Never Forget…

“Pope” Benedict XVI vs. the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Every year on August 22, the octave day of the Assumption, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1944. We would like to use this opportunity to counter the whitewashing of history regarding Benedict XVI and remind people of what then-“Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger had to say about Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart in his “theological commentary” on what the Vatican passed off as the Third Secret of Fatima in 2000 (pay close attention — you’re not going to get this from Michael Voris or “Fr.” Zuhlsdorf):

“According to Matthew 5:8 [‘Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God], the ‘immaculate heart’ is a heart which, with God’s grace, has come to perfect interior unity and therefore ‘sees God.’ To be ‘devoted’ to the Immaculate Heart of Mary means therefore to embrace this attitude of heart, which makes the fiat—your will be done—the defining centre of one’s whole life.”

(Joseph “Cardinal” Ratzinger, The Message of Fatima, June 26, 2000)

With stunning audacity, the Modernist Ratzinger reduces Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart — alone conceived without original sin in the history of the world — to being essentially the same heart as that had by any of the faithful who are “clean of heart” (Mt 5:8)! By doing this, by omitting the obvious uniqueness of the One Immaculate Heart — that of Our Lady — and making cleanness of heart mean perfect interior unity in the Beatific Vision, Ratzinger is mocking Our Lady herself, twisting the truth of the Gospel, and exaggerating the meaning of “clean of heart”.

Remember this next time someone tries to tell you how wonderfully devoted Benedict XVI was to Our Lady. He actually insulted her Immaculate Conception in the very document purporting to explain the Third Secret given to us at Fatima. This comes as no surprise, however, as Ratzinger is known also for his errors on original sin, redefining it as nothing more than a damage in human relationships (see here).

The fabled “Bulldog of Orthodoxy” Joseph Ratzinger is actually a Modernist heretic of the worst sort.

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