The Pope will be Victim, Not Persecutor…

The Persecution and ‘Death’ of the Church:
The Testimony of Scripture and Tradition


Researched and Explained by
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892)

This is a slightly revised version of an article posted on this web site in 2015.

As we all suffer through these most distressing times in which confusion and chaos reign among all who seek to be genuine Catholics, members of the only true religion established by God, it is helpful and important to reflect on the fact that the situation we find ourselves in today — no (known) valid Pope since 1958, and no apparent Catholic bishop left with ordinary jurisdiction, while a counterfeit institution masquerades as the Catholic Church, spreading heresy, immorality, and impiety — was foretold in Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition.… READ MORE

Oops! Novus Ordo apologist slams apostate friar unaware he has ‘papal’ endorsement…

The False Christ of ‘Father’ Richard Rohr
and the False Pope of Trent Horn

To make this video screenshot more realistic, we added Bergoglio’s roaring endorsement of the friar…

It can’t be fun working for Catholic Answers these days.

Ever since the Jesuit apostate from Buenos Aires made himself at home in the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta under his stage name ‘Pope Francis’, the California-based Novus Ordo apologetics org has found itself in a difficult spot. Early on in his ‘pontificate’, the man whose real name is Jorge Bergoglio made clear that Catholicism isn’t really his thing — and that it shouldn’t be anyone else’s thing, either:

At first, Catholic Answers tried to do what most others in their camp did: maintain that it was all a big misunderstanding, that we just needed the right ‘key’ to understanding Francis, that the problem was the translations, that the media are misrepresenting “what the Pope really said”, that Francis is just a bit different (if for no other reason than that he’s a Jesuit), etc.,… READ MORE

In case you’ve been ‘wondering’…

Signs and Wonders: Answering the ‘Sedevacantism Has No Miracles’ Objection

Occasionally, people who are looking for the true Catholic position in our times will say that they choose not to embrace Sedevacantism because there are no miracles associated with it that would testify to its truth.

This objection is somewhat odd because it apparently supposes that Sedevacantism is a new religion that must back up its claims with miracles in order to establish its own credibility. In reality, however, it is quite the reverse: the Vatican II religion is the new religion, whereas Sedevacantism is simply the result of applying the known perennial Catholic truth to the bizarre circumstances of our present time.… READ MORE

They must think we’re all morons…

Good One! Vatican Doctrinal Office Reiterates Ban on Catholics Becoming Freemasons

This past Monday, Nov. 13, the Vatican’s doctrinal office, headed by ‘Pope’ Francis’ theological undertaker ‘Cardinal’ Victor Manuel Fernandez, published a document reiterating that Catholics are forbidden from joining the Freemasons.

More technically, it was an instruction of the so-called Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) “regarding the best pastoral approach to membership in Freemasonry by the Catholic faithful” in response to a request by ‘Bishop’ Julito Buhisan Cortes (b. 1956) of the diocese of Dumaguete, Philippines.

As the note is rather brief, we will quote it here in full:

Recently, His Excellency, the Most Rev.


Defiance, denial, disconcertion…

Reaction Roundup: Semi-Trads Lose It after Francis Pulls the Plug on Strickland

Unless you were under a rock the past three days, chances are you’ve heard about 65-year-old ‘Bishop’ Joseph Edward Strickland of Tyler, Texas, being removed from his post by Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate currently occupying the Vatican guest house under the stage name ‘Pope Francis’. We blogged about it when it on Saturday:

It was a given that this development, not unexpected, would generate a tidal wave of reactions, and so it has.… READ MORE

The ‘New Theology’ on steroids!

‘Paradigm Shift’: Francis Issues Disastrous Motu Proprio Aimed at Theological Revolution

An extremely significant development took place in the Vatican on Nov. 1, 2023: The apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio, more commonly known under his stage name ‘Pope Francis’, published a so-called Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio — Latin for ‘on his own initiative’ — approving new statutes for the Pontifical Academy of Theology, originally founded by Pope Clement XI in 1718.

In this fairly brief document, so far available on the Vatican web site only in Italian, the false pope calls for nothing less than a revolution in theology, a ‘paradigm shift’ that will have incalculable, frightful consequences in the long term.… READ MORE

Reality check for an emerging narrative…

Rumor Control: Was Ratzinger against the Interreligious Prayer Meetings in Assisi?

(image: Abaca Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

‘Archbishop’ Georg Gänswein is back in the news.

His tell-all book Nothing but the Truth: My Life Beside Benedict XVI, the release of which reportedly made ‘Pope’ Francis furious, hit the shelves in Italy at the beginning of this year. At the time, it was not yet clear when or by whom it would be published in English. Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, had just died two weeks prior.

But now, on Oct. 23, 2023, St.READ MORE

Condemnation of sundry familiar-sounding errors…

Exclusive Translation:
Pope Pius IX’s Apostolic Letter Multiplices Inter of 1851

Pope Pius IX was the second-longest-reigning Pope in the history of the Catholic Church.

Born Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti in 1792, he reigned as Pope Pius IX for nearly 32 years, from June 16, 1846 until his death on Feb. 7, 1878. The only Pope who reigned longer than he was St. Peter.

