Rigidly clinging to his certainties…

Francis to Catechists: Vatican II is the Magisterium of the Church and non-negotiable

The traditionalist wing of the Vatican II Church is concerned. On Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, their extremely valid “Pope” opened his mouth about the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and a Catholic’s supposed obligation to adhere to it.

In a flowery discourse to Italian catechists filled with blather about kerygma, encounter, journey, listening, the “dialect of closeness” and what not, the Argentinian apostate playing Pope said:

This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church.


Condemned prior to Vatican II…

Christian Unity without Catholicism: Francis spews Ecumenical Bilge at General Audience

At his Wednesday audience of Jan. 20, 2021, the false pope in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), interrupted his current series of lectures on the subject of prayer and spoke about Christian unity.

This he did because every year from Jan. 18 through Jan. 25, the Novus Ordo Sect observes what it calls the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”. It is an ecumenicized version of the traditional Catholic “Chair of Unity Octave”, which was approved by Pope St. Pius X in 1909 and extended to the Universal Church by Pope Benedict XV in 1916.… READ MORE

Indifferentism on steroids…

Welcome to the Religion of Fraternity: Francis releases dangerous new “Pope Video”

Jorge Bergoglio’s soup kitchen religion is on full display in the latest so-called “Pope Video”, a professionally-produced short promotional clip in which the Argentinian apostate who plays “Pope Francis” announces to the world his prayer intentions for the month of January 2021.

Similar to the outrageous and blasphemous inaugural “Pope Video” of January 2016, in which Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism were placed on a par with Catholicism as “different ways” of “seeking or meeting” the same God (and, interestingly enough, the “offensive” Crucifix [cf. 1 Cor 1:23] was replaced by a politically-correct figure of the Christ Child), so now, five years later, Francis promotes his apostate Masonic notion of human fraternity as that which unites all men regardless of their religion:

The moving images of the video speak for themselves.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Real Catholicism vs. Francis and his Church of Chaos:

TRADCAST 029 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on December 11: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor, so necessary especially in this chaotic year.

TRADCAST 029 is a potpourri of numerous topics.… READ MORE

So much for their resistance to Vatican II…

“Abp.” Carlo Viganò and Taylor Marshall participate in Ecumenical Prayer Rally with Protestants and Jews

This post is about theology, not politics.

The former nuncio of the Holy See to the United States, “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò, who has been in hiding since accusing “Pope” Francis of knowing about Theodore McCarrick’s sexual crimes, is currently the darling of the semi-traditionalists who, although they acknowledge him as Pope, loathe Francis and the reign of (t)error that has been his hallmark since he usurped the Chair of St. Peter on Mar. 13, 2013.

The reason Viganò is so popular with those who consider themselves traditional Catholics and yet believe the Vatican II Sect to be the Catholic Church, is because he speaks out forcefully against Francis and has publicly condemned many of the theological errors propagated by the New Church, even pointing to the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) as being at the root of it all.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 029 (11 DEC 2020)


  • Segment 1: Why be a Sedevacantist? / How semi-trads contradict themselves on the question of recognizing manifest heretics / Francis and the “epidemic of indifference” / Francis talks garbage at delegation of journalists / Francis’ dream of a Masonic future, without Christ the King / Francis’ dangerous claim that no judgment is just if it produces more inequality / The Modernism of Brendan MacCarthaigh / Francis’ plea for “media ecology”
  • Segment 2: The Remnant admits Francis’ church is not a religious organization and he may be an atheist / “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller’s bizarre claim that the First Commandment is the respect for human life / Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre – a future Doctor of the Church?

That ‘Spirit of Assisi’ is looming once more…

“No One is Saved Alone”: Francis to participate in Interreligious Prayer for Peace and Fraternity in Rome October 20

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time again — time for yet another interreligious prayer circus for peace.

The Community of Sant’Egidio will once again be hosting an international encounter of representatives of various religions with the alleged aim of obtaining peace and fraternity from… well, from some kind of deity or another.

