Mystical Body of Christ, Pope Pius XII taught this explicitly:

Certainly the loving Mother [the Church] is spotless in the Sacraments, by which she gives birth to and nourishes her children; in the faith which she has always preserved inviolate; in her sacred laws imposed on all; in the evangelical counsels which she recommends; in those heavenly gifts and extraordinary graces through which, with inexhaustible fecundity she generates hosts of martyrs, virgins and confessors.


Vatican II ecclesiology in action…

Non-Catholic ‘Martyrs’: Francis adds 21 murdered Copts as ‘Saints’ to Roman Martyrology

An icon of the 21 Coptic Orthodox who were murdered by ISIS terrorists in 2015 (created by Tony Rezk)

If you blinked, you probably missed it: Jorge Bergoglio, the Modernist apostate from Buenos Aires who has occupied the Vatican for over a decade now under the stage name ‘Pope Francis’, has just declared 21 non-Catholic (Coptic Orthodox) ‘martyrs’ to be added to the Roman martyrology, which is the official list of martyrs accepted by and venerated in the Latin Church.

Even the Novus Ordo press recognizes that this is a big deal: “A ‘bolt out of the blue’: Pope Francis sets off an ecumenical earthquake”, The Catholic World Report writes; “Unpacking how history changed … with recognition of Coptic martyrs”, Crux explains.… READ MORE

Vatican II ecclesiology in action…

UPDATED: Vatican permits Anglican ‘Mass’ at St. John Lateran Cathedral in Rome

Mr. Jonathan Baker leads an Anglican ‘Mass’ in St. John’s Cathedral, Rome


20-APR-2023 18:29 UTC:


False pope teaches false doctrine…

The Impossible Encyclical: Pacem in Terris turns 60

The false pope John XXIII as he unleashes false doctrine on unsuspecting Catholics (Apr. 10, 1963)

These days the Vatican is commemorating the 60th anniversary of the encyclical letter Pacem in Terris (“Peace on Earth”) by Angelo Roncalli (‘Pope John XXIII’). Although officially dated Apr. 11, 1963 — Holy Thursday — it was actually signed and issued a day early.

Pacem in Terris came at the tail end of Roncalli’s usurped pontificate — less than two months later, he was dead. It was the height of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis having occurred roughly six months before.… READ MORE

Bergoglio’s baneful baby…

‘Abrahamic Family House’ with Church, Mosque, and Synagogue opens in Abu Dhabi

Three cubes for a more fraternal — and less Catholic — world

The ever-advancing global apostasy has just reached another mile marker. On Feb. 16, 2023, the so-called Abrahamic Family House was solemnly inaugurated in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The project comes with the full endorsement of Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate who has been playing “Pope Francis” for nearly 10 years now in the post-Catholic Vatican. In fact, Francis is one of the instigators of this unholy endeavor, which has been called the “first fruits” of the blasphemous and heretical Document on Human Fraternity the false pope signed together with the Moslem imam Ahmad Al-Tayyib in Abu Dhabi on Feb.… READ MORE

Four video lectures on recent Church history…

The History of Christendom:
From the French Revolution to ‘Pope’ Francis (1789-Present)

The Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn explains the history of the Catholic Church

Long-time readers of this blog may remember that years ago we presented, courtesy of True Restoration, a video lecture series on the history of Christendom with Bishop Donald Sanborn. Beginning with the Edict of Milan in the early 4th century, which legalized Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, Bp. Sanborn traced the history of the Catholic Church all the way up to, but not including, the French Revolution.… READ MORE

No compromises with paganism, see?

Bergoglio: Proselytism is Pagan!

Doesn’t want you to succumb to paganism: Jorge Mario Bergoglio as ‘Pope Francis’

This past Wednesday, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope Francis” — began a new cycle of catechetical lectures for his weekly general audience. The topic of this new series is the passion for evangelization, the believer’s zeal for mission. And who better to preach on this than the Jesuit from Buenos Aires, who considers false religions an “enrichment” for humanity and asserts that God wants there to be a diversity of religions?

