Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

May 24, 2024

Australian Novus Ordo bishops approve ‘Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit’

‘Pope’ Francis’ interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes: A classic exercise in Modernist deception. Plus: George Weigel put together some questions the interviewer should have asked.

Consider yourself warned: Francis asks laity to prepare for Synod’s ‘prophetic’ stage. And if that doesn’t give him what he wants, why he may just overrule it!

Nothing to see here, just a Jesuit-run church in Georgia promoting a transgender movie and a pro-LGBT retreat in its parish bulletin.… READ MORE

Approved by ‘Pope’ Francis…

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment
of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena

May 17, 2024

The Vatican’s text factory has just released another official document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. ‘Pope Francis’) has approved the publication of an instruction issued by the so-called Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) establishing ‘Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena’. The document does not appear to have an official title besides this descriptive one. The new guidelines are replacing those issued in 1978 under ‘Pope’ Paul VI.

So far, the Vatican has made the text of the Norms available in the following languages:

The key changes made by the new Norms appear to be that the local bishop no longer has authority to declare an alleged apparition to be of supernatural origin, and the Vatican will ordinarily not rule regarding its supernatural authenticity either.… READ MORE

Abandon the false pope, not Catholicism!

Bergoglio, The Remnant, and the Gates of Hell

On May 7, 2024, The Remnant published a brief article by Robert Lazu Kmita in which the author candidly struggles with answering a challenge by an Eastern Orthodox acquaintance of his regarding the indefectibility of the Catholic Church under the supposition that Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) is in fact the Roman Pontiff:

Kmita puts the following challenge on the lips of his Eastern Orthodox interlocutor:

“Well? What about the statement of the Savior Jesus ‘That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’?


Blasphemy, sacrilege, and unnatural lust all in one!

Chicago Novus Ordo Pastor Officiates Lesbian Pseudo-Wedding: Exchange of Vows plus Blessing!

[UPDATE 13-MAY-2024: Vincentians release letter with ‘apology’ of sorts by Rev. Williams]

Video footage has emerged showing a Novus Ordo priest officiating a same-sex ceremony mocking the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. He is shown presiding over an exchange of vows of two women and then conferring a blessing on them.

This is not a matter of rumor or speculation. The identity of all parties is known, and the presbyter has admitted that the ceremony took place.

Before we continue, here is the video clip shared on Instagram on Apr.… READ MORE

In case you’ve been ‘wondering’…

Signs and Wonders: Answering the ‘Sedevacantism Has No Miracles’ Objection

Occasionally, people who are looking for the true Catholic position in our times will say that they choose not to embrace Sedevacantism because there are no miracles associated with it that would testify to its truth.

This objection is somewhat odd because it apparently supposes that Sedevacantism is a new religion that must back up its claims with miracles in order to establish its own credibility. In reality, however, it is quite the reverse: the Vatican II religion is the new religion, whereas Sedevacantism is simply the result of applying the known perennial Catholic truth to the bizarre circumstances of our present time.… READ MORE

Defiance, denial, disconcertion…

Reaction Roundup: Semi-Trads Lose It after Francis Pulls the Plug on Strickland

Unless you were under a rock the past three days, chances are you’ve heard about 65-year-old ‘Bishop’ Joseph Edward Strickland of Tyler, Texas, being removed from his post by Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate currently occupying the Vatican guest house under the stage name ‘Pope Francis’. We blogged about it when it on Saturday:

It was a given that this development, not unexpected, would generate a tidal wave of reactions, and so it has.… READ MORE

Reality check for an emerging narrative…

Rumor Control: Was Ratzinger against the Interreligious Prayer Meetings in Assisi?

(image: Abaca Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

‘Archbishop’ Georg Gänswein is back in the news.

His tell-all book Nothing but the Truth: My Life Beside Benedict XVI, the release of which reportedly made ‘Pope’ Francis furious, hit the shelves in Italy at the beginning of this year. At the time, it was not yet clear when or by whom it would be published in English. Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, had just died two weeks prior.

