Shared churches, ecumenical martyrs, and much more!

Francis dumps Truckloads of Heresy and Error in Address to Ecumenical Audience in Bahrain

Never at a loss for words, the apostate Bergoglio had plenty to say to his ecumenical audience

In our last post, we demonstrated Jorge Bergoglio’s apostasy in his speeches to Muslims in Awali, Bahrain. Under his stage name “Pope Francis”, he preached to them not Jesus Christ but, instead, transcendence and fraternity, which alone, he claimed, could save us:

Right after his speech to the Muslim Council of Elders on Nov.… READ MORE

Who’s really on the safe side theologically?

Playing it Safe? Kennedy Hall and the Sedevacantist Wager

Kennedy Hall is a Canadian journalist, author, and internet pundit who falls squarely into the recognize-and-resist camp theologically.

On Oct. 21, 2022, writing for Crisis Magazine, Hall published a blog post entitled, “The Sedevacantist Wager”, in which he explains why he believes that, leaving aside all theological arguments, it is ultimately a much safer bet to accept Francis and his five predecessors as true Popes, as long as one sufficiently sifts their magisterium for whatever is heretical, erroneous, or otherwise dangerous to one’s soul.… READ MORE

Blah blah recognize, blah blah resist

The Latest Athanasius Schneider Interview:
A Sedevacantist Assessment

“Bishop” Athanasius Schneider (b. 1961) is currently in the United States, traveling from one speaking engagement to another. As one of “Pope” Francis’ most outspoken critics, the Kazakh auxiliary of Astana is in high demand with the recognize-and-resist traditionalists, who need a kind of ‘substitute pope’ to reassure them that they are right to resist Francis while still recognizing him as a valid successor of St. Peter. And Schneider delivers.

Never mind that, supposing him to be Pope for a moment, it is Francis who has universal jurisdiction over all Catholics, whereas Schneider has jurisdiction over none, being a mere auxiliary and not in charge of a diocese.… READ MORE

“And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God…” (Apoc 13:6)

Francis blasphemes again, says Holy Spirit created a ‘Mess’ at Pentecost

[UPDATE 18-OCT-2022: Replaced computerized translation with official Vatican translation now available.]

Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate pretending to be the head of the Catholic Church under his stage name “Pope Francis”, thinks nothing of blasphemy. He has demonstrated this a few times in his nearly 10-year “pontificate”:

The most recent case of Bergoglian blasphemy was this past Friday, Oct.… READ MORE

Exclusive English translation of St. Alphonsus Liguori

What is the Sin of Usury?
The Church’s Doctor of Moral Theology explains

The sin of usury may very well be the most complex topic in all of Catholic moral theology. It involves a great many distinctions and nuances, and what adds to the difficulty is that usury is determined in part by the nature, function, and value of money, which has not always been the same throughout human history.

A pre-Vatican II Catholic dictionary defines “usury” succinctly as follows:

Usury is strictly speaking profit exacted on a loan of money just because it is a loan.


News Digest September 29, 2022

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Sect…

September 29, 2022

Francis enjoyed some ‘interpretive dance’ in Assisi this past September 24…

Francis promotes “love poet”: Portuguese ‘Cardinal’ José Tolentino de Mendonça appointed head of Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education.

The expensive ‘assisted suicide’ of the Novus Ordo Church: A new ‘altar’ for a new religion. (Here’s a video of it!)

Since he considers the salvation of souls as overrated, Francis instead focuses on saving the planet.

In a homily in Wausau, Wisconsin, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke warns of an ‘advancing apostasy’ in the Church.… READ MORE

Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori
Doctor of the Church

What is Usury?



Exclusive English Translation


St. Alphonsus Liguori’s treatise on usury is extremely complex. We commissioned an expert in ecclesiastical Latin to translate it for the benefit of the English-speaking public. In order to make the text more comprehensible, the translator has added explanatory comments, so-called “interpolations”, either directly into the text in brackets […] or by means of explanatory footnotes. These translator’s notes can be found at the very end of the text at the bottom of this page.… READ MORE

Regarding worthy reception of Holy Communion…

Four Novus Ordo Bishops accuse Francis of HERESY

The apostate Jorge Bergoglio in Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 30, 2014
(image: Shutterstock/Alexandros Michailidis/cropped)

Five years ago today, on Sep. 24, 2017, a number of conservative and traditionalist adherents of the religious establishment headed by Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) made public a long letter (dated Aug. 11, 2017) in which they accused their incredibly valid ‘Vicar of Christ’ of heresy, that is, of denying defined Catholic dogma.

