Might as well, at this point…

German Diocese Officially Allows ‘Eucharistic Sharing’ with Protestants

The diocese of Osnabrück in Germany is currently vacant, even from a Novus Ordo perspective. Its most recent ‘bishop’ was Franz-Josef Bode, who resigned on March 25, 2023, over his handling of abuse cases in the diocese.

To get an idea of what kind of ‘shepherd’ had led the ‘Catholics’ of Osnabrück since 1995, it suffices to know that in 2014, Bode was responsible for an abominable quasi-nude spectacle taking place in the diocesan cathedral, and that he thinks highly of Dr. Stephan Goertz, a lay theologian who is on record suggesting that “a committed, loving homosexual union, which sees itself as a relationship of faith in the God of Israel and Jesus” might actually “possess a sacramental character.”… READ MORE