But now, on Oct. 23, 2023, St.READ MORE

Resources on the ultimate Vatican blather circus…

The Mother of All Synods is here:
Chronicling the 2023 SYNOD ON SYNODALITY

Your One-Stop Resource for All Things Synodality Synod
(October 4-29, 2023)

Official Vatican Sites

General Information about the Synod 2023

Pre-Synodal ‘Spiritual Preparation’ and Synodal ‘Spiritual Reflections’


Kazakh auxiliary stirs the pot again…

Athanasius Schneider’s explosive Prayer for the Synod 2023: An incisive Sedevacantist Analysis

The world’s most significant insignificant Novus Ordo bishop is back in the news: the Most Rev. Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary for the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Yesterday, Sep. 28, the Vatican journalist Diane Montagna published on her Twitter (or ‘X’) account a “Prayer for the 2023 ‘Synod on Synodality'” that was composed by ‘Bp.’ Schneider (why ‘Bishop’ in quotes?). It is not clear whether the text is Montagna’s translation, or whether Schneider wrote the prayer in English. Although released a day early, it is dated Sep.… READ MORE

Refutation of ‘On the Validity of Pope Francis’…

Must Francis be considered a Valid Pope?
A Sedevacantist Response to Athanasius Schneider

‘Bishop’ Athanasius Schneider looks at ‘Pope’ Francis on Sep. 15, 2022, in Astana, Kazakhstan.
(image: AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

On Sep. 6, 2023, the Rev. James Altman — one of the “canceled priests” in the United States — published a video in which he explained, in his own style, why he believes that Jorge Mario Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) is not in fact the Pope of the Catholic Church:

This has of course triggered a wave of reactions, mostly by recognize-and-resist traditionalists (“semi-trads”) and conservative Novus Ordos who had shown support for ‘Fr.’… READ MORE

The Faith allows for mystery but not for contradiction…

Sedevacantism and the Mystery of the Church’s Passion:
Reply to Robert Morrison

On June 30, 2023, the semi-traditionalist flagship publication The Remnant published a brief article entitled “Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s Vision of the Great Mystery of the Church’s Passion”. Its author is Robert Morrison, a writer we have had occasion to critique a number of times before on this blog and in our podcast program.

In this post we will touch on a few things from that article that appear to call for some sedevacantist reaction. Morrison writes:

Whereas Archbishop Lefebvre accepted the existence of a great mystery as it relates to the Church’s crisis, others have attempted to eliminate the mystery, typically in one of two ways described by Archbishop Lefebvre:

“There are people who are seeing the passion of the Church and the tragedy of papacy and so they conclude that such a degradation of papacy is not possible and so the pope can not be the pope.


‘Holy Communion’ for over a million people…

Behind the Scenes at World Youth Day:
Reserving the ‘Blessed Sacrament’ for the Crowds

According to reports, there were an estimated 1.5 million people in attendance at the Closing ‘Mass’ for World Youth Day in Lisbon with ‘Pope’ Francis on Aug. 6, 2023.

If a real Catholic Mass, offered by a real Pope, with that many people were ever to happen, it would be clear that Holy Communion would not be distributed, for the simple reason that it could not be done with sufficient dignity and reverence: the danger of sacrilege would be too great.… READ MORE

Videos, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show at World Youth Day in Lisbon:
His ‘Apostolic Journey’ of Aug. 2-6, 2023

It’s time for the ‘Catholic Woodstock’ (aka World Youth Day) again, and of course ‘Pope’ Francis has to be part of the action. The last World Youth Day was in Panama City, Panama, in early 2019.

This page contains all the main links you will need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to Portugal for this occasion. The local time in Lisbon is UTC+01:00.

General Information

Official Videos


Dr. Bergoglio gives a diagnosis…

Francis to Hungarian Jesuits: Wanting to go back to pre-Vatican II days is ‘Nostalgic Disease’

‘Pope’ Francis likes nothing better than to share with the world his infinite wisdom on just about anything, especially when it comes to replacing Roman Catholicism with the latest novelties of the “god of surprises”.

Thus, when the Argentinian pseudo-pope embarked on his umpteenth ‘Apostolic Journey’ this past April 28, this time to Hungary, it was clear he would meet with his Jesuit confreres there for a little question-and-answer session, because that has become the custom on his trips. The scheduled get-together took place on Saturday, Apr.… READ MORE

False Prophet Alert…

The ‘Omega Testament’: Colombian Nun claims to have received explosive Revelations from Benedict XVI in Mystical Vision

Ratzinger’s posthumous Revenge? Don’t fall for it…

Perhaps we should have seen this coming.

Barely a month after the death of ‘Pope Emeritus’ Benedict XVI (Fr. Joseph Ratzinger) on Dec. 31, 2022, a Novus Ordo religious sister (nun) in Colombia has claimed that the ‘Pope Emeritus’ appeared to her twice in a vision on Feb. 2, 2023, and revealed to her what he called the second part of his spiritual testament (the first having been released to the public the day of his death).… READ MORE