Put on your Surprise Face…
Jorge Bergoglio is Honorary Member of Masonic Rotary Club in Buenos Aires
In 1999, the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was named an Honorary Member of the Buenos Aires Rotary Club, a service organization that embraces the heretical ideals of Freemasonry, Naturalism, and Secularism. On July 26 of that year, “Archbishop” Bergoglio sent a warm thank-you note to the club’s president, which has been posted online at the Rotary Club’s web site and can still be accessed there:
What follows is an English translation of this letter:
Archbishopric of Buenos Aires
Prot. Nº 753/99Buenos Aires, July 26th, 1999
Buenos Aires Rotary Club
San Martín 969, P. 8º
1004 – Buenos AiresDear Sir,
I am particularly pleased to address Mr. President to acknowledge receipt of the kind note that you sent me together with the Honorary Secretary dated the 23rd of the current month, whereby you kindly confirm me as an Honorary Associate of this prestigious institution.
I thank you warmly for this kindness, and at the same time I congratulate you for the outstanding work that you perform for the good of the community.
I reiterate to you the expressions of my heartfelt appreciation.
When Bergoglio was elected “Pope” of the Vatican II Sect on March 13, 2013, the Buenos Aires Rotary Club posted the following note on its web site (click to enlarge; translation below):
The Buenos Aires Rotary Club asks the Creator to help and protect pope Francis, and manifests its joy because the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires received in 2005 the “Silver Laurel to the Personality of the Year” with which the Club distinguishes the most relevant personalities of the community.
So, what does the Catholic Church say about the Rotary Club and similar associations?
Reality Check: The Catholic Church condemns the Rotary Club
The following is taken from Radio Cristiandad, with some adjustments (our translation):
The first condemnations of Rotarianism by the Roman Catholic Church took place in Spain in 1928, by the Bishops of Palencia, Orense, Tuy, Leon, and Almeria, who denounced the Rotarian movement as “a new satanic organization, close to Freemasonry, execrable and perverse”.
The Declaration of the Bishop of Palencia (August 28, 1928) warns among other things that “good Catholics cannot be part of the so-called Rotary Clubs […]” and that “Rotarianism purports to be a moral and moralizing institution, that sets out to influence the lives of individuals, families, and peoples, while absolutely discarding, as an association, all religious ideas and all kinds of relations with God and Jesus Christ Our Redeemer”.
All this implies that “the Rotarian institution, as such, explicitly makes profession of an absolute secularism, a universal religious indifference, and tries to radically moralize individuals and societies by means of a naturalist, rationalist and even atheistic doctrine” [1].
The much shorter and more conclusive Warning of the Bishop of Orense to his faithful considers that the Rotary Clubs “are nothing short of new satanic organisms, equal to Freemasonry in spirit and origin, however they may try to disguise themselves and to appear with the mark of pure humanitarianism and even Christian charity and universal, generous, full, and legitimate brotherhood” [2].
The Sacred Pastoral Visit of the Bishop of Tuy (Vigo, October 8, 1928) warns that “for good Catholics there are and there can be no other means of improvement in the religious, moral, and social order than those that have as their foundation the principles of the religion, the morality, and the sociology of Christ, the one true Savior of mankind” [3].
The Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of Leon adds the Rotarians to the list of enemies of the Roman Catholic Church, which also includes Protestants, Indifferentists, and Freemasons, all of whom are “harmoniously associated” in scheming “against our holy religion, the Church, and her ministers” [4].
The Bishop of Almeria’s Pastoral Letter on the Occasion of the upcoming Season of Advent asks his faithful to separate themselves from whatever can jeopardize their souls, pointing out that Rotarianism, by possessing a “Rotarian code of ethics”, falls into “secularism” and “naturalism”, and does not confine itself “to the speculative, mercantile and economic profession”, but invades “the social and domestic life, friends, spouses, parents, brothers and citizens in general”, supposedly “making them better” [5].
The Roman Catholic Church censors the Rotarians’ grounding of morality without any reference to Christ and His only Church; this is not only because the Magisterium teaches that Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (“outside the Church there is no salvation”) [6] but also because “the Catholic religion, … as it is the only one that is true, cannot, without great injustice, be regarded as merely equal to other religions” (Leo XIII, Encyclical Humanum Genus, 16).
Indeed, it is not possible for a Catholic Christian to live his relationship with God in a twofold manner, that is to say, dividing it into a humanitarian-supraconfessional form and an inward-Christian form. He cannot breed relations of two kinds with God, nor express his relation with the Creator by means of symbolic forms of two kinds. It would be something completely different, it is obvious, from that collaboration of all who are committed to the accomplishment of the good, although proceeding from different principles. On the other hand, a Catholic Christian cannot at the same time partake in the full communion of Christian brotherhood and yet look at his Christian brother from the Masonic or Rotarian perspective, as a “secularist”.
