Abandon the false pope, not Catholicism!

Bergoglio, The Remnant, and the Gates of Hell

On May 7, 2024, The Remnant published a brief article by Robert Lazu Kmita in which the author candidly struggles with answering a challenge by an Eastern Orthodox acquaintance of his regarding the indefectibility of the Catholic Church under the supposition that Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) is in fact the Roman Pontiff:

Kmita puts the following challenge on the lips of his Eastern Orthodox interlocutor:

“Well? What about the statement of the Savior Jesus ‘That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’?


It doesn’t mean what he thinks it means…

What is the ‘True Obedience’ Demanded by the First Vatican Council? An Answer for Kennedy Hall

The papal keys bind all — including Kennedy Hall

On Feb. 9, 2024, the Canadian writer and YouTuber Kennedy Hall wrote on the web site of Crisis Magazine:

It is all the rage as of late to discuss the “False Spirit of Vatican I” as a way of understanding the cult-like mentality that so many Catholics have imbibed regarding the limits of papal power. Granted, we can admit of a false spirit of Vatican I because there is a true spirit of Vatican I.


The gospel according to Bergoglio…

Francis: Jesus Wasn’t Rigid, He Changed His Attitude!

Probably one reason why ‘Pope Francis’ (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) loves to talk so much is that it is the best way for him to change the Gospel and communicate his false doctrines. Barely a Sunday goes by on which he doesn’t use the opportunity to put his own spin on the teaching of Christ found in the Gospel reading of the day, sometimes to the point of distorting completely the message the Son of God actually transmitted.

For a long time now, one of the false pope’s favorite themes has been that of condemning “rigidity”.… READ MORE

Refuting ten Bergoglian errors about capital punishment…

Bergoglian Naturalism on Display:
New ‘Pope Video’ seeks Abolition of Death Penalty

The Vatican has released the September 2022 edition of its monthly Pope Video.

Begun in January of 2016 with a bold promotion of Indifferentism, the Pope Video is an elaborate way to showcase “Pope” Francis’ prayer intentions for each month. It is an initiative of the so-called Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.

For September 2022, the intention of the man otherwise known as Jorge Bergoglio is “for the abolition of the death penalty”, and it is phrased as follows: “We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.”… READ MORE

Bergoglio denies traditional ‘just war’ doctrine…

Francis says “Wars Are Always Unjust”,
contradicting traditional Catholic Moral Doctrine

It is not difficult to see that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is no serious theologian.

He himself in fact acknowledges as much, at least when it suits his agenda: “I leave that question to the theologians and those who understand”, he answered in 2015 when asked about permitting “inter-communion” with Lutherans. Bergoglio is also on record saying that “[s]tudying fundamental theology is one of the most boring things on earth”, and his hatred of Scholasticism — characteristic of all Modernists, according to Pope St.… READ MORE

Refuting yet another attempt to avoid Sedevacantism…

Can the Magisterium ‘devour’ Sacred Tradition?
Reply to an irresponsible Article by Rorate Caeli

In their efforts to steer a middle course between the Novus Ordo religion on the one side and Sedevacantism on the other, the recognize-and-resist traditionalists must continually come up with ideas and arguments that justify a divorce of the Deposit of Faith from the Church’s magisterium. The reason is simple: The man they stubbornly insist on acknowledging as the true and valid Pope of the Catholic Church, is himself not a Catholic and teaches heresies and other anti-Catholic errors even in his official magisterial acts.… READ MORE

Talk about being in error!

Did the Council of Florence Teach Error? A Response to Athanasius Schneider’s Attempt to Save Vatican II

No matter how one looks at it, the only way one can ever justify or excuse the abominable Second Vatican Council (1962-65) is by trashing the Catholic Church prior to the council. Mr. Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary “bishop” (why the quotes?) of the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has just shown that that goes not only for open Modernists but also for some “traditionalists.”

In a newly-released text, the Kazakh prelate once again repeats his claim that there is historical precedent for the idea that a Pope can correct the errors of a prior ecumenical council.… READ MORE

Subjective “theology of emotion” without precise definitions…

New Biography of Benedict XVI confirms: Ratzinger was recognized as ‘Dangerous Modernist’ early on

A comprehensive biography of Joseph Ratzinger — “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI — has just been published in Germany by Peter Seewald. At 1150 pages, it is a massive tome. It is well documented, contains numerous full-color photos, and includes a name index. The book is divided into six major periods of Ratzinger’s life and has a total of 74 chapters. The work also includes an epilogue and 8 pages of a final interview with the man known as Benedict XVI.… READ MORE

During Q&A with Colombian Jesuits…

Correctio Filialis: Francis weighs in (a little bit)!

The Vatican II Church has descended into a frenzy over the recently-released “Filial Correction” sent to Francis by 62 mostly obscure clerics and lay individuals. While we are still preparing a post with an assortment of various initial reactions to the Correctio Filialis, we interrupt our efforts here to share some breaking news with you: While on his “Apostolic Journey” to Colombia earlier this month (Sep. 6-10, 2017), Francis sat down with a number of the nation’s Jesuits for a spontaneous question-and-answer session in which he talked about many things, including existentialist ecclesiology claptrap and… criticism of his infernal exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”!READ MORE

He tries to have it both ways…

Amoris Laetitia and Concrete Cases:
A Reply to Austen Ivereigh

One of Francis’ biggest cheerleaders on and off the internet is the British writer Dr. Austen Ivereigh. He is the author of a comprehensive biography of Jorge Bergoglio entitled, The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope (2014).

As a contributor to various Novus Ordo publications, the left-leaning Ivereigh occasionally writes pieces defending Francis’ more controversial moves. One such attempt was recently published at Crux:

In this piece, which is essentially a high-level critique of the dubia submitted by “Cardinal” Raymond Burke & Co.READ MORE

Like any Modernist would…

Francis denounces “Decadent Scholasticism”

One of the many things that “went under”, so to speak, in the flurry of breaking news stories from the Vatican in recent weeks, is the question-and-answer session Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) gave to his fellow-Jesuits after presenting a speech at their 36th General Congregation on October 24, 2016. The Rome-based Jesuit periodical La Civiltà Cattolica has published the full Q&A text online here.

No, don’t worry, we will not slog through the entire thing now. Those who have not yet had enough of Francis’ blather can read the whole piece for themselves. … READ MORE