Address of Pope Pius XII

Di Gran Cuore Vi Diamo (1956)

Address to the Sixth National Week on New Pastoral Methods
September 14, 1956

WITH all Our heart We welcome you, Venerable Brethren and beloved sons who are taking part in the “Sixth National Week on New Pastoral Methods” here in the eternal city.

We realize that in choosing Rome as the site of your meetings this year, your Central Office wanted to pay filial tribute to Our person, while giving evidence of your development and of your firm resolution to spread your influence as far as possible. And, as a matter of fact, this dear mother of ours — Rome — has a way of anointing with the chrism of universality any kind of activity which shares her spirit, even activities which have sprung up in far-off regions, as she receives in exchange the valuable contribution which they have to offer.… READ MORE

The ‘New Theology’ on steroids!

‘Paradigm Shift’: Francis Issues Disastrous Motu Proprio Aimed at Theological Revolution

An extremely significant development took place in the Vatican on Nov. 1, 2023: The apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio, more commonly known under his stage name ‘Pope Francis’, published a so-called Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio — Latin for ‘on his own initiative’ — approving new statutes for the Pontifical Academy of Theology, originally founded by Pope Clement XI in 1718.

In this fairly brief document, so far available on the Vatican web site only in Italian, the false pope calls for nothing less than a revolution in theology, a ‘paradigm shift’ that will have incalculable, frightful consequences in the long term.… READ MORE

Transcript of Q&A with Portuguese Jesuits released…

Francis to Jesuits in Portugal: Some Sodomites aren’t ‘Capable’ or ‘Mature Enough’ to Stop Sinning!

When Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) visited Lisbon in early August for World Youth Day, he also met with members of the Jesuit province there, as is his custom.

An English transcript of the question-and-answer session was released on Aug. 28, 2023, by the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., who just recently published a blasphemous sermon on Our Lord’s encounter with the Canaanite woman:

As always, Francis had a lot to say.… READ MORE

Lengthy conversation published in Spanish…

In new Interview, Francis rebukes Traditionalists, calls himself ‘Victim of the Holy Spirit’

Few people love to hear themselves talk more than the octogenarian apostate Jorge Bergoglio from Buenos Aires. Under his appropriated moniker ‘Pope Francis’, the stream of words that continually pours from his profane lips does immense damage to countless souls who mistakenly think this Modernist Jesuit is the Pope of the Catholic Church, the Vicar of Christ, the Father and Teacher of all Christians.

The ‘Catholic Woodstock’ event formally known as World Youth Day is currently underway, and during this time the Spain-based religious publication Vida Nueva has published a colossal new interview with the garrulous Jesuit.… READ MORE

Francis gives marching orders to new DDF prefect…

Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith:
Bergoglio issues Game Plan to his Doctrinal Undertaker

A hideous pectoral cross is not the only thing these two have in common: Jorge Bergoglio and ‘Tucho’ Fernandez

As surely everyone knows by now, Chaos Frank — the man otherwise known as ‘Pope’ Francis or Jorge Bergoglio — put his Argentinian buddy Victor Manuel Fernandez in charge of the Holy Office, or rather, what used to be the Holy Office and was known for the last few decades as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and is now the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith:


“Love cannot be a sin” and other brilliant insights…

Apostate German Novus Ordo Bishop:
“Homosexuality is willed by God”

Helmut Dieser (b. 1962) is a Modernist apostate who poses as the Catholic bishop of Aachen, Germany. “Pope” Francis appointed him to that position in 2016.

On Sep. 8, 2022, the publication Christ & Welt (“The Christian & the World”), which is a supplement to the mainstream German paper Die Zeit, published an interview with “Bishop” Dieser that illustrates the utter theological depravity that infests the minds of these false shepherds in the Land of Luther. There is simply nothing Catholic left in these people — they have sold their souls to Modernism, and it doesn’t seem to trouble them in the least.… READ MORE

Vague definition compatible with any religion…

The Essence of Christianity according to Bergoglio

On Tuesday, July 19, 2022, the Jesuit apostate running Vatican City (Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Pope Francis”) tried to impress the world by publishing a tweet concerning the “essence” of Christianity.

It is amazing that a man who detests Scholasticism as much as he does even knows what the notion of essence is. Or does he?

Fr. Bernard Wullener’s Dictionary of Scholastic Philosophy defines the concept of essence as follows: “what a thing is; the internal principles whereby a thing is what it is and has its specific perfections; quiddity; internal constitution of a thing” (p.… READ MORE

Claims traditionalists are stuck on Trent…

Francis: Today’s Problem is the Non-Acceptance of Vatican II

Post-conciliar “renewal” in one person: Jorge Bergoglio on Oct. 4, 2013, in Assisi, Italy

Founded in 1850 under Pope Pius IX, the Italian Jesuit periodical La Civiltà Cattolica was once the pride and glory of the Roman Pontiff. After the apostate Second Vatican Council (1962-65), it quickly degenerated into the Modernist rag it is today. Its current editor is the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J.