Scheduled for this coming Tuesday, Oct. 20, from 4:30 pm until 7:00 pm CET under the motto “No One Is Saved Alone – Peace and Fraternity”, the event will consist of each “religious tradition” (as they like to put it) petitioning its deity for peace and brotherhood in separate locations, followed by a public “encounter” of the different representatives, speeches by each group, proclamation of an appeal for peace, the obligatory lighting of some candles, and a COVID-friendly “sign of peace”.… READ MORE

Prepare ye the way of the Antichrist…

Francis’ Encyclical Fratelli Tutti: The Highlights

NOTE: For the full text and reactions to the document, as well as analyses and commentary, please access our special coverage page at the following link:

If one had to summarize Francis’ lengthy encyclical Fratelli Tutti in one single sentence, perhaps it would be: Humanity, save thyself! In 287 paragraphs, God is at best an afterthought, and man’s supernatural destiny is all but ignored. That for which we were actually created (the Beatific Vision) and the way to attain it (by means of sanctifying grace through Faith, hope, and charity, in union with the Ark of Salvation, the Roman Catholic Church), are not even hinted at.… READ MORE

The longest text ever…

Antipope Francis

Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti
on Fraternity and Social Friendship

October 3, 2020

The Vatican’s endless text factory has just released another monster of a document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. “Pope Francis”) has released his third Encyclical Letter, after Lumen Fidei (2013) and Laudato Si’ (2015). It is entitled Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers All”).

In its English version, Fratelli Tutti has 42,994 words. It consists of eight chapters that include a total of 287 numbered paragraphs, and it has 288 footnotes. The vast majority of them are references to himself, his own documents, his own addresses, and those of the conciliar and post-conciliar pseudo-magisterium.… READ MORE

Caution! Vatican II speak ahead…

“Bishop” Robert Barron on whether Protestants should become Catholics

The Novus Ordo Sect’s flagship American media bishop — a man who is considered hip, erudite, telegenic, and theologically middle-of-the-road — is Robert Emmett Barron.

Born in Chicago and now auxiliary “bishop” in Los Angeles, he is reputed to be a great and model evangelizer as he uses social and traditional media to spread knowledge and love of the Vatican II religion. Many years ago he founded an apologetics ministry called Word on Fire and produced a 10-part documentary grossly misnamed Catholicism, which aired on PBS and is available now on DVD and streaming.… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 44

Comfort of Migrants, Vigano, and Getting Angry with God

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for a new episode of Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor this phenomenal quarterly podcast program, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the stage name “Pope Francis”.

The latest episode is no.… READ MORE

The tweeting existentialist…

Salvation by Compassion?
Debunking Francis’ latest Demagoguery

Just because it’s vacation time in Rome and Vatican City doesn’t mean the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio has nothing to say. Under his pseudonym “Pope Francis”, the Bergoglian jaw is always moving — if not physically, at least virtually.

On July 14, 2020, Francis’ digital self posted the following message on Twitter:

For those unable to see the image, the text says: “On the Day of Judgment we will not be judged for our ideas, but for the compassion we have shown to others.” The tweet can be accessed directly using this link.… READ MORE

Naturalism under the guise of conservative Catholicism…

Dangerous Heresy in attractive Wrapping Paper:
“Abp.” Viganò’s Letter to President Trump

The former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò, has been hiding at an undisclosed location since August of 2018, after he publicly accused “Pope” Francis of having known about and covered up sexual abuse perpetrated by “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick.

On June 6, 2020, Fr. Viganò — he’s a valid priest but not a bishop — released a 3-page open letter to U.S. President Donald Trump, in which he encourages him to stay the course against malicious, infernal forces trying to overturn the current social order and impose what amounts to a globalist secular Marxist tyranny. … READ MORE

Pray to whatever god you believe in!

Beyond All Religions: Syncretistic Prayer Service held in English Novus Ordo Parish

The Masonic meta-religion on display at a Novus Ordo church in England, UK

Mount Sinai, Egypt. After suffering a plague of locusts in the desert for weeks, Moses called on his apostate brother Aaron to petition the Golden Calf for an end to the pandemic, while he in turn promised to intercede with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for the same intention. Interreligious cooperation, the leader of the Israelite people emphasized, was necessary for the good of humanity, especially during a time of pandemic: “We all have our different religious traditions, and in times like this we have to remember we are all children of God and therefore brothers”, Moses said.… READ MORE

The spirit of Abu Dhabi is not the Holy Spirit…

Antichrist Rising: Francis calls on “All Faiths” to Pray for End to Coronavirus on May 14

The apostate Vatican establishment is taking advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to further promote its agenda for a globalist one-world religion.

On May 2, 2020, the so-called Higher Committee for Human Fraternity, an interreligious body established to help implement the apostate goals of the blasphemous Abu Dhabi declaration signed by Antipope Francis last year, called on members of all religions to pray for an end to the (real or alleged) Coronavirus pandemic, on May 14.… READ MORE