In case you’ve been ‘wondering’…

Signs and Wonders: Answering the ‘Sedevacantism Has No Miracles’ Objection

Occasionally, people who are looking for the true Catholic position in our times will say that they choose not to embrace Sedevacantism because there are no miracles associated with it that would testify to its truth.

This objection is somewhat odd because it apparently supposes that Sedevacantism is a new religion that must back up its claims with miracles in order to establish its own credibility. In reality, however, it is quite the reverse: the Vatican II religion is the new religion, whereas Sedevacantism is simply the result of applying the known perennial Catholic truth to the bizarre circumstances of our present time.… READ MORE

End your cognitive dissonance!

Canceling Francis:
15 Videos on Why You Should Be a Sedevacantist

Dear traditionalists in the Vatican II Church: Francis has canceled you. Isn’t it time you canceled him?

For year’s end, we want to provide a convenient post that lists 15 of the most important and most compelling videos we have promoted on this web site over the years that make the case for Sedevacantism in one way or another. Some are long, some are short; some are more riveting, others more dry — but all of them are well worth your time.

Here they are, in no particular order:

The Papacy and Sedevacantism: Have the Gates of Hell prevailed?


Catholicism vs. the Novus Ordo religion

In a Nutshell:
The Roman Catholic Church vs. the Vatican II Church

It just doesn’t fit: the Vatican II religion isn’t Catholicism

This past Sunday was Low Sunday, on which Holy Mother Church in the Roman rite reads the Gospel of the doubting St. Thomas, to whom our Blessed Lord replied: “Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed” (Jn 20:29).

Fr. Nicolás Despósito of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary used the occasion to give an eloquent and highly informative sermon explaining what “I believe in the Holy Catholic Church” actually means.… READ MORE