Though there be no explicit obligation [for Rotarians] to profess relativism as a doctrine — as has been stated — even so the relativizing force of such a [Rotarian] fraternity, by its own inner logic, has in itself the capacity of transforming the structure of the act of Faith in such a radical way that it is not acceptable on the part of a Christian “who loves his faith” (Leo XIII).
Moreover, this disturbance of the fundamental structure of the act of Faith usually occurs in a smooth and unnoticed way: The solid adhesion to the truth of God, revealed in the Church, becomes a simple affiliation to an institution, considered as a particular representative form, along with other representative forms, more or less possible and valid, of the way human beings are oriented towards matters of eternity.
In the Pastoral Admonition of the Cardinal Primate of Spain and Archbishop of Toledo (January 23, 1929), on “neutral institutions”, including the “International Rotary Club”, the Most Eminent and Right Reverend Dr. Pedro Segura y Sáenz (1880-1957) identifies as the intrinsic evil of so-called neutral institutions that “they conceal the denial of the true morality and the true Religion, which they attempt to replace with a morality and a religion that is not that of Jesus Christ”, “while preaching a morality without religion to achieve universal peace”, “under a commercial, recreational, educational, philanthropic, international, and neutral but always secular appearance”.
This leads without doubt to including the “Rotary Club” among those associations “suspectis aut quae se studeant sese a legitima Ecclesiae vigilantia subducere”, “suspect associations or those that seek to distance themselves from the legitimate vigilance of the Church” (Can. 684, 1917 Code of Canon Law; cf. Can. 336).
On February 4, 1929, the Holy See prohibited priests from participating in Rotarian meetings as members or as guests. This prohibition was reiterated by means of a Decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office of December 20, 1950.
Notes[1] Cf. Boletín Eclesiástico del Obispado de Palencia, año LXXVIII, sábado, 1 de septiembre de 1928, nº 77, pág. 391 y ss.
[2] Cf. Boletín Oficial Eclesiástico del Obispado de Orense, año XVC, nº 14, 7 de septiembre de 1928, págs. 223 y 224.
[3] Cf. Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Tuy, octubre de 1928.
[4] Cf. Boletín Oficial del Obispado de León, 26 de noviembre de 1928, pág. 500.
[5] Boletín Eclesiástico de la Diócesis de Almería, 30 de noviembre de 1928, págs. 316-319.
[6] Cf. Sanctum Officium, Epistula ad Archiepiscopum Bostoniensem (8 augusti 1949).
While we’re discussing Freemasonry, let’s have a quick look at how Francis and Benedict XVI shake hands…
The Masonic Handshakes of Francis
Click to play this very revealing video…

Mr. Jorge Bergoglio giving a Masonic handshake to Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, himself an expert in Masonic handshakes (see below). Original caption: “Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI meets the archbishop of Buenos Aires Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio at the Vatican, 13 January 2007.” Credit: ARTURO MARI / OSSERVATORE ROMANO/AFP via Getty Images
The Masonic Handshakes of Benedict XVI
This video gives convincing proof that Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, “Pope” Benedict XVI, routinely used Masonic handshakes when meeting certain high-profile individuals, while shaking hands normally with others. Though the creator of this video is an anti-Catholic Protestant (and therefore does not believe Benedict XVI to have been an Antipope of the False Vatican II Church but the true Pope of the Roman Catholic Church), this is not relevant to the evidence presented. The true Catholic Church has long condemned Freemasonry and forbidden Catholics from joining the Masons. This attitude did not change until the death of the last known true Pope, Pius XII (1958), after whom the first of the current Antipopes, John XXIII, took over and began the revolution ushered in with the Second Vatican Council.
Related Links:
- The Curious Handshakes of “Pope” Francis
- Italian Freemasonry Supports “Pope” Francis
- Papal Warnings regarding the Freemasonic Conspiracy against the Catholic Church
- Freemasons and the Conciliar Church (PDF) by John K. Weiskittel
- Bella Dodd: the Woman who put 1,300 Communists into the Catholic Church but then Converted
- Book: AA-1025: Memoirs of a Communist’s Infiltration into the Catholic Church
- Photos: “Mass” in Honor of Freemasonry in Brazil
- Book: Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement by Fr. E. Cahill
- Book: Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked by Mgr. George E. Dillon
- What you need to know about Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI
- What you need to know about Jorge Bergoglio / Francis
Image sources: Rotary Club International / rotaryba.com.ar (screenshot) / Getty Images (Arturo Mari)
Licenses: fair use / fair use / rights-managed
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