False Prophet Alert…

The ‘Omega Testament’: Colombian Nun claims to have received explosive Revelations from Benedict XVI in Mystical Vision

Ratzinger’s posthumous Revenge? Don’t fall for it…

Perhaps we should have seen this coming.

Barely a month after the death of ‘Pope Emeritus’ Benedict XVI (Fr. Joseph Ratzinger) on Dec. 31, 2022, a Novus Ordo religious sister (nun) in Colombia has claimed that the ‘Pope Emeritus’ appeared to her twice in a vision on Feb. 2, 2023, and revealed to her what he called the second part of his spiritual testament (the first having been released to the public the day of his death).… READ MORE

Baby Killer meets Soul Killer…

Two Non-Catholic Laymen:
Obama Meets Francis

Video taken from Whispers In the Loggia

“And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul:
but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
(Matthew 10:28)

Coverage of the Francis-Obama Meeting March 27:


Two Thumbs Up from the Abortion-Worshipping Narcissist-in-Chief…

Barack Obama “Hugely Impressed” with Francis

This will make your gut turn. Barack Obama says he has been “hugely impressed with” Francis, the man the world believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church. In an interview with CNBC, the American resident was asked to comment on Francis’ recent remarks regarding Catholics being supposedly “obsessed” with “gay rights” and abortion. Obama answered that he sees in Francis “somebody who lives out the teachings of Christ” (!!), possessing “incredible humility” with “an incredible sense of empathy to the least of these, the poor.” (Of course, we all know what Obama thinks of the least of all, the unborn — he wants them dead, even after birth, if the mother so “chooses”.)… READ MORE