Named Correctio Filialis (“Filial Correction”), the document did not merely contradict Francis’ errors, it de facto purported to overrule (“correct”) them.… READ MORE

“Love cannot be a sin” and other brilliant insights…

Apostate German Novus Ordo Bishop:
“Homosexuality is willed by God”

Helmut Dieser (b. 1962) is a Modernist apostate who poses as the Catholic bishop of Aachen, Germany. “Pope” Francis appointed him to that position in 2016.

On Sep. 8, 2022, the publication Christ & Welt (“The Christian & the World”), which is a supplement to the mainstream German paper Die Zeit, published an interview with “Bishop” Dieser that illustrates the utter theological depravity that infests the minds of these false shepherds in the Land of Luther. There is simply nothing Catholic left in these people — they have sold their souls to Modernism, and it doesn’t seem to trouble them in the least.… READ MORE

Refuting ten Bergoglian errors about capital punishment…

Bergoglian Naturalism on Display:
New ‘Pope Video’ seeks Abolition of Death Penalty

The Vatican has released the September 2022 edition of its monthly Pope Video.

Begun in January of 2016 with a bold promotion of Indifferentism, the Pope Video is an elaborate way to showcase “Pope” Francis’ prayer intentions for each month. It is an initiative of the so-called Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.

For September 2022, the intention of the man otherwise known as Jorge Bergoglio is “for the abolition of the death penalty”, and it is phrased as follows: “We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.”… READ MORE

Vague definition compatible with any religion…

The Essence of Christianity according to Bergoglio

On Tuesday, July 19, 2022, the Jesuit apostate running Vatican City (Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Pope Francis”) tried to impress the world by publishing a tweet concerning the “essence” of Christianity.

It is amazing that a man who detests Scholasticism as much as he does even knows what the notion of essence is. Or does he?

Fr. Bernard Wullener’s Dictionary of Scholastic Philosophy defines the concept of essence as follows: “what a thing is; the internal principles whereby a thing is what it is and has its specific perfections; quiddity; internal constitution of a thing” (p.… READ MORE

Says court ruling “challenges the whole world”…

Vatican Academy for Life issues Lackluster Reaction to Supreme Court’s Overturning of Roe v. Wade Abortion Decision

Today the Supreme Court of the United States issued its definitive ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson case in favor of Dobbs. It explicitly overturns the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 and the Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision of 1992:


The little-known Encyclical ‘Quartus Supra’…

Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of LEFEBVRIST Errors (1873)

On January 6, 1873, the magnificent Pope Pius IX published the encyclical letter Quartus Supra. It is addressed to “Our Venerable Brothers Anthony Peter IX, Patriarch of Cilicia, and the Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy and Laity, Our Beloved Children of the Armenian Rite Who are in Loving Communion with the Apostolic See.”

This beautiful magisterial text concerns the threat of an emerging schism in the Armenian church and refutes the specious argumentation brought forward by those trying to justify their disobedience while still claiming to be loyal subjects of the Pope.… READ MORE

‘Moving forward’ at all costs…

Francis warns: Don’t Commit the “Sin of Going Backwards”!

In an interview book published in French on Sep. 6, 2017, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) told the journalist Dominique Wolton: “The least serious sins are the sins of the flesh.”

No doubt that came as a great relief to a world that is enslaved by sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. Although our Blessed Lord taught that even a lustful gaze is already a violation of God’s law (see Mt 5:27-28), and Our Lady of Fatima said that the primary reason souls go to hell is the sins of the flesh, the man who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church is not terribly worried about such sins.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 032 (28 APR 2022)


  • Segment 1: Is Benedict XVI the “real” Pope? The Modernism of Joseph Ratzinger / No essential difference between Francis’ and Benedict’s theology / Francis’ lack of concern for the supernatural life in souls illustrated: his belief that “good” atheists are saved; his reassurance of a homosexual atheist / Francis’ one-sidedness illustrated: Is receiving forgiveness only a matter of asking for it? His condemnation of the destruction of the environment while facilitating the destruction of Faith in souls / Indifferentism and the False Gospel of Humanitarianism / miscellaneous: thank-you to donors and volunteers; two podcast interviews with Novus Ordo Watch; delayed correspondence
  • Segment 2: Kennedy Hall misrepresents Sedevacantism as doubting the Papacy / Rev.