One of the highlights of Pius IX’s long pontificate was the Syllabus of Errors, released on Dec. 8, 1864, along with the encyclical letter Quanta Cura, in which he declared:

But now, as is well known to you, Venerable Brethren, already, scarcely had we been elevated to this Chair of Peter (by the hidden counsel of Divine Providence, certainly by no merit of our own), when, seeing with the greatest grief of Our soul a truly awful storm excited by so many evil opinions, and (seeing also) the most grievous calamities never sufficiently to be deplored which overspread the Christian people from so many errors, according to the duty of Our Apostolic Ministry, and following the illustrious example of Our Predecessors, We raised Our voice, and in many published Encyclical Letters and Allocutions delivered in Consistory, and other Apostolic Letters, we condemned the chief errors of this most unhappy age, and we excited your admirable episcopal vigilance, and we again and again admonished and exhorted all sons of the Catholic Church, to us most dear, that they should altogether abhor and flee from the contagion of so dire a pestilence.


Again no mention of any condition…

More Heresy from the False Pope:
Every One of Us is Forgiven!

It’s Sunday, and that usually means the world’s most talkative apostate, Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’), gives a catechetical reflection on the day’s Gospel before praying the Angelus at noon in Rome with the few hapless souls who have come to see him, mistaking him for the Pope of the Catholic Church.

Today’s Gospel reading, according to the liturgical calendar of the Novus Ordo missal of Paul VI, is Mt 18:21-35, in which our Blessed Lord tells the parable of the unforgiving servant.… READ MORE

Complete English translation found…

Pope St. Pius X’s Motu Proprio Sacrorum Antistitum and the Oath against Modernism

When Pope Pius X was faced with the grave threat of Modernism during his reign (1903-1914), he knew he had to act quickly and decisively to stamp out this “synthesis of all heresies”, as he called it in his landmark encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (n. 39), in which he exposed and refuted the pernicious doctrines of the Modernists at length.

The holy pontiff, who would be canonized a saint less than 40 years after his death (by Pope Pius XII, in 1954), realized that it would not be enough simply to condemn Modernism theoretically but it was necessary to take practical steps to actually eradicate it.… READ MORE

Motu Proprio of Pope Saint Pius X

Sacrorum Antistitum (1910)

Establishing the Oath against Modernism and other Laws for the Driving Out of the Danger of Modernism

None of the Bishops, we believe, can have failed to observe how that most cunning class of persons, the Modernists, though unmasked by the encyclical letter “Pascendi dominici gregis”, have not abandoned their designs on the peace of the Church. For they continue to enroll new associates and to band them together in a secret alliance, and with these they are now engaged in inoculating into the veins of the Christian people the poison of their opinions by means of books and pamphlets published anonymously or under false names.… READ MORE

Transcript of Q&A with Portuguese Jesuits released…

Francis to Jesuits in Portugal: Some Sodomites aren’t ‘Capable’ or ‘Mature Enough’ to Stop Sinning!

When Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) visited Lisbon in early August for World Youth Day, he also met with members of the Jesuit province there, as is his custom.

An English transcript of the question-and-answer session was released on Aug. 28, 2023, by the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., who just recently published a blasphemous sermon on Our Lord’s encounter with the Canaanite woman:

As always, Francis had a lot to say.… READ MORE

Lengthy conversation published in Spanish…

In new Interview, Francis rebukes Traditionalists, calls himself ‘Victim of the Holy Spirit’

Few people love to hear themselves talk more than the octogenarian apostate Jorge Bergoglio from Buenos Aires. Under his appropriated moniker ‘Pope Francis’, the stream of words that continually pours from his profane lips does immense damage to countless souls who mistakenly think this Modernist Jesuit is the Pope of the Catholic Church, the Vicar of Christ, the Father and Teacher of all Christians.

The ‘Catholic Woodstock’ event formally known as World Youth Day is currently underway, and during this time the Spain-based religious publication Vida Nueva has published a colossal new interview with the garrulous Jesuit.… READ MORE

“Through [ecumenical] martyrdom, the Church is already one”…

Vatican Prelate accidentally admits Vatican II Ecclesiology denies Unity of the Church

‘Abp.’ Fabio Fabene (b. 1959) is the Vatican’s Secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. In that role, he was interviewed recently by Rome Reports regarding Jorge Bergoglio’s recent establishment of the ‘Commission of the New Martyrs – Witnesses of the Faith’, which is “a working group at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to draw up a catalogue of all Christians – not only Catholics – who have shed their blood to confess Christ in the last quarter of a century” (Vatican News).… READ MORE

Francis gives marching orders to new DDF prefect…

Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith:
Bergoglio issues Game Plan to his Doctrinal Undertaker

A hideous pectoral cross is not the only thing these two have in common: Jorge Bergoglio and ‘Tucho’ Fernandez

As surely everyone knows by now, Chaos Frank — the man otherwise known as ‘Pope’ Francis or Jorge Bergoglio — put his Argentinian buddy Victor Manuel Fernandez in charge of the Holy Office, or rather, what used to be the Holy Office and was known for the last few decades as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and is now the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith: