For Conclusion of Centennial…
Fatima in the Dark: Audiovisual Light Show to be projected onto Fatima Cathedral
This coming Friday, Oct. 13, marks the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal, which was witnessed on this day in 1917 by approximately 70,000 people, believers and unbelievers alike. Our Lady had foretold that she would work a miracle on this day to underscore the authenticity, importance, and urgency of the message she had given to the three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria beginning on May 13 of the same year.
To commemorate this event and at the same time to close the festivities for the Fatima centennial, the Novus Ordo Sect has once again found a way to dishonor the Virgin Mary and profane the sacred: The facade of the beautiful traditional basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary is to be turned into a projector screen for an audiovisual light show to “pay tribute” to the Mother of God and the Fatima apparitions.
The title of the dishonorable spectacle is Fátima — Tempo de Luz (“Fatima — Time of Light”), which will take place, ironically, in nocturnal darkness, which is very fitting, however, considering what the powers of darkness have done to Our Lady and the Fatima message. The light show will be performed a total of three times: in the late hours of October 12, 13, and 14.
A brief video clip advertising the performance has been released in Portuguese and can be viewed here:
The multimedia spectacle was commissioned by the Shrine of Fatima (Santuário de Fatima) and is produced and performed by the Spanish corporation Acciona Producciones y Diseño, which is a “leader in the development and management of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services”, according to its web site. On Oct. 5, Acciona posted the following news release advertising the audiovisual Fatima display, which it is proud to identify as “carbon-neutral”:
The “Fátima-Tempo de Luz” show, an innovative audiovisual presentation that combines videomapping projections with 3D effects, light effects and an original soundtrack, awarded to ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño (APD) by the Sanctuary of Fátima, will put the finishing touch on the Centenary celebrations of the Apparitions in the Sanctuary of Fatima (Portugal).
The show will premiere on Thursday, October 12, after the procession of “El Silencio”, after midnight, and can also be seen on October 13th and 14th at 10:30 pm, after the procession of candles. All shows will be open to the general public for free.
The facade of the Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Fátima, at 140 metres wide and 58 metres tall, will form a projection screen of 3,100 m2, converted into the narrative axis of a story that intends to symbolically project the light of Fatima into the heart of every believer, drawing them closer to the heart of God. The facade of the Basilica will acquire a special light to recall its evolution over the last hundred years, reconstructing the most important historical and spiritual landmarks related to the appearance of the Virgin Mary in the Cova da Iria.
The show is developed around the experience of the thousands of pilgrims who visit the Sanctuary each year and consists of seven scenes: “The reflection of the light of God”, “The Immaculate and Triumphant Heart of Mary leads to God”; “The Church sings the Message of Fatima”; “The Path of the Pilgrims”; “In Fatima, we hear a message of peach [sic — “peace” must be what is meant] for the world”; “In Fatima we celebrate God, who is close to us”; and “In Fatima, we illuminate our heart”.
For the audiovisual projection, 22 projectors are used, 10 of them at 22,000 of lumens and 12 of 30,000 lumens, with a total power of 580,000 lumens and a resolution of 15,900 pixels. Likewise, the show will have a total installed power of 137,200 watts of sound and 16,800 watts of light.
In line with ACCIONA’s commitment to sustainability in all its activities, the show will be “carbon neutral”; that is, the CO2 emissions linked to the event will be compensated with a clean energy project, which will make the final emissions balance zero.
In addition, the event will be accessible for people with reduced mobility, as it will have space reserved for them to enjoy the show without any visual limitation.
Projects like the one developed for the celebration of the Centenary of the Apparitions of Fatima are part of the “Cultural Engineering” concept, with which ACCIONA Producciones y Diseño is committed to valuing local history, heritage and traditions through technological innovation, social innovation and sustainable development to enhance its tourism and cultural interest.
(“The Sanctuary of Fátima closes the Centenary of the Apparitions celebrations with the ‘Fátima-Tempo de luz’ audiovisual projection”, Acciona, Oct. 5, 2017)
Among the images released by Acciona to advertise the spectacle are the following (click each one to enlarge):

The Santuário de Fatima has announced the audiovisual presentation on its own web site as follows:
The Video Mapping “Fatima – Time of Light”, commissioned by the Shrine of Fatima to close the celebrations of the Centennial of the Apparitions, will have its first presentation in Fatima on October 12th at the end of the procession of silence, after midnight and then again at 10:30 p.m. on October 13th and 14th.
The innovative audio-visual display, by means of the video Mapping 3D projection technique, develops from the praying experience that thousands of pilgrims live in this Shrine.
It is composed of 7 scenes “The reflection of the Light of God”, “The Heart of Mary, Immaculate and triumphant, leads to God”, “The Church sings the Message of Fatima”, “The paths of the pilgrims”, “In Fatima we hear a message of peace for the world”, “In Fatima we celebrate the God who is near the human being” and “In Fatima we illuminate our heart” – the purpose of this audio-visual production is to project the light of Fatima in the heart of each faithful by leading him closer to the heart of God.
The facade of the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima, on which video will be projected, will acquire a special light, transforming itself into an historical narrative of the place over one hundred years, reconstructing the memory of the most prominent spiritual and historical milestones related to Message that the Virgin Mary delivered in Cova de Iria.
Three days are scheduled for this Video Mapping projection and is open to the general public. It was commissioned in the scope of the celebrations of the Centennial of the Apparitions by the Shrine of Fatima to the Spanish company Acciona Producciones y Diseño, a Spanish company based in Seville since 1990. It is focused mainly on cultural engineering projects, specifically museums, exhibitions, interactive facilities, multimedia shows, 3D, Video mapping, artistic lighting, among others.
In June 2016 (24th to 26th), the Shrine of Fatima promoted in Aljustrel and in Valinhos, a similar multimedia experience, which marked the 100 years of history of the apparitions of the Angel to the three little Shepherds.
The multimedia immersive path “The light of the Angel”, from Atelier Ocubo, had proposed to invigorate some of the places and itineraries that make thousands of people visit the Shrine and the surrounding region.
The multimedia immersive path was composed of video mapping projections on the houses of the Seers, on the sites of the three apparitions – Well of Arneiro and Loca do Cabeço – and on the monument of Valinhos.
(“Video Mapping ‘Fatima – Time of Light’ Closes Celebration of the Centennial”, Santuário de Fatima, Sep. 20, 2017)
If this whole idea of projecting visual images onto the facade of a sacred building seems familiar to you, it is probably because “Pope” Francis had the same thing done to St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican on Dec. 8, 2015 — not with beautiful images of Our Lady to honor her Immaculate Conception, mind you, but with countless pictures of animals, plants, and other creatures, to advance the neo-pagan environmentalist agenda endorsed in his “green” encyclical, Laudato Si’.
It was a fitting display of what has long been reality in the Vatican II Church: They worship the creature rather than the Creator (cf. Rom 1:23-25). A prophecy in the book of Ezechiel seems eerily apropos: “And I went in and saw, and behold every form of creeping things, and of living creatures, the abomination, and all the idols of the house of Israel, were painted on the wall all round about” (Ez 8:10).
For the Fatima centenary, the light show’s theme at least is Fatima and thus not in itself profane or inappropriate, although the Novus Ordo Sect has long neutered and distorted the true Fatima message to bring it in line with the program of Vatican II, of course. Thus the “Fatima” presented in the audiovisual spectacle will be but a watered-down and disfigured Novus Ordo version. Why the hideous pseudo-basilica “of the Holy Trinity”, which is just across from the traditional Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, wasn’t chosen as the venue for the mutlimedia “tribute”, stands to reason: There is nothing holy there that could be profaned.
No doubt a great many people will think that such audiovisual shows are intriguing and “cool”. We see this, for example, in the popularity of the ongoing “Electric Church” desecration in Austria that takes place with the full blessing of the Vatican II Sect. But all this is simply the tragic symptom of an apostate generation that does not know what churches are actually for and rejoices in anything that stimulates the senses while keeping the mind dull.
One hundred years ago, Our Lady of Fatima came to warn us, and her warning was underscored with one of the most incredible miracles the world has ever witnessed.
At this point we again raise the question if the following text, which allegedly appeared mystically in 1994, is indeed what it claims to be, namely, the true Third Secret of Fatima:
The Church will bleed from all Her wounds. There will be a wicked council planned and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the Faith; confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain.
A schism will tear apart the holy tunic of My Son. This will be the end of times, foretold in the Holy Scriptures and recalled to memory by Me in many places. The abomination of abominations will reach its peak and it will bring the chastisement announced at La Salette. My Son’s arm, which I will not be able to hold back anymore, will punish this poor world, which must expiate its crimes.
One will only speak about wars and revolutions. The elements of nature will be unchained and will cause anguish even among the best [the most courageous]. The Church will bleed from all Her wounds. Happy are they who will persevere and search for refuge in My Heart, because in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Whether this be the true Third Secret or not, this text clearly gives a stunningly accurate portrayal of what we have experienced since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.
Our Lady of Fatima, on the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, we beseech Thee, come to our aid and deliver us from the wicked Modernist sect and its false shepherds!
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Licenses: fair use
Projecting is all the rage nowadays, even by the Illuminated Ones who float about within the high walls of the Vatican hill. Much given to laughter too, they are, but lacking in a sense of humour when it comes to evidence of a boring old continuity with Apostolic truth unsalted by the “hermeneutic of the horizons of discontinuity,” or whatever.
How they throw out words such as “hate”, “rigid”, “intolerant”, “not Catholic”, for anyone who holds to the Catholic mores of the pre-1958 conclave.
But what nice smiling faces otherwise. When not laughing uproariously.
They are celebrating 100 years of Fatima because they have gotten away with their lie.
God will not be mocked, Tom. They “think” they have gotten away with their lie. Additionally, they don’t believe in any of this stuff anyway (i.e., Holy Scripture, multiple prophesies, the seers and the visionaries, Church teaching). It’s all good until it’s not. Then there will be hell to pay.
Does anyone have a video source to show us the actual images that were projected onto the Basilica? Many of the images projected onto St. Peter’s Basilica on Dec. 8, 2015, in that light show known as fiat luxe, were overtly demonic! Hopefully, someone will be able to release a video of the horror light show at Fatima for the close of the centennial. What a blasphemy against Our Lady for Her Miracle of the Sun, confirming the seriousness of Her Messages at Fatima, including the 3rd Secret of Fatima that has yet to be fully released, to be mocked with this carnival-display light show. And, if any of the images are demonic or homoerotic, it is worse than blasphemy! Ave Maria! May the Lord have Mercy on all of us!