Today La Civiltà Cattolica published an English translation of the question-and-answer session the Jesuit pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) had had with ten editors of various European Jesuit journals in the Vatican on May 19, 2022:

In this post we will touch on some of the “highlights” found in Francis’ words.… READ MORE

When Bergoglio rediscovers a traditional moral concept…

Tendentious Theology:
Francis’ Selective Use of the Concept of Moral Obligation

Discovers moral obligations only when useful to him: The false pope Jorge Bergoglio

It is well known that “Pope” Francis’ 2016 exhortation Amoris Laetitia is far removed from any notion of moral obligation with regard to the sexual purity demanded by God in the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.

In the controversial document, the false pope, whose real name is Jorge Bergoglio, goes so far as to introduce a subjective morality (based on personal conscience) to replace the objective demands of traditional Catholic morality.… READ MORE

“For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine…” (2 Tim 4:3)

Modernist Francis:
Truth is NOT a “System of Doctrines and Dogmas”

In his magnificent 1907 encyclical letter Pascendi Dominici Gregis against Modernism, Pope St. Pius X wrote that Modernists “pervert the eternal concept of truth and the true meaning of religion…” (n. 13).

A good example of just how they do that was on display yesterday, May 16, in the Vatican, when the Argentinian antipope Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) proclaimed during a sermon:

Jesus asks the Father to consecrate his disciples in truth as they will be sent throughout the world to carry on his mission.


Sodom and Gomorrah, call your office…

German Novus Ordo Bishop:
God is Present in Sodomitical Relationships

The Modernist layman Franz-Josef Overbeck knows where God is present

The Vatican II Sect is racing to hell at an ever greater speed. Some people, it seems, cannot get to eternal damnation fast enough, and they want to take as many others with them as possible.

Take Franz-Josef Overbeck, for example. He is the “Catholic bishop” of the diocese of Essen, Germany.

On Mar. 19, 2021, Mr. Overbeck released a pastoral epistle addressed to all the parishes in his diocese regarding the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith‘s Mar.READ MORE

‘Amoris Laetitia’ in action…

Francis facilitates Sodomite Pseudo-Family’s Acceptance in Novus Ordo Parish

Bergoglian “accompaniment” is the gift that keeps on giving, and it will do so for decades to come if God does not intervene.

Today the so-called National Catholic Reporter happily informs us that thanks to Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), a “married” sodomite couple is now raising “its” three children at a Novus Ordo parish in Rome.

Participating at a “Mass” with Francis at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, Andrea Rubera (“Andrea” is a man’s name in Italian) had a letter given to Francis asking him for advice on whether he and his “husband”, Dario, should enroll “their” children in a Novus Ordo catechism program at a parish in Rome, or whether they would be rejected because of “prejudice.” … READ MORE

Old sermons published for first time in English…

“In Bread and Wine He Gives Himself Entirely”: Old Ratzinger Sermon denies Transubstantiation

A few months ago, the Novus Ordo publisher Ignatius Press released a collection of sermons by the Modernist theologian Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, the man more commonly known today as “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI. The compendium is called Signs of New Life: Homilies on the Church’s Sacraments and was edited by “Fr.” Manuel Schlögl. It contains an introduction by “Bp.” Stefan Oster of Passau. The original German edition (Zeichen des neuen Lebens) was published in 2018.

In a glowing review of the book, “Fr.”… READ MORE

The tweeting existentialist…

Salvation by Compassion?
Debunking Francis’ latest Demagoguery

Just because it’s vacation time in Rome and Vatican City doesn’t mean the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio has nothing to say. Under his pseudonym “Pope Francis”, the Bergoglian jaw is always moving — if not physically, at least virtually.

On July 14, 2020, Francis’ digital self posted the following message on Twitter:

For those unable to see the image, the text says: “On the Day of Judgment we will not be judged for our ideas, but for the compassion we have shown to others.” The tweet can be accessed directly using this link.… READ MORE

Six minutes of insufferable drivel…

Psychobabble on Steroids:
Reflecting on Death, Francis blabbers Inanities at Young


Although he loves to talk about “preaching the Gospel”, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, currently occupying Vatican City under the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, refuses to do precisely that whenever the opportunity presents itself.

The latest case in point is his video message to participants of the 4th World Meeting of Young People sponsored by Scholas Occurrentes, a beloved pet project of his going back to his days in Buenos Aires.

On Oct. 31, the Vatican released the 6-minute clip, in which Francis supposedly “reflects on the meaning of death”.… READ MORE