Of course the false pope wasted no time making clear that he is not talking about that detested proselytism, which would mean trying to convert others to Catholicism by means of arguments, that is, by trying to convince others of the truth of the Catholic Faith.… READ MORE

Explanation of Acts 17:22-23

Do Pagans worship the True God without knowing it?
A Look at St. Paul’s Discourse to the Athenians

In Chapter 17 of the Acts of the Apostles, we find St. Paul discoursing with the pagan inhabitants of Athens, Greece. The city is immersed in idolatry, and the holy Apostle notices an altar dedicated “to the unknown god”. He uses this as a cue to preach to the Athenians the true God, whom indeed they do not yet know but are apparently disposed, however confusedly, to worship.

This incident is sometimes used by Novus Ordo apologists to support the positive view of paganism that the Vatican II religion has been fostering, and none more than Jorge Bergoglio, the man otherwise known as “Pope Francis”. … READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Bergoglio’s Mystical Body of the Antichrist:

TRADCAST 034 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on Nov. 23: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way — not excluding an occasional relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 034 (23 NOV 2022)


  • Segment 1 — Ecumenism before and after Vatican II: a substantial change of the Catholic religion; Francis’ apostasy and the Mystical Body of the Antichrist; the Indifferentism of ‘Cardinal’ Louis Raphael Sako.
  • Segment 2 — The miraculous propagation and preservation of the Catholic Church through the centuries vs. the Great Apostasy and “operation of error” after Pope Pius XII; an exposition and refutation of Francis’ heretical ideas about mercy and forgiveness without repentance.
  • Total run time: 1 hr 22 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Just listen to your heart!

Francis to African University Students: Avoid the ‘Supermarket of Salvation’, but be ‘Apostles of the Earth’!

On Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) was busy helping university students build bridges across Africa. To that end he participated in a Zoom video conference event entitled, “Building Bridges Across Africa: A Synodal Encounter between Pope Francis and African University Students”, sponsored, among other entities, by the Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network.

The main theme of the dialogue with university students was “Ubuntu: A culture of encounter; we all belong”.… READ MORE

Shared churches, ecumenical martyrs, and much more!

Francis dumps Truckloads of Heresy and Error in Address to Ecumenical Audience in Bahrain

Never at a loss for words, the apostate Bergoglio had plenty to say to his ecumenical audience

In our last post, we demonstrated Jorge Bergoglio’s apostasy in his speeches to Muslims in Awali, Bahrain. Under his stage name “Pope Francis”, he preached to them not Jesus Christ but, instead, transcendence and fraternity, which alone, he claimed, could save us:

Right after his speech to the Muslim Council of Elders on Nov.… READ MORE

Bergoglio’s ‘Gospel of Man’ reloaded…

Francis to Muslim Elders:
‘Transcendence and Fraternity Alone will Save Us’

As noted in our most recent podcast, TRADCAST EXPRESS 164, the false pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) is currently on a four-day blather tour in Bahrain, a small island nation in the Persian Gulf. Bahrain is a monarchy with Islam as the official state religion; but other creeds too have many rights.

Thursday, Nov. 3, was Bergoglio’s first day in the kingdom, and he had plenty to say in his address to the nation’s governing authorities, civil society, and diplomatic corps.

Identifying Bahrain as “a crossroads of mutual enrichment between peoples”, Francis observed that the land “has always been a place of encounter between different peoples” — in other words, it is a perfect setting for him to promote his Masonic ideology of encounter, fraternity, and religious pluralism.… READ MORE

More of the same, expecting different results…

A ‘Cry for Peace’: Francis leads Interreligious Prayer Meeting at Roman Colosseum

It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results.

If that be true, then the world just got a little more insane on October 25, 2022, when the umpteenth interreligious prayer-for-peace assembly was held under the leadership of the head of the Vatican II religion, currently Jorge Bergoglio, also known as “Pope Francis”.

Under the motto “The Cry for Peace”, the world was subjected to yet another spectacle of representatives of different religions talking about and praying for world peace.… READ MORE