In her write-up, she agrees that World Youth Day should not have had distribution of [Novus Ordo] Communion if it could not be done with the necessary decorum and respect due to the Lord.… READ MORE
Exclusive English translation of St. Alphonsus Liguori
What is the Sin of Usury?
The Church’s Doctor of Moral Theology explains
The sin of usury may very well be the most complex topic in all of Catholic moral theology. It involves a great many distinctions and nuances, and what adds to the difficulty is that usury is determined in part by the nature, function, and value of money, which has not always been the same throughout human history.
A pre-Vatican II Catholic dictionary defines “usury” succinctly as follows:
Usury is strictly speaking profit exacted on a loan of money just because it is a loan.
Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori Doctor of the Church
What is Usury?
Exclusive English Translation
St. Alphonsus Liguori’s treatise on usury is extremely complex. We commissioned an expert in ecclesiastical Latin to translate it for the benefit of the English-speaking public. In order to make the text more comprehensible, the translator has added explanatory comments, so-called “interpolations”, either directly into the text in brackets […] or by means of explanatory footnotes. These translator’s notes can be found at the very end of the text at the bottom of this page.… READ MORE
Did the Council of Florence Teach Error? A Response to Athanasius Schneider’s Attempt to Save Vatican II
No matter how one looks at it, the only way one can ever justify or excuse the abominable Second Vatican Council (1962-65) is by trashing the Catholic Church prior to the council. Mr. Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary “bishop” (why the quotes?) of the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has just shown that that goes not only for open Modernists but also for some “traditionalists.”
In a newly-released text, the Kazakh prelate once again repeats his claim that there is historical precedent for the idea that a Pope can correct the errors of a prior ecumenical council.… READ MORE
Psychobabble on Steroids:
Reflecting on Death, Francis blabbers Inanities at Young
Although he loves to talk about “preaching the Gospel”, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, currently occupying Vatican City under the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, refuses to do precisely that whenever the opportunity presents itself.
The latest case in point is his video message to participants of the 4th World Meeting of Young People sponsored by Scholas Occurrentes, a beloved pet project of his going back to his days in Buenos Aires.
On Oct. 31, the Vatican released the 6-minute clip, in which Francis supposedly “reflects on the meaning of death”.… READ MORE
Latest harebrained theological idea from One Peter Five: Vatican I's teaching on the Papacy describes only the ideal Pope, the one who reaches heroic levels of personal holiness! - The recognize-and-resisters are scraping the bottom of the barrel now with…
Historical video tidbit: Pope Pius XII leads first celebration of St. Joseph the Worker feast day (May 1, 1956) - #catholictwitter #catholic #catholicchurch
'Pope' Francis to Papua New Guinean authorities: "In your homeland, an archipelago with hundreds of islands, more than eight hundred languages are spoken, corresponding to just as many ethnic groups. This points to an extraordinary cultural and human richness. I must confess that…
“There can be nothing more dangerous than those heretics who admit nearly the whole cycle of doctrine, and yet by one word, as with a drop of poison, infect the real and simple faith taught by our Lord and handed down by Apostolic tradition” --quoted approvingly by Pope Leo XIII…
@Emma506131772 @rwpopefrancis Yes, it is true, and it was Pope SAINT Gregory VII. But there is a difference between "one God", "THE one God", and "the same God". His letter to the king of Mauretania was referenced by Vatican II.
Report at @InsideVatican asserts that "the Orthodox Churches ... share with Catholics the same faith and sacramental practice", while at the same time acknowledging that the Orthodox "dispute the Roman Catholic understanding of the Pope’s role" - The…